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tv   The Day - News in Review  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 2:02am-2:31am CEST

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the answer never seemed as foreboding. as now, early on friday, russian forces launched a massive ground to solve the long ukraine's northern border. add this to the struggle already raging along ukraine's eastern frontier and it looks like a multi front more russia advancing. what will it take to prevent ukraine from retreating? i break off in berlin. this is the day i or the bush that has launched a new way of counter offensive. does feel very familiar and very threatening fill up some training on the side of the news of russian troops crossing those waters island nations. our military knew about this and our forces met the enemy. misfire that alicia was the speaking symbol. ma'am. this rule we awakening memories of separate coincidence. 2,
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and it's not very welcome. the we start the enemy. we want to hear the re fi us already similar to this is a moment. all real deposition print also coming up it will georgia turn east or west protesters on the streets of the capital to police. he said that their country is at a crossroads. if this bill is adopted, it means that we are back in russian orbit and we will not allow this to happen. can you hear people chanting russians? everyone here realizes that this is going down the russian path to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states. and to all of you around the world, welcome, we begin the day with what could be a multi front were between ukraine and russia. on friday, ukraine's military said rush, i had launched a massive aerial attack along with a new ground defensive along ukraine's northern border. now this, in addition to the ongoing fighting in the countries east where ukrainian forces
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are already struggling to hold the line. early on friday, massive shelling was reported in the town to evolve. john's near the city of for keith reinforcements had been sent to the region and ukrainian forces are evacuating residents. now we understand that at least one civilian was killed and fridays showing. ukraine's presidential landscape says the attack of the north was not a surprise for his country's forces as to why the dw economy. and steve told me more about the attack along the hard key front front. it's really difficult to get a handle on the situation. the geography is pretty complex. you've got a fighting going on near of of chance, which is about 70 launches, northeast of kind of give just on that russian frontier. but use a half impulse fighting directly north of kind of give in the kind of village along the board of this which, which are about themselves 50 comes away as the crow flies from of chance. and then
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reports of some, some of the villages also affected slightly further away. so this is a big area. this is a reminder that ukraine has a very, very long border, but a 1000 kilometers with russia. so even away from the front lines there is of surgeon needs to be controlled and they have an expectation that something might happen because especially was building up troops in that part of the country. and you just a couple of hours ago, it really seemed like maybe they'd be rolling and then trying to take kind of give you credit 2nd city. that doesn't seem to be the case. now we've actually had a report recently from the result of the saying that russia has to be able to get in church and they've been pushed back. we know opposite choice. that is the conclusive also, those reports are basically worse than separate to groups. crossing the border and operating kind of classically behind the brand new lines, lots of questions, new friends, know how that was possible. why this board was not better closed off. why they wouldn't mind fields what it was across. and it just really kind of reminds us of the chaos last summer when you had you bring it back to us next. all groups doing the same thing on the russian side of the board. it really seems like it's kind of catholic kind of border rates,
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duration and we can't really tell what it's going for now. yeah, we know that you creating forces are already struggling to hold the line in the eastern part of the country. this could look like and attempt by russia to start a 2 front board. but as you say, we don't know. i mean, could this then be the major question to solve that ukraine has been bracing for of the i just came back from the front lines in the east a couple of weeks ago. and when you're off people where they are, the soldiers that are with the locals, are you expecting some big russian adults some push they say to you? it's already started. it's been way more intensive in the last couple months since ukraine started getting less than the way of west to weapons and the russians so that child, so they didn't really see much shots from all. but certainly there is. and his reputation that this could be about diversionary tactics, rush to try to force your friends to send troops to the effective regions, to weaken those defensive. these especially want to wait for those $60000000000.00 of usa to reach the front lines. and we have seen lots of tools in versus state media about basically so i think kind of give trying to kind of create product and
