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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the the, this is the, the news life from berlin. benyamin nathan. yeah. jose is if needed. he's very on, is ready to stand alone. and it's ongoing war against a boss insurance by minister involving operations in the city of ruffled we continue despite the us morning, a chance to move on to coming up, change in pin. and here's your order for him to uh, with the final stop in hungary. we talked about us funding to badging and brussels to assess the chinese, the does aims and thousands of profiles of sing and demonstrate us protest. israel spots are sufficient in the original tongue contest in the swedish city of model,
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that, as israel's entry is to the, to the final, the british manager. welcome israel is prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, is, rand, we'll stand alone. if the us holds um shipments because of israel drop out offensive, president joe biden says he really falls offensive ministry assistance if israel goes through with a major operation in rough up more than 1000000 civilians are shutting in the southern gauze and city. nothing. yeah, jose is, is running must defeat from us, which is designated as a tenant organization by the u. m. b u. s. including in rough, uh, i was lucky, we are determined and we are united to defeat out enemies and those who seek out
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souls. if we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. i have set it before you. if we have to, we will fight tooth and nail to point i. despite nothing, you know how it defines that us insist that an all out attack and rough uh would be a strategic mistake for israel. we believe that they have put enormous amount of pressure on us and that there are better ways to go after what is left of home us in rafa. then a major ground operation smashing into russia will not advance that object. it will not get to that sustainable and during defeat, moss. meanwhile, the usa has tens of thousands of people have left rough, are looking for safety. and for most, it's not the 1st time they've done so. seeing the fighting and rough or they can find a family is once again on the move, the heated to come, eunice, but fear what they will find me a notice on the can eunice areas say there's no life there. they chose to go to con
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us. okay. so it's a safe place, but it doesn't have any water or any food or drink or aid or anything. we don't know what to do with israel had previously labeled rasa is a safe zone. more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering. mia. now it's israel salacious battle zone. it's is the city is a strong hold for him. us militants tanks patrol easton district and it strikes, escalating thing with children among the victims were the sort of in the israeli army struck us with 2 missiles without warning. this is the criminal act was made. people were murdered among them were little children
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who had nothing to do with any of this and see, i heard you say the restrictions on the i making life. even worse. israel has shuffle off the vital, rougher border crossing, leaving supply warehouses virtually empty. and bringing hospitals to the brink of collapse. most importantly elements, what is the only human guaranteed issue? fuel fuel fuel. that of course, also for you in your age that also saw moments of that. so i was trying to get it off you all the return precious, including the hospital ration. they called general health in saw, our estimation is that the hospitals only have fuel for $2.00 to $3.00 days in the united states has repeatedly warned israel against
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a full scale offensive and rougher and has halted some deliveries. israel the remains defiant and shows no signs of giving into international pressure. they the corresponding tonic tremors following developments for us in jerusalem. tonya, how in 10 sort of tax on rough are getting as well in the past. 24 hours have been reports of evelyn bergman's and attend shelling and across the cause of stripping a goes to city in some of the neighborhoods, but also in central garza. but again, also very intensive in the eastern areas, but also in other areas in rough, uh, also with reports that a tubes and the tanks has been amassing the past days across the board. defense there in the south. no, of course the situation is very fluid and tens of thousands of people are actually on the move that have been told or ordered by that is really military in those
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eastern parts of golf off to a go to the doctor to other areas to what's the western side of the gaza strip. now the united nations, a agency said the estimating that over 80000 people are how spin he did the cold, but others put the number much higher and people are still leaving. also though, so we've been talking to some of them on the phone saying, you know, even those and the areas that have not been asked to leave the area because they're fearing that this crude expand also into you know, other areas of golf off. and now this of, of course, people we heard in the report that has been displaced, time and time again. and they have the choice to either go, you know, for the back up north to con eunice, or where a lot of the city is in ruins and then rubble and, or to go to an area and on my wasi that is on the west and a short aside, that's
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a send area and 8 organizations have said, no, there's not enough infrastructure. it's a very difficult area for people being that it have to be in attends is another also very hot day a today here in the region now, and of course the south is the area, but most of the 8 organizations have been working and it becomes increasingly difficult for them, so it is a situation that gets a more dia by the day. but the tunnel delta form is very offensive in rough uh foot true stokes, on the line as well from which we understand both delegation stays rarely and the highest delegation but also the american media to the house or left cairo. now in the gyptian for a ministry has put out a statement, basically calling on the 2 sides that they should, they have to show more flexibility to come to a deal or an agreement that would see a temporary cease fire. and the release of those remaining, or at least some,
