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tv   Illegal Leather  Deutsche Welle  May 6, 2024 11:15pm-12:00am CEST

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as is forming almost targets in the city of rough. um, this is from me and the news team for now do not go away. after the break, a dw documentary looks at how illegal let the production for the car industry is. prep, rainforest gatos. that's what cod tires have to do with the production. here's a heads up. so the real media watch now on youtube the the amazon is burning every day. more than 2000 hector's of rain forests are
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legally destroyed an area 6 times the size of new york's central park. on the forest is only preserved around the village. beyond that, everything has been destroyed. must feel like businesses are driving whole tribes out of the forest they live and there is no rule of law. only the law of the jungle. those guys are very connected, they can france and the 2nd part us. so we need to be more careful the forest is destroyed primarily to make way for a legal grazing land for cattle raised for meat and leather. for example, these commodities reach the world market via convoluted supply chains. we followed the trail of visa, legal goods from deep inside the brazilian rain forest, all the way to germany. we talked a politician's and industry representatives, met environmental activists, journalists, and dubious business owners in the amazon. again and again,
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various individuals and groups can do to our investigation. overtime we started to suspect something shocking to products linked to illegal deforestation in the amazon end up in german luxury cars the every year in september unit coasts, the international motor showed germany one of the largest mobility trade stairs in the world. this is where our research ended the industries involvement in international environmental crimes. in the rain forest began. ad banners were everywhere. these days, businesses including automakers, pay a lot of lip service to e mobility, climate protection, and resource conservation. sustainability has become a buzzword. but in fact, most of the visitors here weren't that interested not to just get that you care
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about sustainability skills and you have an event. not really just the important resources have to come from somewhere and what is sustainability anyway. busy it's an attitude top executives in the german car industry seem to share, protecting the environment, costs money, and there's growing competition from china, only $1.00 and $3.00 executives worry about environmental concerns. that's the so bring conclusion that international study understand we are looking at the issue enters, could it be more of a priority? yes, but it requires capital and raises the question of where to invest. we started seeing hints that german automakers don't look too closely at where materials come from, especially the leather used in luxury car, interiors. our search for answers 1st took us to the east coast of the us. we arrange to meet alexander fund bismark, a leading figure in the fight against illegal deforestation. we met him in his
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favorite place, rock creek park in washington, dc. the the german american environmental activist has an interesting background. he's a former us marine who became an undercover investigators looking into a legal deforestation in asia and africa. the real criminals, he told us, are not the people on the ground in the amazon target as well. the question is, where does the money come from? where's the pressure coming from the left and i soon find out that it often comes from our country's land on collins today. von, bismarck is director of the environmental investigation agency, an international organization fighting climate and environmental crime using state of the art technology. he and his team are dedicated to exposing the operations perpetrating these offenses. the i says huge prophets are being made not only with wood golden diamonds, but above all,
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with the legal grazing land for cattle. in other words, with products such as meat, milk, and leather, which end up on the international market, the most items. and it's important to understand that large scale criminal activity in the amazon is causing us to lose the forest. the goody, and the tragedy is that we, people who don't want to be involved in our insight bank, cooling these crimes. because in the skate as the cumulative finance here, it's a gigantic market. every year. brazil exports around $500000.00 tons of cowhide, almost half of which goes to the international auto industry. it's estimated that some 50 to 60000000 capital are required to meet the annual demand for leather upholstery and cars. that's around 300 square kilometers of cowhide, an area bigger than the city of frankford. these huge profits make the amazon
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a hub of criminal activity. and those wanting to shed some light as are putting themselves in danger, or we can towers that allows to simulate of if you want to follow the money, you have to do a lot of research including under cover where i'm, i'm process a lot of data that we use innovative technologies and other methods to trace what's happening, but even unfortunately this research is incredibly dangerous, especially for low cost offending the forest. it's light of when glowed fairly steve the these other session on how the struggle on the ground is laid by indigenous peoples were defending their forest and their future and you have, i don't get it to come by typing despite the risks, we continued our journey heading to ground 0 of the problem, brazil fund bismark and his team promised to keep up the research back in washington, and help us when they could. our 1st stop was cell power of the economic capital of
