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tv   1945 - Women as Spoils of War  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 4:15am-5:00am CEST

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youtube, a dw documentary, hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for advocacy issues and share ideas the, you know, or the side that will be a not a great to catch. and then the topic applicants population is moving fast. the young people clearly have the solution. the future is 77 percent. every weekend on dw, the in the, in the house next door, women who would been evacuated from munich,
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complex. suddenly in the night, i heard terrible screams and cries, i was like, what had gone there because i couldn't sleep that's connected. yes. people had common rates. the women you can see on the screen were so her ended by this law. so the semester and actually it was a nationwide catastrophe. one that effected an entire generation full for give you the ability the scottish desk. how often did i hear that 70 years ago? because i was award shows like things like this thoughts as of the area that were conveyed all the hor,
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it definitely is that we always said i was taken when we talked about it. then the advisors for the much fees yourself guilty. you felt dirty game that i come in yet help in general. so you can see that and not enough have the meat of the fact that all troops committed acts of sexual violence x and the guy talking always good. tom is the registrar. sylvia army, the americans, the french and the british levin via government via i think that if we are focusing primarily on the violent august admitted by the red army, talking to holton, i'm need some concepts. and then what we mean stuck in a very simplistic explanatory model. actually on small special the for the while i doing is i did right. there's an old control pass ending war time. so i can leave it at the vic to shows the enemy,
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soldiers or the front on protect your women, mina, and it's a way of diesel entering the men's military on easy the filters. i was searching for my identity for 40 years. took the crazy thing is that this rape is what led me to be in the live, the in europe to the 2nd world war. i just come to an end gym and she's lay in ruins.
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in 1945, the months between the end of fighting and the new beginning was sort of chaos, dispatch euphoria, guilt and head. but this was also a time that proved to be especially dangerous for women. the minus, the new taker said somebody, conservative estimate are set to work close to 900000 great victim. all the number of rapes themselves could be much higher because many victims were raped multiple times or to go for the body to support women were raped by allied soldiers in the 1st weeks and months of to the surrender of nazi germany violated by those who came to europe, as liberal rates as american british and french troops and soldiers from the soviet red. tell me this highest does. this means there's likely no german family or family that lived in germany at the time that wasn't effected in some way and
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advise it up front the coffee either completely to their own assault, or at least to the fear that it could happen to their own family members for this this. i can then for me in on googling pepsi and print the only when she was a 2 years old dude. maximilian, a hypo smells. the ma go speak of childhood memories of soldiers, an awful screens. in the spring of 1945 off to ad rates, the u. s. army occupied the bavarian town of lands. hoot. 4 year old ma go her mother and the female cousin, so shell to be in the cellar. the fowling hum to southern women live together, more or less without men done gig. and then in april 1945 and 50 shots to come back . when the bombardments of nuns who became too severe house, they fled to a house and fog off right. connected to the church. the
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i'd still me to kind of don't swear when the americans arrived. they forced their way into the house. on the other day, there were several of them and they were heavily armed as how special they searching the house from top to bottom. and then in a cupboard in one of the bedrooms, they saw them locks uniform, hanging on a hanger on you and then they asked, where is this man home dong? just talked with, where is this man? where is the soldier on voice? so thought went on safety in the accident, then they were more and more aggressive and true. the women into the bedroom, the shut off to make you 3, the once done. com is in sal then. so this in the bedroom, the us. um yeah, i know the one of the soldiers threw my grandmother steps onto the bed of spit and tried to take her clothes off. yes,
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let's see the mungo states silent for decades. no family, no one ever spoke about the events that occurred at the end of april 1945. it was only her daughter maximilian, who upon learning of her grandmother's right, decided to find out more about the time us troops entered this area. she began looking for witnesses to this history, especially in the villages and was matched with the will of silence. as of this yesterday faith, this sort of ours, i feel that i worked wasn't a small rural area on the border between the upper bavaria and lower bavaria. i think in the districts of altitude english to be very catholic community with a lot of social control. the backs in new incidents had occurred as yet it took almost a year to find women and also men display spain who were willing to tell me what
