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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the, it was coming to live from berlin us, president of joe biden, puts a israel on notice. he vows to stop shipments of weapons if, as well goes ahead with plans to fully invade rafa. he is rarely military. he says it has been carrying out strikes against from us targets in the area also on our show as relations with the west of worsen over its ongoing invasion of ukraine, russia march victory and the 2nd world war with a military parade in moscow. and there's drama in the champions league as buying munich think they're heading for the final only for rail. my dread to score twice
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late in the game the . i'm glad richardson. thank you very much for joining us. united states as stepping off at the opposition to israel, is plans to launch a full scale assault on the city of rafa. in southern casa president joe biden. and now saying that he would not send certain weapons to as well if it invades population centers. and but he regret it. the palestinian civilians had been killed by us made bonds as well as pressing ahead with its strikes on tomas in response to the october 7th terror attacks. a limited operation just short of an invasion. that is what us officials, a cooling israel's actions and wrap up with this footage, released by these riley military on wednesday, shows troops pressing forward with it's offensive on rap
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a israel says it's part of its campaign to eliminate from us. we are continuing on our mission in rough uh as part of the war aims because the last 4 and the last 4 battalions of come up so that we will destroy them. he's ready for us as of ordered the evacuation of more than a 100000 palestinians from pots or rafa ahead of its operations. they've been directed to places like me was the worst school on a make shift. 10 camp is being set up. the when says the site isn't ready to shelter people. these really minute tree has closed throughout the border crossing . it now controls all routes in or out of casa in response. israel's closest ally and main licksey supply of the west has pulled some width and shipments. i want it's also reviewing other military aid secretary defense lloyd austin told lawmakers at
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a hearing that was briefly interrupted by pro palestinian protest as is going to continue to do what's necessary to ensure that israel has a means to defend itself. but that said, we are currently reviewing some near term security assistance shipments in the context of unfolding events in rasa. they're saying that the united states is still pushing for a seat by a deal, a mass agreed to a proposal from egypt and cut out this week. but israel says it's the mountains have not be met. now that is ready, full series, have entered rafa hoax for a potential polls in the fighting or hanging the balance. let's take a closer look at the situation in a rough while. we have a. sam rose with the un relief agency for palestinians. honora, joining us now. thank you so much for taking the time. it's really stay or go. this is a, a tough decision that people in rafa or having to make once again,
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can you tell us a little bit about what you're seeing there? yes, absolutely. class. thanks for having me on. i mean the situation in rough uh today is as difficult as its been since the 7th of october. people are faced with constant showing constant bombardment. so it's a very distress. the very vulnerable population, both inside and outside of the population zones. we have about one of the 1000000 people inside rafa. we estimate that a 100000 of them have already up 280-0000 of them have have already moved, getting what they're they're experiencing. so right desperate situation, a very scattered, very preferable population. and just for some clarification for audience, israel has said that it's evacuating people in the eastern part of rafa. can you tell us? are people staying put in in other parts of the city for now to yeah, absolutely. i mean this rose to cloud and evacuation zone of about a 100000 people. we are witnessing people leaving from inside the zone,
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but also people from outside of the evacuation and where we are, which is about 3 kilometers west of the evacuation zone. we see some of the areas fitting out. we see some people transitioning as well as areas as, as 10 as pups for tense and shacks opened up. people move in and then a few hours later at the bottom and intensifies that they move on again. so it's people on the move constantly from inside and from outside of the population. areas, people say the worst i want to ask you about the conditions in the place has their headings. some of these, what is real calls, humanitarian zones? is it clear from what you're hearing, whether there is, in fact enough shelter, food and water for people when they do arrive there? i know there is not enough. the conditions are atrocious. the conditions are squalid. they're essentially 2 areas that people are being told off face areas.
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these are milwaukee, the, some jews, essentially that aren't fit for human habitation. there's no ability to access more to solid station. you can see the eclipse on your screen right now. these are desperate desperate arrows, the other areas that people have being pushed adults to go through. a con eunice, which has been subjects to an intensive salvage from bob and over the past several weeks. people that going back to the phone down ruins of, of toby's buildings. faced with a high risk of unexploded bones, unexploded ordnance. so these are the choices that people face single with like stay why they are and they say they risk what they've seen happen in other parts of jobs have repeatedly over the past 7 months. and just before i let you go, i'd like to get a quick update on the aid situation. israel says it opens the crim alone crossing on wednesday and on right initially said that it couldn't receive aid there because of continued bombardments in the area. is that still the case or are we now seems
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humanitarian aid entering their that remains the case in relation to rush. rafa and the term shalom absolutely. the crossing the right side of the crossing was open on wednesday yesterday but it wasn't functioning, know it. but let's see for, under uh, the largest agency for any agencies to and so that area and bring and bring the supplies are to real reasons for that. one of the security conditions on the ground . this is in the midst of an intense military operation, such as the practicalities of doing that very, very difficult, but the other one and a point i'd like to leave you with this is in relation to fuel. the fuel is coming to gauze us in since since the weekend, and without that fuel, we send p wouldn't be able to move those, those goods around. but more importantly than moving the goods around is our ability to power was a wells, hospitals, electricity for health sensors and generates and so no fuel, no goods coming into the goals. and unfortunately again, today,
