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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is data, but the news line from good in benjamin netanyahu say, is if nathan is well, is ready to stand alone and it's ongoing vote against them. us as well as prime minister valley operations in the city of rafa will continue to spot a us warning against them and also coming up thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators protest. israel's participation in the eurovision song contest in the swedish city of melma. that's is, israel is representative for the final as he was born dead because of a genetic mutation. but now doctors have given her the ability to hear using
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a groundbreaking medical procedure, researches believe they could use the technique to treat a host of other agencies. the, i'm anthony, i would welcome to the program, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. stacy's forces will continue operations in rafa. despite warnings from us president joe biden, washington would pull some weapons, exports, israel, so offensive went on as planned by then yahoo has now made it clear, is where i will find on and in the south of gaza. regardless of the objections of the game. we are determined and we are united to defeat out enemies and those who seek out souls. if we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. i have set it before you. if we have to,
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we will fight tooth and nail to port. i have a spot netanyahu's defiance. the us insist that an old and attacked on raffle would be a strategic mistake for each route. we believe that they have put enormous amount of pressure on us and that there are better ways to go after what is left of home us in rafa. then a major ground operation smashing into russia will not advance that object will not get to that sustainable. and during defeat from us, i mean while the un says tens of thousands of people have left rafa looking for safety and for most it's not the 1st time they've done so. seeing the fighting and rasa the can find a family is once again on the move, the heated to come, eunice, but fear what they will find me. a 110 units area say there's no life there. they chose to go to con us almost. okay, so it's a safe place,
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but it doesn't have any water or any food or drink or 8 or anything. we don't know what to do with israel had previously labeled rafa is a safe zone. more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering. mia. now it's is rails laces, battle zone it's is the city is a strong hold for him. us militants. tanks patrol easton district and it strikes escalating thing with children among the victims. a sort of in the israeli army struck us with 2 missiles without warning. this is the criminal act 8 people were murdered among them were little children who had nothing to do with any of this and see i, you had you say the restrictions on the i making life even was israel has shuffle
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off the vital, rougher border crossing, leaving supply warehouses, virtually empty, and bringing hospitals to the brink of collapse. most importantly elements, what is the only human their issue, fuel fuel fuel. that of course also for you in your age that also saw moments and that of that. so i was trying to get rid of you all the return precious, including hospital ration. they called general health and saw our estimation is that the hospitals only have fuel for $2.00 to $3.00 days. the united states has repeatedly warned as rail against a full scale offensive and rougher and has halted some deliveries. israel, the remains defined and shows no signs of giving into international pressure.
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middle east analyst laura bloomfield told us more about the different positions of these riley and us latest. and i mean from biden's point of view, this is like our friends don't let friends drive drunk moment. he's taking away the keys so to speak. for an a 10, yahoo, you know, he's standing on the side of the road and saying, i still got to get home and we'll do it with or without you. um, as you know, so you know, he is really is have abandonment issues. natania spoke about that, right to that point on holocaust memorial day. he gave a speech this week where he said, there were times when did you spend alone in the world? no one came to our aid and we will not be defenseless again. so he's really driving hard natania along this period of holidays. they call it the days of all which start on holocaust memorial day. they take you up to a memorial day for soldiers right up to the israel independence day. so he's kind of working with that calendar to make a political point,
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which of course has military implications that was middle east analyst day and laura bloomfield, while the 2nd a semi final of the eurovision song contest is wrapped up in the swedish city of melma with dramatic performances on and off the stage 26 of us to have been selected for the finals on saturday is rarely solar water is even gold and secure to spot in the finals. that his protests have been held of israel's participation during the ongoing board. joshua as the the final list that we see is your vision contests. basically being decided the same favorite, switzerland. how would the way through to the final round, the close competitors benevolence
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done with the wild, yet emotional rollercoaster. the but it was these rails qualifying performance because the biggest uh much a bit of stage. your business organizers have faced close to block israel from participating over the war in gauze or more than 10000. the pro palestinian protest is march through the streets of moma, to protest, israel's inclusion in the show to be what do i see is that the uh, this quote, if i use around like they did, we did not. you know, it has always been political. those who approached the arena way performances were taking place. we met with a heavy police presence in another part of the city pro is really demonstrate,