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south america. there we met journalist isabel herrera. she works for reporter brazil and association of investigative journalists and has been doing her own research in the rain forest. when i talk about the, the destruction of the amazon and then investigated for the tip of him to do and looking at the supply chain for them and talk to the car for what we had talking about a lot of money. and a lot of interviews behind isabel is currently working with a team making a film about the murder of investigative journalist tom phillips. phillips was exposing environmental crimes in the amazon when he was shot dead on a boat in the jungle. in 2022 don't was really keen on the safety. so he was, he wasn't reckless. when you're reporting either amazon, i live with the 1st station id go mining. i did go log in and as it's,
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it's been yours. just to meet there. do you have any advice what so we shouldn't be careful about one the other. yeah, there's always someone listening. so the way of that, isabel put us in touch with the colleague who comes from the region and knows his way around. but we then made our way to the amazon a massive area that's almost twice the size of the e. u at the airport at the regional capital monro box. we met your e. isabel's colleague from here we plan to drive to a p t r a y, a remote region. deep in the rain forest fury estimated. we'd need almost 2 days for the journey done by off road vehicle boat and on foot illegal
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deforestation in a p. today. y is set to up, become particularly dramatic in recent years. we wanted to find out who's behind it . what we saw on roots was not how we had pictured the amazon. we saw cattle pastures everywhere and hardly any jungle. probably during the entire 3 we would not see so much for rating for us as we possibly the way we were and kids. you know the biome here to change it to a lot. we're going to see a lot of cattle ranchers, farms, sometimes on the mines. so the damage don't change a lot during the past that gets and that change shows no sign of stopping again and again, we saw evidence of slash and burn agriculture scorched trees and chart stumps. after about 6 hours of driving, we arrived himself at leaks the end of the road. judy founded guides willing to
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take us up the single river to a p today. what is that is all about which one was the red roof right there. the indigenous product cannot people live up today why live from the forest and its destruction threatens their livelihood? criminal farmers, even minutes them in their own villages. the tribal leaders were ready to welcome us, none the less you to gain the trust to go in there. it's been an honor for us to which means that there we have of that trust. so it's good to think who is one of the main rivers in the amazon? it's banks are home to numerous indigenous communities. we made slower progress then we'd hoped the region is currently experiencing unprecedented trouts. our
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guide was forced to navigate carefully to avoid getting stuck in the 15 minutes to be done because we can see the, the beginning of the up in our on the right side. we finally reached our destination after 8 hours until the 1970s. the prerogative were completely isolated . today they live in a protected area as large as bizarre lawn region in germany. economic exploitation is prohibited in the truck and not are trying to maintain their traditional way of life. but criminal businesses are penetrating, deeper and deeper into their territory. the tribal leader had just taken in some people leading neighboring villages after they had been threatened by armed men. but they weren't safe here either as i'm yeah. so we have been getting threats for
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a long time each year, but it's getting worse, doesn't she said these days the interrelations are constant warming. thing on their clashes in the forest have become frequent, come was inducing those. now, as soon as we are hunters customizable, we go into the woods and hunts mania dear on one of my board books out of the cast investments a revised science man. it's become more difficult to to the foreigners coming into our lines. tedious come, was transferred to another 1000 faders or here we must travel longer and longer distances to hunt under met you already invited us to accompany the hunters into the jungle. he said they could best explain what worsening deforestation means for the part rock and people. yeah, but but, but in the past we always had enough. uh,
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but we only take as much of the forest as we need to to uh what i mean since the white people have been taking the forest away from us. we sometimes most travel for days. notice uh while the hunters continued deeper into the jungle, we returned to the village to meet when a tow a park. and she's the 1st female tribal leader. she told us some of the men have secretly started doing business with the criminals. that's why the village had decided to put a woman in charge. she's considered, incorruptible. that's what it is for us. now, the forest is on life, a mother or father, a home. it's a future. it's a power dies for our children. if it continues to be destroyed, it will soon be gone forever. there will be no more of the fuel and we need to breeds not only for us here in the forest, but also for white people,
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for the whole world. to use this to win a toe is ready to fight for the forest. although the rock and i'll have the law on their side, the jungles destruction remains on checked. lake laws made by white people don't seem to be working. i wonder if the people who buy cattle from here even think about what they are doing there also complicit in the destruction of a forest in a peter re well. so they buy the products from these invaders in finance. what they're doing for kid, south of these sounds down to you, but who are these people destroying the forest to make way for their herds of cattle? are they working for the international corporations?
