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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2024 4:02am-4:31am CEST

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lines over the war between israel and her boss, the deafening dissidence of a distant conflict, have sweetest police on patrol ready for a riot. tonight, a chorus of protests and songs for peace struggling to find perfect pitch. i broke off in berlin. this is the day. the search, the huge honor to be standing on stage and be representing the whole country b and c. i believe we can deem israel's participation in the eurovision song come to the this year. it's so much more than just another song. another contest and other appointments, right?
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now people are being moved in rough, but, and at the same time we're going to have an artist coming from israel. it's not bright. the, i feel like people have the rights to see what they want to, but i'm focusing on the good also coming up in vladimir putin, is russia. and here in the capital of germany, marketing a war victory from the past to suggest a war victory in the not so distant future thoughts were in germany. and we think that the instrumental ization of this historical remembrance for today's war against ukraine is wrong unfortunately. but to our viewers watching on cbs, in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with the numbers needed to wage. and when a war is,
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says it's military has enough weapons and munitions to press the head with an offensive in the southern guns of city of rough up. now this comes after a warning from us president joe biden, that washington could cut some weapons exports to is real. if the offensive goes ahead. the fear of course, massive civilian casualties in rough up or tens of thousands of people are fault to be leaving. bravo, looking for safe haven, and for most, this is not the 1st time that they've had to do this. sling the fighting and rough uh, they can find a family is once again on the move. the heated to come eunice, but fear what they will find me a kind of works on the con eunice area. say there's no life there. they chose to go to con us almost. okay, so it's a safe place, but it doesn't have any water or any food or drink or aid or anything. we don't know what to do with israel had previously labeled rasa is
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a safe zone. more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering mia. now it's is rails laces, battle zone it's is the city is a strong hold for him. us militants. tanks patrol easton district and is strength escalating thing with children among the victims. a sort of in the israeli army struck us with 2 missiles without warning of them and this is the criminal act. 8 people were murdered among them were little children who had nothing to do with any of this and see, i heard you say the restrictions on the i making life even was israel has shuts off the vital rough for border crossing, leaving supply warehouses virtually empty. and bringing hospitals to the
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brink of collapse most important relevance was the only human territory issue, fuel fuel fuel. that of course also for you right here age that also saw moments and that of that. so i was trying to get it off to all the major races, including most the sole rush they come to the house. in the saw, our estimation is that the hospitals only have fuel for $2.00 to $3.00 days in the united states has repeatedly warned israel against a full scale offensive and rougher and has halted some deliveries. israel the remains defined and shows no signs of giving into international pressure. all right, let's get some more analysis. now with marina moran,
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she's from the worst studies department at kings college london, rena. it's good to see you again. so, i mean, i would start by just asking you, do we know, i mean, has the invasion of rough it hasn't begun a good evening brand was that's a great question because there is some clarity in terms of what the adf is doing. it seems like it's having some clashes in eastern rough fall with how much smooth ends. however, we cannot say that the full scale incursion a for alpha, how he already started, and some of the time that this might be a way to push from us to actually agreed to is fairly conditions of the for a ceasefire. so it might be something like a show for us, which is, of course, complicating israel's position on an international stage, giving the fact that the us wants to limit its arms shipments to israel. if that operation is to take place. if it goes beyond being
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a show of force and we're talking about a full fledged invasion, a ground defensive against or off, or how do you foresee it progressing? as it may be very difficult for the idea. and i know so israel said that it would be very surgical and very talkative. however, it seems like an auction more on in an urban environment to have a targeted operation. because the idea of would have to operate amongst civilians was who must militants, most likely drafton and civilian clothes. so it's very difficult to distinguish them from regular civilians. on the one hand, on the other hand, the threat will be coming from anywhere. so is, this is a move i don't directional threat. they will have to go very slowly section by section bearing in mind there is always a possibility of collateral damage, and there will be essential collateral damage because we know is the,
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is rally idea is using a force as well as artillery. so it will be a very slow and painful operation. and i think the best approach was the idea of would be going sections by sections and trying to move civilian some out of the way . but there is no good approach. and i don't think they have a real plan as at this stage. and what about the role of the united states, and particularly the, the warning from you as president biden, that if you do go into rasa the united states may hold back some of its weapons shipments to israel. him is that going to change israel's abilities at all? in and defensive against draw absolutely. i think it will be very impactful because as for now, israel still has enough munitions to hold the north and to conduct its limited operations around rafa. however,
