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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  May 7, 2024 2:30am-3:00am CEST

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we have the solutions, the sewage of the 77 percent, every weekend on dw, the, the rising global temperatures have a direct impact on food security. according to the world food program. we're a witness and an unprecedented food crisis. now over 700, a to 1000000 people around the world, assessing chronic hung up. welcome to equal africa. i m sandra the homes that we nobody will write to you in comp, hello, uganda. diversified food sources and agriculture production techniques is one way of ensuring safe and held the food for everyone. i am chris gloves
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coming to you from lee goes. nigeria. good to have you with us. here's what's coming up. why mushrooms are big business and rhonda how to reduce the environmental impact of online shopping and how school children are learning, but satisfaction of growing road food. while we start the show on the south african coast jelly fish have been striving for millions of years and are among the oldest leaving animals on the planet while even though they've been around for so long, they're surprisingly little research into these. let's save marine creatures. now, scientists to try to find out more about them and the critical role the play in ocean because systems jelly fish are among foods oldest inhabitants. mastercard says, known as blooms of jelly,
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fish happened roughly every 10 years, but in some regions like columbia. and then we'd be in coast, they seem to occur more frequently, but it's hard to get dr. jelly fish through with the current which makes them difficult to accurately record. such invasions are usually the result of environmental conditions which lead to a drop in the number of predators. at the same time, that can be facilitated by any increase in temperature, you can increase the temperature. these things will grow foster. you dropped the concentrations of oxygen that will affect sufficient negatively, but it doesn't affect jelly fish. the jelly fish will drive in areas the fish of being forced to offend. the invasion has not yet hit south africa. chris lewis is a jelly fish expert who is familiar with the species, the waters off cape town. so far, 20 spaces, a note here, such as the pretty mouth jelly and the poisonous fox jelly fish. researches are
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only now beginning to understand the role that these invertebrates play in the marine ecosystem. they're not on the surface, indicate the space has to show us when it goes system is out of whack, but they also play be important at all. that's a pace pcs, as well as printed as an ocean and be close to a different company. does the actually lock up a lot of carbon into the ocean. and when those really fish die, they actually sync to the bottom of the sea floor. and then the following season with wind induced operating, that new things get to be used for by the facts of life in order to grow and start that cycle back again. there's a lot more to learn about species diversity to verena ross has spent just over a decade, studying jelly fish together with other scientists. she wants to build a database of the different types found off the south african coast to determine whether there are any changes in the numbers. but it's a huge task. it gets small, but 6 issue. we expect that issue, we get to be in a, out of the tissue and overtake these, this little solution filled with the n a. what we then do is we sequence the d
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n a and we look at what species we are seeing based on the d n a. and what i can say is we are see many, many new things coming up from our collections. we've only maybe work through about 10 percent of our collections and already we are discovering many, many new species. and so this has been very exciting for us. the more the researches understand about jamie fish types and the numbers, the better they can determine changes in the population. and carly, them with climactic. this is jamie fish, certainly seem to feel at home here as the coast of south africa is one of the most species reaching the world. around 10 percent of all jelly fish is live here, and many can be seen at the cape town aquarium. each species has its own peculiarities, with some only living in cold water, others in warm chris lewis is responsible for breeding them. it's a complex and difficult task. each bases has its own parameters. so while they're getting up some spaces, one through the, in warm or cold with
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a specific period of time, a diet shift, we have some great appreciate any other genius issue. we actually have to produce enough to push in order to see them. then also some databases aren't very long left, they left for 6 months or 9 months. so it was nice to have this done by a box system where we actually going use pieces to replace the ones that actually expiring on exhibits as well as the flow in the banks. the ocean is very good at keeping the junior per se, but as the jelly fish growing in the tanks, we actually have to adjust the flow. so that can go up to many possibilities, become very misshapen and actually die and finish because of that. many people are fascinated by these aquatic dinosaurs, or a few of them, because many to the fish are poisonous. although only a few species are dangerous to humans. some jelly fish also contain highly rodnick acid and important nutrients like protein. making them popular food in asia, but they're not on the menu in south africa, yet. instead, scientists,
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you hope to better understand the role of jelly fish within the marine ecosystem. and how it's effected by climate change from one asian secret joe to another of you ever heard of the term keystone species? well, it's an old, there's a that helps hold up ecosystem to give a always there's a one example that is right grease. they are known as ecosystem easy is because they help create new habitats for other species. and they also minimize the impact of climate change. calling me as they are oysters are real popular is so we need to protect them. this oyster and these muscles along with scallops. and clamps are buyouts, ocean creatures with 2 attached shops. fossil records place their age over 500000000 years old before the dinosaurs and they are found everywhere from the
