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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 8, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the deputy news line from the un wants of the fuel shortages into entering idle prices in gaza. the morning comes off to israel, takes control of the roof of border crossing, and southern gas incursion leads a new cx. 5 deal hanging in the balance is also coming to abide and contains anti semitism. at the, at a holocaust memorial ceremony, the us president was against the rise in anti jewish feeling in america, observed since stopped the boy in ghast. plus the smiles enhancing says brother, man is warning as russia's president for an unprecedented fit to clearing the way
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for another 6 years in the method he had welcome to the program. the united nations is wanting to they could soon run out of fuel for humanitarian operations. in gas or including delivering vital aid and pumping drinking water. this up as well as military stays to control of the roof of border crossing with egypt. when more than a 1000000, despite palestinians sheltering as well as now and can take control of the movement of people and goods into gaza. for the 1st time since withdrawing troops 2 decades ago, to move his salary in hopes of a safe fly deal off to him, i said it accepted proposals, put forward by original mediators, a make shift shelters in a sea of rubble and debris. it is fun, eunice is
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a ruin yet thousands of palestinians have begun to return after israel ordered them to evacuate. parts of the southern, most of the city of russell is riley forces have seized control of the roof of crossing on the border with egypt. the attack came just hours of to hum us says it accepted a ceasefire proposal. one that israel says was unacceptable. i thought the homeless proposal was intended to prevent the entry of our forces into rough. uh, it did not happen as the war cabinet unanimously determined to how much proposed was very far from israel. it's necessary requirements. the attack was not the full scale ground defensive that many have fitted. but in seizing the check point is rarely forces have halted all humanitarian aid, passing through the crossing to main author, ease,
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forgetting aid into gossip is hardly choked off. indeed, this morning is one of the darkest. in this 7 months now might map with famine already spreading across garza, the last of age is devastating for it. civilians ceasefire. negotiations are ongoing, but they stand on a night's edge. we have it's a decisive moment for the policy and that these valley people and for the sites of the entire region and the agreement between the governments of israel and the sheep of i'm us, is essential to stop the unbearable suffering. good fellow stevens, who goes to the end of the office, which is and that fabulous, almost half of causes population, fled to their homes, to shelter in rough or, and now they must fully, again, but with so much of the territory and ruins many a losing hope. 1 1 the same as me,
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the higher i'm tired of life because there is no life in gaza. gaza has no future. that is still up. when are our children going to learn? if the schools are closed? yes, because it has no health facilities and no hospitalization. and what kind of life is this old eyes a now on the negotiations in cairo as mediators attempt to salvage what ever remains of a possible se, smile, dental is cutting. l g, a y in colorado told us more about the situation and raffle when i looked and listened the whole day to interviews no could come or been made for us. you know, they're on the situation is really desperate of people running away from their 1st . many of them were displaced for some of the more than a dozen times people ran out of money. people have no idea where to go. and then when they arrive to different locations,
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this either some cases i'm not fit to receive so many people, there is appropriate infrastructure. and then i mean, just imagine the holes and cultures of the most with the fall as a 1st, as you saw the flex which helped him to lease because their home will become a come back soon. then it celebration of the street because they sold their voice over and then again military operations, but it is right. it is now again the negotiations in cairo. i've seen people uh quite confused about what to think about the situation and middle east and less. laura bloomfield got us assessment of what to expect from the seats fund negotiations in kara, a c y r and a ton yahoo or hard line or is right there. the anti compromise candidates representing both of their people. but i think they do understand that most worst come to a messy and i see 3 options maybe to get to that sees far, it's kind of been a cease fire fever and we're hoping it will break for the good. one of the biggest
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obstacles is trust. so we can have some sort of stand in and, you know, stand for the various parties is really do not trust the home us leadership. they were thinking that they were gonna come to terms relationship with them before october 7th, and then they were sucker punched on that day and they won't be full, began is their attitude and the past seems don't trust the israelis, but specifically natania who when they're asking for guarantees that these relatives will keep their side of the bargain either from the united states, or they're not quite sure they're gonna rely on the united states at this point. so they're looking to turkey, enter russia. and the 2nd possibility is rather than um, as your, as your previous corresponded, noted that there's the sticking point over the end game. right now we're involved in a blaine game, but if we can get past that and talk about, okay, so is it a permanent ceasefire? or is it a temporary. com is rather than making it time based and setting a date, you make it conditions based so that you have to meet certain markers for end of
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hostilities that could be another way forward. and finally, you know, we've been focusing a lot on incentives for success. and maybe we need to talk about the cost, the failure, failure to achieve a ceasefire with a little bit more leaning heavily into the negatives that could potentially be doha threatening to have spelled from us leadership from guitar. and then on the united states side look tomorrow, in terms of leaning on israel secretary blanket has to present a report to congress entering a very simple question which is, is israel violating international humanitarian law? and it's on flooding, gaza the us presidential, i bought and has condemned anti semitism as a holocaust memorial ceremony. speaking of the capital in washington, polite and warned against the rise in anti jewish sentiment in america during the council in gaza. the on of the memory of the $6000000.00 jewish people noted by the nazis in world war 2 and also announced additional measures as the curb and the anti semitism on us campuses that have recently been rocked by pro palestinian