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we met up with alexander from bismark again. his colleagues had been able to gather some information about these a legal businesses team leader rick jacobson had worked his way through gigantic amounts of data, including documents from local authorities, financial databases and aerial photographs. he confirmed with the product and now have long set. a legal profit tiers are destroying the local forest at a rapid pace. you can see up to $31.00 of the largest areas, deforestation the entire design, amazon. and you may have noticed an acceleration just in the last few years as exactly as i say in this area here, skyrocketing of deforestation, and we know from a satellite analysis that most of that before. so land has been covered. and in the past year, and what you can see here very clearly are hundreds of tasks and you could literally count the house using satellite images, photo analysis, and statistical evaluations. the team was able to establish how the criminals
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proceed. what our investigation found is that cattle are often transferred between multiple farms during the course of their life before their so for slaughter. that makes it very difficult to link the illegal. the 1st station or cause may have been raised with the cider house. rick calls the system cattle laundering because it works in a similar way to money laundering. all traces of illegal dealings are erased. explain that account raised on a legally cleared land is sold to a farm outside the area that farm then legally sells the animal to international corporations from they are the products made from the animals like meat, milk, and leather, end up on the global market. the consumers in germany at the far end of the supply chain are therefore unwittingly contributing to deforestation in the amazon. yeah, there's a lot of evidence for that systemic,
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and the amazon has been the growth region for the visit link out on the street for more than exec. so all across the amazon raising slaughterhouses, whether tanner is popping up right in the heart of where the deforestation is happening. the analysis, employing innovative research methods provided even more detail, like identifying numerous suspicious individuals we've been collecting, using very large datasets of count transport permits which has been vital and essential to mixing together parts of the supply chains. we've also connected these data sets with deforestation data sets with real property data sets that that show who owns which property. the trail leads to several large farms which according to the register, belonged to caesar and his relatives,
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a well known local family. the we traveled back to the amazon to find out who's buying the family's goods and whether there really are connections to german automakers. we made up with your e again, who had bad news. he said the security situation had deteriorated since our last visit. he showed his recent footage shot by security forces, attempts to disarm criminals and crack down and illegal livestock farming in the area had resulted in clashes with the police during which several farmers and security guards were injured. the, this is one of the 3 things to find that you are investigating something here in, in, in the amazon. anything connects to the guy with the footage also shows an influential lawyer who works with the farmers filming the action. his lawyer told me that he owns, he's on the airplane to, to visit the errors,
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to visit the farms of his clients. so it shows how hope are off today his business . our research started to make some waves. the same lawyer began railing against us on social media morning, his father worse about us and claiming we wanted to harm the country. exposure to i know they will be coming soon and i've taken a closer look at what they're doing. they're making fun of our homeland. they use image sequences to manipulate opinion. they're violating brazil sovereignty. those guys are very connected. so any news, any information they spread very fast. you know, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. if you try doing any kind of interview with a farmer, they probably would say no if they just say no, it's good for us because right now maybe they can do something worse than just say no, no, they can. for us in the house, they can know do anything to harm us. so we need to be more careful if
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but judy also had some good news. he'd manage to obtain confidential documents from the public prosecutor's office, and motor bob. in them. he repeatedly came across a familiar name, caesar and we got in touch with the investigators in motor by the regional capital. prosecutor egos spend all the agreed to talk to us. he said the scale of the problem is vast. happy that a while alone, the territory of the cannot. investigators have identified some 80 suspects and more than 60000 suspected illegal cattle point someone somebody was and i think it was a lot of work and it was a vast amount of data. and this is a large swats of land. we employed complex methods, a new programs, including a i to filter all the data and evaluated who they just have to sell. the prosecutor
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set former presidential here. both scenario had downright boy called at the investigation. during his time in office, the far right politician had promoted the rain forests commercial exploitation. now under left this, the president lou let us silva. the government has changed to attack the e. you is also exerting increasing pressure. but on the ground, it's still a battle of david versus goliath. sockets in pain points to convince him that you can only come by says, over time, these businesses, from a more and more money into the region. i've seen their owner as soon move up the social letter maintenance. okay. it doesn't take much, they don't have to buy the land and they just occupier and multiply their wealth quickly. this is also thought this was important to get closer and closer to political power, except for the new charges in a way. it is some kind of organized crime. you know, it's one of those crimes which we,
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we treated this by you legally feel like activity in the middle of the amazon and additional apparatus that struggling to cope. we set out to contact the csr and the farmer whose name appears in the public prosecutor's files and who had been identified by the researchers back in washington. we located his farm quickly using g o coordinates. we wanted to find out who is buying his cattle, which is suspected to be illegal, but we were stopped in our tracts. the farmers land is in the middle of an especially dangerous part of the rain forest, an area that had seen the days of unrest. we decided to try another approach. we had been contacted by someone in the provincial town of to come said to have inside information that let's try to the man is said to be working with caesar and on a regular basis. how can i help you guys?
