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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw name, who's coming to you live from berlin, united nations, warren's aid, quote, to god's that quoted grind to a halt within days. if those heavy fighting and rougher has also cost more than $100000.00 palestinians to fleet, the southern cost and city also on our show today, thousands protest. israel's participation in the eurovision song contest is a swedish of that as israel's entry is through to the final the . i'm clear, richardson thank you very much for joining us. united nations issued
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a stark warning about the plight of palestinian civilians trapped by the war and gaza as, as rarely, military forces conduct operations into the southern city of rossa. the un says 8 operations quoted grind to a halt in just days. vital border crossing for main shot at the air drops along because a strip of rock only limited relief. and other attempt is now under way to bring supplies across the mediterranean. u. s. container ship carrying a left cypress on thursday in hopes of getting some much needed relief to goss since the one says fighting has caused more than 100000 palestinian civilians to flee rasa. it is not the 1st time that many of them have been displaced. a plane, the sizing and rough up the can find a family is once again on the move. they headed to con eunice for the north, but feel what they will find on the con eunice area safe. there's no life there.
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they chose to go to con us almost. okay, so it's a safe place, but it doesn't have any water or any food or drink or 8 or anything. we don't know what to do with israel had previously labeled rafa as a safe story. more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering that israel has released this voltage of tanks entering the alpha area where explosions were reported early friday. these rel says the cc is a strong hold for him, aust, militants and death strikes the escalating with children among the victims. when a sort of in the israeli army struck us with 2 missiles without warning. this is the criminal act. 8 people were murdered among them were little children
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who had nothing to do with any of this and see how you had you said the restrictions on age making life even worse. israel, his shots, off the vice will rough or border crossing, leaving supply warehouses virtually empty, and bringing hospitals to the brink of collapse. the most important elements whitfield. busy these humans are issue fuel, fuel fuel that are port also for you in your age, but also saw moments and that of that. so let us try to get rid of the few all the major a precious, including hospital ration. they called general health and saw our estimation is that the hospitals only have fuel for $2.00 to $3.00 days. the united states has repeatedly warranties, rail against a full scale offensive and rough uh,
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and has halted some deliveries. israel the remains defiant and shows no signs of giving in to international pressure. earlier i asked sam rose from the un agency for policy and refugees about 8 operations grinding to a halt. oh, absolutely. no, we uh, when were running on the nbc, essentially the board is close to suppliers, the board is close to funeral and this will have really serious impacts on the population around for the population of the rest of god. so we've got over a 1000000 people spent in reference to 1000000 people. so what do you guys a half of those people are children in there already. and that is suffering and injuring catastrophic conditions and relationships to security, access to health care and water satisfaction, and shows a service those supplies bryan to a holes and the they they do,
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and people are on the move and suffering the impacts of another, bombardments, another operation the drugs, i think, what the conditions will be here and tell us a little bit about these evacuations from rough. i could you paint a picture for us of how difficult it is for people a over a 1000000 people who've already been displaced and then tens of thousands of them to get up and move again. it to another part of the gaza strip. yeah, the situation is incredibly difficult and so for these people we were estimating because as the un last nights that around a 110000 people had to evacuate it outside my office i. i was more and more people leaving today talking of the things that belonging to this so that they have and some don't because bicycles pickup trucks and just leaving for the safety set of people who are evacuating of those inside the evacuation. and those beyond that
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because the bombardments and the mass strikes have gone far beyond optics, that population zone and people on the move, it's age orderly where i am. but other positive goes a for alpha, it is quite, i also get a ways with this. many people on the move is a very desperate situation right now to exam rose from the un agency for palestinian speaking to me earlier, the war in garza has also been casting a shadow over the eurovision song contest in sweden, israel's entry aiden goal and security place and the final, the 2nd semi final on thursday evening, earlier in the day, thousands of demonstrators had marched through the host city of namo to protest against israel's inclusion in the contest this year. the final list contests have officially been decided
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the same favorite, switzerland power their way through to the final around the vehicle is competitive. the middle is done with the wild, yet emotional rollercoaster. the that it was these rails qualifying performance that caused the biggest uh, much of it off stage. your business organizers have faced close to block israel from participating over the war in gauze. more than 10000, the pro palestinian protest is march through the streets of moma, to protest, israel's inclusion in the show that will be what do i see is that they disqualify you from like they did with preston are not true. it has always been political. those who approached the arena way
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performances were taking place. we met with a heavy police presence in another part of the city pro is really demonstrate, is also gathered to support the performers we thought it was important to get together at celebrate. celebrated music celebrates the happiness instead of a hate. security is tied ahead of me. a protest planned for such a day. when the 26 qualifying nations will go head to head in the euro vision finals. he does, he's reporter, david levitz drawings. me in the studio now for more david, you're a vision. certainly tries to keep politics out of things. but that hasn't been the case this year. we've seen boycotts, lots of people protesting. you tell us a little bit about how that played out in last night's any finals. well, claire, if you were just watching it at home on your tv screen or a computer screen, like millions of people where you probably wouldn't have noticed anything. and
