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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 7, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from bill and how much it says it accepts a ceasefire plan to hold the war and guys are proud of cheering palestinians celebrate reports of the deal, but is well rejected when it calls a softened egyptian proposal and says it's bombing, how much targets in the city on rough correspondent reports from israel's northern border, with 11 on which is experienced months of shedding by the end of this group has blocked. but tuna is one of the most dangerous pounds along the lebanese border. it surrounded by 11 on a 123 side when it hit davie by end of the tank itself. while start result we have
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to keep on the record is a direct line of sight of his flooding in brazil kills more than 18 people. presently, not a silver surveys, the damage and promises to prevent disasters and linked to climate change the to me on logical welcome to the program. israel's military has a tax targets and rough uh, in the gaza strip is comes after how much said accepted proposal for sci fi and gaza is always government says the proposal does not meet its, its demands. however, it will send negotiate as to egypt to continue towards a master's announcement prompted immediate celebrations and southern gaza azalea. israel ordered tens of thousands of displaced palestinians sheltering in rafa to
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leave and head to a refugee camp. a head of unexpected is rarely ground incursion. a dw special correspondent and abraham has more from jerusalem on the truth proposal that how much says it's accepted. so it would appear that they would be, it is that it is a multi a phased a proposal that would have an initial phase of returning at least some of the hostages is really hostages. believe to be held in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners currently in is really a jails that there would be an initial period of about $45.00 days of a truce of humanitarian truce to allow for that exchange. but a bit afterwards that a choose a ceasefire. would be extended and more is really hostages would be exchanged as well as the bodies of the deceased that are still being held by him. us in
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gaza would be returned to his real follow then by a phase of rebuilding and, and, and re a construction. but again, it whatever, at the exact details, it would appear that that is not something that these really prime minister is willing to accept at this point. however, as i just mentioned, there will be a, is really delegation going to cairo. so this could also a change the united states has said that they are now studying the results of this, how much response and did their consulting with their allies in the we just what appears to be there appears to be movement there. and a real commitment, at least from the side of the united states to try and reach some kind of agreement and dw is benjamin alvarez goober, has this on washington's reaction to the i'm us announcement or washington is quite
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cautious saying that they're reviewing a what a mazda proposed dispos version of the state department of matthew miller said that the us, as discussing is with its partners in the region. also noting that ca director bill burns, is in the region working on this and well, the state department declined to characterize that. the response by composites as washington believes that a hostage to you is in the best interest of both. he is really and also the posting in people. both the state department late to the white house. once again stressed that a military operation profit would dramatically increase the suffering of the pl listing and people in would lead to an increase in loss of civilian not now israel's been carrying strikes in the guys and city of rafa, even though us the us and other countries had a warrant of a huge risk to palestinian civilians and i that any indication of what the americans feel about israel's insistence. on proceeding with the operation there is indeed frustration,
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but washington is now still waiting for an official is rarely a response to this new proposal. earlier today, president by judge department is done. it's on yahoo! against launching and offensive in the solvent, gaza city, a for alpha, and the spoke spurs of the national security council. john coby sat president by and reiterated a clear stance on rosa, but offered no details on what a clear stands would actually mean, or if there will be any consequences if israel goes ahead with a broader attack on rough as was seeing this reports. and seeing this pictures coming out of cell, then it goes up, pressure is increasing on the winehouse and send it to a bony stand as one of the presidents by the biggest critics on it support for israel. a tweeted out earlier today that and i quote president, 5 months back, his was with action asking him to end all offensive military 8 it to as well. so we can expect new statements coming out from both the state department also the wide as us. we see it. what the idea of is carrying out is solving garza in rough or with this military offensive database. benjamin offers group in washington. thank
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you. attentions on israel's northern border with 11 on have also been escalating and reese and weeks. the usual defense forces have been engaged in across the board of fi. with the around back, some militant group has paula who have been firing rockets into northern israel, almost daily. tens of thousands of people on both sides of the border have been displaced and residents of northern israel. se handful or must be pushed back to protect human communities. from its rockets many say it's only a matter of time until it was a full scale confrontation. rebecca, which has reports from the town of met you now was a town devoid of peoples meant to la just one example of the many abandoned communities along israel's northern border with 11 on the connected to the cell just shows me around part of the evacuated town. damage by me,
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sile an anti tang fi is visible almost everywhere. about one 3rd of the homes and matilda have been struck sofa. the toner is one of the most dangerous towns along the lebanese is riley border. it surrounded by 11 on on 123 sides and has hit almost daily by antique tank ms alpha. fact we told we have to keep on the move because we're actually in the direct line of sight of his blood lies. just as we are wrapping up days of rocketed loads and we have to take cover. right. and now that heavy barrage nearby the military concerns around $65.00 real kids with fund into the area. one of the biggest strengths since the war began a med david as a line says rockets and even the biggest threat here. one moment because then the main thrust against my to to is on to tank missiles. they are me solves that have no warning system. we can't stop them for the, as it is as a, as a lie is one of
