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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 7, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is vito news live from ballad thomas says it accepts the cx, 5 plan to hall store in gaza. crowds of cheering palestinians celebrate reports of the deal, but israel rejects what it calls a softened egyptian proposal and says it's bombing how most targets in the city of rough bolden, 18 people, the dad and flooding himself in brazil present. and at the silver surveys the damage from the s and the promises to prevent disasters needs links to climate change. and china as president shooting opinions in europe for the 1st time in 5
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years. french anita, in mental macro press g to use is influence over russia to help and the war in ukraine. the told me a lot of what welcome to the program. israel's ministry has attacked targets in rough time the gaza strip. this is, after how much said it, it's accepted a proposal for a sci fi and garza, it rolls governments as the proposal does not meet its demands. however, it will send negotiators to egypt to continue torques masses announcement prompted immediate celebrations and southern guys of oz elia israel forwarded tens of thousands of displaced palestinians sheltering and rafa to leave and head to a refugee camp ahead of unexpected. is there any ground in cushions?
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dw special correspondent, i abraham has more from jerusalem on the truth proposal that how much it says it's accepted as it is a multi phased a proposal that would have an initial phase of returning at least some of the hostages is really hostages. believe to be held in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners currently and is really a jail that there would be an initial period of about $45.00 days of a truce, a humanitarian truce to allow for that exchange. but that, that afterwards, that a choose a c spy would be extended, and more is really hostages would be exchanged, as well as a bodies of the deceased that are still being held by him. us in, in guys that would be returned to his real followed then by a phase of rebuilding and, and, and re a construction. but again, it whatever,
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at the exact details, it would appear that that is not something that these really prime minister is willing to accept at this point. however, as i just mentioned, there will be a, is really delegation going to cairo. so this could also a change the united states has said that they are now studying the results of this, how much response and to their consulting with their allies and the we just what appears to be there appears to be movement there. and a real commitment, at least from the side of the united states, to try and reach some kind of agreement, dw, corresponding to benjamin alvarez group at joins me from washington, dc. ivan, now last last week, the us at the ball wasn't how mass is cause i have to israel put for the proposal. what's the view now in washington? following this response from us, the washington is quite cautious saying that they are reviewing a what
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a mazda proposed dispos person of the state department. matthew miller said that the us, as discussing is with its partners in the region. also noting that ca director bill burns is in the region working on this and well, the state department declined to characterize that. the response by composites as washington believes that a hostage to you is in the best interest of both. he is really and also the palestinian people, both the state department late to the white house. once against the rest of the military operation. profit would dramatically increase the suffering of the pl listing and people and would lead to an increase in loss of civilian di know, israel's been carrying strikes in the guys and city of rafa, even though us the us and other countries, had warned of a huge risk to palestinian civilians and i, but any indication of what the americans feel about israel's insistence on proceeding with the operation there is indeed frustration. but
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washington is now still waiting for an official is rarely a response to this new proposal. earlier today, president by judge to prime minister netanyahu against launching and offensive in the sullivan, gaza city, a for alpha. and this both spurs of the national security council of john coby, that president bind, reiterated a clear stance on russell, but offered no details on what a clear stands would actually mean, or if that will be any consequences. if israel goes ahead with the broader attack on rough as we're seeing this reports and seeing this picture is coming out of silva and it goes up pressure, it's increasing on the white house and send it to a bonus. then as one of the presidents by the biggest critics on it support for israel, it tweeted out earlier today that and i quote president, 5 months back, he's was with action asking him to end all offensive military 8 a 2 as well. so we can expect new statements coming out from both the state department also the wide as us. we see it. what the idea of is carrying out is solving garza and ruffled with this military offensive database. benjamin offers
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group in washington. thank you. more than a t people have been killed and dozens more missing in floods in southern brazil present. lou not the silver has visited the region and pledge funding for reconstruction. you know, also promised to prevent disasters linked to climate change are for sales, president flies low over the cta of portal and i agree. the capital of rio grande. so sol, stays is home to almost 1500000 people. but it's the streets as silent as they fill with brown flood water. louise in a seal lula to silver brooch. most of these cabinets on a trip to the effected region on sunday to discuss rescue assets and reconstruction . lot also said the government is working on a plan to prevent what he called climate accidents. happen to see
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because we need to stop chasing misfortune. we need to run tests and pay what could happen. fidget the floods have been raging for a week tree. good bye to wrench will rain more than 100000 people have been displaced. imagine z cruz as still struggling to rescue trapped residents with the floods reaching mesa is high. we thought well as a lot of water on the lower side of the city, the boats are already at the level of electricity pulse. we have to cut the power group to be able to cross some of these places. and what else is a little guys? rio grande store souls, golfing uh, says this is the worst natural disaster in the states history, but it follows several other major floods in the last year alone. and a growing trend of extreme weather events across brazil.