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happened there. mean that the team have done it said it almost the story. i may be a long yeah. so, oh man, we were so afraid of the soldiers or the russians coming here. so we'd heard terrible things about them and hope the americans would arrive before the russian. we'll see who's they saw that. yes, it was a 1st and we were at the made of oceans to the virgin mary. you could hear the sounds of attacks and vehicles in the church. suddenly the priest said so that the enemy has forced its way into our village and is in doors and get to go home to read. no women and girls which comport themselves with dignity and the space of the enemy will be cut off of find they came upstairs to our place. 2 young americans looked at single measuring
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sticks and of course they saw my mother and my sister talked to him right away at the side of items unexplained rate is a weapon of war. and as long as army commanders don't take strict actions against that total of the, of their tolerating it. and we're not even exploiting it for their own military aims exceeded by 6. because the actual violence, i was in a certain sense that so intimate, that it can rupture, family structures the to them, that connection nines, the social cohesion of a society in the long term i'm supposed to get charged around, come, nanny, be honest, as we can down the traumatic experiences she associates with february of 1945, but then she with the red armies, rested thompson to press now the historical capital of st. easier, now known as the polish city of lots less feet. it was
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a shed at implementing is a big cities were destroyed, but not for as low as you where we had air written warnings, you got the magazine and we always said, that's why we're in for it. now. the one that's funny and it was a disaster, was the russian spend a ring around personnel in circling the city breast slow was around it, and it was a fortress, i'm sure, as the ones that fist on the city was supposed to serve as a bull wilks and stuffed to the russians from advancing. so the order to event to 8
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came fall to lights, the new need. the alice was just 14 years old at the time of the divine and cannot find the word uncle reinhold center. and he was my father's youngest brother, the say it was nothing regarding my mind. i can still see a sitting there in a circle like this. i sat here and my mother was next to me, a witness done on the mom's other side set my brother vin feed. my youngest brother, they used to teach tillman, i stormed in. and we just sat like the dog is as far as the i don't know if he
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screened or cried. we trembled sitting there. how does this come to? i know the one soldier came in the sea looked around me, saw me set and yanked me towards him. the look and mother cried out, the spice didn't know exactly how he threw me on the floor in the drawer and stop it happened that it is done. i see it like the show in the spring. right. and what the miami land, one another on, on solve issue of land and 10 mazda were among around 1400000 women who were raped 12 fleeing east prussia or site. easier, often, more than once nazi propaganda about the red menace meant fear of the soviet soldiers was especially great not to me and felt like one more afraid of the slavic peoples, even in the because in the rid of this higher key of the time,
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they were portrayed as monstrous months primitive, i think i've be driven by physical urges, especially gym katasha as well in advance of accordingly they triggered more fears of colors. idols and his own to rush calculated their opponents eventually or full revenge into that comes in his diary, minister of propaganda. yoseph gathers quoted to hit nervous saying, not long after nazi germany's invasion of the soviet union in 1941. we have so much to answer for that. we must win because otherwise our entire nation with us a tips head will be a right to k to along with old we hold the so let's get to walk the direction for pricing in the nazi leadership. the heads of the van law and even individual soldiers was certainly conscious of the german crime, is committed in the eastern territories and just they ordered them knew about them,
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sold them, or even committed the michel, but unable to well that if the red army came to germany then, god have mercy on us on it. when school started 1945, the russian army stood. 80 kilometer is outside the land and was preparing its attack on the german capital. close to 3000000 people was still living that among the women, panic was growing. many, so killing themselves as the only way to evade the enemy. in april, the number of suicides in berlin reached record levels at close to 4000. the on the 8th of may 1965, it lives no c gemini, surrendered. the last great best of the 2nd world war on european soil was now as
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the vision it includes the lean, was one huge war trophy. the soldiers were given free reign to enjoy the victory in the house can get the victims. if this flushed his victory with the women, it said that a few red army soldiers carried a leaflet with them, which said, crush the germanic women's, racial pride. take them as your rightful spoils, the civic, and receive as well. revenge was certainly an important motivated on perhaps what most important whitening but other factors also came into play, especially the internal military culture. and i read amin, a band on vacations and casualties. one cool cohesion, bad leadership by offices and sergeants who kept passing the pressure down from the upper ranks on monday and to relieve this pressure, they've left their own troops, run wild kind of off list the