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look through the population trying to pull people to leave that city to give up. and to basically move further away from the rest of the board, as the definitely says, the russians won't be able to these get, they have busy amounts. there's no way that they wouldn't really have if this was just about the military side. and for now, it is a very different situation. they've had basically be an air raid alarm for the best part of 10 hours. the so it is very different the locals and most people who are close to the border not missing, hug city itself because the border are definitely attacking the case and even use the economy, the delays tonight from keith ukraine. nick, as always, thank you for your great new troops may be facing a new front in this war. they are already dealing with a new weapon, russian glide bombs using economy has more on what has quickly become a major threat to troops. and so there are some black booms tearing to recreate in hanger, the, the in 2024. at least that's according to russian ministry blog is crushing the
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cranium. social media has been full of these kinds of images in recent months, but seeing it on the screen, but it doesn't quite prepare you for seeing the impact these weapons can have your own noise. this is the damage done by the smallest kind of like pump. currently used by russia to lemme see, this is just a small part of the blog going through it. just this was a 250 kilogram. glad to give you a sense of scale. i'm to make this tool degrading you so just know to well what it feels like to be the receiving end of russian blog . bowman text. they tell us they 1st came up against them about a year ago. recent months they've been getting bigger and more frequent on the card, bombs, make it using sound. did you hear that sound? and soon enough there is an explosion. you've got debris flying around. and then the shockwave feature. right now it's the russians go to weapon to force out
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infantry out of the dog. that's what i suppose leaving you. it says and let just flatten everything. it doesn't matter. how did you do your trenches at one help? this will is the 1st to seek live bones, use a widely into such effect. the technology behind them isn't completely new. this is a hybrid what bundling log, bottoms that just conventional dumb bottoms. they have turned into precise smart bombs with the addition of special wing kids and satellite navigation systems. crucially, they can fly up to 70 kilometers with this and thank you. that means russian pilots can launch these guy comes out of range of most ukranian air defenses. and by repurposing so, if you get the right bulbs from its false, don't biles, brush it can produce these weapons that speed or follow it costs than any equivalent ms. so see when the water, so you have reached the beach, these russian bombs at cheaper than anything the us has endorsed. they use the
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simple list mechanics and a very primitive winkie won't weigh the whole thing. cost less than $20000.00. right. so this is the lady was not only complex comparison, even the cheapest cruise missiles russian has far didn't. ukraine are estimated to cost around a $1000000.00 each to produce russian black gums often fail to designate the ukranian troops the challenge to better understand the weapon that they face showed they put together crudely, but they're effective. i do know damage the knots. hillary many grains of, of where the country doesn't try to build its own guide, palms producing these weapons isn't the problem. the notion of safely is russia's s $400.00 defense systems down ukraine. you planes up to 200 kilometers away gradient experts and sold a degree. there's a new one realistic onset to rush, just like problems. and that's matching rushes capacity to shoot down the planes
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that can carry these booms. ukraine has already proven that it's possible. you can, you're forced to say they shut down more than a dozen. russian planes to february alone was experts believe that was down to west and supplied patriot defense systems. that is until the much the russian forces were able to destroy to ukrainian patriot launches sustained. ukraine has kept his handful of patriot systems away from the front lines preferring instead to protect the countries big cities. until you can get some more of these defense systems can again afford to take risks. russian planes kinda like bombs, will have little to for you. well, we spoke earlier with justin crop. she is the ceo of the intelligence consultancy simple line. he explained to us what ukraine needs to counter rushes, glide box. mean, the reason the rushing it across, i mean, goes to the front lines are the same as the reason you're running and i caught them across the tool, which is the defense environment. missed all environment on both sides of russia
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even was trying to operate and safety is lost in macro offices. we had in the report, well, behind the writing lines to pretty what they should see printing and tactics, but russia to remove the account so that they, they found ways to push you currently in that different spot. they're still very wary of it. so the more a defense ukraine could equip and have the best that they can do. they also have some paper costs around if they got the 16 soon to the hoping for over the summer, around the way these, that crossover potentially help them drive back. rushing nat croft a bit more. they seem to push them 2030 miles, sort of the back make that a more on safe area for the russians and they could achieve an effect because they're also going to be risk doing that because of russians. a 3rd defense is the thing. your brains really pull them back on is that you're using the range drive and strikes to target the fields where these types of coming from to target those with the light bulbs of being out. that's one of the other ways that can reduce the threat, but at the moment, not only results, a temporary reduction,
