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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from bullen usa is as well may have preached international law while using american weapons and gaza. will have more of the report for these by the us state department. and so coming up, flash plots, and not the enough gone to san killed dozens with most all expected in the coming days. and what does this sound like? what whales talk fine to think they've cracked the linguistic code of well communication, a major scientific breakthrough in our understanding of the language used by the joins the
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i'm the whole journey. welcome to the program. we begin in the us where the fault released by the state departments suggest such as well may have preached international laws while using american homes in gaza. president joe biden had ordered the report back in february, but it was submitted to the congress of to a long delay. the document face of this quote reasonable to assess such a us supplied weapons have been used in ways that are quote, inconsistent with, as well as obligations. steve, the correspondent benjamin alvarez. cuba has moved on that it was a long awaited state department report that was due on wednesday of this week. and the report says that israel likely violated gnomes of international law and its use of us weapons. but say it also said that it did not find enough evidence to block it shipments the report says, and i quote that it's reasonable to assess that israel has used the onto weights
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inconsistent it with a standards on humanitarian rights. and a report also says that while the israel defense forces have and i quote, the knowledge, experience and tools to minimize homes, the results from the ground, including high levels of civilian casualties, res, substantial questions as to whether the adf is using them effectively in the every case the democratic senator crisp on holding requests that this report accuse the administration of presidential binding of ducking all the hard questions and avoiding looking closely at whether israel's conduct should mean military aid is cut off. well, the report comes from a key ally of israel. can you tell us if he's finding what the could really mean for as well? so this report comes only 2 days of the president fighting publicly threatened to withhold certain bombs and of temporary shelves of israel goes ahead. within a sold on the pac set you up for a fine sullivan gauze. i chose the washington and using its leveretts' is world's
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biggest 6 pull to and not just sharing is frustration with these really government behind closed doors. many have been asking to buy the administration to do this for a while now. and we also know that israel has seized the rough uh it, crossing into egypt from, from us. and the closure of the boat has also raised new concerns about age deliveries into a, gaza, where the united nations, as war and of, of risk of offending by them is under pressure. not only from those ones that you asked to even further it condition military aid to israel, but also from republicans that have criticized biden's reasons. a decision to hold this balm shipment saying that it henders israel's campaign against come us up to see the photo. benjamin all about is truthful. thank you. and how the united nations general assembly has voted overall mainly in favor of a palestinian bid to become a full member recommending that the security council reconsidered the matter of $143.00 nations for the motion,
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which grunts the palestinians significantly more rights to participate. in general, assembly sessions, the result came off that is really officials express the outrage describing the resolution as an immortal act. at the end of a few already, it has to be huge and is rose, you and, and boss that are used a prompt to stress his anger at the united nations struck the vote. you are threatening that you're in charge here with your own hands. yes. yes, that's what you're doing, right. think that you on charter shame on you or the palestinian ambassador to the un riyadh months or made an appeal. he asked for countries to vote in favor of the resolution for the un security council to reconsider and
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support full un membership for palestine. yes, vote is both for the palestinian existence. it is not against any state, but it is a games the attempt to deprive us of a lot of states. that is why the is the only government is so opposed to it because they oppose our independence and the 2 state solution altogether. revision and then came devote an overwhelming yes from the un general assembly to enhancing the status of palestinians at the united nations. 14, please love the resolution does not make palestine a full member. it does not give it housing rights in order to become a full un member, an application needs to be approved by the 15 members' security council. and then
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the general assembly a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. children, germany, hundreds of environmental activists have tried to storm test, allows electricity vehicle factory available in they were driven back by police. as you can see there, the protest as opposed plans to expand the facts. we include the nearby forest customer wants to boost production of the site by up to 1000000 vehicles for you. a top political opposition leader in india has received a ruptured rules of welcome from supporters of to being run to the temporary failed by the supreme court. deli chief minister, as in case revolved, can now campaigning, the ongoing election allies the cried, his arrest on corruption charges as a political move by prime minister in that age, molding from football, a key leon and buffy sais. he's leaving pat of saint germain at the end of the season. he made the announcement in the video released on social media. it's been
