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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news lied from berlin. bring, i mean, nathan. yeah. jose is if needed is around is ready to stand alone. and it's ongoing war against a boss, israel's department, and start buying operations in the city of ruffled and continue despite the us warning against the move. also coming up thousands of pro palestinian demonstrations protest. israel's participation in the original song contest in the swedish city of baltimore, that as israel's entry is the final and a deadly new for it for ukrainian troops. light volumes have become rushes weapon
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of choice against the front line infantry. the that lose big conway meets the soul just wanting to deal with this new danger. the british manager, welcome israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says, east van will stand alone if the us holds um shipments because of israel's rough uh, offensive present. joe biden says he will fall is offensive military assistance if israel, if goes through with a major operation against rough up more than 1000000 civilians are shifting in the southern guzman city. this and yeah, jose is, is rand boss, defeat from us in rough or a mouse is designated as a tenant organization for the you and the us of the game. we are determined and we are united to defeat out enemies and those who seek out souls. if we have to
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stand alone, we will stand alone. i have set it before you. if we have to, we will fight tooth and nail to point. i am just by nothing else defines the us in says that an all out attack on rough uh would be a strategic mistake for israel. we believe that they have put enormous amount of pressure on us and that there are better ways to go after what is left of home us in rafa. then a major ground operation smashing into russia will not advance that object. it will not get to that sustainable. and during defeat it's almost mean least on miss laura blooming fell dollars more about these defending positions of the east valley. and you asked me to ship a and i mean from biden's point of view, this is like our friends don't let friends drive drunk moment. he's taking away the keys, so to speak for an attack on yahoo!
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you know, he's standing on the side of the road and saying, i still gotta get home and we'll do it with or without you as you know. so you know, he is really is have abandonment issues. natania spoke about that. right to that point on holocaust memorial day, he gave a speech this week where he said there were times when did you spend alone in the world? no one came to our aid and we will not be defenseless again. so he's really driving hard natania along this period of holidays. they call it the days of all which start on holocaust memorial day. they take you up to a memorial day for soldiers right up to the israel independence day. so he's kind of working with that calendar to make a political point, which of course has military implications, but at least i missed laura poop and found that. meanwhile, the un says tens of thousands of people have left rafa looking for safety. and for many, it's not the 1st time they've been displaced during the israel from us war. playing
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the fighting and rough up the can find a family is once again on the move. they headed to con eunice, further north, but feel what they will find a ton unit area. say there's no lights there. they chose to go to con us almost. okay, so it's a safe place, but it doesn't have any water or any food or drink or 8 or anything. we don't know what to do with israel had previously labeled rafa is a safe story. more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering that israel has released this voltage of tanks, entering the alpha area where explosions were reported. early friday. of israel says, this easy is a strong hold for her mouth militants, and dest strikes the escalating with children among the victims. one of the photos in the israeli army struck us with 2 missiles. without warning.
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this is the criminal act. 8 people were murdered among them were little children who had nothing to do with any of this and see how you had you have further restrictions on age making life even worse. israel has josh off, the vice will rasa border crossing, leaving supply warehouses virtually empty. and bringing hospitals to the brink of collapse. most importantly i was what he. busy the human issue, fuel fuel fuel that of course also for you in your age that also saw moments and that of that. so i was trying to get it out to all the major restaurants, including hospital ration. they come to the house and saw our estimation is that the hospitals only have fuel for $2.00 to $3.00 days in the united
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states has repeatedly warranties, rail against a full scale offensive and rough uh and has halted some um, deliveries. israel the remains defiant and shows no signs of giving in to international pressure. and i out, i asked i 0 some correspondence tanya, of prima about the intensity of attacks on rough uh to well, in the past 24 hours. they've been reports of evelyn bergman's engine, 10 shelling and across the gauze as tripping a goes to city in some of the neighborhoods, but also in central garza but again, also very intensive in the east and areas, but also in other areas. in rough. uh uh, also with reports that uh, troops and the tags has been amassing the past days across the border fence there in the south. no. of course, the situation is very fluid and tens of thousands of people are actually on the
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move that have been told or ordered a by the is really military in those east and parts of golf off to a go to the doctor to other areas to what's the western side of the goals and strip now the united nations, a agency said that estimating that over 80000 people are how spin he did the cold, but others put the number much higher and people are still leaving. also those are, we've been talking to some of them on the phone saying, you know, even those in the areas that have not been asked to leave the area because they're feeling that this crude expand also into, you know, other areas of golf off. and now this of, of course, people behind it and the reporter has been displaced, time and time again. and they have the choice to either go, you know, for the back up north, a, to con eunice, or where a lot of the city is in ruins and then rubble. and or to go to an area in the,
