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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the, the unit is coming to live from berlin. the un general assembly votes on giving palestinians more rights and privileges. it is weighing a resolution which would give palestinians greater representation and provide their push for full un membership of the coming on the show and ukrainian army is hit by what it calls a new russian offensive president will let them hear. zalinski says there's been heavy fighting and ukraine's northeastern hockey region as russian forces try to break defensive lines along the border. also want to show she was born at death because of a genetic mutation, but for a ground freaking medical procedure. now she can hear again. we will hear from one
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of the researchers behind the development the richardson welcome, the united nations general assembly is set to vote on whether to give palestinians greater representation in the us largest body. a major majority, excuse me, of the us 193 member states are expected to vote in favor of the resolution, granting palestine significantly more rights to participate in general assembly sessions. but it gives no regular voting rights. the palestinians currently only have observer status of this comes after the us. v towed a security council resolution last month that that would have passed away for full un membership for the palestinians. let's get some perspective on this from our correspondent benjamin alvarez. group are in washington
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d. c. benjamin. how likely are the palestinians to be successful in their push for full un membership? it is a quite an achievable based necessary to a 3rd majority in the general assembly. that's for many young diplomats are saying the boat has not stopped yet. we have these really ambassador to the un speaking now criticizing this, but the fact that this is also quite possible that the majority will vote in favor of this. a new resolution is that there is no b to ride in the 193 member body difference to the un security council with the us in april veto with this proposal or recommending the admission of the state of palestine to full membership in the united nations, but a, the us is quite isolated there because in april 12th security council members voted in favor the u. k. in switzerland abstained in only the us and voted against it even with countries that don't recognize the palestinian state backing base of
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resolution. today's resolution that is expected indeed to be approved by a large majority will then recommend that the security council reconsidered as its request in favor and this resolution for the grant, new rights and privileges. could you tell us a little bit more about what they entail? is this right? a diplomat. so i've told the u. s. media that the original draft of this assembly resolution was change significantly to address concerns and not only by the united states that it's still expected to vote against it, but also by russia and the china because, well, both countries are strong supporters of pol list on un membership, they are concerned according it to these anonymous sources that granting a certain type of rights and privileges could set a president for other would be un members. it with russia being concerned about the cost of, of china, about taiwan. and this latest proposal would give the palestinians the ride to participate in the united nations international conferences that are also convinced
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that by the u. n. they would have the right to make statements submit proposals, amendments co sponsor proposals as well. but indeed, the state of posting would not have a right to vote. do you know these benjamin on his group? i thank you very much for that update ukrainian authorities. i say that russia has launched a ground defensive into the harkey border region, advancing about a kilometer inside ukraine. official said there was massive showing in the town of wolf shots. ukrainian forces are evacuating residents and trying to hold back moscow in advance. your credit, the president will let him use the landscape says the military had anticipated the attack and but a fierce battle is under way. he said his troops had used artillery fire to stop the enemy knows i spoke earlier to dw correspondent nick connelly and key if he has more on the latest news coming from the harkey region or right, it's pretty difficult to get a handle on what exactly is going on,
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we have reports from villages along the russian border, basically directly north of carting, but force comes, notify the next that russian frontier, and then some further east ramble chance, which about $0.60 comes ne, what kind of gets to that quite spread out. we have reports from level chance for us. i'm supposed to say the russians adults one columbus to in, from the border and other places. there's 2 of the small board of it is being taken by the russians. some we understand what basically grades and since a rush troops were kicked out of that part of how give region infringement you to. so basically there wasn't a lot seemingly in the way of civilian instructor and ukraine control that they were basically between the front lines. but it was something that these kinds of expected to be lower token, recent weeks about the russians planning to do something. if i could region the other out of the saying that maybe they didn't have quite enough troops. and that it was more does that this kind of a tactics try and distract the opinions. but now it has finally happened, and we've had beautiful them is. let's be saying, this is now the russian counter offensive. so you,
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so that is indeed what the lensky is saying and what you're hearing based on his information, even though reports are still trickling in that this is in fact, that major russian offensive that ukraine has been bracing for. in the past weeks of the law, we see still remains to be really a proven that this is about taking hubcaps. there are lots of other alternatives. some people have come out saying that this is about the rest is trying to create some kind of buffalo to the board because the ukraine has the returning. val, it's very far that comes across that russian border being a town. so the russians alex it back in on that announcing regular $35.00 for the best part of it 2 years. so there is that once they read, there is the other theory. this is just a short time thing to try and district you paying attention from dumbass with the main thrust of rushes offensive has been in recent months. and this is just about kind of buying those ukraine results is grateful. so kind of give a call to give you credit, the 2nd big city, try and get people to leave a message and create kind of general people within the brain in society with so
