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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching to tell me your name was coming to live from berlin, the united nations general assembly votes overwhelmingly, to upgrade the status of palestinians. be, is really ambassador. press the coffee of the un charter in protest as the body approves of resolution, given palestinians greater representation, rights and privileges of the coming up on the show. the premium army is hit by what it called a new russian offensive president vote for a lot of years. lensky says there's been heavy fighting and recreate north eastern high region as russian forces tried to break defensive lines along the border. also on the show, she was born at the desk because of a genetic mutation,
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but after a ground breaking medical procedure, she can hear again, we'll talk to the researchers behind the treatments. the inquiry. richardson, welcome. united nations general assembly has voted overwhelmingly in favor of a palestinian bid to become a full member recommending the security council reconsider the matter. $143.00 nation supported the motion, which grant hours to me is significantly more rights to participate in general assembly sessions. but not regular voting rights. united states vetoed a security council resolution last month that would have passed away for that. ahead of today's votes is rails, and bassett, or to the un shredded the un charter saying that that was what countries to support palestine that you joined and you, when we're doing, you're in charge here with your own hands. let's get across to our corresponding
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and washington benjamin alvarez group are benjamin, what does this vote from the un general assembly need for the palestinians? is that the un general assembly vote just by a wide margin to grant new rights and privileges to the state of palestine? is it what was expected because we knew that there would be a majority in there that is in favor of giving a call this time. all right, but it's important to clarify that this vote does not give the public opinions full un membership, but recognize them as qualified it to join. as you said, 143 members voted in favor 9 against it, including israel and the united states. 25 countries abstained, and the posting in membership it will now be forwarded to the un security council asking you to reconsider the matter. the result of this vote does not come as a surprise that it was indeed, widely believed that the resolution would easily achieve the necessary to so it's
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majority and the general assembly and also because there is no b to ride in this $193.00 member at body with the united states, it has been opposing these and it has a v to ride to the security council would have vetoed a proposal in april recommending the admission of the state of palestine to full membership in the united nations. okay, so this vote at the general assembly not particularly surprising about the new resolution, does grants new rights and privileges? can you tell us a little bit more about what that will mean exactly of this right? it will grantham certain type of rights and privileges that could set a president for other it would be un members. that's well, so russia and china, we're concerned russia being concerned about cost of, of china, about taiwan. what both countries are supporting a dispute to grant a full membership a to policy. and the latest proposal that was in now they've got this majority of the votes granting palestinians, the right to participate in the united nations international conferences convened
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by the un having the right to make statements submit proposals, amendments co sponsor or proposals, and also race procedural and motions but the state of public and would not have a right to vote and will not have a right to vote for all the other sessions of the un general assembly or corresponding benjamin of various group. i thank you so much for that. the war and gaza has also been casting a shadow over the european song contest in sweden, israel, the entry aiden goal and secure to place at this nally at the 2nd semi final. on thursday evening, earlier in the day, thousands of demonstrators had marched through the host city of namo to protest against israel's inclusion in this year's contest, the, the united by music that flowed into your vision, your lips easiest and most extravagant song contests. for
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the self described, non political event is divided with ease, rails inclusion, despise its war and gaza taking center stage. there's a lot of pressure on here for me to be managed to put a smile on and just give my love out and do what i love. most i'm singing and this is what i love. most of these really team is staying in an undisclosed location. and security is ties across the swedish city of melma. your vision organizes have faced coals to block israel from participating. more than $10000.00 pro palestinian protest is rallied against israel's inclusion. many a calling for view as to boy called the shot. those protests have made the way to the stage to earlier in the week form a swedish contestant eric side, or a palestinian coffee around his wrist, organizes quote,
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his actions regressive will. they also forced islands band be subject to change their outfits. it had featured messages including the word cease file fan visa is one of 2 known binary contestants, dcea fan favorites nemo from switzerland is performing this own code about the journey of self discovery. if i the, when it will be assessed for non binary artist, sit your revision, just singing the song in front of a live audience and just knowing that so many people are listening. it just it, it made me really emotional. it made, it did so much with me. 26 nations a through to saturdays grand final, some like on maney are in the race, have much the culture and language with the contest. usually flamboyant era pump
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flat which countries like the netherlands of fully embraced the contestants of face to backlash at home. so i'm in spain of criticize there are nearby low sufferer warranty lyrics and dense moves. as contestants prepared for the final performance, the political celebration of unity and music is as politically charged as it's ever been. now a quick look at some other world news headlines at this hour, a child's military ruler, and how much the w h know has been declared the winner of this week's presidential election. the results have been contested by the off position. the election in the north central african country had been long delayed after 3 years of no victory was a top opposition leader in india has received 8 raptures. welcome from orders. after being granted temporarily bent by the supreme court,