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on my wasi that is on the west and shore aside. that's a send area. and 8 organizations have said, no, there's not enough infrastructure. it's a very difficult area for people being that have to be in attends is another also a very hot day of a today here in the region now. and of course, the south is the area, but most of the 8 organizations have been working and it becomes increasingly difficult for them. so it is the situation that gets a more diet by the day. but the tunnel delta form is really offensive. uh, in rough uh, foot true stokes, on the line as well from which we understand the boast, delegation stays rarely and the highest allegation, but also the american media to the house or left a cairo now and the addiction for a ministry has put out a statement basically calling on the 2 sides that they should the have to show more
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flexibility to come to a deal or an agreement that would see a temporary cease fire and the release of those remaining or do some, some of the remaining hostages. a in garza know, they seem to be major disagreements still from what we understand on the main points, what, how most one's a permanent into the war and a permanent withdrawal of israeli forces. there's also, you know, not clear how many of the hostages at home us would be able to release our a, still a noise. but, you know, we also hearing a time and time again that the is where the government has said they want to go into rough of whether it is a deal or not. and that is of great concern, especially in israel to the hostage families of those 128 hostages that are still being held in gaza. live there for the time being, tanya cream and do some things pretty much. meanwhile events and gaza had been gusting a shadow over the auto versions on contest in sweet and israel's entry in golden,
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secure the place and the finale of the semi final and the 2nd send me final. on thursday evening, i live in the day of thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators march through the whole city of model to protest against israel's intrusion in the contest face. yeah, of the year. the final is for the sea is your vision. printers have officially been decided the same savior, switzerland, power, their way through to the final round, the close competitors, the netherlands, done with the wild, yet emotional rollercoaster, the but it was these rails qualifying
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performance because the biggest uh much a bit of stage. your business organizers have faced close to book israel from participating over the war in garza more than 10000. the pro palestinian protest is march through the streets of melma to protest. israel's inclusion in the show it will be. what do i see is that the uh, disqualify user like they did refresh when not true. it has always been political. those who approached the arena with performances were taking place. we met with a heavy police presence in another part of the city. pro is rarely demonstrated, also gathered to support the performers we thought it was important to get together and celebrate celebrated music celebrate the happiness instead of the hate. security is tied ahead of me, a protest planned for cents
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a day when the $26.00 qualifying nations will go head to head in the euro vision finals. basketball this from the de paul to david limits. david, good morning. this is a, your vision has been particularly political, hasn't been, they've been up to test on the streets and calls of boycotts of israel's entry. i mean, how much of that was possible at the show? what just watching the show broadcasts, like millions of people did on their tvs and laptops, um, it was not palpable at all. it just seems like any other europe vision, send me a final. but apparently, earlier in the day, at a rehearsal, the it is really entry, it didn't go line was booed by audience members. when she took the stage, that of course, there's not broadcast. and the security around the is really team is very high, and they're staying at an undisclosed location. so there are a lot of things that aren't normal or behind the scenes, but the organizers are trying very hard to maintain the appearance. let's say of
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a normal, you're a vision without protests, at least on the broadcast, and some of that as they're going through the bags of the audience members, making sure that they're not bringing in palestinian slides to wave and protests or any other flags of nations that that aren't represented, but what's actually been harder to control have been the other contestants. so at the 1st semi final, earlier in the week of the irish act bambi stock. they had some political statements including cease fire written on their costume that had to be removed by the organizers. the swedish act who himself is part, palestinian managed to sneak and a kaffir posted spinning and scarf under his sleeve. and, and some people think that these kinds of protests will actually help the contestants in their performance in the, in the audience vote. the organizers of course, have been saying this is endangering the non political nature of the, in that event. but just thought all the,
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all these process and all the calls particularly to ban israel's participation yarboro version has decided against it. what is behind that position? right? they've, they've kept israel and that already comes, it all comes back to your vision is claim of being a non political event. it's meant to be about promoting peace to an understanding between countries. and at least that's why the event started after world war 2. obviously the though there's, there's not peace on earth and your vision has to figure out what to do, how to react. so it's a realities. protestors have been pointing out that you're a vision did bar russia and ballers after rushes full scale invasion of ukraine back in 2022. they were barred. and they're saying, well, if you barred russia, why not bar israel based on its actions in gaza? and, and the answer the official answer from the organizers, the european broadcasting union is very dry and technical. they're saying this is, look, this is not a contrast between governments. this is a contests between public broadcasters were
