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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news life from bull in the us saves as well, may have breached international law while using american weapons in gaza. will have more on the report released by the us state department. also coming up the you in general, assembly tosses the resolution calling for the recognition of the state of palestine to which is wells investigative reactive. by shredding a coffee, you'll see you in toronto, in protest and ukraine's presidency. let's get confound stuff. a heavy fight thing in the countries northeast region is this. i'm all the front english. how's the?
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i'm the, how's the hunting? welcome to the program. we begin in the us. little reports released by the state department suggests that as well may have breached international laws by using american garzo. the assessment, the spot of a memorandum issued by president joe biden, in february, ordering to deliver a report on the issue to congress. the documents say that it is quote, reasonable to assess that us supplied weapons have been used in ways that are inconsistent with, as well as obligations. or do you have any correspondent, benjamin oliver as google has more on that, it was a long awaited state department report that was due on wednesday of this week. and the report says that is rare, likely violated notice of international law and its use of us weapons. but say it also said that it did not find enough evidence to block it shipments the report
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says, and i quote that it's reasonable to assess that israel has used the onto weights inconsistent it with the standards on humanitarian rights. and the report also says that while the israel defense forces have and i quote, the knowledge experience and tools to minimize holmes the results on the ground, including high levels of civilian casualties, res, substantial questions as to whether the adf is using them effectively in the every case the democratic senator crisp on hold and requested this report, accuse the administration of residential bi enough, ducking all the hard questions and avoiding looking closely at whether israel's conduct should mean military aid is cut off. well, the report comes from a t, i lie of israel. can you tell us if these finding what they could really mean for as well? so this report comes only 2 days of the president fighting publicly threatened to withhold certain palms, enough tillery shelves of israel goes ahead. within
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a sold on the packed city, a fine sullivan god side shows that washington is using its leverage. this is world's biggest 6 pull to and not just sharing its frustration with these really government behind closed doors. many have been asking to buy then ministration, to do this for a while now. and we also know that israel has seized the rough uh, crossing into egypt from from us. and the closure of the boat has also raised new concerns about age deliveries into a gaza, where the united nations, as warned off of risk of offending by them, is under pressure. not only from those ones that you asked to even further it condition military aid to israel, but also from republicans that have criticized biden's reasons. a decision to hold this bonds, shipments saying that it henders israel's campaign against come us. that's the w report of benjamin alvarez. drupal, thank you. also the united nations general assembly voted overall mainly in favor of a palestinian bid to become a full member recommending that the security council reconsidered that metal.
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$143.00 nation supported the motion which grants the palestinians significantly more rights to participate in general assembly sessions. the result came of these rarely officials expressed the outrage describing the resolution as an immortal act . at the end of a furious speech and seize rose, un ambassador used a prompt to stress. his anger at the united nations struck the vote. you are threatening that you are in charge here with your own hands. yes, yes. that's what you're doing right. being that you are in charge or shame on you or the palestinian ambassador to the un riyadh months or made an appeal. he asked for countries to vote in favor of the resolution for the un security council to
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reconsider and support full un membership for palestine. yes vote is both for the palestinian existence. it is not against any state but it is against the attempt to deprive us of a lot of states. that is why the is the only government is so opposed to it because they oppose our independence and the 2 state solution altogether. revision and then came devote an overwhelming yes from the un general assembly to enhancing the status of palestinians at the united nations supporting please. some of the resolution does not make palestine a full member. it does not give it housing rights in order to become a full un member, an application needs to be approved by the 15 member security cancel. and then the
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general assembly and a healthy you an official say more than a $100000.00 people have now flipped the deal for russell for other parts of god. the heavy fighting between his rarely troops and him off militants of the cities else, codes has stopped. a getting in food and fuel supplies are critically low inside russell some 1300000 palestinians have softer fusions. the city that's over half of gauze population. now, many of packing up to leave again, official say the wilson program supplies were run out by size of a on the 8 arrived. sam rose works and rough awful row the you want agency for palestinian refugees. he told us more about the situation of the people that they face an impossible dying alarm of many, many augusta on the rest of many working from jobs. so they've been displaced by 10
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times already. so they're faced with this and possible dynamic they've been through before whether and con eunice gauze, or say c o l slash. so i have it either. they weighs, uh oh, oh they go now, how do i the weight and hope that nothing happens? oh oh, they go now and if they weigh, the conditions can be worse when they go because the opportunities to move when they want. so what they, what they are they wants to bring it will be will be a more difficult. but it's also conditioned by where they are going that being pushed out into some jews are difficult to provide services. evers, for wally, overcrowded conditions or else that being shared by oh, and so into con eunice, which is a safety this sustained, savage, on the bottom of the century, been raised to the grounds. so either side of juniors or the root is informed of buildings. and then both of those places very difficult at any 8 agencies to reach