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called really, you know, get a handle that and understand where this is going but certainly it does, it does feel very familiar and very threatening to look to be friends. the side of, you know, the news of russian troops crossing those borders as ukraine capital. if it's only a 100 comes away from billers of sophie a russian is kind of stuff, a lot state, and most of the russian border is no much further away from t of. so this is the re awakening memories of february 26th to and it's not very welcome and most importantly, the american help that was signed off recently still hasn't reached the paper lines seem to kind of go on the scale that the painter. if we need to, this is a moment of real jeopardy fingerprint. next, thank you so much. that is an economy for us in cuba. let's take a quick look now with some other stories making headlines around the world's child's military ruler mohammed w. it's no has been declared the winner of this week's presidential election. the results have been contested by the off position your election and the north central
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african country had been long delayed after 3 years of military rule. india supreme court has granted temporary vail to a top opposition leader to allow him to campaign in the ongoing national election. deli chief minister, i've been to catch her while was arrested nearly 7 weeks ago on corruption charges . his party deprived the case as an attempt by prime minister and to render moody to take out his rivals ahead of the election and witness testimony set to resume and donald trump's harsh money case. that's after 2 failed attempts by his defense team to have a missed trial declared. this week's or detailed testimony from porn actors for me . daniels over an alleged 2006 sexual encounter with, from a former president has pleaded not guilty to falsifying records to cover up hush money payments. to daniel's, a british toddler who was born death can now hear thanks to a ground breaking gene therapy, research or say in mark's
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a new era in the treatment of deafness. she might not be a musician yet, but also having her hearing restored. hopeful, cannot hear the music she plays unaided. she was born completely desk because of the genetic mutation, the effect of surgery that took just 16 minutes amazed parents when the telling to coughing. all right, i, this was, opal has a mutation in a gene which should allow cells in the, in the air to communicate with the hearing of during the surgery, she received an infusion, which contains a working copy of the gene, a home. this virus is used to carry the gene to its destination. what viruses are
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designed to do? what that purpose is, is for them to put the genetic material into cells. and so the, with this attenuated that into virus, we can drop a tiny little packet of genetic information into the cells, and that will provoke a change that is not flowing. we think the treatment can only kill deafness that is caused by this defective gene. good research as think it can also be effective against other genetic you base to seizes. for other people and her family, the, the treatment has had a big impact, allowing them to enjoy the little things like a bedtime story. is this such a beautiful and exciting story? i'd like to talk to one of the people behind this new therapy. jonathan witten is executive director and head of virginia runs auditory global program, which developed this treatment. welcome. we saw this little girl going from being deaf to here, and can you tell us how with this was possible to yeah, i mean it's,
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it's, it's quite a sounding right. so this, this is a combination of, of many years of work really going back even decades. um, you know, the start of all this is really being able to understand what was causing the hearing loss for many children who are born, you know, completely deaf. and as we learned, you know, which proteins weren't t for which kids. we started being able to, to conceptualize, hey, maybe we can develop technologies that could actually deliver that missing specific protein to a specific cell type in the year. it's a very elegant and as you can see and, and uh, you know, the story that's been described the, the outcomes are quite beautiful when you can deliver with the, with technology. so like this and, and the surgery tucker, just 16 minutes. what do they do during surgery? sure. so um, so the 16 minutes is actually the time that's required when we infuse the gene
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therapy into the year. so. so basically what happens is that the surgeon access is uh, the enter your um with a surgical procedure that uh typically gets used for a copay or implantation. so that's a medical device that currently we use for children, very warm and profound deafness. we essentially use this device to directly stimulate their auditory nerve and that's used to be sort of our, our only way to provide input to the brain. if a child was born with profound deafness, in this case they use the same surgical approach to access your but instead of putting in a device, what they do is they infuse a small amount of this gene therapy vector into the inner ear. and then let that vector do its work and uh, and accessing the cell types that need to express this particular protein of interest. so if i understand correctly, this is still in the file phase,
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how long it might take for treatments like this to, to become regularly available to everyone in the public. we're trying to go as fast as we can, you know, as we're seeing early data from this clinical trial, which frankly, you know, uh, even surprise me. how, how good um the, uh, the outcomes have look us far. we, we really feel this moral imperative to goes quickly as we can r c a. so i said recently you know, were targeting to have data for filing for registration on this program by the end of next year. and so our teams here are working as quickly as we can and can't do that. and are there other promising areas where you think that gene therapy could help to, to treat other conditions? oh, absolutely. so, you know, this is one program amongst many that we have average in or on. there's obviously
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other companies for working on this as well. but we've really made a strategic investment and a sell in gene therapies, because we believe in the future potential for, for human health with these types of technology. so you're looking across our portfolio, you know, we are working in gene therapies and in their ology and human policy science, the brain related conditions of glut based conditions as well the bali condition. so we really have a holistic perspective here of how we're developing leveraging jean therapy technologies as, as really a future state for madison. i want to thank you so much for joining us on dw names that is jonathan, which and executive director and head of were general auditorium, global program take care and that is your news update at this hour it stay tuned for a documentary coming up next or you can always find us online at d, w dot com,
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or we're also on youtube and social media or handle there is at dw, is i'm quite richardson in berlin. thank you so much for watching. the ukraine was like a stepping points to, you know, find what you into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a safety from your train. you can just go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the move. in such a base in life categories, something that is coming very very soon. and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info, migraines, the.


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