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a part of this broadcasting union. we had problems with the russian and valor roost public broadcasters. they didn't have free press. we don't have that problem with israel. so israel gets to stay and that's obviously an answer of its very drive. it doesn't, we use all of the protesters, but the e, b. u did take some action on israel site on its original song lyrics which they were deemed to political because they made specific references to the hum us terror attacks back in october. and those weird have to be changed. but for israel to be allowed in. so is there any, certainly in the country that is getting the most attention, but come the finale on saturday. which of the other acts that the country that people are going to be looking at. but if you're looking at it from a pop music perspective and not this politics perspective, um, i'd say switzerland is one of the acts that a lot of people are looking at. the, the suites with wrapper nemo is non binary. but they wrap about that. it seems in the song called the code that it seems that it's about breaking the binary
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gender code if 0 and, and your vision is known so many people as a kind of gay olympics, right? um, but this would be the 1st non binary winter and you know, there's, there's plenty of just trash. i mean, look in, in the most celebratory positive sense of the word that was i think that the netherlands is the best example we just saw there. and we leave it there for the time. big dw bought of dave and limits. thanks so much for coming to do full that. thanks best. a quick look now at some of the soldiers making headlines around the world in the supreme court has gone to the van to adjust the opponent defendants from that into a more they to campaign for next to the elections. they need to finish the ottoman the physically rod was arrested on corruption charges related to the capitals alcohol james policy. his party has denied the allegations and accused the more the government of using investigative agencies to target arrivals. chads waiting for your hula mama, debbie, you know, has been declared the window of this week's presidential election. the results of
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in, contested by the opposition. the election in the north central african country had been long delayed up to 3 years of industry. and the donald trump's hush money case has been denied and we strive to the 2nd time the repressed from crumbs defense attorneys was of a poor and act to stormy daniel, this testimony, trump has pleaded not guilty default to find records to cover up the hush money payments to your credit next by russian beside the tax have become part of everyday life for people across the country. but yeah, the front lines, a new faith has emerged. russian glide bombs, dw is the kind of lead met, ukrainian troops, none into live with. this new danger person liked almost tearing, to recreate, and hanging early in 2024. at least that's according to russian military bloggers. russian ukrainian social media has been full of these kinds of images in recent months. but seeing it on the screen doesn't quite prepare you for seeing the impact
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these weapons can have with your own noise. this is the damage done by the smallest kind of like pump. currently used by russia to level is just a small part of the blog going through it. just. this was a 250 kilogram. glad to give you a sense of scale. i'm to make this tool or disagreeing. your soul just know too well what it feels like to be the receiving end of russian black bowman text. they tell us they 1st came up against them about a year ago. recent months they've been getting bigger and more frequent on the card, bombs make it. he thinks sound. did you hear that sound? and soon enough there is an explosion. you've got debris flying around and then the shockwave feature. right now, it's the russians go to weapon to force out infantry out of they've dugouts. suppose that even you, it says and let just flatten everything. it doesn't matter. how did you do your
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trenches at one hope. this will, is the 1st to seek live bones, use a widely into such effect, but the technology behind them isn't completely new. this is a hybrid, what splendidly, she lied, bottoms that just conventional dumb bottoms. they have turned into precise smart bombs with the addition of special wing kits and satellite navigation systems. crucially, they can fly up to 70 kilometers. these are thank you. what that means. russian pilots can launch. these guy comes out of range of most ukranian defenses. and by repurposing soviet era booms from its false don't biles, russia can produce these weapons that speed, a follow costs than any equivalent miss. i'll see when the water. so you have these, these russian bombs at cheaper than anything the us has endorsed. they use the simple list mechanics and a very primitive wing cases. i want to keep going with the whole thing cost less
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than $20000.00. and why do i say this is the lady was not only complex a comparison, even the cheapest cruise missiles russian has funded ukraine are estimated to cost around a $1000000.00 each to produce russian black drums often fail to designate the ukranian troops the challenge to better understand the weapon that they face showed they put together crudely, but they're effective. i do know damage the knots, hillary, many grains of us where the country doesn't try to build its own guide. bombs, producing these weapons isn't the problem the most most safely is russia's s 400 defense systems come down. ukraine planes, up to 200 kilometers away. degraded experts and soldiers agree. there's a new one realistic onset to rushes like problems. and that's matching rushes capacity to shoot down the planes that can carry these booms. ukraine has already proven that it's possible. you can, you're forced to say they shut down more than a dozen russian planes to february alone was expos,
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believe that was down to west and supplied patriot defense systems. that is, until the much russian forces were able to destroy to ukrainian patriot launches. since then, ukraine has kept his handful of patriot systems away from the front lines preferring instead to protect the countries big cities. until you can get some more of these at defense systems. can again afford to take risks. russian planes can collide booms, will have little to fear. so how important have these low tech bombs being in turning the tide on the battlefield? i put the question to ministry list, frank language, a pianist, this doctor's the, let's see for nix. apologies is very important in data, not just recently. i 1st heard about them. i've heard about these f, a b bonds as i called before a year ago. they were particularly, i would say, even decisive at the bottom of idea of kind of which ended 2 or 3 months ago. now,