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is also gathered to support the performers we thought it was important to get together and celebrate celebrated music. celebrate the happiness instead of the hate. security is tied ahead of me protest planned for cents a day. when the 26 qualifying nations will go head to head in the euro vision finals. as a russia celebrated the soviet union's victory in the 2nd world war with its annual ridgeway military pride in moscow, president vladimir couldn't use the occasion to lash out at western powers warning them that moscow would not be threatened. the pride comes just days after rush or announced new military drills with neighboring bellingers involving the practice deployment of tactical nuclear weapons. a sea of uniformed bodies, old waiting for one man to arrive. vladimir putin freshly sworn in
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for a record breaking 5th ton as rush as president of to watching soldiers parade to the on seasonal may snow on most goes red square boot and returned familia territory. warning. the west, the russia was ready for the conflict and even nuclear war, but i see it, we did deal with your russia, we'll do everything to prevent global confrontation. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. and that's just gonna take, you just use our strategic forces are always on alert. once again, he also use the backdrop of the survey unions victory of a nazi germany to justify his current war. and ukraine. boots in has repeatedly based as the accused, the prey and government of being run by neo nazis. so i'm watching in the crowd, but clearly in agreement with that long time leader squares driving now for victory against fascism. we are directly involved in this, and we have been long as we must always learn from the past and remember what our
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grandfathers did for us, and that we must do the same. now. the fruits of futons efforts to twist the pulse in his favor. well, also on display at the end of the parade. once he was joined by jim and chancellor as an un secretary general. this, you know, west and lead to came to lay flowers alongside rushes president. so they can find great human rights watch is accusing paramilitary forces instead of a nic cleansing, and crimes against humanity. it says the rapids support forces and allied militias have killed thousands of people in west the for and hundreds of thousands have been driven from their homes. civil war broke out into them last year. human rights watch says there is evidence of genocide wanting to the next report contains disturbing contact. i mean the aftermath of an attack in laguna west are for a place home to them as
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a lead peoples. a new report by human rights watch says ethnically targeted violence is forcing them from their homeland along with other non arab communities . so downs army has been at war with paramilitary groups since april 2023. the report accuses the rapids support forces and allied militias of ethnic cleansing and war crimes. one man describes how he survived and attack last year. i don't mean maybe the they or what tribes we have from the way don't. if you want said massive lead and they would kill you immediately on last night, i lied and said, i am not massively. they challenged me. so i told them i'm from the ball, go try. and then they brought someone to talk to me in that language and i replied, because i know how to speak it. number one, i dropped them out. so then they let me go get it done. no. when he fled to
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neighboring shad we're more than half a 1000000 sudanese have taken refuge. another survivor here says he was buried alive by the rapid support forces. they took us all the living and the corpses. after they tortured us, they drag this into a car. then fluids from the dead bodies begin dripping into our eyes. but to our faces and lips, we have to spit it out. human rights watches warning, there are indications of a possible genocide in west are 4 and they are calling for immediate action. we're calling on the un collaboration with the african union to urgency emissions for the mondays to protect civilians into their new place incident to date and the safe for civilians. they say the world needs to wake up to what's happening, as experts warn sudan is at risk of breaking a part of the british toddler who was born death can now hear thanks to
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a ground breaking gene therapy research, a site. it mocks. a new era in the treatment of deafness. she might not be a musician yet, but also having a hearing restored. hopeful, cannot hear the music she plays unaided. she was born completely desk because of the genetic mutation, the effect of surgery that took just 16 minutes amazed her parents waiting the dropping. all right, was that it was, opal has a mutation in a gene which should allow cells in the, in the air to communicate. with the hearing of during the surgery, she received an infusion, which contained
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a working copy of the gene. a harmless virus is used to carry the gene to its destination. what viruses are designed to do? what that purpose is, is for them to put the genetic material into cells. and so i'm the with this attenuate to that into virus. we can drop a tiny little packet of genetic information into the cells and that will promote could change. that is a lifelong we think the treatment can only kill deafness that is caused by this defective gene. but research as think, it can also be effective against other genetically based to seizes. for other people and her family, the, the treatment has had a big impact, allowing them to enjoy the little things like a bedtime story. and that's all the news for now. after the break, dw business reports on why i was staggering energy consumption could spill serious trouble for that industry. don't forget, you can get most stories on a website, a,
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d, w dot com at any time. also, uh youtube channel. and for instagram, an x, the handle you need is passed, definitely needed. so i'm anthony housing building for me and that same here. thanks for your company. and i'll have another bull looking for you and 45 minutes tops fucking out the, let's see chris live. you discover new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage dw world heritage $360.00 now the votes. people have to say nurses to.


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