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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 4:02am-4:16am CEST

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will use you buzz or the 2 of us have millions of fans, how they make money and how you can join the trend. that's all a topic on shift the need to best mostly use twitch and youtube to stream. and they are and to obtain us through and through most use the estimate of a task all the time. so viewers don't even get to see what the favored ve to but actually look like in real life. but trend originated in japan, the home of monga, japanese meet you was started appearing about a decade ago. today, the 10s of thousands of meet you buzz worldwide. how did this trend catch on? we spoke to create us and people behind the scenes in japan. this is e q who she 40 ping space princess from a galaxy light years away. the v 2, but from japan has more than 50000 pounds on youtube alone. but as it's a standard,
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when it comes to v tubers or fans don't know what you looks like in real life. the tubers use, the motion, capture hardware and software to transfer the motions to their avatar that by bringing it to life. because you 40 started the tubing in 2021. she plays video games, does crafts please use food and things for the creator. it's a full time job being of the to where it is kind of a unique experience because you can connect with your audience in a personal way without viewing your personal information. um, my audience doesn't see my face, but they can see the way i move and react to certain situations. i feel like i have more control over what information i share with the world. but without losing that personal connection with my audience. inventing an avatar and a whole new personality gives be to bears more freedom but also protecting their private lives. the omega sisters are big in japan's v tubing commune,
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or some of the videos by the virtual twins have millions of views. you jerry wake up at 8 o'clock and this is a free time from like, depth time through about noon and from south elk grove to 6 essex down grove day shooting a movie, recording videos for a few hours in the afternoon. sounds like a fidget cushion, jobs, but that's just the fraction of the word we do is do many a stream for 10 or more hours a day because the chances of getting ribs us live, read to best eyes like the on the go. sisters are more of an exception to the rule with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. they can run several 1000000 euros a year. the tubing is a growing market. according to a to z market research, the global the tumor market could grow nearly a 3rd and the next few years. one reason,
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better hardware and software is making the tubing easier and more accessible for eco, she for ease in japan, and many of you to those donations are an important source of income. unlike traditional youtube are found, fans of the 2 bodies will send more virtual presence or generous tips to see their name or message on the b 2 per screen. there are 3 types of resist folder uh, fos, the uh, from the out about the eyes and end of the youtube video contents and sick entities promotion from the company. for example, for one thing. so as um, product to our product and so, and subway is the uh, g o, from the audience. in the arrival streaming fans have given tips of up to 10000 euros. they'll donate with the aim of getting closer to the retailer idle.
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the tubing is not just entertainment, it's also a lucrative business model. feelings come into play and fans and creators phone emotional bonds of approachable, yet keeping an air of mystery that really seems to work. at least for a v to a style is like all garage, more re, calliope, and this is best to reach you. but what we're not iron miles, they all have millions of fans across youtube and which we have numbers like that. it's no wonder why v 2 of us are being featured in advertisements, some even collaborate with cities and local authorities. the side time a professor close to tokyo uses to meet you, but as a tourism ambassador. so of course she, because of call that has been advertising for the area since 2022. these deals are often negotiated by v to the managers and specialized agencies meet you being is no longer a nice phenomenon. in many places it has become an integral part of the entertainment industry. v tube or agencies manage their talents like they were traditional
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artist. agencies like hollow live and the songy and b shojo or some of the major players. another is the agency prism which belongs to sony, found in tokyo in 2021 present months, was bilingual talents. this way they can reach foreign markets like the us. we're animate culture, it's booming. i'm in the is just becoming very popular worldwide. and i think the, the to being phenomenon goes hand in hand with side, and the tubing is like a combination of both streaming and annually. so, so each of these i like favorite animators talking and interacting with you and your plan. so i think that's why people are so drawn to them. since the 20 terms, many d, 2 percent increase the reach exponentially. it's no surprise that they caught the