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a few residents who stayed behind upon of a civil defense team. we're working with the military to protect the area is really officials have said for months that his blood needs to be pushed back from the board as a strategy, the people living in these parts agree is the only option for southern lawyer. the residents won't return here without fighting by them, without the removal of hezbollah from defense of my ultimate. we saw the horrors of october 7th in the south, and therefore there's no other choice. we don't want war, but we simply have no other choice. and none of the residents like comma over not feel the same. she and her family left their home and another bought a village on october 7th. and i haven't been back. i think a we have to see a change. something must change because we left the house without nothing. finally has spent the past 7 months in a hotel and only now moved into this house about 40 kilometers away deep inside the
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government, designated sites. com l says we the out military action to push has been a back. she was risk returning home with her kids. there is no option with no war. we must see a on the citizens of the north border on the north and go to a confidence again, which we have not it. we and this situation of a, an onset and see, right now we're living in the big concert and see, and how long can people live like this? so we must see something. it's a position held by so many as diplomatic efforts to broker a truce continued to fail his bill or insist that so long as his round refuses to end its campaign in gaza. it will continue targeting positions in his rouse no no matter what happens. these communities are changed forever with people putting
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roots down in new places. while israel is northern border, tons for now into no man's land. let us take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. new york's columbia university is cancelled its main graduation ceremony and following weeks of pro palestinian protests, the schools at its decision was due to security concerns. police arrested more than a 100 students last week when they cleared and occupied a building and dismantled a protest as makes shift to come by president to mind them across aust. chinese lead shooting ping to accept fag level trade rules the lead as hell. talk 3 and she's 1st official visit to the you. in 5 years, you're paying commission president was left on the line called on a she to use his influence to hold russia's war against ukraine. and russia plans to hold tactical nuclear weapons drills near ukraine. the defense
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ministry says this is in response to threats by west and officials. frances, that it does not rule out sending troops to ukraine and britain has allowed keith to use its long range missiles. for the record rains that have brought widespread flooding, the southern brazil are finally stopped, but the flood waters are still causing disruption. across the state of rio grande, the su sofa at least 18 people are confirmed who have died. hundreds more missing. emergency workers have been flying in aid and searching for those still unaccounted for. many areas are still an accessible half a 1000000 residents without clean water or power. the government of rio grande do issue. this is a said, the flooding could be the biggest environmental tragedy in state history. journalist gustavo boss, always in puerto allegra and gave d w. an update on the flooding in southern prism. well,
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the disaster is absolutely unbelievable. ready when we get here. busy we get the dimension of how big and how powerful the waterfall is. right now we are here. busy in delta for the larry, everything is empty behind these they look like a lake, but used to be streets and avenues. and that's so many people being affected that so many people in their houses without the possibility of leaving them or not wanting to leave. busy cheering that they got dropped or something like that. it's just terrible. it's impressive. i would say the divorce is not over yet because we are expecting more rain. not only but the negative, but also in the countryside a by wednesday. and the problem is with the leg is a region with very many reverse flow. so he's in the, the head of these rivers, that's too much rain. all this water comes to the city and it's gonna rise again.
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so. ready the forecast is that by wednesday, by and reading again. busy in the words, she's not over at all. the german chancellor of salt has been holding talks and baltic leaders on strengthening europe's defences. sholtes met with the prime ministers of latvia, at least 20 a and estonia in alaska is capital rica then also plans to speed up arms manufacturing. sholtes also visited german troops, taking boston and nato exercise. and really so area issued president gets on us and they'll see it at all berlin's commitment to defending the baltic nations. he does dw chief political edits, a michelle at cooper, that is travelling with the german chancellor incentive. her assessment of the meeting with the baltic leaders to find visits hang lithuania, unlocked to yeah, on one day, hold on. salts has now been to full 3 full take states. he travels when the greatest fee is within nato. at this moment in time,
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facing up against the threat from russia on the day of his visit process. so, so who knows that it is now testing tactical nuclear weapons. something rejected hit by full voltage leaders, including the drum and tops that as well as another pulse of threat that must be met with yes, move results, but also with nato building up its potential to, to tough. gemini is doing that by sending some 5000 troops to lithuania by 2027, with the way it wants to speed out this process. it's only the latest from mind to that time is of the essence in posting back process both in ukraine, but also in the baltic countries. right, let's if now coming up after a short break, we have a documentary looking at how racism can affect guessing medical treatment. here in
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germany, i'm told me, all right, well thanks for being with us. the we are all set and we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new the will on about come by as information for free might say due to the doctor bismark, a for he is busy. the gp has.