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bus to the what i mean. what is this true for the red army asked for the us army, was that troops had certain images of the more of the probity of german society for andrew and women of deduction, funds seemed to justify not applying any moral standards in their dealings with them. and the government in the offices of the us army from the west, seemed to worried the german population less. in march of 1945, the americans cross the rhine and by 8 pull, they'd already reached the range you inclined. but to know if the village priest
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rose in relief, the americans are coming. there's excitement, but no frights and excitements between frightened joy but leaning more towards george. a quarter of a year late to the troops wood withdrawal. the 9 months later conrad was born. right off to his bus, his mother pushed him in foster care when he was 8, his 1st assistant told him the reason why or help me out see it. that's all she told me in 1945, the americans were in eisenberg and your mother got involved with one of those americans enough and he's your father to hospice to enjoy. that's how you came to be just for me at 1st that was actually more of a relief than a shot next. i,
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scottish boss got kind of shock as well. i mean, i know i know you where i came from. it's who will voice bullshit. the shuttle holder her i had red hair and gaps between my teeth extracted from an early age. i had a kind of inferior already complex. if i didn't belong, i didn't know where i was at, and i had no protection, no one to protect me. no one supported them. this isn't in my childhood. no one ever took me under their wing need and i'll get them. comrade was a cheeky kid too soon became a thorn in the side of the east. german school system is 3rd grade report card states that he constantly interrupted lessons and was proud to be a foreigner. his family was employed to take action before it's too late. of him. for me, my father was my anger and guy. i had a secret that belonged only to me. there's one that gave me strength. and so i've,
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it was like i was on a kind of mission. the dust destinies, the screw you. i'm in america, your one day i'll leave here and join my father and america. i'm just it was a big of getting a hotmail. i got to them. i'm far from the us. soldiers went as widely fee it and they were expected to abide by the military leadership strict code of conduct. germany was conquered enemy territory and they were supposed to keep that distance from the gym and people training films which showed to prepare american soldiers the do a lot associated with german men, women, or children. every german is a potential source of trouble. therefore, there must be no freedom ization with any of the german people. randomization means
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making friends. the german people on line or friends can advise you and in general, armies forbid fraction ization i out of concern by informal contact is august. folders have with the domestic population, men to contact will lead to weakening the army. prefer oklahoma. com. that's the social pressure on the, on the i the and vincy done as my pen soon. so if they start to have personal contacts and for example, you have a beer to bar to give them the evenings to them, they could lose sight of the occupying powers goals of simply the us. so just advance didn't always go smoothly. the liberation of bavaria took several weeks. well, in some places, jem and surrendered without to fight just a few kilometers away. hitting this last contingents would continue to protect strong resistance. that includes
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the startup smoke. it was still young people who would take up arms and try to fight the us soldiers less so dot. and so the came from a see to also it appears that the place is most resistance of being taken over. we're the ones most affected by sexualized war violence has just reduced on july, so toward getting things on on that that gets most for take most book near fries, english clicks. there was a big prisoner of war camp there and was with the us troops moving in could see how their comrades had been treated in germany. this in particular seems to have triggered a lot of anger and the you a soldier as by then that led to an especially large number of sexual assaults which were carried out systematically. apparently they made marks on houses, it presumably inhabited by women, essentially declaring them to be prey clear about the troops arrival,
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risking by the priest of the town. as most book states. on monday, the 1st news about rapes reached the rectory. it's not possible for this context that to provide any numbers here. several goals jumped out the 1st floor window onto the street and laid that in just the, at the time rec, trees were among the few gem and institutions still functioning. said that the very end, priests reports on the allies arrive, will remain an important source for historians. and generally slight maximilian. the height of the home here in buddhist us here we have the report from the saint nicholas parish. in bod. right. and how, oh, sorry. i was on the one hand, it makes the blanket statements that a large number of women and girls with violates the 2 monks. but in parentheses, the tier is being added, but this total give him $200.00. that's what a 100 times for this formulation. so priest makes it clear that he has no personal