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deli chief minister are of indication of wall canals campaign and the ongoing election allies have deprived his arrest from corruption charges as a political move by prime minister in europe promoting ukrainian authorities say that russia has launched a ground defensive into the harkey border region, advancing about a kilometer inside ukraine. officials that there was massive showing in the town of both chance ukrainian forces are evacuating residents and trying to hold back. most cars advance ukraine's president pulled him years lensky, so at the military, had anticipated the attack of a fierce battle was underway. what he said, his troops had used artillery fire to stop the enemy. tom, now, do you have these corresponding economy as in queue? if you told me earlier about the latest news that's coming in from the harkey region a. hi, it's pretty difficult to get a handle on what exactly is going on. we have reports from villages along the russian border, basically directly north of katya. about 4th comes,
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notify the next that russian frontier and then some further east ramble chance, which is about $0.60 comes ne, what kind of gets to that quite spread out. if we have reports from the of, of chance for some sources, say the russians advance one kilometer in from the board. a lot of places, there's 2 of the small board of it is being taken by the russians. so we understand we're basically gray zone since the russ troops were kicked out of that pot of hockey region infringement to choose that basically there wasn't a lot see me in the way of civilian instructor and ukraine control that they were basically between the front lines. but it was something that these kinds of the expect to be lower token, recent weeks about the russians planning to do something. if i could region the other on the saying that maybe they didn't have quite enough troops. and that it was more just that this kind of a tactic to try and distract the opinions, but now it has finally happened and we've had it for them is let's be saying this is now the russian counter offensive. so you, so that is indeed what the lensky is saying and what you're hearing based on his information, even though reports are still trickling in that this is in fact,
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that major russian offensive that ukraine has been bracing for. in the past weeks. a lot. we see still remains to be really a proven that this is about taking cock. give say there are lots of other alternatives. some people have come out saying that this is about the residence, trying to create some kind of buffalo to the border because of the ukraine has to be returning to the refund that comes across that russian folder. they've been towns with the rest the selection back in on that announcing regulatory 5 for the best part of the 2 years. so there is that one theory there is dealt with here. this is just a short time thing to try and district you paying attention from dumbass with the main thrust versus offensive has been in recent months. and this is just about kind of buying those ukraine results is grateful sir. panic, you know, kind of give you credit, the 2nd big city, try and get people to leave that sits and create kind of general people within pregnant society. and we still can't really, you know, get a handle that and understand where this is going. but certainly this,
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it does feel very familiar and very threatening to look new friends. the side of, you know, the news of russian troops crossing those borders as ukraine's capital k. if is only a 100 comes away from billers, which so see, are russians kind of stuff. a lot states and most of the russian border is not much further away from cuba. so this is the re awakening memories of february 2062 and it's not very welcome. and most importantly, the american health that was signed up recently still hasn't reached the very front lines in that kind of scale. and the scale that the brain trips we need. so this is a moment of real deputy fingerprint. next, thank you so much. that is an economy for us in cuba. now earlier, nick filed a report for us on a new threats emerging for troops on the front line rushing, glide, bonds. he bolts of how ukrainian troops are wanting to live with this increasing threat pushing blood booms tearing to a ukrainian hanger early in 2024. at least that's according to russian ministry blog is, russian and ukrainian. social media has been full of these kinds of images in
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recent months. but seeing it on the screen, but it doesn't quite prepare you for seeing the impact these weapons can have with your own noise. this is the damage done by the smallest kind of like pump. currently used by russia to level is just a small part of the lot going through it just. this was a 250 kilogram. glad to give you a sense of scale. i'm to make this tool degrading you so just know to well what it feels like to be the receiving end of russian black bowman text. they tell us they 1st came up against them about a year ago. recent months they've been getting bigger and more frequent on the card, bombs make it. he thinks sound. did you hear that sound? and soon enough there is an explosion. you've got debris flying around. and then the shockwave feature. right now, it's the russians go to weapon to force out infantry out of the dugouts. what i
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suppose leaving you, it says and let just flatten everything doesn't matter. how did you do your trenches? it won't help. this will is the 1st to seek live bones. you so widely into such effect. the technology behind them isn't completely new. this is a hybrid, what splendidly, she lod bottoms that just the conventional dumb bones. they have turned into precise smart bombs with the addition of special wing kids and satellite navigation systems. crucially, they can fly up to 70 kilometers with this and thank you. that means russian pilots can launch these guy comes out of range of most ukranian air defenses. and by repurposing soviet era booms from its false don't biles, russia can produce these weapons at speed of follow costs than any equivalent ms. so see when the water, so you have reached the beach, these russian bombs cheaper than anything the us has endorsed. they use the simple list mechanics and
