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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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or the, this is the, the news live from, believe me. i mean, yeah, jose is if need to ease around is ready to stand alone. and it's ongoing war against come us israel's prime minister of boeing operations in the city of ruffled we continue, despite the us warning against the move of to coming up thousands of profile us thinking demonstrators process. israel spots a suspicion in the yellow vision song. contests in the swedish city of model that to, as israel's entry is terms of the final and she was going to ask because
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if a genetic mutation, but now dr. as i've given her, the ability to, to yeah, using a ground breaking medical procedure of research as believe they could use the technique, treat a host of other diseases. the i village manager, welcome israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it saves his forces when continue operations and rough uh, despite warnings from us president joe biden. but washington would pause some weapons exports to each room. if the offensive went on as planned. bob sniffing, yeah. who has now made a cap is rarely fight on in the south of gaza, regardless of objections of the game. we are determined and we are united to defeat out enemies and those who seek out souls. if we have to stand alone,
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we will stand alone. i have set it before you. if we have to, we will fight tooth and nail to point i just by nip in your house, define so us insist that on all out attack on rough uh would be a strategic mistake for these rattle. we believe that they have put enormous amount of pressure on us and that there are better ways to go after what is left of home us in rafa. then a major ground operation smashing into russia will not advance that object. it will not get to that sustainable. and during defeat, a mouse may release time. is laura human fellow told us more about the defrauding positions of the ease, rarely and us lead, as i mean from biden's point of view. this is like our friends don't let friends drive drunk mom and he's taking away the keys so to speak. for an attend yahoo! you know, he's standing on the side of the road and saying, i still got to get home and we'll do it with or without you as you know. so you
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know, he is really have abandonment issues. natania spoke about that. right to that point on holocaust memorial day, he gave a speech this week where he said there were times when did you spend alone in the world? no one came to our aid and we will not be defenseless again. so he's really driving hard natania along this period of holidays. they call it the days of all which start on holocaust memorial day. they take you up to a memorial day for soldiers right up to israel independence day. so he's kind of working with that calendar to make a political point, which of course has military implications, but at least not unless lot of blumenfeld speaking to us. and yeah, meanwhile, the us saying tens of thousands of people have left rough uh, looking for safety. and for most, it's not the 1st time they've done. so. a sling, the sizing and rasa the can find a family is once again on the move. the heated to come eunice, but fear what they will find me. a 110 units area say there's no life there.
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they chose to go to con us almost. okay, so it's a safe place, but it doesn't have any water or any food or drink or 8 or anything. we don't know what to do with israel had previously labeled rasa is a safe zone. more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering mia. now it's is rails laces, battle zone it's is the city is a strong hold for him. us militants. tanks patrol easton district and is strength escalating with children among the victims. a sort of in the israeli army struck us with 2 missiles without warning of them and this is the criminal act.
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8 people were murdered among them were little children who had nothing to do with any of this. you had you say the restrictions on the i, i making life even was israel has shuttle off the vital rough for border crossing. leaving supply warehouse is virtually empty. and bringing hospitals to the brink of collapse the most important elements, literally all these human guaranteed issue, fuel fuel fuel that of course, also for you and your age that also saw moments and that. so i want to stress again without you all the major a precious including hospital ration, they come to the house in the saw, our estimation is that the hospitals only have fuel for $2.00 to $3.00 days less. the united states has repeatedly warned israel against
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a full scale offensive and rougher and has halted some deliveries. israel the remains defiant, and shows no signs of giving into international pressure corresponding tonya cranberries, following developments for us in jerusalem. good morning, tanya. how intense audit tax on rough i getting to where we are getting reports that you know, there's been bergman's strikes and intends showing across the goals district. the whole thing goes to the city in central garza, but also 1st and foremost in the office and a certain areas in it also, as you've seen in the report. now the situation is of course very fluid. it changes from hour to hour. they also see those images, of course, of the troops and nothing across the border in the southern and across the southern kansas trip. now many tens of thousands of people are still on the move. now the
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united nations have estimated about 80000 people have left the, the eastern, a areas that were ordered by the is really military on monday to lisa eastern and also others put the number of my tire. we've been talking to people. some of them are not in this so called a recreation area, but they said they wouldn't leave never the less because this fear that, of course, this ground invasion could be large and could be going deeper into a lot of people have not really a choice. they can go either seem to con, units to the route, the route instead, or they can go to and the y c, which is where the military is, cause an expanded too many turn zone. but agencies have said this is a send the area, the infrastructure that is lacking, and it's not made to cope with so many people. and let's not forget the south was the area, then most of the 8 agencies have been operating. and this is all happening. of