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knowledge of the method, but it's just for laying what the town's focusing on home to be the room, the voice. and then comes the frequently confirmed information that's all off to the americans. marketing there was relative peace, we stop with, but then the french troops squared bouncing ice cream and cut off, and the wood was se would come missing terrible crimes and sickly. namely, in moral terms, they committed terrible crimes against women and goals. so if you see if a rose colored moroccans use guns violates to force that way, unit 9. and this is, it was fairly typical to mention the skin color of the soldiers or fine who is doing the plundering. so talking about i came from a thank you, call me in good the french regiments, which included soldiers of north african descent, made it particularly strong impression 50 cool to perform the goals. troops for
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barbara street, they sold and robbed and chased after the women and the young girls locked themselves in the attic and the silver soldiers couldn't come in the that's the most collective memory. fun supposed to happen. often the rate on the train had the 2nd was reputation with the german people on that apply only to prove that folks also see it. that could be reprisal included as revenge for the full year long to him and occupation of front and doing the facts. there were many sexual assaults when the french marched into south west in germany, few books in the french occupations, and children faulted by french, so just have to be registered by orders of the military governor. so it's on record that most of the rapes would not, in fact commit to, to by colonial troops. the
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goals, the item, one in february 1946 was one of these frenchman's kids. she grew up with her grandmother in as an engineer concert. she knows nothing about the events surrounding her conception. only that her father was a french soldier. at the age of 10 ana, who was, i was suddenly sent to from because she was deemed to be a child of the french state. of the moment royce vic most from the moment i had to leave. i wasn't shocked as a deer was as tama, are owned for by was send, unprepared time for and country and was a foreign language by or live with nuns. that's laws, that was a dramatic change for me is most of once i had to learn french, but i was there for 3 years, then became a french women's punters. i was a forced frank, a file coffee, the unique, fucked. while i was never asked what i wanted, excuse me,
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and nothing has ever explained to me. to do some type, pulled me up to the point in time when i learned that there was an archive called math in clermont. and from the french archive, i knew nothing at all on each brought on. then i was outraged that i wasn't honest, familiar timeframe. each box for the console isn't. so the shadow, i know, certainly existed and the french archives can exist to the guns and all of the children fathered by french soldiers, so could, so were archived on the orders of general kennedy's unit. i could see from this document on a wholesale also lent her father's name full bath. yet she's never been able to find him. many thousands of women assault as being right to the
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friendship to patients. by the summer of 1945, the consequences of that sexual violence had become all too clear. many women wanted to have an abortion, but to be granted when they needed to have previously reported the rate. is this gynecologist noted in the vast majority of cases, no report was made to deal slower cheese out of shame and to see a disgrace. consequently, in almost every case and incredibly time consuming investigation was necessary to differentiate in the real rate cases from the site to ones. the viper, male sexuality was basically viewed as unreliable unless the cost of division. instead, when in doubt, the rulings always went against the woman. it was always thought that the woman seduced the man, that she didn't have her own sexual desires under controlled as he bought. the more that she wasn't meant to realistic and wanted something from the soldiers. that she
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then gave herself or sold herself to get cost on her hoses. mother monica also contravene the moral codes at the time in spring 1945, near the gym and city of culture, she met the french soldier who would become, i know, who was his father mine and what the mother was a very reserved woman involved is what kind of did issue wasn't someone who'd have taken the initiative of mine and with that, so i think my mother has the opportunity to earn money from the french can to put in, but in funds. so it was after monica unexpectedly became pregnant by the french soldier . she was known in her home village as the frenchman's darling. eventually she was forced to leave the treat after the war, women normally weren't permitted to have a relationship with a frenchman,
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norton norton, american, nor the englishman, nor a russian deed for him. and friends honk the shape of the women's head well and chase, and through the villages on restore. and there was no difference in germany inductions only on this default. and the women weren't allowed to have lesions with the enemy of the stuff that didn't stop relationships from happening off to the 0. alice struck mocking, gemini surrender. people wanted to forget about the past. german women right by soldiers were often helped me to blame. so most didn't press charges to great was the shame and the feelings of guilt towards that husbands and families as well. the mice and most of the women liked we never spoke about it, not even with their husbands when they eventually returned. plus there was no one tap infrastructure that could have dealt with it. so there was no legal framework whatsoever from the german police or the german court to take action against it. in this respect, there was no systematic registration system much fossil. it's estimated that