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we'd like to talk to a bit of farmer. i know a lot of farmers were looking for his r n. o. so sir? sure, i know him. if he wants, we can talk in my office. not here the street. you know how it is? anyone might be listening. we didn't expect the man to be so open. we followed him inside and continued filming with a hidden camera. in his office, the man picked up the phone to call. the csr saying the farmer was on one of his properties. sees are flat out, refused to talk to us on camera, but he was willing to give us his cellphone number. suddenly another man entered the office. when he heard that we were asking about local farmers, he got angry i don't know what you want, but it sounds suspicious to me. if you want to drag those farmers here in the
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amazon through the mud, i tell you this thing here for almost 40 years previous governments wanted us to make a profit here in the rain forest. no one rambled on about this nature conservation stuff. when we arrived, there were no roads, no bridges, no electricity. we've worked hard, we've created wealth, and now we're being made out to be pundits. that large parts of the rain for us are now protected, is in comprehensive bolts and many here. and complicates the work of public prosecutor igor spend on your name and not my going. there's a long history of colonization and conquest in the amazon and phone. our democracy is still young and attitudes towards land occupation are still the same as they've always been. as many people think, this is land that anyone can just take 20 land grabs in the rain forest for personal profit. if the prosecutors figures are correct,
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the illegal capital in the a p t at aol. protected area alone has a market value of more than 50000000 years. we drove to a local trans shipping point for cattle transport and called caesar and we wanted to ask him who buys? he's a legal candle. oh, if you have a good afternoon, mister ceasar makes everything okay with you. i'm fine. i think you're doing well. what's this about me? it's also saying that he saw caesar and was willing to talk to us. but it was clearly angry about the ongoing investigation. he admitted to keeping cattle in the protected area of a p t at aol for years when he mentions one of his clients, we can't believe what we're hearing. it's a leading animal processing enterprise. so okay, so, so thank you very much, mrs. all right, that sounds okay. goodbye. yeah. to meet his dad. he was selling cattle regularly
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to death. and after that also his name was under environment. so give us good. not by the cattle anymore. okay. so i'd say be as, as really enforcing the in bars his name is under involved. well, but not from his brother. probably kansas still bought selling cattle to james to the b s. and in we know that the fact that farmers know basically one big farm. so basically, the legal team seems to continue, and cbs might still buy capital from, from this family, probably for years now, these are in and some of his family have been running a large scale business selling cattle to j. b. s. one of the world's biggest animal processing companies affect confirmed by official transport documentation, things we're starting to come into focus. farmers have been recently in cattle, capt illegally in the protected area of a p to re well to processing companies such as j b,
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s. this is how these goods ultimately end up an international supply chains, gps exports, fresh meat, canned food and co heights all over the world. according to its own statements, the company has a slaughter capacity of around $30000.00 cattle per day, and brazil alone. that's more than $10000000.00 cattle per year head spinning number the, despite its $1000000000.00 turnover, there's apparently no one at the company who can spare the time to talk to the press. all are attempts to contact the j b. s. headquarters in sao paulo, whether by email or in person, went nowhere. but we didn't give up. we paid an unannounced visit to the g. b a slaughterhouse and to coma. one of the dozens of sites the company maintains, in the amazon of the seas, our ends family have also delivered cattle. here. after
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a few minutes, a manager appeared from german television and are making a film about the castle business. send me an e mail, make a former request and i'll see what i can do. or the heights processed into leather here. no, it's just the slaughter has where to the high school to learn about. it was the same story at the g. b, a side in motor about 200 kilometers away. here to someone would only talk to us if we received approval from company headquarters and sell palo but the company continued to stonewall. basically there is no way to we didn't get any further through official channels,
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but we did receive some exclusive material from environmental activists who managed to film with hidden cameras a j, b, s, and other corporations in the region. pretending to be business men, they were able to secretly record sensitive conversations with j. b. s. executives . europeans are always talking about trees, trees, trees, germany, france, norway. they all say, oh, we have to say of the rain forest and the amazon. but ultimately, all they care about is their own economic interests. after the manager had made his views on environmental issues clear to the supposed potential business partners, he became more specific and started talking about production, figures, and partnerships. i have tanner is all over brazil reprocess. 30000 cal hides a day. 90 percent of them are exported. 90 percent,
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where to the car industry issue, factories, furniture companies, we supply them all and we can adapt to demand. for example, we deliver tens of thousands of count highs per month to the automotive supply. earlier. you might know is it makes leather seats for the big brands. that's an explosive revelation. pointing to links between the legal deforestation and the international auto industry. we want to make sure it's all true and got in touch with one of the activists involved in the undercover operation. that's why did you go under cover cover sections, realty, frustration in the amazon cover? or see what the users are for speaking with the inductor possibly hold. okay, and, and what to, to find out was the course of the supply chain,
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or between the solver houses. and you know, most of the furniture's official us import data confirms the gps has leather products are indeed shipped from brazil to the us on a large scale usually by the port in houston, texas, in 2023 alone. the value of these goods was in the 10s of millions of dollars. almost all the animal hides end up with suppliers to the auto industry. around 2 thirds go to the lear corporation, which sells its leather car seats to automakers the world over including germany. but that doesn't mean they'll all be held accountable. the alleged environmental crimes in their supply chain. germany's supply chain act passed in 2023 has been described as to solicit by environmental organizations.
