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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the news live from bell. it says it accepts a safe plan to hold the war and gaza proud of sharing product. stanley and celebrates reports of the deal bought israel projecting swell. it calls a softened egypt, shouldn't proposal, and says it's bombing hamas targets in the city of rough up china as president. she jen thing is in europe for the 1st time and 5 years adults with a friends lead. i'm on with my call, couple of tripe, 10 just the roles and gaza into crime class more than 18 people out of date and flooding and southern brazil. president the, the silver surveys the damage from the and from is,
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is to prevent dissolve the link. the climate check, the gulf is welcome to the program. the homeless militant group says it has accepted an addiction categories. these 5 proposal to hold the 7 month well with israel. both is one and washington say they are reviewing the plan early on his way. the official set, the proposal was watered down and unacceptable to as well, despite that, a mazda announcement from the media and celebrations in southern gaza, just hours earlier. israel headquarters tens of thousands of displays, palestinian sheltering in the southern city of rough off to leave and had to refuge account ahead of and expect it is rarely ground incursion. and the last, our fee is a limited service that had begun with it described as targeted strikes against
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thomas in the eastern part of russell dw, a jerusalem corresponded a brain, has more on the latest bombardment of rough as well. the prime minister's office a short while ago and announced that the security, the work cabinet, pardon, has unanimously voted to continue israel's operation in a rough. uh huh. and what is really a military now claims is that it is targeting him, us operatives in, in, in roughly. and that's the southern most or most southern part of the gaza strip. however, rough uh is a huge lead, densely populated at the moment over a 1000000 palestinians. had fled there throughout the course of this war because the southern part of gaza is of course, where israel had urged civilians for
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a very long time throughout the war virtually since the beginning to evacuate to as it started it's operation uh in the north. so that's a 1000000 people in addition to people that were already living in a rough. so as has been the case in this war, even though the military will claim that they're targeting militants, civilians will inevitably be caught in the crossfire. and this of course comes after there was actually a sense of relief and joy to night in russell and elsewhere throughout the gaza strip. at news that a, a ceasefire proposal had been accepted, a buy from us leadership at the is really a prime minister. has said that even though the proposal is not, i'm paraphrasing his statement now is not up to what is real, was hoping for that he would still send a delegation to cairo to exhaust all the options for negotiations. and we've also
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heard some families of some of the hostages that are still believe to be held by how much in gaza give a statement tonight saying that everyone who said that they've been committed to returning the hostages. i should now re, we get together and try to make this work as they are, of course, also desperate to get their loved ones back. now it took us to what we do know about the two's proposal that how much says it has accepted so it would appear that they would be it is that it is a multi, a phased a proposal that would have an initial phase of returning at least some of the hostages is really hostages, believe to be held in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners. currently in is really a jails that there would be an initial period of about $45.00 days of a truce of humanitarian truce to allow for that exchange for that afterwards. that
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a truce, c spy would be extended, and more is really hostages would be exchanged, as well as a bodies of the deceased that are still being held by him. us in guys that would be returned to his real followed then by a phase of rebuilding and, and, and re construction. but again, it whatever, at the exact details, it would appear that that is not something that these really prime minister is willing to accept at this point. however, as i just mentioned, there will be a, is really delegation going to cairo. so this could also a change the united states has said that they are now studying the results of this, how much response and to their consulting with their allies and the we just what appears to be there appears to be moved when they're in a real commitment at least from the side of the united states to try and reach some
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kind of agreement. abram the reporting from jerusalem and the w as benjamin of our, as google has more on the reaction in washington to this, right. and washington is still reviewing this response that it got from us to a ceasefire proposal. what the spokesperson of the state department said is that yes, as we just heard from a colleague abraham is discussing with its partners in the region. and you also edit that ca direct a bill burns is in the region working on this, but the state department declined to characterize to take it, position it towards this response that it got from us. but it's that, that it washington believes that a hostage deal isn't the best interest of both. these rainy and also the police 10 people state departments spokesperson stressed that a military operation, roughly right now with dramatically increase the suffering of the posting and people that would lead to increase in loss of a civilian life. and what the reports that we're getting. now it remains to be seen how the us it will react. well we got was in
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a statement also by the pentagon saying that defense secretary lloyd austin had a tow with a his is rarely counter pausing. israel needs a credible plan to evacuate civilians and maintain many terminate, and their washing has not seen details on that yet. now, president biden also spoke on the phone with benjamin netanyahu to do it today. what do we know about that conversation to this, right? it was a half an hour call, so 30 minutes, the winehouse called it constructive. and it also set the president by a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu against launching and offensive in the south and gaza is city of rough or the national accounts. so security council spokesperson, john kirby said, the president biden reiterated a korea stance on rough uh, but offered no details on what a korea stance would actually look like. or if there would be any consequences. if israel goes ahead with a broader attack, that might be indeed immune and looking at the pictures that were getting it from