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between the early summer and full of 1945, at least 110000 women and girls were raped in berlin, allowed many of them multiple times. these figures around the estimates this is done using old patient records and registration phones, like those found to be all kinds of fun in school, but university files from the empress of goose to victoria house. children's hospital, for instance, showed up 5 percent of the children born between the end of 1945 on the summer of 1946 had russian fathers. in many of these cases, the only entry on the line for the father is russian. and in parentheses, the german word for right in the entire sylvia talked to patients and historians estimate that more than $500000.00 women would
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rate during the fast paced while he is american soldiers as ought to have committed over 890000 sexual assaults. the figures are still unknown, so the british allied troops the allies divided gemini, and by then into full occupations. a time, the occupiers became the liberators. from then on lots of says with allied soldiers when the longer wrap soon, no one was talking about the crimes committed in the weeks of to the was and is the victims with us when long its show for a long time. but even to these a day, people don't like to talk about crimes committed by the allies. but today for 2 reasons. first, they're out present to allies all and 2nd, because especially on the german side with all the crimes carried out in germany's
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name during world war 2. it's hard to point a finger at the allies because very quickly, you can reach on relative izing and roll assessing to them and guild clicking breakfast with of to use of rationing and shooting kids. germans loans for stability. 1948 proved to be a decisive here. the americans have been preparing the currency reform in the west and zones. this effectively split germany into 2 economic divisions and kicks down to the economic miracle in the west and the political division followed just to get away to the republic of germany held its 1st parliamentary elections in 1949 on the election post. as the christian democrat, some c, d, u, used to stereotypical images of the enemy to stare up, fees of the red menace. c d. u candidate to conrad and now it became the 1st chance and the new republic. each realized move on the go to the occupation status and data at optimality. choose country site to the west. now at the latest,
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it was also in west germany's political interests that the guilt for crimes committed by the allies was placed solely upon the soviets. harfers, especially during the war, so in this kind of cakes and in the stores in west germany or western europe and the last 6 and the sexual violence committed by red army soldiers. peers was often scandalized. i'd as allegedly be, especially in civilized or brutal for time as with the student, the voices as or memories. yeah. those really impacted as well as their perpetrators. i went on heard, come back with me for the only in 1992 to the documentary. once again, take up the controversial topic of rates committed by allied troops and postal gemini. concordia was one of the contemporary witnesses recounting the story of his
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desperate search for his father. in the science on to the side to also known as liberal rates as take liberties direct to have cause on the talks to victims, perpetrators and children born of rank. what the film makes clear, the decades german society largely blamed these women and children for the phase deputy border. the overall buyers are just used to try to buy insurance to film was viewed as a milestone one when it came to confronting this history. and without a doubt, that was also because up to that point in time, there to hardly been any kind of reflection about it and what to about. and in my mother's case, my step father did everything he could to suppress it. but think built damage. i can do my phone shopping examples. why was this such a to boot topic for so long as i live on the 1st we women want a custom to talking about their own interest and size. and i think that's the decisive factor the most by the disposal. and no one made it easy for them because
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if they tried to talk about it to other speed, wind up being punished all over again. officially, these are the many women instead of a conflict with their own relatives, afterwards was much tougher to take them. the rape itself for his mother conrad young's very existence was proof of the so called shame. the 22 year old cl naji student was made to carry the blame for something over which he had no control. in 1968, the rebellious young man once again drove to compass to see his mazda and finally line his father's name. they'll have to inch for the sixty's. i mean, they kind of plan to bring this american into play and you bought your stuff. she asked me to come into the kitchen and sat down to position. i was just about to start when the door was thrown open and her husband was standing in the kitchen doorway when your money shunted decoration to have you started yelling or not