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but the german ministry for economic cooperation and development argues the law has created a new control body, holding corporations to account the desk windows at a federal office to economic affairs. and export control has extensive rights and terms of controls can inspect relevant files and companies or complaints may be launched by n g is trade union. so anyone affected and it's important but complaints on file because this draws attention to where the problems lie. you push on, however, in its 1st year, the office failed to impose even a single penalty. in addition, those affected like indigenous people are not able to bring cases to court themselves. dusk is that instead of them, a kind of the law does not include civil liability at one time. this means those affected have no opportunity to sue directly. lucas, because of the talk, giving those affected the possibility to assert their rights and claim damages is a very powerful way to force companies to truly respect human rights. ok,
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and environmental protection. and that's what, 55, what's more environmental organizations argue? business lobbyists have succeeded in persuading german legislators to make further concessions. companies don't need to check their entire supply chain only their direct suppliers. this means for example, that if an auto makers supplier confirms the origin of the leather is legitimate and the job is considered done. the rest of the supply chain remains in the dark. brussels is calling for stricter rules. dutch social democrats, lot of all tests has been fighting for years to pass, and you wind directive that would make companies more accountable. the german low indeed says your 1st supplier, that's the one that you need to check. and then a and then after that, things are out of your control. what we tried to save the european law is if you could have known about a danger, if you could have known about an impact,
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then you need to do something about it. even if that's impact, even if the harm is further down the supply chain. on in 2023, the you passed the law on supply chains, prohibiting the sale of goods that can be directly linked to deforestation. lot of alters once the new you supply chain lot to go even further. it now has the support of most e. u. member states, despite massive pressure from industry representatives. so in brussels, the lobbying works here in the hallways. i mean, people can, can come in and talk to the people involved in this little. so that's myself. that's my colleagues from other groups. what we need to be very careful of here is that we have a balance between the industry telling us how the industry works. in practice and those people who have much less of a voice. the reason we want this law is that the power imbalance has not been great for that last group. it's big companies,
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big multi nationals who have gotten an advantage from that. and they have foot often profits over people. we had learned that illegal leather is being supplied to german automakers. but could we find out in which makes and models the material is installed? we headed to the deep south of the us to visit one of the many sites owned by automotive suppliers leer. but the company was no more willing to share information, then it's presenting and business partners. all our attempts to talk to someone went nowhere. security guards ordered us to leave the premises back at the hotel, we got in touch with a well known supply chain expert. p 2 has complained that companies do not make their supply chains transparent. there is no requirement easily spends. so american companies do not share very much on their website like do you
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sometimes feel frustrated about all of this last year on this entire subject and the rest of the end of the semester makes you see all those companies playing off the back of the plays with the complex and most companies are not chased back the entire so much what it is they need to make the with lee are refusing to talk to us. we continue to follow our leads on around. judging by the flags outside the building. bmw is one of the companies, major customers. the german luxury auto makers, the largest plants, is only 10 minutes away in spartanburg. we asked for an appointment. it turned out bmw. it was much more willing to talk to us than the other companies. the ceo of the plant agreed to talk to us about sustainability and supply chains. isn't that
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because the we are the largest card exporter here in the us, within 60 percent of the more than $400000.00 vehicles manufactured here every year or sent overseas. that goes without saying that sustainability is one of the core principles of our operations and actions are the ones that attended vmworld made in the usa $1500.00 luxury cars roll off the assembly line here every day, some destined for germany. most of these s u, v 's have leather upholstery. the expensive material is used on panels, the steering wheel and the seats. might this leather originate from areas in the amazon subject to illegal deforestation? we wanted to know from the ceo, what role risk to the environment play in the company supply chains. at this point, his responses became vague. the positive ends and the supply chains. transparency