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arctic to the antarctic. ready to the equator, they start out tiny, floating through the water. oysters and muscles attach themselves to an underwater surface to grow. well, clams buried themselves in sand. they come in all different shapes and sizes too. they used to be so plentiful that they were given out is free bar snacks. but over fishing cost populations to decrease by 5 percent of shelby's race was insane. law . heidi all the way did her ph. d on the history of oysters and muscles. we've had this extreme loss of a highly productive habitat. so many places in the world and people didn't even know that it had happened. the more we learned about how valuable they are to ecosystems, the more devastating this loss because that's because they do some incredible stuff and all the hanging out in the water. ringback wherever they grow,
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they're busy cleaning because the majority of buyouts or filter theaters that they still have what uh, uh, and sketch product goldstein's at the borders. so feed on those particles, surrogate cats of research to muscles or controlling egos, system of the great lakes in the united states. he can imagine a muscle sitting at the bottom of the lake, maybe in 200 with me, those depths. can you imagine that the want to call them $200.00 is meet us above that muscle. that single muscle can cycle that call them a florida. in a couple of hours. they use whatever particles they need to grow and excrete the rest in a form that bacteria on the bottom can break down. you can see on the left the filter chemicals necessary for plants and animal growth, phosphorus, and nitrogen. these chemicals are present in agricultural run out from the fertilizers and can cause toxic alco blooms at high levels. by them is also felt in more than just chemicals. pilot projects are using them to clean lakes and oceans
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of micro plastics. tiny plastic particles, hard to see and collect the bivalves, absorb the small ones, and larger particles are excreted and feces, which can then be taken out of the water. so we can use these animals to clean up polluted water. but in a closed environment, they can alter the whole ego system. that's what the researchers discovered in the great lakes. the muscles are native to this area and have cleared the water of nutrients to well. it was quite a deal ization. they figured out of the muscles that live at the bottom of the lake have this much effect on the biology was entirely in the open ocean. it's a different story here. muscles and oysters conform re able to support whole eco systems. oysters are particularly good at this, overtime the searchers grow bigger and bigger and they are very complex. katie
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motion right, so the billing oyster project which aims to restore 1000000000 oysters to new york harbor by 2035. as the oyster reese grow ocean plants attached to them, which attracts small fish and other animals to become a nursery and a feeding ground for all different kinds of organize. and so hundreds of other species fish, crafts, little, tiny, benton organisms will make their home and always survey these. reese, also support of the larger animals, a study of new zealand muscle. reeves found over 10 times as many fishing of them and see horses have returned to the oysters in new york harbor. their benefits also extend beyond the structures themselves. lowest rates of doing is actually protecting the integrity of the road a h. i. system. when a powerful wave comes in from the ocean and hits an oyster re, some of the energy is broken off and lost, meaning the ways that passed that re art is damaging near the shore. this protects
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fragile coastal eco systems like c grasses, which function of the nurseries for ocean animals. and as carbon sinks, less wave energy also means less coastal erosion. and these ecosystem benefits can also come from farms if they're sustainably managed. the muscles inside in the system is very beneficial. most of the day works muscle farmers in south africa to make sure their operations are sustainable as possible. sustainable fishing practices. for example, trying to ensure that the minimize cohen interactions and attendance protected species muscles are hung from ropes suspended in the water. the animals could become trapped in with the ropes properly anchored. it's extremely red. this happens the also trying to ensure that the muscle fox themselves cannot have an
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impact on the basic heavy tests that they will paint over in a closed environment like this day, excuse me, from the muscles could cover the ocean floor. so platforms are rotated to make sure they don't overwhelm ecosystems 5, all farms require no feet and no antibiotics as they get everything they need from the water rope. chrome muscles have a carbon footprint and 0.25 kilograms per cubic. for comparison, beef is around a 100 kilograms per kilo, and only other method just use the direction. waste products from muscles and oysters can be used in a circular way. how much but who we can use now that we can use it says types of very to actually use is the lift the shells as it should be mico kenny composed of them as building material. the shells also sequester carbon fiber. just pull up from the water and use it to grow their shops, crushed up the shelves can be added to concrete instead of limestone. but the best use for the shelves is the simplest. growing more by valves old shelves are often