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if the us is not to supply israel from an east, rarely point of view, they see it as an ex essential fide which could be lost because they will not have enough munitions in order to pursue the remaining for some off battalions and rough cost. so they could potentially cripple the entire operation from, from the east rally perspective. let's, let's assume that the, the weapons are there and the number needed it is real says that rafa is home to home. us is last remaining battalions. do you agree with what we were hearing from israel that we're off of really would be her mazda is last stand, it is a very good question. i don't know what kind of intelligence israel house on, on the numbers that are still left, but we know that the adf has just now closed the crossing was egypt. so
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there was this assumption that hamas was getting its weapons from, from egypt. therefore, i think it's very likely that some homeless fighters might have escaped as well. uh and, and have either a bite other locations outside of the gaza strip and say in in c or e. if it's sole sealed off with lisa hung about spiders, who are in rough ha, could be eliminated by israel a process. however, we don't know if we're talking about the entirety or from us. and we also have to understand that the cost might live on and others might take up arms in name or from us. it is, it is a good point of what happens though. if israel says that it is going to achieve its goal of completely destroying a moss, and it's going to do that, but it's going to need weapons enough weapons. if it says that to the united states,
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in your professional opinion, can you imagine the united states withholding weapons and letting is real not achieve the goal of destroying a mouse as well. i think the united states is in a very difficult position. i think a jordan that has expressed these concerns because the united states on the one hand is supporting israel and is willing to send weapons. on the other hand, they are criticizing israel for what is happening in rough and, and in gaza in humanitarian terms. so i think that especially pre election, it will be a very difficult choice in terms of how the united states might resolve the situation. but i think they will have to try and accepted enough pressure on israel in order to resolve the human to terry and situation. first, before any military action can take place and i see u. s. involvement in,
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in this specific cooperation as well in a humanitarian role. and i think that might be a way forward in order to get around this as not to endanger israel. survival, which has from is rarely perspective is what it is, what it's fighting for and gaza and without risking the lives of all those civilians. hor, trapped in gaza. arena wrong from kings college london. bring is always we appreciate your time and your insights tonight. thank you. thank you for having me . what does it mean for you to re present israel is your vision this year? it's so much more than just another song, another contest and other performance it's, it's truly is such a huge honor to be standing on stage and be representing the whole country and being the voice of a whole nation. and i feel the support of the entire country and the entire nation
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behind my back. and i'm truly endlessly grateful for everyone and everything that's going on and feel like have a huge responsibility. and i'm taking it very seriously and doing my best to our present us proudly. but those are the words of a 20 year old woman. hers is the voice of israel this years, eurovision song contest agent go. law is performing and thursday nights to my final competition ahead of the annual pop music festivals. finale on saturday, the line is performing and belma sweden and not everyone is welcoming her with open arms. the thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators gathered in mel move central square of only a few kilometers from the performance venue. they protested against israel's participation
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in the song context. well 80. golan was also booed while she was on stage. at one of her rehearsals and the lyrics to the song that she is singing at this year's contest, they were also challenged and changed. jenny, though, kept a culture, journalist and ryder based here in berlin, who was covered the song contests many times. toby moore. oh yeah, the song used to be called october rain and then of course a lot of people said that this was the mess of tech on the october 7th. was meant with this with this title. and so she had to change it into how we came to what's called hurricane. and she helped us change some of the lines too. so instead of sending those who write history stand with me, she has nothing and writes of my symphony. play with me and she's not singing, i'm still west from this october rain, but i'm still broken from this. how we came and you kind of cause
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a read everything into both of the versions of the song. so i don't know what's happening with it. i mean, i don't want to pay a wrong word, incorrect fixture here. i mean, when she performs saturday night, there will be people in the crowd cheering for her as there will be people cheering for every country, every candidate, every performer on stage, correct or, or is it will that not be the case? and of course, if she, if she's performing on saturday, because as i said, today's the 2nd somebody final. so if she gets into the competition on saturday, it's going to be a very, very, very heated situation because of cause it's live then. and there will be a lot of people supporting her in the, in the audience, but also people against her. so it's maybe addressing also a broadcast control of what to show. and it's definitely to your assigned for that, the politics in this, in this challenge. and now that you see is a, it's