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some of the remaining hostages, a in dollars. i know they seem to be major disagreements still from what we understand on the main points, what, how most one's a permanent into the war and a permanent withdrawal of israeli forces. there's also, you know, not clear how many of the hostages at home us would be able to release our a, still a noise. but, you know, we also hearing a time and time again that the is where the government has said they want to go into rough of whether it is a deal or not. and that is of great concern, especially in israel to the hostage families of those 128 hostages that are still being held in gaza. live there for the time being, tanya cream and do those little things pretty much in run chinese present. children being heads home today, often a well when to after we got up his 1st in 5 years, presidency has been hungry for the final stop of his 5 day trip. he met with him
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getting prime minister victim old on in the past and said the 2 nations would begin a golden voyage in my lap combinations. gee, and his wife also visited serbia and friends in paris, present emanuel macro. and you commission chief boasted off on the line 1st chee to use his influence on russia to end the war in ukraine to blanche. your debt, young man, the a netscape ball from john this i've been crushed by engaging and dw correspondent rosie for saw in brussels. good morning to both of you to you fast rosie. how has the european union seen this to uh, of changing things? it's definitely being very true here in brussels with a degree of wariness. and that's because the context for this trip is that the and you has to be on a big mission over the last couple of years to try and decrease its dependence on china. so trying to diversify economic relations, for example, they often use both words, the risking. so trying to reduce the riskiness of their economic ties and not risk
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in ease. ease certainly has been hyphens in brussels ice since the really big walter shed moment, which was russia's full scale invasion to be paid back in 2022. because in the one hand, while the in, you has been flossing, successive rows of sections on russia over that full scale invasion, well, china fall, it says it wants peace, it hasn't condemned small school. and on the, on the country, it's really been deepening. it's tice not well in front president. she will have felt some of the heat of that kind of toughening a stop. we know president, my god push presidency on trying to as fonts. we'd like to see china, usually it's influence over russia to try it. and before, it's very unlikely that we see the big shift in chinese policy. and then this really, i think, carefully choreographed agenda from the chinese site meant that that was really the last time the chinese president faced any of that sort into a political pressure. because he received a much smart warmer welcome in both serbia and then hungry as well. the pushing to
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try and decrease which depends that really depends on the ease unity fabia, an invasion. what is the message the chinese wanted to send to europe and what the successful in sending it of the well yeah, it's really quite interesting. so seizing thing, basically you wrote an up ad that was published both in the big and national media, one in france, one and savvy, a one in hungary. and if you read that carefully, um, in each article, he deliver it exactly the message that the host wanted to hear. for example, in france, you sense that, you know, he understood that the crisis and ukraine itself, big concern. and then with my problem, he also said that he wants to control the, the export of to use a goods to russia while the, at the same time, just a day later um in, um, so it'd be a, he sent a very, very strong anti in may to a message when he visited 3rd grade. and i think um, what, what he does is that, um, you know, he doesn't have
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a good record of keeping his promises. and i think the european union is quite a well the cozy rhetoric on the one side. but then the actions speak a different language. no, i just come from the european temple of commerce who publish their business confidence survey. and, you know, the sentiment among the european companies in china is on a record low and they complain about over capacities and a chinese industrial policy. and those issues, of course, were also talked about by my crawl and the commission president, was it a funded line? but it wasn't completely dismissed from am i bytes seating things? so i don't think it was very convincing. what if this mission was really to convince the european union to go on with trait as usual? i don't think it was very successful. but let me just briefly at, i think it could be seen as of when that my crown did not succeed in meeting see both with uh, also the font funded line. but she did. but he also wants to bring the german chancellor in all of charlotte, and that would, would have demonstrated some kind of unity. but um that was not successful. and i
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think uh china where he wants to play off each different interest among the u. member states. rosie luck, fronds hungry is also a member of the you, but she's throwing in hungry was markedly difference to his don't in front. see absolutely, well hungry is the country, which is most often at all is with a centralized administration here in brussels. and we heard the president back on the front barrel in the european commission president in a beach i think to display you to table there was certainly was according to an e official. i spoke to no invitation from home, gary in prime minister victor oregon for a centralized his favorite to join those talks. and indeed the mood was very cosy. we heard that language is a golden voyage and hum, gary and china ties now hungry. interestingly, from july, we'll take over the retaining presidency. if you are paying kinds, which gives it a greater degree of influence over the blocks policy making agenda hungry face. it would like to see the different types of china. well,