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and i was checking on some of the stories making headlines around the world. the german chancellor schultz has visited german soldiers deployed in lithuania, sholtes, observed nato, a comrade exercises and reassured me through any president, get tennis. now see it out of balance commitment to defending the baltic states by 2027. some 5000 buddhist veterans will be stationed in this elaine, you rush out plans to hold tactical nuclear weapons drills near ukraine. the defense ministry says this is in response to threats by western officials. fonts has said it does not rule out sending troops to ukraine and britain has allowed keith to use its long range missiles. china as president shooting opinions on a visit to europe that has begun with discussions about trade and the war in ukraine. china is close relations with moscow and european leaders one sheet to use
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his influence to help. and the war that uses badging is following unfair trade practices by flooding the block with cheap steel cheap. she began has 3 country to of europe in france. chinese president children ping received a warm welcome from france as a monument to chrome, to kick off his european trip after exchanging pleasantries and gifts, the to turn to more pressing matters, such as the war and ukraine. one major point of contention is the question of who is helping or moscow. china says it doesn't sell russia weapons, but critics, in the west say aging, has found a lucrative loophole in the sale of dual use components to russia. goods and technology that can be used for military applications, effectively bypassing sanctions. exactly on february. welcome to commitments made by the chinese authorities to refrain from selling arms or aid to moscow, and to strictly control the export of dual use goods. this is what you told me very
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clearly, mr. president, just over a year ago and you know what? you have reiterated. all schools have a great today as well. she emphasized the importance of healthy relations between china, france, and the e. u. he defended his country's right to forward its own relationship with russia. one of those fine, really you, we oppose using the ukraine crisis to cast blame smear a 3rd country sun and inside a new cold war. similar guy earlier european commission president or so the funder lion, or she to address trade and balances or face the threat of terrace from the you. one of china's biggest tech support markets with chinese subsidized products. the subsidized products such as the electric vehicles, or for example, steel of flooding the european market. at the same time, china continues to massively support its manufacturing sector. and this combined
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with a domestic demand that is not increasing. the world cannot absorb china surplus production . she will visit, appear in these on the border between france and spain, with nicole before traveling to serve yet and hungry. later in the week, thousands of people have rallied against the nationalist, hon. gary and prime minister victor open in the run up to your opinion. local elections next month on his face, no serious political threat for years. but now a form of government insight. i was hoping to mount a challenge thing open as a populist and accusing him of cronyism and corruption. as for years, bonding shots voted for prime minister big to oregon and the ruling fittest party. but now the father of 4 is taken to the street against a government like many other hunger periods. the only order by restore it is only
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interested in hungry to reach his foreign policy goals to a wall cabinet ligation would, will make it actually pizza. not you cause about domestic politics, not much about following politics, but about people's everyday problems on how to solve them. pretty might go back in that one for many, hon gary and speed that money on a lawyer and business man was only known as the ex husband, a form of justice minister. he would each fargo who had to step down in the wake of a federal 5 pardon scandal that scandal resulted in the resignation of hungry school. my president and of maud, your ex wife from our post is m p and lead l. c. this your pin pull them in place. now since then mode, your opening accuses the system has been part of as corrupt and caused the problem is the victim obama. quote, the head of a mafia, state money or is steering up the country for the 1st time in more than a decade, prominence to all bodies, possibly facing a serious challenge. his problem,
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i'm like in the liberal world capital budapest lodge are, is not very well known in other parts of the country, especially in the east, a rural area, and strong coal built for bonds, ruling fittest parties. busy never, i don't know him, doesn't ring a bell and it's like, i'm not going to what do you think? what's his profession when he got full block without talking to me? not sure. i mean a sing or a star that it felt. i mean, i guess you should have that to do a presenter or performer. you should have as to how do you, you know, him? i think i maybe i don't like him neither as human nor as a politician in this village, most of the people have been voting for feet as ever since, or bundles hungry since 2010 bought in church just arrived at the
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protest. why do i say that mac computer, my job? well, put interaction with the started. he's creating a power that's in the sense the, the less know, right. and will move the country is added everything like that. it was around $20000.00 to the, to the st. protesting, i think your module once to become a strong challenge or he must win the hearts and minds. it's a real hung jerry and so as well. he wants to tour as many parts of the country as possible. i had a few open elections on municipal elections and hungary to convince people he says that this country, these are, that are the prominent store by asking mode your, if he sees a chance that the government could face an early election, the by will not decide this depends on the results of june, the 9th, in which consequences are drawn by feed us. i would do that if i with them, but luckily i not them, he wants a strong and modern hungry in the european union. well
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that's it for now coming up after a short break, dw asked to see all the german industrial giant buyer, how he aims to turn the company around for, along the monsanto acquisition fiasco, told me on logical thanks for being with us. and of course, as money is dw dot com, the g music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see performed for head lice in australia. the was the nazis, the 2 musicians who lives beneath the panel. i saw a film about the sounds of power and inspiring story of us divine music
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under the swastika.