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a political thing. it's not, it's not a so called only cultural competition. it's a political thing because it's genially countries fighting against each other, you know, with thing and with caution about still it's political thing, is it and it's, it, it's not that it's all, it's not supposed to be a political. that means the whole, the spirit of your intentions on contacting of it. it came in the 1950s after the 2nd word more, you know, it was supposed to bring the cotton together. the people who are protesting they are pro palestinian protesters. and so what is their, what, what beef do they have with and is really performing or possibly performing in, in the finals saturday, not. i mean, i'm a minor and, and in mind with a lot of people living there have a roots and some arab countries. so there's a lot of, it's a big community that is of course, a very angry with israel. and i wouldn't say that the origin song can just never was political because it's, we have a, 1st of all,
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it's all the european broadcast union. if you who has ended up with this constitution saying we are not political, right, what's the contest as such has always been political, that has been political song starting was for example, and this in freedom by new quoted, you know, and everybody's majority is that the high right, of the cold. well yeah, correct. so it was a winner that has been it has an annual training and song, some years ago, it was called 1944 bought the caribbean, top to us. so has always been of cause body politics has always played a big part like that has been done at the national from east red as a 1st trans women, you know, also a sing and flush one's rights. and of course, the queer community is a big part and so it has always been political. i think it can stay political and i think it's okay that people are fighting and in a peaceful way, you know it's would be a k if the, if the a, it's a contest as we are we where we are well aware that a people outside of our cultural bubble have different meanings, but let's stay here for this life threatening should stay peaceful. so there may be
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something that's just the feeling the of this contest. i mean, you've covered them before. i mean, it's different this year, right? i mean, if you walk down the street and novel and sweden, you know, you're seeing police officers with machine guns. i mean that's something that we really haven't seen in years past. and i mean, i dare say it really dampens and kills the, the party spirit. if there, if there was any to begin with. uh huh. um and the outcast on the one hand, it kills a kind of parties, but it also elevated, elevates it's this context because as i said contra has a, has a big power to include everything. kyesha is including power, so it never should exclude people that should bring people together. and with being aware of that, i think there's a chance for the, for the see a contest for the brand to we address that. and if we also be important how you know, the report, us report about all this thing, if they, if they are able to, to be assessed but enough to, to say the right things and to, to data not to,
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to not behaviors if it wasn't happening. so because that makes no sense, we are political people, everybody are also in the cultural business. and when are you, could this damage the song contest permanently? i mean let, let's imagine if the, these really, if, if she were to win on saturday, that would be next year. the contest has to take place in, in is really in the middle of this middle east palate. her kid with the san contest be able to to withstand yes. of costs um that if, if, if that's the wall going on, that probably won't make it have the contest. there is the same as next. it was the crania was one last. yeah. and of course at the couldn't make this, this probably doesn't happen then, but i'm, i think it's, it's, it's a chance it's a terrible mirror of what we are going through at the moment of all the was that we are surrounded by it, but also we should see that as a chance, because as i said, it's a cultural contest, it should happen with peace and with a tolerance of what with loving and understanding each other. so yeah, yeah, i'm,
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i'm, i'm very, very curious what times on saturday. yeah. real, you know. yeah. but hopefully they'll be more thinking for peace instead of shelving in protests, culture, journalist, jenny, and so can we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight. the federal or one of your most prestigious awards the charlemagne prize has been conferred on pinterest goldsmith. the former chief rabbi of moscow, he was honored in the german town of office, together with the jewish communities of europe. the prize jury said the award is intended to send a signal that jewish life belongs to europe and that there should be no place for anti semitism. the word also honors goldsmith's commitment to enter faith dialogue. members provide gold spent submission to revive jewish communities find as he had succeeded in doing this in russia since the 1990 for the route,
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but the following, the colon version of ukraine. he left russia in protest and moved his row. he's extremely concerned about how the post of tuba 7 situation has developed. we fell from 11 to another war. and it's uh, has changed my life, but it has changed the world. and those 2 was today a basically challenging the world order s. we noted. goldsmith is concerned about the recent rise and anti semitism. now that may be connected to israel's war and goes off to we have seen this explosion of antisemitism in europe since the 7th of october and to some it doesn't became political correct. again. you 6, a positive relationship with germany, the country, the perpetrator of the whole crowd. last year, you move through your teen rebecca conference headquarters from london to munich.