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that's totally at all with the submission the process has been on to try and decrease dependence. so it really seems to me that the chinese president has been trying to show that he will work with a group that wants to work with him. so if it's not being necessarily a divide and conquer mission, certainly it looks like divide and charm fucking up. how is this to be nude inside china? so it's quite interesting that chinese state media, they have published extensively, one video clip from the seats and things too. and that was when he met a soviet president accent of which it's in belgrade. and there were masses of people who were waiving the chinese. and so if you click and, you know, this goes to show that at the hold, your trip was kind of feel orchestrated also for propaganda when he a domestic lee. but if you talk to him up like a policy experts and have a most sober assessment, then i think this trip was viewed as a rather difficult, especially the, the stuff and friends because teaching paint had to listen to a lot of criticism. it was none of them, especially one welcome. and so,
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so i think it was a really, um, yeah, how pop. so he did, china did not give a lot of concessions, not that i could recognize. but on the other hand, this he gained a lot of, i would say, um, it's raw, the remaining, the state of staples close to it was not particularly successful and leave it there for the time being father and christopher in a be doing and rosie rashad in brussels, thank you both so much. of course you've done some other stories making headlines around the world. the depths don't from flooding and southern brazil has risen to a 107 rescue team just doing what i can to bring people to safety. relentless rain storms have hamper that efforts and more bad weather is full cost. thousands more are missing. so when you use the sam on your brains present voted to meet as a landscape has dismissed the head of the not state guard will know successful. it has been named earlier this week. i thought to use the rest of the senior officers from the service, accusing them of plotting to assess the needs dimansky and other top officials gave
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claims that they were working for russia, which germany is vine, 3 high mars a rocket launchers from the united states to send to ukraine. german defense minister bought a story goes, is caught on feet in washington for adults. ukraine has dozens of high mar systems that can strike targets fall behind enemy lines, with a high degree of accuracy. over the past 2 years, russian, we saw the tags have become part of everyday life for people across the brain, one which western air defense systems have helped ukraine to manage. but closer to the front lines, there's a growing spread from ever bigger and more dangerous. russian light bulbs, the darkness. nicholas connelly meets ukrainian troops learning to live with this new danger for some blood booms, tearing, to recreate in hanging in 2024. at least that's according to russian military blog is crushing the cranium. social media has been full of these kinds of images in
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recent months. but seeing it on the screen doesn't quite prepare you for seeing the impact these weapons can have your own noise. this is the damage done by the smallest kind of like pump currently used by russia to lama. it's just a small pot of big lot going through it just this was a 250 kilogram. glad to give you a sense of scale. i'm to make this tool degrading you so just know to well what it feels like to be the receiving end of russian glad bowman text. they tell us they 1st came up against them about a year ago. recent months they've been getting bigger and more frequent. some, so i bombs make is using sound, did you hear that sound and soon enough there is an explosion. you've got debris flying around. and then the shockwave feature. right now it's the russians go to weapon to force out infantry out of they've got screw, supposedly in use, says,
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and let just flatten everything. it doesn't matter how did you do your trenches adelanto this will is the 1st to seek live bones, use a widely into such effect. the technology behind them isn't completely new. this is a hybrid what an ssl globally should live bottoms that just conventional dumb bones . they have turned into precise smart bombs with the addition of special wing kids and satellite navigation systems. crucially, they can fly up to 70 kilometers with this and thank you. what that means. russian pilots can launch these like gums out of range of most ukrainian ad defenses. and by re purposing soviet era booms from its foss, don't bios russia can produce these weapons that speed a follow a cost, and an equivalent missile see will be when the water. so you have these, these, these russian bombs cheaper than anything the us has endorsed. they use the simple list mechanics and a very primitive wing kids,
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along with the whole thing cost less than $20000.00. likes it piece inch. the lady was not fully complex, a comparison even the cheapest christmas owls russian as far didn't ukraine are estimated to cost around a $1000000.00 each to produce personal items. often failed to designate the ukranian troops. the challenge to better understand the weapon that they face showed they've put together crudely, but they're effective due to damage the knots. hillary many craniums of almost where the country doesn't try to build its own gland. palms producing these weapons isn't the problem the most most safely is russia's s 400 defense systems down ukraine, your planes up to 200 kilometers away. the gradient, experts and soldiers agree, there's a new one realistic onset to rush, just like problems. and that's matching rushes capacity to shoot down the planes that can carry these booms. ukraine is already proven that it's possible you can