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at least not for rough or current shalom. sam rose, thank you so much for that update that is, sam rose with monroe in russia. i, president vladimir persian has been presiding over a victory day parade 2 days after his inauguration for a 5th term as president bush and has turned the celebration of victory over nazi germany into a key focus of is nearly 25 years. he's often invoked world war 2 to justify his invasion of ukraine. so it's an address of the crowd in most cost red square. but i see it would just rush, it will do everything to prevent global confrontation. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us right now. our strategic falls is always on a lot where you, where you got to go into to, let's hear more from our correspondent for the, for chart on food in speech. to basically make clear that the world should have no
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doubt about the fact that he's the one in charge to protect russians against this alleged fret by the west. so therefore making a link between history or for over to the current events, the ongoing war in ukraine. and so basically, if you didn't want to hear anything you within what we could already ask you, just at the beginning of the week doing is from the gratian. speech, and that is that quote, he said, the future of the motherland as a cause. it depends on russia and by motherland. he referred to what he said on tuesday. and his integration speech referred to what you call is the story class. so he never points. oh, he never says ukraine, but he's pointing basically towards ukraine, a silver and country that in his view and he's narrative and political, a vision should belong to russia and, and paints this as a form of a defense against of what he calls western alleged best and aggression, so nothing you on that front, but i have one extra, quite interesting that we didn't hear anything on just how on a voice from here,
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how does he want to achieve this goal to unite russians in his you is going to mobilize more russians and also just how long this was going to continue new, would they? what 7 or, or around this speech was actually meant to of the, justify the ongoing work, but also to enforce this narrative of this propaganda. so people, basically the sons, the husbands of, of, of, of mothers that have to send they, are, they, are, they are children or their husbands or their brothers toward that they know, at least in the reference of, of letting reporting why they have to do a lot of the domains funding for char, and now we can take a look at some other world news headlines. chinese president, she's your paint has arrived and hungary, the final stop on his 1st european tour in 5 years. is expected to meet with prime minister victor or bon for talks on thursday. she's visit is expected to further increase. i can nomic cooperation between the 2 countries. north macedonia is nationalist opposition. party has one big and parliamentary and presidential
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elections. the far right party led by board donuts so you know, it's got topical by claims victory with over 2 thirds of votes. the results are likely to influence the congress chances of joining the you and the sports news now rate on the dreadful face barbara see a document in the champions league final after a dramatic late went over by our new neck. byron's cord 1st to thanks waste of perm stripe from alfonso daisies, but with just 2 minutes left, substitute jose boot equalized before grappling, grabbing the winter in stoppage time with buyer and claiming on our side to the unit club as long as they have levels. but another debatable offside call ended the dream of an all german final or maxim merrill from the w sports. here with me in the studio to discuss what has been a dramatic few days and european football. hi max. those would sit out for you and not match between rail and buyer. well, the story lines absolutely swung back and forth for a long, long time round the dominating the nightstand by and got that gold against the run
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of play and model noise that goalkeeper absolutely kept the minutes at almost 40 years old. japanese number one was stupendous. until the really figures literally dropped the bolt into costs in those pos who had come on as a substitute. if you score twice. and then it became his fed retail store. he left around 100 at age 22. having failed to break into the team from the youth team setup bounced around the buddhist again. gemini, england, spain always was sort of mid table, low sides and even go relegated in spain last season. now spring bremage, it had a bit of a mix up in the recruitment in the summer. couldn't get the striker, they wanted and then broad costs a new loan at age. 33, he comes back to this club, makes us champions, and guy didn't even make sustain national team debut. and now has how long really had the biggest moment of his career bringing ramage it into the final and by and almost ruined that fairytale, the with that late goal you mentioned, which was called for upside. now the rule out, since we had been
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a video assistant referees, as you lift the flag for of side, you don't blow the whistle until the passage of play is going. because then you can see maybe it wasn't on the side or so. now, the referee didn't blow the whistle and we can hear what to allow us to hold by ins . coach had to say about that to have the boss to have the guts, to raise the flag in a situation like this is a huge, huge, huge called and it's a wrong call. the rest already has the chance when he sees that we've been the 2nd ball and we've been the rebound and we get the shot that way. within 5 seconds, he has the chance not to visible. he takes the decision to whistle. it is against every road. i'm sorry, we accept the lost. it is what it is, but just that would not have happened on the other side. so the prospect of an all german final is over, but i don't think many would have necessarily predicted endorsement in the final
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and not in byron right. very much so they, but under those oldest term can succeed. and indeed they have had a disaster season independence. they go, they last, last season's title on the final match date was all in their hands and they gave it away. and they have about to finish, probably 5th in the bundle because he's never even calls the passage. the goal of the coach to be sacks in the time because he gets a different story. they've been a real unit. they've beaten paste in the semi finals before that. i'd love to come a dread they last early holland 2 seasons ago. arguably the world's best striker, last season they sold you, telling them to ramage it to they'll now face in the champions league final and no one expected them to be that i don't think even themselves, they don't get revenge. but the 2013 final, which was also in london against by munich. but they come face to face with their fullness style that jude bothering him and ran madrid and acting very quickly before i let you go. is there any chance for more german success tonight? of course, in the europe like semi final by late because need to know up there and beating all season. they will beat the record set by then fee. if they say avoid defeat today,
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49 games on beating all season, it could make it to the final and could even when a travel which is amazing as the cold, never cruising for failing so much max. thank you so much for that. that is dw sports is max merrill us and that is your news updates. thank you so much for watching the rules. we say they're never giving up every weekend on the w. the votes, people have to say the
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that's why we listen to the.