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course, while intend starting is going on. atanya doesn't. a potential for is fairly offensive on rough uh, boats. true stocks on the line to well for now what we know is that those delegations, the how much the negation and the is really delegation as well as the american media to they have left a car roof. and now the introduction for a ministry has said that both sides have to make more efforts have to a, to move forward in those talks. we don't know when a, or if a, when they will come back to continue. those talks. this week has been a situation when i'm us is by the i me a, a damn nicely to had made a statement on monday night thing to except to seize 5. do you israel has called this a deception. and that has created a lot of confusion. now we understand that, you know, many have said if a such a full scale, a ground operation in the whole
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a for alpha will take place. this could be used by most to say there will be no more talks, but we have to wait and see how the next days will play play out. we'll leave it there for the time being, but thanks so much for joining us today. timeframe, i enjoy this num to events and cause i have been casting a shadow over the vision song contest in baltimore, sweden at the 2nd. this time you find it on thursday evening. israel's entry even go along secure the place inside today's for knowledge are there in the day of thousands of profile listing and demonstrators march through model no to protest against israel's inclusion in the contest this. yeah. the final this for the see is your vision princess. leaping decided the
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same favorite, switzerland. how with their way through to the final round the day, close competitors, the netherlands, done with the wild, yet emotional rollercoaster. the but it was is rails qualifying performance. because the biggest uh, much of it of stage your business organizes have faced close to block israel from participating over the war. in garza more than 10000 pro palestinian protest as much through the streets of moma, to protest israel's inclusion in the show. it will be, what do i see is that they disqualify you from like they did with preston or not. you know, it has always been political though so approached the arena way performance as were
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taking place. we met with a heavy police presence in another part of the city, pro israeli demonstrate is also gathered to support the performance we thought it was important to get together and celebrate celebrated music. celebrate the happen as instead of say, hey, security is tied to a head of may a protest is planned for cents a day when the $26.00 qualifying nations will go head to head in the euro. vision finals of course opt out some other stories, making headlines around the world. china and hungry have signed agreements, strengthening that phenomena, ties chinese cuz they're shooting, being made budapest. the final stop on is europe and 12. and then on get in 5 minutes to victor. all bon raised b. james rising influence on the world stage and then 3 quarters of investment in hungry last year came from china and coord. you go to a 2nd. the depths store from southern in southern prison has risen to
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a 107 rescue teams are still working to bring people to safety valences rain storms . have him felt that efforts and mold bad weather is full cost doesn't small. obviously, many domestic animals have also been trapped in the floods, including these falls, these television images that a nationwide to be in for help. and emergency team has now managed to reach the animal and bring it to safety. on the sedation, the host is believed to have held out on the roof of a flooded building for a number of days. a british thought law who was boned desk and now here thanks to a groundbreaking gene therapy research, a safe marks, a new era in the treatment of definiteness, she might not be a musician yet, but also having her hearing restored hopefully cannot hear the music. she plays on
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aided and she was boned completely desk because of the genetic mutation, the effect of surgery that took just 16 minutes amazed parents when we initially turning to coughing. all right, i was, it was, opal has a mutation in a gene which should allow cells in the, in the air to communicate with the hearing of during the surgery, she received an infusion, which contained a working copy of the gene, a home. this virus is used to carry the gene to its destination. what viruses are designed to do? what that purpose is, is for them to put the genetic material into cells. and so i'm the, with this attenuated that navarez. we can drop a tiny little packet of genetic information into the cells and that will provoke
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a change that is not flowing. we think the treatment can only kill deafness that is caused by this defective gene research as think it can also be effective against other genetic he based to seizes. for other people and her family, the, the treatment has had a big impact, allowing them to enjoy the little things like a bedtime story. and the olympic torch relay is on demand from from the bend up to the summer games and moss, a football legend to pass. the bully kicked off the fast leg. the day off to the flame arrived on the scaling ship from greece. other thoughts, banners included, ukrainian, gymnast, money a, b, so trans car and the french and b as the tony pocket. over the next 2 and a half months, 10000 people, we've had a report across front and it's overseas categories. c that's it for the moment, but coming up after the break,
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dw business reports on y, e eyes, staggering energy consumption. good speller, serious trouble is most stories on our website, the w dot com, and you can follow us on our youtube channel as well. i'm going to expand the g in billings and see you back here in about 45 minutes, but the this shadows, these pod costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he actually disclosed tactic farms and destroyed light. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. learn shannon.


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