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getting out of here. good. get out to your dad. oh, do you have no business here? no reason to be here just to next and leave our mother increase one less was on. what do you handle? well, we have absolutely nothing to do with him. leave the room, scramble for leave our home and never come back for that. someone's vote on putting the, the, the, the 4 years later, conrad, you received a left. so with a clear message the it was written not by his mother, but by her husband. the sooner the short by look for the blame and yourself and not in others. we bear no responsibility whatsoever for you and strong, and that's the letter. this is deputy, the, the lifelong search for an unknown, filed for one's own identity for love and acceptance. these things of also
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left on know who is the with deep psychological scars? not the mothers confuse. you always have the sense that house of justice missing as well. i'm tired and you always have the feeling that you don't belong anywhere. monday afternoon, but you don't belong to friends and you don't belong to germany. the phone caused wants to kill him just enough butcher. in 1948. i know who is his mother. i got married to a frenchman. he to the ever so i know it was a, as the child born into shape, a rush claim he was ranked always very strict, but we didn't have any real relationship with him. once before a storm, shortly before he died, he told me that he never had to stand me. are obviously the homes. i said why? i was always a good kid. so it was like an electrical shock with through me from top to bottom. it was that simple, $3200.00 children,
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but one of rate poorer officially registered in west germany and west berlin. still, the number of unrecorded cases was suddenly much higher. in west germany, the politicians on society denied responsibility for these women and children. the women was recognized as victims of war and us had no rights to compensation. that's what does a fought from that was off the table right from the start because the state couldn't have afforded it and didn't want to be there. and boy, and it would have put women equal worth, centrally civilian war victims on an equal footing with war disabled soldiers, 6 for the farm in east germany, rapes conducted by red army soldiers were also to boot. he'll make time and time again, calling about the present to the communist doseover at chase. in 1986 east german officials decided to deport him to the west. a day before the protestant minister
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was forced to leave the country. he drove to compass one last time. it's right on either mine and what off. so i want it to visit my mother one last time. i am signal for the sole purpose of having her telling me the name of the american homicide on the scene. and she started to sob and cry something awful. and as far as kind of trust, i have no idea of what you want as to why you're telling me this. there is no american on the on x the it wasn't as developed our truck spot. i was at the black market trying to train a pair of shoes or food to come. then a truck drove in, filled with the russians or despondent, they tumbled down and conducted a rate on the market for an engineer. most cafe and they drove me out to a field that the army down on the ground all in one of the men held the machine gun
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to my temple, while the other tore off my clothes downright. to me or do something from life, give us and obviously take it by it is or done the other ones turn done to of on give us the yes and i for within 20 minutes i became russian to tips as a dime. it's all coming to me or my year long dream that i was american when buster so i mean i called like a black confederate. all right. the course of events in the month of february, the june 1945, the way i beat them at the time these assignments and from the perspective of an almost 15 year old and a fast sitting here thinking maybe of us, lived to the age of 94, at the end of her life,
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she made her peace with the sexual violence. she didn't do it at 40. she says she became a happy pass. thanks to the not the past. the by. yeah, yes, and he was very loving. it a very loving with any new i was afraid of mr. right. to cut it. yeah. yes. i also was afraid of the right guy or that me, but he never pressured me. i said that even when we were engaged that seems like a really long time. yes, the. busy the reset davis, my name, i have my husband martin and my mother to thanks for this. that's the issue that i owe to my own surprise. if i just can speak about it. i wait for you a gun, the,
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the preserving piece of my slowly climate change with small scientists are studying the wetlands of our planet because they are gigantic c o 2 reservoir. but how to make the most of that? researchers are encouraging officials to cut down trees and grow unusual cross in 30 minutes on the w kind eyes and a fuzzy may meet patrick the pony,
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probably the cute as mayor and all of england. the inhabitants of coddington, his own village, duly elected him to office in 2019 since then he has been hard at work and mingling with the people is at the top with his agenda 0 max in 19 minutes on d w. the 1st he's got issues with a lot say well crazy. the
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this is the, the news life from bull in the usa. this world may have breached international loans by using american weapons in gauze on we'll have more of the report police by the us states department. also coming up the un general assembly process of resolution calling for the recognition of the state of palestine to which as well as invest those reactive by shredding a copy of the human child in pelting and flash gloves in northern i've gone to sancho dunham with most don't expect of the coming day the.


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