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that's, that's been the result of a lot of concerted efforts on the part of the organizers, the european broadcasting union. to keep that out what's happening behind the scenes. there was a rehearsal earlier that day where the is releasing or didn't go on was booed by members of the audience. i'd be, as really team is being kept under high security at an undisclosed location. so there's, there's a lot going on there, but the organizers are trying to keep up this veneer of normalcy and no protests on the screen. they're searching bags to make sure people aren't bringing in palestinian flags or other flags of countries, not in the contest. but what's been actually harder to control have been the performers themselves. earlier in the week, the irish entry tried to get in with some political slogans including cease fire that have to be removed from their cost to another performer. the sweetest singer eric sada, who is part palestinian. i got attention by sneaking in
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a cookie at the palestinian scarf part of his cultural heritage. but the organizers said that it was regrettable bed is sort of change the non political character that they're going and they didn't go on. we now know through to the finals on saturday . what do the revision organizers say to these protestors who are saying that israel should not be taking part in the competition? well, it'll comes back to your own vision goal of being non political, being at this forest for promoting peace and understanding at least officially, that's been there. the reason that it was founded after world war 2. and obviously there isn't peace and they have to, they have to react to these protests and the reactions been pretty dry it and pretty technical. so they say that it's, it's not the governments of these nations that are competing. it is, be public broadcasters that are part of the european broadcasting union. israel's public broadcaster is part of that broadcasting union. and they say that they, they did kick out russia and beller roost in 2022 after russia's full scale
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invasion of ukraine. but that, that was based on violations by the broadcasters of press freedom and that they don't have that issue with israel big they did, however, require that they use rarely entry change for lyrics, which originally were specifically about the home us counter attacks back in october. okay. so let's, let's take a step back and talk about the actual song contest itself away from the politics for a moment. what else should we be paying attention to, aside from israel and saturdays contest where there's going to be plenty of euro pop? of course, as always, um, some, some sort of social issues. also kind of on the stage nemo, from switzerland, the rapper whose non finery is wrapping about being non binary. and we know your business been called the the gail lympics. well, this could be the 1st time that a non binary entry wednesday, either from switzerland or from ireland, also non by an area entry from there. but i think really all eyes are going to be on as well and are going to be on will protests flipped through saturdays,
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really the events of watch, the semi finals where you know, a nice warm up by millions upon millions of people are going to be watching comes out myself included, david, thank you so much for joining us on the stadium. that's due to these reporter and david lovetts. and a quick look now at some other world news headlines. the ukranian authorities say russia has launched a ground defensive into the harkey border region, advancing a kilometer inside ukraine. a local official said there was massive showing in the town of both chance ukrainian forces say there evacuating residents and fighting to hold back moscow's advance tribes, military ruler, how much w it's now has been declared the winner of this week's presidential election. the results have been contested by the opposition election to the north central african country had been long delayed after 3 years of military bull and witness testimony is set to resume and donald trump's harsh money case. that's after 2
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failed attempts by his defense team to have a missed trial declared this week. so detailed testimony from porn after stormy daniels over an alleged 2006 sexual encounter with trump. the former president has pleaded not guilty to falsifying records to cover up harsh money payments. to daniel's, a british toddler who was bored. death can now here again, thanks to a ground breaking gene therapy. researchers say it marked a new era in the treatment of justice. she might not be a musician yet, but also having a hearing restored. opal cannot hear the music she plays unaided. she was born completely desk because of the genetic mutation, the effect of surgery that took just 16 minutes amazed parents
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when the telling to coughing. all right, i was that it was, opal has that mutation in a gene which should allow cells in the, in the air to communicate with the hearing the during the surgery, she received an infusion, which contained a working copy of the gene hom, this virus is used to carry the gene to its destination. what viruses are designed to do, what that purpose is, is for them to put the genetic material into cells. and so i'm the, with this attenuate to that into virus. we can drop a tiny little packet of genetic information into the cells and that will provide could change. that is a lifelong we think the treatment can only kill deafness that is caused by this defective gene. good research as think it can also be effective against other genetic you base to seizes. for other people and her family, the,
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the treatment has had a big impact, allowing them to enjoy the little things like a bedtime story. and that is your news update at this hour. i'm clear. richardson, thank you so much for watching. the learn shannon with winning offer is available language and has never been sent to a room or, or actually true money was in trying not being the fact that the v is going to die . because the traditional german legacy brands like missy this on coal, cannot compete.


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