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this rec structure has so many of these problems it can bring forward. so that's the 3 ways you can, can deal with it. but all of them are quite difficult for ukraine at the moment that along with the pressure on the citizens. and now haul caves, we've got the, well, they are bracing for more pro church this weekend and the george and capital tbilisi. the government is drawing public anger by inch, reintroducing a controversial bill that would require all organizations accepting within 20 percent of their funding from outside the country to register as foreign agents. now the ruling political party says that this bill would help establish transparency, but that has failed to convince thousands who believe that there is russian influence at work. here, you'd have a huge maria content model. so reports a showdown overdue, which is future is taking place in the streets of to bbc to test us here, c, f,
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e, just a georgia as part of the european union. but they say the government, but this for an a to this bill is steering the country to what's russia in stock? if this bill is adopted, it means that we are back in russian orbit and we will not allow this to happen. can you hear people chanting russians? everyone here realizes that this is going down the russian path. none of my last here is one of the faces of the protests. she says the bill goes against the government's promise to become part of the brussels has borne georgia to passing this bill with risk locking the past due. you membership me my. they are deliberately damaging you integration turn down through i but we will not back down. we will fight to the end because being part of the you,
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i mean it's our historical choice about it, turn it into the way out through a recent poll suggests that the wrong, 80 percent of georgia's support accession to the u. less than oriented policy. but the government, led by the georgia dream potty views jail politics differently. they're wanting talk to sas. it is focused on avoiding the ukraine. these ational, georgia, unenforceable, was russia. officials also make use the west of crossing evolution in the country. it has to see this rhetoric as an unacceptable appeasement oppressor, on a thrust to be a freedom and future with the you. it's widely believed that this man is behind george's turn away from the west and most of fortune in russia, in the ninety's, and became the founder of the georgian team party. between a ministry accuse this western countries of modeling in georgia as a fast and causing conflict with its neighbor. russia, i mean,
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just stuck in georgia and ukraine were not allowed to join nato. and we left outside the all such decisions i made by the global war party, which has a decisive influence in nature and the repeating union. and which only sees george, ukraine is ken and father pulled sounds out about the court. these parts, the ox. russia still occupies parts of georgia in territory since its invasion in 2008. we have the experts say it's some things the government is keen to remind people off on the so you can see during the all the recent history of georgia, especially the warning to solvent 8. there's 2 months out there. this is sometimes very much improperly used by the ruling port and they're trying to put between, i mean the society between the choice on the one hand towards the rook and the other. so i think that we can work with elections coming up in october of service,
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say that the next few months will be decides if we to adjust future for now, the government shows no sign of retreating to protest is to say they will not give up on what they call a site for the europeans to charge chinese president, she's in pain, has wrapped up a whirlwind tour here in europe, his version 5 years. she was in hungary for the final stop of his 5 days trip. he met with an gary and a prime minister, victor, or bon in budapest and said that the 2 nations would begin a golden voyage in bilateral relations. she and his wife also visited serbia and france. now in paris, france president, emanuel mack, crohn, and e. you commission chief or slip under lion, they both press she to use his influence on russia to in the more in ukraine
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the one core effect. and it was issues of stopping hungary. however, that raised quite a few eyebrows. more specifically, it was what was said to sheet hungary as prime minister, victor or bonnet, said vince. he greeted the chinese leader with a welcome home message. that's right. you are not the only person wondering what in the world did he mean here's or bonds explanation. because it came from east, we have several people in the west, but the origin is very important. so if you know the little piece of something bad that far away, so when somebody from east is coming to go hungry, especially with the high civilization for some of the thousands of years as best as i know, you know, it's always has a special emotional out of mental, definitely think so it's a good reason to say to a president that the feel at home a hi, gary and prime minister, expressing a sense of kinship with the chinese people. let's talk about that. did you that i'm
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joined now by steve saying he's director of the so us china institute in london, steve, it's good to see you, victor, or bon and she's in pain share, obviously more than just political affinities. i mean that they are related in a way, i mean that must be one very interesting family tree. what do you say? well is so to me is very welcome from she can things perspective to hear what 5 minutes to hold long has to say. but then the history is not something that she didn't bring guess bell read about. he's only interested in his own version of history. and you have time guarantee wants to present the version of history that will make. she jumping, smiled, she seemed to lose file. yeah. and apparently there was a lot of smiling going on with his visit. how would you describe