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is key for us. and we are committed to this and have the corresponding transparency and focus on the buttons on the you always make them the friendly p r team asked us to direct more specific questions to company headquarters in munich. however, despite the claims of full transparency, our interview request was turned down. we continued our research in a roadside restaurant coming across confidential market analyses and video materials. they proved that layer supplies genuine leather seats on a large scale to bmw plans all over the world. other leading german car manufacturers such as mercedes in volkswagen are also involved that we had found the final pieces in the supply chain puzzle. criminal activity is destroying the amazons. rain forest products from cattle kept there illegally end up on the world market. the path of dirty goods leads along convoluted supply chains featuring
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animal processing and automotive supply companies, as well as top automakers. at the very end of the chain, consumers in germany who unwittingly bear some responsibility for what's happening in the amazon. we emailed several german luxury carmakers, confronting them with our research, and then waited for a response. we returned to germany to the last link and the supply chain. a luxury car dealership reached out. wagner has been voted bmw dealer of the year several times. he knows exactly what customers are looking for in their vehicles this out and i'll be 1st that the car is still a status symbol to move to the customers. want to show what they can afford process for some it's very important that the letter feels unpleasant and that the material is natural. has the name on. this isn't a to, to come up with all this for reasons and the principal has others absolutely want
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the vague, an option. just the good thing to be kind of hobbled. bmw has been offering completely beacon interiors fitted with so called beacon leather since 2023. but this is still more of a nice product as it comes fully. this is real leather field that text you have to go online and that we have the invitations that they're not as good as also available in both colors. i've been problem, give them genuine leather that is kind of a leather entailed. and this is a more sustainable solution in there. so customer guido retail has always been a fan of classic leather visits and for lead. and this is all real leather leather data fields. wonderful, of course, and a high quality material, but possibly of dubious origin. this here obviously needs to be, but i've never thought about where the leather comes from. and if i assume that it was produced legally and didn't come from anywhere that's endangered, just based. and if he had it and give me a call,
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if you've now found out that it does, then i would want someone to tell me that of course me, that through the service has been with us the exact, with the it's a wish managing director of each of vonda has not heard for the 1st time. yeah, we need to do some explaining some times and are then for us to find the right information ourselves quickly. but there is still a long way to go in terms of transparency, who took the investment sometimes, but enters a clear demand to be in w headquarters, which responded to our query. shortly afterwards. in recent years, we have continuously reduced our purchases of leather from south america. we have use the media coverage as an opportunity to enter into in depth bi lateral exchange with affected suppliers. by lateral exchange, environmental investigator, alexander from bismark, once companies to introduce the strict controls of their entire supply chain. this
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is own globally. it's incredibly unfair that the people in the middle of the supply chain don't take responsibility my name. but i believe we really do have people on our side because people don't want to be complicit in these crimes. these actually mean that the paid time in the meanwhile illegal deforestation is continuing every day. and area of the size of $5000.00 soccer fields is lost in the amazon. the people whose lives are directly impacted can't stand up to this illegal activity on their own. they can only hope that 10000 kilometers away at the other end of the supply chain. people will start to take responsibility. to get the, the forest is only preserved around the village. someone beyond it, everything has been destroyed. but we will not stop fighting for our forest. so it's vital for our children's future. and also the future of the entire time. it is point that some bands on those floodlights, the
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the he has hopes he could make it to your assistant warehouse. now, hobby is back in his home country of gambia in west africa, trying to set up a business with us of an international aid organization. but this capital one is this plan also destined to fail home again. in ceci minutes on d w. a model of technology,
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human kinds, most valuable machines. the international space station here on the i ss reset just have been working together. across the board, has assigned crises, awards. over 25 years. and 19 minutes d, w. the road of free speech free trials open access to free information for every stop trainings. next to take action d, they'll use global, easier for them 2024 in bunch of any register. now, lots dissipates from all over the world,
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waiting to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow, and join us and register now for the dw global media for in 2020, for the . this is data, the news, and these are our top stories. this is earl size, have to be gone, carrying out strikes against how much targets in pods of rough on just hours after how much said it's an accepted spot proposal mediated by egypt and cut off. israel said the deal did not meet its core demands. palestinians living in rough uh, celebrated news of us as a just as of to tens of thousands of ordered to relocate french president him i know micro on his, on.