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a very primitive wing cases. i want to keep going with the whole thing cost less than $20000.00. and why do i take this interest? the lady was not only complex comparison, even the cheapest christmas owls russian as far didn't ukraine are estimated to cost around a $1000000.00 each to produce or something like drums often fail to designate the ukranian troops the challenge to better understand the weapon that they face. showed they've put together crudely, but they're effective. i do know damage the knots. hillary clinton, gradients of us, where the country doesn't try to build its own gland. palms producing these weapons, isn't the problem the most most safely, is more rushes. s 400 defense systems come down. ukraine, your planes up to 200 kilometers away. gradient experts and soldiers agree, there's a new one realistic onset to rush, just like problems. and that's matching rushes capacity to shoot down the planes that can carry these booms. ukraine is already proven that is possible. ukraine,
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you're forced to say they shut down more than a dozen russian planes to february alone. most experts believe that was down to west and supplied patriot defense systems. that is until the much the russian forces were able to destroy to ukrainian patriot launches sustained. ukraine has kept his handful of patriot systems away from the front lines preferring instead to protect the countries big cities. until you can get some more of these at defense systems, can again afford to take risks. russian planes kind like booms will have little to fear trust in comp, as a military veteran and the ceo of the intelligence consultancy civil line. i asked him why 2 years into this more retrofitted soviet aero bonds are russia's current weapon of choice, and ukraine is what you just uh doing. they are cheap. russia has lots of them, and they might be crude, but they look, they are very effective, more effective,
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as you heard that from the front lines and all tillery, i'm really cool, so we'll say the russians can load, sees and comparative safety with the rav 4. so it's neutral in this conflict, the russian forces, but you never across the front lines into ukrainian territory. it's was preferred to stay in safety and live weapons and safety and not limited what it could do in the cold paper. effectively, this topic is allowed them to use the rapid was a bit more loss keeping it largely safe and be able to deliver the sorts of very unfortunate impacts on the ukranian positions to the defense positions. given these are relatively cheap and effective and allowed these other advantages. why haven't we seen russia use these live bonds more aggressively? until recently? i mean, even building up the last year, but you have to remember that russia effectively found itself pointing the more
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didn't expect. so they thought it should be a quick war in ukraine. i think they told them well, more than the systems where the chief spectacular results and actually that more expensive systems are generally not home very well. certainly below expectations. they've been counted. what they sought to find is the more basic tactics more basic approach is more improvise solutions are actually achieving results. i mean, there is no area for learning lessons like when you're fighting a war and it rushes love. lessons in this environment, adapt to improvise and go back to it using these sorts of weapons in conjunction with its ground forces. they have a lot of problems coordinating at ground earlier in the conflict. they're getting better at that. they're able to bring down far from guns and from across much more quickly on ukrainian positions. and they could before say the whole system has been improving gradually. i'm just crude, but effective and available proof just on to work very well. and so it's become more and more popular as it's worked. so let's take a look at what ukraine's options are here. what is ukraine most in need of in order
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to be able to counter these kinds of attacks. i mean, the reason the russian that across, i mean crossing the front lines are the same as the reason ukraine, that caught up across the tool, which is the defense environment miss. all environment on both sides of russia even was trying to operate and safety is lost. the macro offices we had in the report um, well behind the writing lines to pretty what they should see printing and tactics. but russell removed the account so that they, they found ways to push you currently in a different spot. they're still very wary of it. so the more at defense ukraine can equip and have the best that they can do. they also have some paper costs around if they get the f 16 soon to the hoping for over the summer, around the way these, that crossover potentially help them drive back. rushing that across a bit more. they seem to push them 2030 miles further back to make that a more unsafe area for the russians and they could achieve an effect because they're also going to be risk. doing that because the russians out there and defensive,
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the thing you friends really pull them back on is that you're using on range, try and strikes to target the hatfields with these types of coming from to target the depth. those with the glad problems of being held. that's one of the other ways that can reduce this, right? but at the moment, not only results, the temporary reduction, this rex russia has so many of these problems it can bring forward. so that's the 3 ways you can, can deal with it, but we're, they're not quite difficult for ukraine at the moment that alone with the pressure on the citizens. and now all cases, we've had to explain the fact that many of your cranes allies have not delivered to the air defense systems. that cube has been so vocally asking for. this is probably 2 or 3 reasons. one of which is there's no point in giving people systems if they call support them, supply them have missiles to fall from the cruise to operate them. it's not just the case of giving you credit piece of equipment. we have to give them the capability to use it. so sometimes people to bring all of that together to achieve something on the ground. i think another thing here, particular missile defense,