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a rough side remains to be seen. how washington will react if it would react with actions and not just with it. concern statements and words, and during a meeting that a president bind health here in washington with jordan's king abdullah. he also set that in is really a talk this what a king of door said. it threatens to lead to new and i quote, a new massacre. so pressure is increasing on the y tells incentive to bernie sanders, one of president biden's biggest critics on it's support for israel treated out to day thing the president by must back his was with action asking him to an old offensive military a to as well was it the correspond to benjamin otherwise, group of the reporting. thank you. china as president, she didn't thing is in front on his 1st visit to europe in 5 years. right. tensions between the 2 sides are in focus. the boys and girls are, as you crying out, also high on the edge and you appear. lead is one she to use china influence on
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russia to end that conflict. chinese president children ping received a warm welcome from francis, a monument to chrome, to kick off his european trip after exchanging pleasantries and gifts, the to turn to more pressing matters, such as the war and ukraine. the one major point of contention is the question of who is helping or moscow. china says it doesn't sell russian weapons, but critics, in the west side, aging has found a lucrative loophole in the sale of dual use components to russia, goods and technology that can be used for military applications, effectively bypassing sanctions. most likely, you'll probably welcome the commitments made by the chinese authorities to refrain from selling arms or aid to moscow and just strictly control the export of dual use goods. this is what you told me very clearly mister president, just over a year ago. you know what you have reiterated. all schools have a great today. and while she emphasized the importance of healthy relations between
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china, france and the e. u, he defended his country's right to forward its own relationship with russia. almost fondue. we oppose using the ukraine crisis to cast blame smear, a 3rd country. and inside a new cold war, similar di, earlier european commission president or so the funder lion, or she to address trading balances or face the threat of terrace from the you. one of china is biggest export markets, chinese subsidized products, the subsidized products such as the electric vehicles, or for example, steel off flooding the european market. at the same time, china continues to massively support its manufacturing sector. and this combined with a domestic demand that is not increasing the world cannot absorb china, surface production. she will visit,
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appear in these on the border between france and spain, with nicole before traveling to serve yet and hungry. later in the week. let's have a look now at some of the other stories making headlines in russia is it's a whole tactical nuclear weapons drills near ukraine. the defense ministry says it is in response to threats by west and officials from so said it does not rule out sending troops to ukraine and britain has allowed teeth to use its long range missile driven hospital enough show. it says visited bonus. the soldiers deployed lithuania shows, observed nato combat exercises and reassured lithuanian presidency. thomas now set off balance commitment to defending the bolting states. by 2027, some. 5000 german troops will be permanently stationed in this way. the privilege maps the leader of durham and his meno position fall into the centre ride
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. christian democrats has been re elected as positive chaff. mass will likely challenge social democrats on to the will of shots and the elections next year. the conservative city use the su blocks have almost as much support in the opinion polls as germany is 3 governing parties combined. thousands of people have taken pause in the annual march of the living at the full, my outfits desk, guns and poland. to commemorate the victims of the holocaust, $55.00 survivors attended this year's events. almost 1000000 of the 6000000 jews managed by the nazis during world war 2. what killed adults a direct quote, reins it, a broad white spread flooding to southern brazil have finally stopped, but 5 volts is still causing disruption across the state of via grounded also. so far at least a t people are confirmed to have died. hundreds for missing emergency workers have
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been flying in the aid and searching for those still on accounted for. many areas are still in excess of off of 1000000 residents without clean water, all power. the governor grounded, the sol said the flooding should be the biggest environmental tragedy in state history. the journalist gustavo boss, so he's in photo allegra and gave us an update on the flooding in southern prison. well, the disaster is absolutely unbelievable. ready when we get here. busy we get the dimension of how big and how powerful the waterfall is. right now we're here. busy in delta of with the larry, everything is empty behind the sheets, it looks like a lake, but used to be streets and avenues. and there's so many people being affected that so many people in their houses without the possibility of leaving them or not wanting to lead. busy fearing that they got dropped or something like that,
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this is terrible, is impressive. i would say the divorce is not over yet because we are expecting more rain. not only what the legged but i'll saying the country side by wednesday. and the problem is with the leg is a region right, very many reverse flow. so he's in the head of these rivers. that's too much rain. all this water comes through the city and it's gonna rise again. so the forecast is that by wednesday, by a raven again, and the worst is not over at all. are you watching deed of unions? here's a reminder of our top story. whichever organization thomas says it has accepted a cx 5 plan to end the war and gaza for the students and celebrate boss is realize rejected what it calls a suffered exemption proposal and says it's forming almost targets in the city of
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rough uh, this is from me adams team phenomenal, go away. after the break a documentary looks at how illegal let the production for the car industry is correct. the rainforest gatos, that's what car tires have to do with the production. here's a hands on. so really indeed the snow on youtube, the the amazon is burning every day more than 2000 hector's of rain for.