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were used for farming, but can also go to restoration projects where the shellfish are left in the water instead of eating. these projects are springing up around the world from australia to new york city. we've collected almost 2000000 pounds or shell already. the shows are cleaned and placed in cages. these was their cages are put into shipping containers that we've converted into a, a way to set waste or larva onto shell, add water from the harbor, then some larvae, and after a week their baby oysters in the cages are then moved into the harbor. as the oyster reef grows, it creates an ecosystem well also benefit in people on shore. we can expect a ton of fish that had the boisterous to be added to the brain environment 3 or restoration devices. so one more bible is generally main cleaner waters. the positive impact of muscles and oysters can be doubled through circular uses for
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their shops, and of all of them. foresters of the superheroes filtering, sheltering, protecting and restoring. that's why we should be doing everything we can to put more of them in our waters or the ring is one thing, but we can all do that means we never have to worry about the cost of the cost of fruits and vegetables. you know, next report we visit a school right to in uganda where the young students are. we've also seen plastic to grow their own foods fresh and they get into the seat with phoenix and the coverage you'll get into that keeps you into bed and for land. the young farmers of said kizzy to high school are successful. the produce from their school farm is used to feed their entire student population. the students at the school on the outskirts of compiler,
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already grilled vegetables such as cabbages, raised chickens, and farm little fish. no, they're collecting waste plastic bottles that they use to build a practical gardens at various farms and to make the most the remaining growing space use. it helps us in the way that we plant a lot of different plants we need. we have this come, always need. um we have the tomatoes, the tv, you know, if you have a small environment the to them, some of us have poor above ground. but to these have can help as in the way it takes leave a space one bottle building as a result garden with mushroom cultures and waste costs and husks for soil inside the harvested mushrooms are sliced and dried for storage. this is cynthia and good to go way of using a spacing to invite them into web by we're trying to avoid all the different for us
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. got down that you can choose day. we don't want this environment anymore. we have to add of it and have come up with solution. through the projects, the students are learning innovative, eco friendly and sustainable. growing practices to be self sufficient to, to guarantee a healthy diet. from uganda we had to run to with fond lose, so also called subbing thing mushrooms bought on a bigger scale than those school children. we just met and they believe fund guy are the opposite to many of the was problems. who were the sold will demand is definitely growing. and most true farming is quickly becoming one of the most of the creative agriculture, reluctant with these an offer got in the don't human interior of these, hans. so my gumbo at least is cultivating across that could help improve food security. in rwanda waste and mushrooms mazda in the economy and give it called
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new orleans every whom you did a whole lot and have been cultivated mushrooms for 5 years. did a robot mean? see the rapid growth set them apart from other crops? when i get a retain 9 and 15 days after cultivation, the mushrooms are ready for sale. well, when i think it is, i'm, is that done? well, i mean, with other crops you often have to wait 5 to 6 months before they can be harvested . but i'll get you over to them. we love with mushrooms and generating revenue within just 2 weeks. you did the we have many advantages over all that crap. oh yeah. yeah, no, that's the one i need you to be in that to. one of them is that a real kind of towards a semi gumbo every sclerosis mushrooms in rugal, rama village. one of 15 villages supported by key gully funds. it's trained around 700 small hilda from this until the hot specially built which the pharmacy's for free. it also provides them with production and commercialization assistance. the
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social enterprise was set up by loan de moines in 2010. previously, he ran a micro brewery in new york that he wanted to move to africa to do something sustainable with the community impact. and then inspiration hit as the book got closed and i see them running home mushrooms going to help save the world. and i thought, yeah that's, that's too much, you know, how can help them and how can mushroom saved the world. but i started reading the book and it was very quickly convinced that mushrooms are, it is incredible organisms that can do a lot of good things. if you, you know, if you use them in the right way, they can be good for people's health. you're very healthy to eat the very nutritious. they can be very good for the environment because they have a tendency to recycle organic matter into something useful. the economic conditions in rwanda are ideal for the cultivation of several varieties of mushrooms and the crop is an ideal solution to one of the problems. the country
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faces its growing population which currently numbers around to 14000000 and the limited availability of arable land, which encompasses some 1400000 heck to as this indicates that our current land resources may not advocacy and show of who security for all citizens in the future, however, we shall still seems viable solutions for some mushrooms play, a significant role in the secular bio economy. it solves issue of negative effects that are crop vested use in the long time. that's because it's used as a substrate for the mushrooms golly. thumbs provide support to local weak farm is when they harvest, and then vice the wheat store, which is then cemented into a substrate. the form is used to burn that crap for as a d contributing to air pollution. the countryside is where you find more agriculture ways that can be converted into mushrooms. so we started with that and then 56 years into it. we started with button mushrooms. no budget mushrooms