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you forced to say the shut down more than a dozen russian planes to february alone? most experts believe that was down to west and supplied patriot defense systems. that is, until the much russian forces were able to destroy to ukrainian patriot launches sustained. ukraine has kept his handful of patriot systems away from the front lines preferring instead to protect the countries big cities. until you can get some more of these at defense systems. can again afford to take risks. russian planes kinda like bombs, will have little to fear. as to the vision song contest in mild law suite. now at the 2nd time you find a long thursday evening. israel's entry eden golden, secure the place incense of days for knowledge of the day. thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators mots through mountain onto protest against israel's inclusion in the contest this. yeah,
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the final this for the see is your vision princess have officially been decided the same savior, switzerland, power, the way through to the final around the vehicle is competitive. the middle is done with the wild, yet emotional rollercoaster, the but it was these rails qualifying performance because the biggest uh much a bit of stage your business organizes have faced close to book israel from participating over the war in garza more than 10000 pro palestinian protest as much through the streets of moma, to protest, israel's inclusion in the show. it will be,
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what do i see is that they disqualify you for like they did with russian or not? you know, it has always been political though. so approached the arena where performances were taking place, we met with a heavy police presence in another part of the city pro is rarely demonstrate, is also gathered to support the performers we thought it was important to get together and celebrate celebrated music. celebrate happiness. instead of a haze, the security is tied to a head of may a protest. this plan just assessed the day when the 26 qualifying nations will go head to head in the euro vision finals. but let's get more of this from id that beautiful to david and live. it's david. good morning, perez. so this is, your vision has been particularly political,
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hasn't good people protesting of the streets and people by halting because of isabel's bought dissipation. how much of us palpable at the show? well, at the 2nd send me final last night. i almost none of it. if you are just watching it on tv, like millions of people, or i know you know, a laptop screen, you really would have no idea. but this wasn't a normal euro vision this year. however, earlier at a rehearsal that was not broadcast, aiden galandes releasing or did get booed, apparently by members of that audience. but that wasn't broadcast. as i said. and a lot of this appearance of normalcy comes down to the organizers, the european broadcasting union. really making a concerted effort to not have protests on the screen. and some of that is, but they're checking bags of audience members to make sure that they don't sneak in palestinian flags to wave the audience or any other flag of, of nations that aren't competing. but what they can't control is the other
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performers. and actually, earlier in the week there were some protests or attempt to protest by other performers of the irish entry had at the 1st semi final some political messages including ceasefire removed from their costume. the swedish entry who is half palestinian himself, or at least part palestinian, snuck in a coffee uh, a palestinian flag and sorry, posted in scarf under his sleeve. and that's, that's raised some controversy piece of people saying that that's potentially a political statement. and of course, the revisions on context isn't supposed to be not political, not despite all this broad protest and all the calls to ban israel's bought dissipation, your vision has decided against it. what is behind that decision? well, it comes down to your business claim of being non political. it's supposed to be an event that promotes peace and understanding, and at least that's why it was started after world war 2 to bring these countries
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together. obviously though, there isn't peace on earth, and your vision has to, to figure out what to do about that. your vision did kick out russia and bella roost in 2022 after russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. so the protesters are saying, you know, why not kick out israel based on what it's doing and gaza. and the official answer to that from the organizers is pretty technical. and it's pretty dry. they say that it's, it's not the nations themselves and stuff and governments competing, but it's actually the public broadcasters that are part of this european broadcasting union. even israel's part of it many countries are that are competing . and that while they had problems with public broadcasters, in russia and valerie was not following the rules, not guaranteeing freedom of press that they don't have those problems with the, as rarely broadcast or so that's a very dried technical answer that's not satisfying. a lot of the protesters now when it comes to the song, these really entries b, e, b, you did take measures there because the original lyrics were very much specifically
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about some of the terror attack on october the 7th. and they determined that that was to political so they, they actually made this thing or they didn't go on change for lyrics to be able to participate. so it's around the, certainly the country getting the most attention, but who else people are going to be talking about? and the grand finale they says i have to. yeah, i think um, they're mostly going to be talking about is there, let's, let's be honest here, but there, there are a few acts that are, that are getting attention for the acts themselves. one of them is switzerland, a rapper named nemo. i think we've got some, some pictures of name uh uh, who identifies as non buying area. and it's, it's believe the name or could be the 1st non binary. are you're a vision song winner. you're a vision is also known as the gay olympics. there's been trans winters there been gender bending winters, but there haven't been non binary winters winters so that that could be a 1st something to watch out for david levitz. thanks so much for coming into the studio for that to that's all for the moment,
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