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just to put this into context and you saw some of this on next report, and i'll tillery show which the soldier mentioned 152, has about 45 kilograms of explosives and bomb. you saw the height about 6 times more than that. on the boat is being used now. commonly the it'd be $15805.00. what? 20? so 2 times exposure power. so is this all just said you called hide from fortifications a useless and bug cause a useless? and they dropped these now by the dozens, every day. so they are a real threat to ukraine. the only time to measure as an ex, i don't very good the defense system to shoot down the, the delivery systems which in this case all aircraft. and those are, as was said in short supplies. we ask you questions. these are really important now, and they are quite easy to find an answer. i speaking of air defense than us last month agreed, a mess of $61000000000.00 aid package to ukraine, which included a trip me silos, but not the systems needed to actually launch them. why would the us send me
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science without sending the systems? yes, that's a really good question and i think many of us have been asking where the, where the us mind is that with respect to the so the us display again, little bit of background us as a t batteries, it's got 480 launches the launches aren't really is important. there's the interest that there's a besides themselves, of course, the most important element to make competitive edge of the radar systems and the tracking systems attached to it. the, the, the credit is now have some say by systems bought by dr. is that is a $120.00 or 30 launches. they say $9025.00 so it looks to be set. that seems about right the us 5, but it's, it's 8 stage. they have 80 systems that 480 launches they sent by review. i would suspect they're looking really towards find a way that the systems like this would be very important to me on the basis the us
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would have. i think, to be quite candid. that's the reason for both, for the us reluctance to send the systems to send the systems because you are paying past also help us. so the fact that keeps allies on sending the weapons that it needs to force russia out of ukraine. i mean, does that indicate that these allies have given up on ukraine actually winning this more so it depends who you're talking about. when you look at gemini, or the u. k. companies like denmark or francis gotten in adrian's. they've done a very great deal to assist ukraine and unsettled, quite a considerable portion of that material to the country to the point where there really is a limit. but i'd be looking at countries now like spade, which has a battery, which is a loan to, is a radon tracking system, defending the city of often not into a key from who knows what. why doesn't not goes basically pretty good on other
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defense systems are quite old ones unsuitables occurrence, right? we may also look at countries like tech itself. but what does that say? look, it says the countries don't see this as the product. some of those countries don't see this as a product you the others do. but we've also got to look at the fact that this is, this is really a central gravity of this war. is mountain power on all night. so states need to look at the scale nature of the training they gave to ukraine, inbound power, where that takes place. so across the board, much more can be done. we lived there for the time being, but thanks so much as always for joining us today. frank language media treat analyst based in the u. k. thanks so much. thanks. gosh, no rush. i was living in berlin. celebrate the 9th of may as victory dave black box today in 1945 when nazi germany surrendered to allied forces. but police feared the
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event could be used to rally in favor of the war in ukraine, sharing the same ground, but far accounts in ideology ceremonies, invalid mocking the soviet victory of a nazi gemini, have become more political than ever since russia invited ukraine. this young thoughts were in germany, and we think that the instrumental ization of this historical rememberance for today's war against ukraine is wrong with the russian symbols with band around the commemoration. and yet some were on display by countries flag. i was born there. i was raised there. almost the flag is a symbol for the position from fascism. also present, diplomats including the messages from russia and it's allied bella race, as well as the russian orthodox priests. it is around $900.00 police for on hand to
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ensure public safety with only a few minus scuffles, lowering the commemoration. that's it for the moment coming up after the break. conflicts on the way it's cassandra kenny, i'm going to expand it to the invalid. thanks so much for the
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conflict. so with sarah kelly 5 months into the war and gaza and sadly chaos around and aid con boy has glaringly highlighted the desperation and climbed the desk for a month civilians. my guess is sweet on complex, on is not responding form, egyptian foreign minister and long time diplomat. at what point is egypt have no choice but to consider opening a supporter to thousands onto monetary and ground conflict. next on dw, so much preserving people are slowly inclined to james wistar
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scientists are studying the wetlands of our planet because they are gigantic c o 2 reservoir. but how to make the most of that? researchers are encouraging officials to cut down trees and grow on useful crumbs in 60 minutes on d w. the 1st engine already is whenever they feel like i told them so selling and fashion and most of the pieces in the sky, the beds have most of many on including the us of survival.
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how do they do it? the secret lives of the inside stuffs may 22nd on d w, the 5 months into the war and gaza and deadly chaos around. in a convoy has glaringly highlighted the desperation and climbing death toll among civilians. the cottage of humanity is something they haven't seen protected by guess this week on complex own is not to find the former egyptian foreign minister and long time diplomat. at what point is egypt have no choice but to consider opening its border. 2, thousands on to monetary and grounds. have the shocking scenes of suffering, process conflict to an inflection point. now the sony welcome to complex own.
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thank you. tragic.