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a defense. i'm particularly since we're on the top from this, well, i think a lot of countries across that considering how they would repel an attack at this point where they unfortunate enough to experience one. so the desire to help you crate is that. but if you haven't got many of these systems yourself, your own country, you're not sure where you're going to get another one from. are you willing to give the one you have to fight or do you want to keep it just in case? well gets even worse, you need it. so i think these have now become quite a high value assets for countries and apple, particularly that if it's less willing to hand them over just in case i need it. so . so i do need the bigger initiative to support the source assistance, but you probably does not need it, couldn't possibly have enough that defense for bucks. well, thank you so much for joining us today to share your insights that has military analyst, justin crump and turning out to some good news. a british toddler who was born deaf can now hear thanks to a ground breaking gene therapy. researchers say it marks
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a new era in the treatment of deafness. she might not be a musician yet, but also having her hearing restored. opal cannot hear the music she plays unaided . she was born completely desk because of the genetic mutation, the effective surgery that took just 16 minutes amazed her parents. waiting the timing to coughing. all right. i was it was, opal has a mutation in a gene which should allow cells in the, in the air to communicate. with the hearing of during the surgery, she received an infusion, which contained a working copy of the gene. a harmless virus is used to carry the gene to its
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destination. what viruses are designed to do? what that purpose is, is for them to put the genetic material into cells. and so the, with this attenuate to that new virus, we can drop a tiny little packet of genetic information into the cells and that will promote could change that is not flowing. we think the treatment can only kill deafness that is caused by this defective gene. good research as think it can also be effective against other genetically based to seizes. for other people and her family, the, the treatment has had a big impact, allowing them to enjoy the little things like a bedtime story. a jonathan whitson, his head of virginia runs auditory global program, which developed this treatment. he told me more about it. yeah, i mean it's, it's, it's quite a sounding right. so this, this is a combination of, of many years of work really going back even decades. um, you know,
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the start of all this is really being able to understand what was causing the hearing loss for many children who are born, you know, completely deaf. and as we learned, you know, which proteins weren't t for which kids. we started being able to, to conceptualize, hey, maybe we can develop technologies that could actually deliver that missing specific protein to a specific cell type in the year. it's a very elegant and as you can see, and uh, you know, the story that's been described the, the outcomes are quite beautiful when you can deliver with, with technology. so like this and, and the surgery took a just 16 minutes. what do they do during surgery? sure, so um, so the 16 minutes is actually the time that's required when we infuse the gene therapy into the year. so. so basically what happens is that the surgeon accesses
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the, enter your with a surgical procedure that a typically gets used for a coakley or implantation. so that's a medical device that currently we use for children or warm and profound deafness. we essentially use this device to directly stimulate their auditory nerve and that used to be sort of our, our only way to provide input to the brain. if a child was born with profound deafness, in this case they use the same surgical approach to access your but instead of putting in a device, what they do is they infuse a small amount of this gene therapy vector into the inner ear. and then let that vector do its work and uh, and accessing the cell types that need to express this particular protein of interest. so if i understand correctly, this is still in the file phase, how long it might take for treatments like this to, to become regularly available to everyone in the public. we're trying to go as fast
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as we can, you know, as we're seeing early data from this clinical trial, which frankly, you know, even surprise me how, how good the, the outcomes of look us far. we, we really feel this moral imperative to go so quickly as we can or so. yes. so um said recently you know, were targeting to have data for filing for registration on this program by the end of next year. and so our teams here are working as quickly as we can and can't do that. and are there other promising areas where you think that gene therapy could help to, to treat other conditions? oh, absolutely. so, you know, this is one program amongst many that we have average in or on. there's obviously other companies for working on this as well. but we've really made a strategic investment and a solid gene therapies because we believe in the future potential for,
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for human health. with these types of technology. so you're looking across our portfolio, you know, we are working in gene therapies and in their ology he se mythologies sides of the brain related conditions of blood based conditions as well. the baltic condition. so we really have a holistic perspective here of how we're developing leveraging jean therapy technologies as, as really a future state from us. and i wanna thank you so much for joining us on dw names that is jonathan, which and executive director and head of were general auditorium, global program. take care. i just, before we go, let's bring you a another reminder of our top story at this hour. united nations general assembly has voted overwhelmingly in favor of a palestinian bed to become a full member. $143.00 nations of support is the motion which crafts the palestinian significantly more rights to participate in general assembly sessions,
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but not regular voting rights. and that is your induce update f as our an offer me for now, stay tuned for a documentary coming up next. and thank you so much for watching the
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