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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from bull in the usa. this world may have breached international loans by using american weapons in gauze on we'll have more of the report police by the us state department. also coming up the un general assembly process of resolution calling for the recognition of the state of palestine to which is relevant. pass those reactive by shredding a copy of the human child in protest and flesh gloves in northern i've gone to sancho dunham with most all the expect to of in the coming days the
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i'm the how do i welcome to the program we've been given to us with a report released by the state department suggests that israel may have breached international laws while using american in gaza. president joe biden had ordered the report back in february, but it was submitted to the congress after a long delay. the document says that if this quote, reasonable to assess that us supplied weapons have been used in ways that are quote, inconsistent with israel obligations dw correspondent benjamin alberto screwball has more on that or it was a long awaited state department report that was due on wednesday of this week and the report says that israel likely violated gnomes of international law and its use of us weapons. but say it also said that it did not find enough evidence to block it shipments the report says, and i quote that it's reasonable to assess that israel has used the onto weights
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inconsistent it with a standards on humanitarian rights. and a report also says that while the israel defense forces have and i quote, the knowledge experience and tools to minimize holmes the results on the ground, including high levels of civilian casualties, res, substantial questions as to whether the adf is using them effectively in the every case the democratic senator crispin holden requested this report, accuse the administration of presidential binding of talking all the hard questions and avoiding looking closely at whether israel's conduct should mean military aid is cut off. well, the report comes from a t i lie of israel. can you tell us if he's finding what the could really mean for as well? so this report comes only 2 days of the president fighting publicly threatened to withhold certain bombs and of temporary shelves of israel goes ahead. within a sold on the pac, sits your front line, sullivan,
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gaza. it shows that washington is using its leverage. this is world's biggest 6 pull to and not just sharing its frustration with these really government behind closed doors. many have been asking to by the administration to do this for a while now. and we also know that israel has seized the rough uh, crossing into egypt from from us. and the closure of the boat has also raised new concerns about age deliveries into a, gaza, where the united nations, as war and of, of risk of famine binding is under pressure. not only from those ones that you asked to even further it condition military a to israel, but also from republicans that have criticized biden's reason. the decision to hold this balm shipments saying that it hinders is real, it's competing against come us of the that's the, the fault of benjamin alvarez. drupal. thank you. the united nations general assembly has voted over well being late in favor of a palestinian bid to become a full member recommending that the security council reconsidered that metal.
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$143.00 nations supported the motion which grunts the palestinians significantly more rights to participate in. general assembly sessions, the results came of days ready officials express the outrage describing the resolution as an immortal act at the end of a few or us beach and see israel un ambassador used a prompt to stress his anger at the united nations struck the vote. you are threatening the your and charter with your own hands. yes, yes. that's what you're doing. right. think that you weren't charter shame on you. the palestinian ambassador to the un re add months or made an appeal. he asked for countries to vote in favor of the resolution for the un security council to
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reconsider and support full un membership for palestine. yes, vote is a vote for the palestinian existence. it is not against any state, but it is against the attempt to deprive us of a lot of states. that is why the is the only government is so opposed to it, because they oppose our independence and the 2 state solution altogether. revisions and then came devote an overwhelming yes from the un general assembly to enhancing the status of palestinians at the united nations supporting please look, the resolution does not make palestine a full member. it does not give accounting rights in order to become a full un member, an application needs to be approved by the 15 member security cancel. and then the
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general assembly flash flooding in northern of going to stone has killed at least 60 people and left over a 100 injured thousands of all those remain missing off the heavy rain fall, hit the buckle on problems. follow up on officials say the death door may rise, as many people remain missing a most homes of expected in the coming days. for more on this, but now joined by the death to report a venus java of high v most thanks for being to. can you give us a deeper sense of the scale of this disaster may had of gone this done has been hit by on, usually heavy day in for over the last few weeks that tested more than 100 people destroy posts. and so if it goes off or having then data pausing for me because the family goes to the land, more than a 1000 homes have been damaged. so it'd be c be see large scale deposition because
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of this be some settings, and you're talking about the country that's among the borders in the world. that united nation phase that of gone this on is the largest and most with whom i have eaten prices, right? now in the world and nearly 30000000 people, that's too hard, all still understands population. they need to meditate in assistance, and the decent selecting has just worse and their situation. so what about the father, bon apologies. have they been able to do something to protect people? it is a big challenge for the dollar on government to, for us to fight to reach the far flung areas. some areas that they're in is really difficult, but also they do the lack of resources. they lack morton equipment and funding to help and protect the people to be know what that $1.00 bond ceased, all, but in august when it's $21.00. so since then i've gone, i've gone this times are going to be launched and it has not been able to, to govern mostly because think about who community, of course stuff and just the going government. and therefore they're struggling