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worldwide is the number one, commercial mushrooms everywhere. it's 90 percent of the of the cultivated mushroom around the world, but it was 0 in rwanda and it's very, very low in africa. requiring minimal inputs in terms of costs, land and labor mushroom funding is benefiting local communities in rwanda, as well as helping decrease emissions and improve soil quality all the overhead. since my passions and mushroom plumbing stems from the many benefits it's given me, the clubs showing ma'am is the growing cycle takes around, sorry, you know, it's crucial. but even once it's finished, mushroom substrate was retained residual value food and we can use it as high quality mendoza and which is ideal for various crowds, especially vegetables. so the harvest is good for food and level local as a menu say, what hunchback to the on the slides is which the great, the soil comments and the crew and how to work with joe,
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with the focus for to be what small mushrooms are increasingly seen as an affordable, unhealthy food, and a much more environmentally friendly source of protein than meets instead of having your hamburger with beef in it, you could have a vegetarian burger with the, with the mushroom in it. that's just as delicious, much healthier for you. and the shelter for the planets, the mostly informing fits well with the rwandan government's plans to make agriculture claim it smells you. we didn't go to design because only 2 teeth. what claim wayne to integrate climate smart agriculture into agriculture policy goals with, along with the teachers will promote sustainable lighting, environmentally friendly farming methods. we aim to support all forms of agriculture or funding generate organic, fertilize us. this approach not only aids in combating the impacts of climate change, but also diversifies our reliance would be on mushrooms. you wouldn't have doing
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any resolved for so long. and i mean, he didn't even need to repeat it either way. whether it's many benefits to the environments. mushroom foaming is helping rewind to meet its target to of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 40 percent by the end of the decades. believe it or not mushroom. so we're also being used as a basis for a sustainable alternative to plastic pocket to box urgently needed as online shopping continues to boom. the packaging problems get worse and worse on next story takes us to remediate in eastern europe. we want scott to help cable with another way consumers can keep buying online without added to the waste problem, the new order online. and a few days later, the mailman brings everything right to your doorstep. the boxes that pile up are necessary evil. ringback because make sure that they some academic,
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all these boxes make the home look so messy. request someone to we felt that needed to change the curriculum. and we came up with the idea of developing the best packaging solution. audit bought the mean gradient sunday. last year a global parcel of shipping volume amounted to over 161000000000 parcels. it takes 2 kilos of what to produce one dealing with packaging paybacks. and that means a lot of trees has failed to make those parcels adina who must start up designed to returnable packaging solution that can be reused up to $500.00 times to a consumer shopping online can opt for environmental. the friends the packaging with just one click the once the packaging has been removed, it's returned to the courier and sent back a service for which customers pay extra. for that i
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saw in the online customer, i want to have returnable packaging. and just in case that, if that's the challenge for the startup is finding as many companies as possible to take part in the system. this large online bookseller with branches throughout the book arrest is already on board. the members of the normal cardboard. packaging is wasteful. we don't want to put more cardboard on the market, it usually ends up in landfill. assume that the adina who my hopes that more and more online shoppers will opt for returnable re usable packaging. not when. yeah, we remain and still have to go to catching up to the one site and we need to educate the public or for use. we had to explain the difference between reusing and recycling, but we kept tots it. now people understand how the conservation of resources was.
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if you had been of a sudden menu, the european union's green deal plans on making the you climate neutral by 2015 a. do you know who my things recreates? returnable packaging solution is a highly promising one. she just wishes she'd have the idea sooner. that states for this week. so all the bald climate slots solutions for fighting for the security of protected the planets of crystal legs and its good bye for v a nigeria, the end i am the son drug, the homes that we nobody will sign and go from you. gunter, thank you for joining us on the do check out our equal also go online dot films for more good stories, right? to us on equal out d, w dot com. see you again very, since the
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secret lives of the inside stuffs may 22nd on d w. the we did the urgency life saving boxes week. if i ever seem to reach those who need us the most, every box feeding the boxes for the hope of life savings. we fearlessly deliver not just the next day that every day, thousands of children are still waiting for the sponsor of books today. so together we can deliver features the
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. this is dw news live from balance. how much says it accepts a cease fire plan to hold the wall and guys are proud of cheering palestinians celebrate reports of the deal. but israel rejects what it calls a softened egyptian proposal and says it's bombing how much targets in the city on rough correspondent reports from israel's northern border with 11 on which is experienced months of shedding by the end of this group has belong to is one of the most dangerous pounds alone 11 a border it surrounded by 11 on a one.