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germany is serious in rebuilding the jewish community and having again, a flushing jewish community in the land in frankfort in munich. and all those places shows the seriousness of the governor of the german government to a habit to his future in germany. goldsmith feels gratitude in view of the price or money, but he also sees the ward as a responsibility. as soon our prize is not only about the past, so so about the future. it requires from us, as well as from germany, from off and then to do the maximum possible to ensure the jewish future in yet and into them for the goldsmith also sees democracy and the threat and considers this work to be part of opposing the values that you are booked up after the 2nd world war.
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russia have celebrated the soviet union's victory and the 2nd world war with its annual red square, military parade. and moscow. russian president vladimir putin use the occasion to lash out the western powers warning them that moscow will not be threatened. the parade comes just days after russia and now it's new military drills with neighboring bella roofs involving the practice deployment of tactical nuclear weapons. a sea of uniformed bodies, old waiting for one man to arrive vladimir putin freshly sworn in for a record breaking 5th ton as rush as president of to watching soldiers parade through the unseasonal may snow on most goes red square boot and return to familiar territory warning the west, the russian was ready for the conflict and even nuclear war. but i said we did deal with your russia. we'll do everything to prevent global confrontation,
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physically. but at the same time, when you pause, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. and that's just gonna take, you just use our strategic forces are always on alert. once again, he also use the backdrop of the survey unions victory of a nazi germany to justify his current role in ukraine. suits and has repeatedly based this the accused the prey and government of being run by neo nazis. so i'm watching in the crowd. what clearly in agreement with that long time later. so squares driving now for victory against fascism. we are directly involved into this and we have been rushed along as we must always learn from the past and remember what our grandfathers did for us and that we must do the same. now. the fruits of pollutants efforts to twist the pulse in his favor. well, also on display at the end of the parade, where once he was joined by jim and chancellor as an un secretary general this, you know,
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western leader came to lay flowers alongside russia's president or russians living here in berlin. also celebrate may 9th, as victory over nazi germany. date remembrance events were held all across the german capital. but this year police were out in force to prevent the spread of any propaganda backing the war in ukraine. sharing the same ground, but far opposing audiology ceremonies, invalid mocking the soviet victory of a nazi germany have become more political than ever since russia invited ukraine. it isn't young thoughts. we're in germany. and we think things like the instrumental ization of this historical remembrance for today's war against ukraine is wrong with the russian symbols with band around the commemoration. and yet some was on display by countries flag. i was born there,
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i was raised there. almost the flag is a symbol for the position from fascism. also present. diplomats including the investigators from russia and that's allied bella race as well as the russian orthodox priests. the around $900.00 police were on hand to ensure public safety with only a few minus scuffles. monitoring the commemoration. while the day is almost done, the conversation continues on line. you'll find this on ex, formerly known as twitter, and youtube dw news. you can follow me via brent golf t v. and remember, whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then every month the
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from refugee to business in the summer has made it 10 years ago. she fled from syria to touching the she's started as successful confectionary self, even so she faces the challenges in her new home. the focus on us next, on dw, in sweden, and the entire risk being swallowed down by the largest fire. and she
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will not bowls that has precious wrapped up, but the ground beneath it is already hollow down to the stable all materials in high demand. the city is getting a fresh start are made in germany. in 60 minutes on d. w, the world of free speech, free press enter, open access to free and police. for every stop dreaming. next take action. d, they'll use global, easier for them 2020 full in bunch of any practiced in now autism and it's from all over the world from waiting to share their solutions and to say,
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tomorrow join us and register. now for the d. w global media for in 2020 for the a one. welcome to this week. focus on europe with me live show. thanks for joining us today. the russian strong man is holding on tightly to power, letting me a put in has been sworn in as president to serve another 6 year term. put in has ruled russia for 25 years now. the country has since moved away from democracy and the rule of law. there are no free elections in 2022 under put into russia in.