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attention of the entertainment industry. one of the largest features in the entire world, the largest, in fact, is actually on the english side rather than on japanese. on not only the population of english speaking countries and the number of fans of that content, whether it's kind of a content, user content, gaming content and so on, of course, exceeds the population in japan, the world's leading re to various gal gura. she has more than 4300000 subscribers on youtube alone. in 2022, she overtook keys are not as high as the big as a b 2 per star. more and more in the stream as our aiming to make it big agency see this as an opportunity. a lot of people who are getting into the content creation as an independent have not been professional content creators before. and so they don't know the business advocate or the business document, i guess, to be able to negotiate those things out themselves. and there are
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a lot of creators out there that wish they could have a manager who has that business experience come in and kind of take care of all of those backend administrative things. and they can focus on what they do best, which is content creation. and so you think there are but this comes at a price. usually the agencies keep about a 3rd of the profits generated by the v 2 verse. and they're involved in planning their clients schedule. an exchange the v tubers get access to a top notch production environment. they can use the agencies marketing networks to generate more reach and revenue. the agencies can also help them develop new formats and content. for the 2 of us being close to the fans can have a dock side, even if the true identities are mazda advertise, it can be dangerous. some deals with harassment and hate speech, including eco hershey for e. i think, uh, every content creator has dealt with. like mean spirited comments and i'm
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kind of insensitive comments and stuff um whether you're of youtube or not, i think the to where is it in our kids we do have that spent, we have another it to layer to that. and not people tend to forget that we are real present too. but we all kind of went to, to not take any of it to heart. what kind of harassment do virtual artists and performers face like in the middle of predicting a, a v to her herself and researcher wanted to find out for a study on harassment matters. she spoke to more than 800 people about whether they had been harassed in a virtual environment before together with her friend and fellow v to burn them. she presented her findings in a virtual live conference the most common form of harassment was sexual harassment. there was 3 types of harassment that were divided by the
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local physical and environmental environmental was uh, being shown in appropriate images are just as a physical was being touched in the inappropriate manner and vocal while it was slurs um, inappropriate language and everything to do with that research are also tested if the way an avatar looked influence the level of harassment dependable. i noticed once i tried using i made all of us all in the outfit. and another day i tried using one just like regular like jeans and stuff. i didn't notice that the made all that i did, especially in public words, and i did the end of attract one positive behavior i and then the other one. unfortunately, the 2 of us also need to be protected from hate speech. fortunately, new laws i in the making around the world in the you types of like youtube or risk
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having to pay huge penalty is if they don't work to come back online harassment, reach you. but agencies also try to protect that create us from hate speech. we're really, really serious about taking care of the mental health of our talent as well, and focusing on not only being a business partner for them, but as a friend along the journey are content creation. but according to research or ludmilla, but you cannot find many of the tubers, want more support from moderators for example. or they want more effective tools for blocking abusive users on their channels. however, more restrictions could also affect freedom and anonymity. 2 things, both the users and the 2 birds value a lot. the more you stop temperament, let's say uh, rules that especially if it's in the case of like golf with mitchells and stuff like that. it might take away some of the freedom. it's more about the, you know, is the mentioned, the overall governing tools, the more like given the uses,
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the ability to defend themselves and better and actually also to protect themselves . that's ridiculous fellow v tuber no co authored the report about harassment and the meta verse number recently produced a song in which she praised the benefits of the men of hers like freedom through reinvention a virtual paradise. but still play by the same issues as the real world, some v tube as also tackle real life problems like me, nor rule or you know, who has no party affiliation, but has been elected to the local council of tokyo district 3 times. as of each you, but he plays the video games and speaks about solely in the quality at his own political plans. all of this is very accessible. so fans can take part in the discussion. what do you think about politicians and, and the may style is v cubing you to stay or is it just a passing fad? that doesn't know what you think by
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the one of the main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within reach. what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature, the more life a watch now on youtube,
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it dw documentary hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for advocacy issues and share ideas the, you know, or this will be a north of bridge and hatch and then it gets the topic applicants population is really fast. and young people clearly have the solution. the future is 77 percent every weekend on dw the in the.


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