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protests. the president jeep drew parallels rather between historical atrocities and the mazda attacks of october. 7th. here we are not 75 years later, but just 7 and a half months later, people are already forgetting already forget, that's a boss. on racist here. oh, some of the brutalizes rarely there was some us talking content is all hostages. i have not forgotten nor have you and we will not forget my commitment to the safety of the jewish people, the security of israel. and it's right to exist as an independent jury saying is aren't clad, even when we disagree, but i'm expressing is support phase riley, and it's more against him. us. however,
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they had been many disagreements between the us and this rather the government. since the october 7th attacks. we asked that correspondent benjamin alvarez group with the that support is a strong today as it was before the war in gossip. again, the highest in frustration in washington wave a venue minute then. yeah. where the is where the prime minister with his government also, but that frustration is usually expressed behind. closed o is no red lines. have been said that by washington and the for can also of cause not be in fullest. but despite the growing criticism and pressure on the wide host is in prison. and also used his address in today to renew his unwavering support for israel. you, you just quoted him. he repeated the commitment for the safety of the jewish people, the security of israel, and its rights to exist as an independent jewish estate saying that it's are in court even when we disagree. and that might also be referencing to the latest military decision that washington strongly opposes a rough invasion. that's what we heard from the secretary of defense, also from a,
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from antony blink and from a president a bite. and so this comments coming to tumbler pressure is indeed increasing on the us to condition military a to as well from been benjamin alvarez group in washington. let's take a look out some of the other stories making headlines around the world. brazil is struggling to cope with the aftermath of deadly flooding, following regular breaking brain and south east of the country. at least 90 people, a consent did, and 150000. others have been displaced and are in need of by 6 like drinking board . the famous a gloss sioux falls, reportedly draining twice the normal volley for adult film actress stormy daniels told the jury, she had a sexual encounter with donald trump in the hotel room in 2006. the former us president is on trial in new york accused of falsifying business records to by the silence. the judge denied the defense request for
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a missed trial on the ground to evidence was relevant the latter method and has been sworn in as president of russia for another 6 you to put in took the oath of office in a lavish ceremony at the kremlin. many wisdom countries, boy count of the bank because of the boy and you tried to put him on the land slide collection victory in march without causing any meaningful opposition. he said he has a sacred jersey to lead russell through a difficult period view them because they are they, we asked as senior international correspondent funding for sure about putting his mind message during he's and over. i shouldn't address to russia's present, puts in is in power for nearly 25 years. that's nearly a quarter of a century. and we got this in fact which integration speech we look at. he knows he's speaking both to domestic audience, but he also speaks to an audience abroad. so there was no difference today when he was speaking to people from within the country on far away. you want to make sure
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that russia comes across as a country that's really strong, that he is able to defend itself for training the country as the one that needs to in his narrative defend itself from the west. what i found quite interesting here compared to what he just said 24 hours ago. he was wondering basically new, clear drills, a saying that uh, cooling, basically leave is the west, whole tabs that need to be cooled. cool down, referring there to lead us in the us in the u. k. to for us today you were speaking about basically indirectly reaching out to the west by saying that he doesn't refuse any dialogue that he's actually open to dial. putting the bull, therefore, in the port of the west, question is obviously how much you can trust those comments. but by that he wants to create this narrative. the russia very much says the west can decide whether they want to have peace or continue with aggression. complete the oral event of the
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fact that it is russia that an ex crimea 2014. and it is russia that attack a silver and country that is ukraine 2 years ago and from funding for shot in regular, some football news now. and jim and so adverse you adults, and then have one through to the champions league, final of debating power size, your mind one nail in the 2nd leg of the semi final talk. coach evans has its high tribute days team after a nail biting finish in the french capital, a young 00. it's a very, very emotional moment for us to and a moment and extremely beautiful moment. most certainly would've liked to have had it on the last game of last year. i'm on the fence on our fans. were there for us with the cancellation in lubbock, in a really tough moment for the appointment tonight. we could pay them back and say restore their faith in us. then we can keep dreaming about it. we can all go to london together, alice funds and see what we come home with in the whole house. now that result main
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stolen will play the winner of the other semi final between braille madrid, and by munich on wednesday evening. in the spanish capital, a waiting in madrid would say, by and complete an old gentleman final, not the task might be easy against the league. of champions the sides drew to, to the 1st lake. the window of the game in madrid will play goldman at wembley stadium in london on the 1st of june. it is possible that not everything will be perfect for us tomorrow, but it's still, it's still possible to overcome. it's possible to, to overcome difficulties, to hang in, show the right mentality and quality to, to fulfill our dream. we want to go to embrace, so we need to be 3. i'm gonna try to mislead you 6. it's almost a whole taking us out there. now after the break i mapped out looks of why the nuclear weapons rice is on. again, i'm gonna have to be held in the lane for me in the team here. thanks for being
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with us. and stay with us. if you can, the music can be destroyed. you can try. so it's impossible to see how nice, you know, sweets the was the nazis, the 2 musicians who lives in the savannah office. i assume about the sounds of power.