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a hungary is important to she shouldn't be well hungry is very useful to china and therefore to she didn't pay time that is interested to engage with the european union on chinese terms at this not wants to phase to come to all challenges the united europe in union can present to china by getting hungry, certainly in the chinese capital. then hungry will be able to pastry europe in union and make it more likely that the you cannot broke china in terms of chinese impressions. in that sense, who read is very useful and important to china as she also visited serbia and he did so on an important date in the, in the calendar. he was in the capital bill grade of the 25th anniversary of
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a us led error strike on the chinese embassy there, in which 3 chinese nationals were killed of the us and the attack in 1999 was a mistake. it took place during the day, there's bombardment of serbian targets during the kosovo. we were so, steve, what do you think? what was issues in paying signaling with that visit being scheduled on that particular day? well, the message is very clear. it was the american black natal that was the aggressor and the tech chinese cell phone tower, 3 in the chinese embassy in belgrade. and china takes the view that it was natal aggression that ultimately caused the war in ukraine. so yes, china is seizing and the re to tries to wind international opinion is that it is
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the western glad nato that is the pump room, not china, and she continues buddy to to is russia this week. reuters reported that the united states over to china is germany's number one trading partner in the 1st quarter of this year. does that tell you that this is proof that germany as well as europe, is now in the process of the risking itself from china? but it is certainly a response to how your pin chinese relationships have changed in the last 5 years. the previous location when fusion being visited europe in 2019 to grow up in union and europe january the which stream the welcoming and supportive of china is more than i stationed. the risking idea is
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a response to pop rooms that they have seen since then. as that has resulted in china becoming a less important trading partner, healthy, you and america emerging on tall steve and saying director of the so as the china institute, steve is always we appreciate your time, appreciate you taking the time to be with us on this friday thank you. you're welcome. but this is eurovision song contest has been played by protests, overshadowed by the war in guns that well now this latest controversy, the netherlands in trend has been prevented from rehearsing. the dutch, a senior yost, klein is non performing and fridays, 2nd dress rehearsal of the competition. following what organizers have described only as, quote, an incident. and so we know we understand an investigation is now taking place. now
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clients of popular song, euro pop up is among the favorites to win the title of calls to exclude is real over its worrying gauze. on the other hand, they have been rejected by the competitions. organizers, prompt insurance protests in the host city. the swedish city of melvin united by music, that slowed into your vision, europe's blip, fist and most extravagant song contests. for the self described, non political event is divided with ease, rails inclusion, despise it's war and gaza taking center stage. there's a lot of pressure on here who do me to be managed to put a smile on and just give my love out and do what i love most. i'm singing and this
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is what i love. most of these really team is staying in an undisclosed location. and security is ties across the swedish city of melma. you're a vision organizes have faced coals to block israel from participating more than 10000 pro palestinian protest as rallied against these rails inclusion. many a calling for view as to boy called the show. those protests have made the way to the stage to earlier in the wake form, a swedish contestant eric side, or a palestinian kaffir around his wrist, organizes cold, his actions regressive will. they also forced islands, ban b sog to change their outfits. it had featured messages including the word cease file fan visa is one of 2 known binary contestants, dcea fan favorites nemo from switzerland is performing this own code about the
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journey of self discovery. if i the, when it will be assessed for non binary auto sent, you are a vision just singing the song in front of a live audience and just knowing that so many people are listening. it just it, it made me really emotional. it made it did so much with me. 26 nations a through to saturdays grand final. some like on many are in grace, have much the culture and language with the contest. usually flamboyant, era pump, flat, other contestants of face to backlash at home. so i'm in spain of criticize there are nearby low sufferer warranty lyrics and dense moves. as contestants prepared for the final performance, the political celebration of unity and music is as politically charged as it's ever
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been. that's right, we'll be watching. then tomorrow night till the day is done, the conversation continues here online. you'll find this on ex, formerly known as twitter, and on youtube that dw nearest you can follow me at brent golf tv. every member, whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day, have a good weekend. everybody will see you here. next week the,
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