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with the mika resources. they have to head off on people who, you know, different thinking. we've been looking at some tremendous pictures from babylon province. why is the reason the region in the for, for seeing such myself loving data on many of these things. but scientists link this abrupt and heavy and for to climate change so that if most of it is warming and then it gets triggered by human. if you induce climate change and that's mix, have it in for more likely, and they had of gone. this done is among the countries most affected by climate change, all the weight on the image, less than one percent of growth of greenhouse gases. and it's not only flooding of gunners on also faces, trout, deforestation, and other heavy impacts of climate change that, that affecting of con communities be fee of that it causes economic hardships. many of the many people leave their areas and know enough gone is kinda in many parts,
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abandon, villages. yeah. eric on site. and scientists say that it's human induced climate change at play here, who have spoken about polity enough on this bond. and also the function economy hypothetically, if i've gone, does not have the resources, what specials could it have in place to protect its land and communities? so and the cycles context on what finding out about the time of change can actually back to climate change if they in the west, in a, for example, most importantly, resilience and adaptive action. uh so which means that they invest in early warning systems. so if a flood is approaching that are systems in place that timely allowed people so they can evacuate and wants to evacuate. that governments can construct a shed does not only for the people and the communities,
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but also for life. so for when people return to their homes, they have their life start, they have their sustenance, basically. and most importantly, to invest in climate just to live infrastructure. so of buildings of bitches homes are constructed in such a way by such materials that they can spin extreme but the difference. but that requires a lot of money. and there are countries, for example, bangladesh, if he is raised, forwarded to a deposition mechanism. they have developed all of these are people in countries like bangladesh, it's a developing country alone. den north fight or cannot have policies in place that can help them fight time retain. so it is the responsibility of the international community to invest and help the funding different countries invest in these kind of resilience mechanisms. that's dw report debina. charlotte, thank you so much for being here. thank you and have a now this is yours,
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eurovision song contest has been plague by protests and overshadowed by the vote in gauze of the latest, the netherlands contestant has been prevented from rehearsing. doctor single use line did not perform and fridays to dress rehearsals for the competition. following what organized was described as an incident and investigation is ongoing. his popular song, your role football, is among the favorites to win the title nicole's to exclude as well over its board and gauze. on the other hand, have been projected by organizers prompting huge protests and sweden's whole city of mama, united by music, that slowed into your vision, your lips, easiest, and most extravagant song. contests. for the self described, non political event is divided with ease, rails inclusion,
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despise its war, and gaza taking send sustains. there's a lot of pressure on here. what do you mind me to be managed to put a smile on and just give my love out and do what i love most. i'm singing and this is what i love most. these really team is staying in an undisclosed location. and security is ties across the swedish city of melma. your vision organizes have faced coals to block israel from participating more than 10000 pro palestinian protest as rallied against these rails inclusion. many a calling for view as to boy called the shot. those protests have made the way to the stage to earlier in the wakefulness, swedish contestant eric side, or a palestinian coffee around his wrist, organizes cold, his actions regressive. will they also forced islands bend, be thug. to change is their outfit. it had featured messages including the word
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cease file sandy thug is one of 2 known binary contestants, dcea fan favorites nemo from switzerland is performing this own code about the journey of self discovery. if i the, when it will be assessed for non binary ah, to sit your revision just singing the song in front of a live audience and knowing that so many people are listening. it just it, it made me really emotional. it made it did so much with me. 26 nations that through saturdays grand final. so i'm like on maney or in the race have much the culture and language with the contest. usually flamboyant, era pump, flat, other contestants of face to backlash at home. so i'm in spain of criticize there are nearby low sufferer warranty lyrics and dense moves. as contestants prepared
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for the final performance, the political celebration of unity and music is as politically charged as it's ever been a quick look now with some other stories making headlines around the world. children, germany, hundreds of environmental activists have tried to stone test last electric vehicles, factory new berlin. they were driven back by police. as you can see that the protest, those proposed plans to expand the factory into the nearby forest customer wants to boost production of the site by up to 1000000 vehicles. are you the fonts football? okey leon and buffy saves. he's leaving patterson germaine at the end of the season . he made the announcement in the video released on social media. it's been widely reported that the french striker was moved to spanish club real madrid. this is the
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most and that's all for now. coming up next is ready for bolting about the end of the evening era. i'm the whole johnny, thank you for watching. goodbye. the . can you hear what old cars tires have to do with you production? here's a hands on really indeed much now on youtube. i rumor or actually truth, many wars if you try not believe that the tv is going to die. because the traditional german legacy brands like missy this on coal, cannot compete.


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