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them out of calls made more difficult night impossible by the fact that no materials enough fuel are coming in right now. or the seals eurovision song contest has been played by protests and overshadowed by the war and goss. i'm the latest, the netherlands come. dustin has been prevented from rehearsing that single use, klein did not perform and fridays to rest for hotels, for the competition. following what organized was described as an incident and investigations ongoing. his popular song, euro papa is among the favorites to win the fighting. now calls to exclude his route over its board and gaza, on the other hand, have been projected by organize of from thing, huge protests and sweden's whole city of muslim united by music that slowed into your vision, your lips, easiest, and most extravagant song contests. for the
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self described, non political event is divided with ease, rails inclusion, despise its war and gaza taking center stage. there's a lot of pressure on here for the money to be managed to put a smile on and just give my love out and do what i love most. i'm singing and this is what i love most these really team is staying in an undisclosed location. and security is ties across the swedish city of melma. your vision organizes have faced coals to block israel from participating more than 10000 pro palestinian protest as rallied against israel's inclusion. many a calling for view, as to boy called the show. those protests have made the way to the stage to earlier in the week form a swedish contest and eric, sad, or a palestinian casea around his wrist, organizes quote,
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his actions regressive will. and they also forced island span b sog to change their outfits. it had featured messages including the word cease file fan. visa is one of 2 non binary contestants. dcea fan favorites nemo from switzerland is performing this own code about the journey of self discovery. if i the, when it will be assessed for non binary auto sent, you are a vision just singing the song in front of a live audience and knowing that so many people are listening. it just it, it made me really emotional. it made, it did so much with me. 26 nathan's a through to saturdays grand final. so i'm like on maney or in grace have much the culture and language with the contest. usually flamboyant era pump flat,
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the contestants a face to backlash at home. so i'm in spain of criticized. there are nearby low sufferer warranty lyrics and dense moves. as contestants prepared for the final performance, the political celebration of unity and music is as politically charged as it's ever been a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. flash floods and not enough gone. his son has killed at least 50 people, according to tyler, bon officials, exceptionally heavy seasoned weights called flooding in several districts of fog long probing, as well as cobbled officials say the desk told me, bryce, as many people to me missing, and most stones awful costs. and here in germany, hundreds of environmental activists have tried to stone desktop electric vehicle factory near berlin. they were driven back by police. as you can see that the
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protest as opposed plans to expand the factory and clear the nearby forest test not wants to boost production at the site by up to 1000000 vehicles. are you talking to a different conflict? now, the united states say, you said, is working around the clock to deliver to ukraine, what it needs to defend itself against intensified bushing efforts. the us announced a new $400000000.00 package of military aid for key of the move comes off. the multiples forces launched a massive ground attack when the ukranian ball, the region of hockey in the northeast on friday. the burning houses and fines of debris says detention area of fuel cleans conduct. the region was among the latest targets for us in 10 strikes much, you know, we were here at 9 my door was even block star because when you uh,
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i called the rescue is no, but nobody came mutual with my husband um blocks the dual. most of like, you know, in the nearby city of love, johns, near the border of the trash here. you could, and you know, officials said russian forces tried to break through the defense line of the people that created because of flight spent sharing that thinking lead, cuz they everything was destroyed. everything was in ruins, homes for the whole night long. there was smoke owner room, a haze yukon recognize the off chance they used to be that you put in in president while demand zalinski said the military had anticipated the taxes and fees federal is under the a. those of, i'll have to obviously, of which, along the way to russia has launched a new wave of counter offensive fitness area. the way you,
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you crane met them there without troops, brigades and artillery much little show when it's important that they can increase and pull up some of forces in this direction. and that's if you split out military will come on now combined small and you about this and calculate that forces to meet the enemy with fire and them water. now there was out a few special stuckey be so will not rush. she denies targeting civilians and cause it's a salt digital bit to strikes when you create military energy and transport infrastructure. but these images of an idiot, hockey, now in ruins. there's a different story that's all for now coming up next to the data using to be with bill and us and the ceo of bio talking about as plants that's doing the company's functions around school this morning. who's on our website,
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w. com and on youtube and social media channels. i'm the huge. all right, thanks for watching to see next time the you can turn around the company. you can solve your litigation problem. you can do that, or you can break up, but don't think you're going to do that all at once. it's been described as one of the worst corporate acquisitions history with german company. they are both us seed, major monsanto for $63000000000.00 in 2018 inherited billions of dollars worth of law. so it's from farmers who claimed it's weed killer. round up had cost their cancer today. bayers entire market value is less than half of what it's spent to.


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