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widely reported that the french track of the spanish club v as madrid. this summer he much would like they probably the most ukraine in the thought of these say russia has launched the ground defensive into the hockey border region and fonts. think a kid on metal inside ukraine. a local official set that was mass of shelling in the town of wolf chunk ukrainian falls to say the evacuating residence and fighting to hold back most goes at once. flash flooding in northern afghanistan has killed at least 60 people, and left over a 100 injured. thousands of others remain missing. off the heavy rainfall hit the bug land problems, volleyball, unofficial se, the death. those may rise, as many people remain missing. and most items that are expected in the coming days of the for more on this, but now joined by the death to report a venus java of high view. those thanks for being to can you give us a deeper sense of the scale of this disaster and they had of gone this done has
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been hit by unusually heavy to in for over the last few weeks that have good, more than 100 people destroy postings of acres of or having then data posing for speakers, a friendly go to the land. more than a 1000 homes have been damaged. so the c, b, c, large scale devastation because of these to be some settings. and you're talking about the country that's among the borders in the world, the united nation phase. that of gone this done is the largest and the most with commodities in crisis site. now in the world and nearly 13000000 people that's to part of the of gone this dance population, they need to meditate and assistance. and the decent selecting has just worse and their situation. so what about the father, bon apologies. have they been able to do something to protect people? it is a big challenge for the taliban government to, for us to, for, to reach the far flung areas. some areas that they're in is really difficult,
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but also they do feel that creased were since they lacked morton equipment and funding to help and protect the people to be know what that one fell upon seized all but in august when it's 21. so since then i've gone, i've gone to sounds, economy plunged, and it has not been able to govern mostly because think about who community, of course stuff and just the of going government. and therefore they're struggling with the mika resources. they have to help us on people who, you know, different thinking we've been looking at some tremendous pictures from babylon province. why is the reason the region in the 1st 15? so that's my so flooding. so there are many these things, but scientists link these abrupt and heavy and for to climate change, so that if most of it is warming, and then it gets triggered by human it to induce climate change. and that makes heavy it in fort more likely. and they had of gone, this done is among the countries most affected by climate change,
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all the way to only and it's less than one percent of global greenhouse gases. and it's not only flooding, but i've gone just on old for fif, is shout the for the station and other heavy impacts of climate change that, that affecting of con, come into these b, c, i a bit, this causes economic hardships, many of the many people leave their areas and know enough gone, it's kind of in many parts, abandon, villages. yeah. eric, woman, site and scientists say that it's human induced climate change at play here. you've spoken about how with the enough com installed and also the functions economy hypothetically, if i've gone, does not have the resources. what specials could it have in place to protect its land and communities? so and the cycles context on what finding about the time it change can actually back to climate change if they in the west, in a, for example,
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most importantly resilience and adapt ition. so which means that they invest in early warning systems. so if a flight is approaching bit our systems in place, that finally allowed people so they can evacuate. and once they evacuate, the governments can construct a shows does not only for the people and the communities, but also for life. so for when people return to their homes, they have their life start, they have their sustenance, basically. and most importantly, to invest in climate for us to live in fest structure. so of buildings of bitches homes are constructed in such a way by such materials that they can spin ah, extreme, but the defense. but that requires a lot of money on that auto countries. for example, bangladesh, if he is raised, forwarded to a deposition mechanism, they have developed. all of these are people in countries like bangladesh, a developing country alone,
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den north fight or can not have policies in place that can help them fight time retain. so it is the responsibility of the international community to invest and help the find the different countries invest in these kind of resilience mechanisms . that's the w report. debina. charlotte, thank you so much for being here. thank you. now in some positive news. now, scientists say they now know more about the house foam wales communicate. this is foam wales use a language that is much more sophisticated than previously taught. with the help of a i, a global team of marine biologist, linguists and other research will say there found similarities. the language is used by humans. they help the data can be used to better protect the wheels, the cracking the code of the sperm. when language scientists working in the caribbean waters have de coded the building blocks of their communication patterns.
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after years of analysis, they believe the mammals use a phonetic alphabet. the discovery is taking us from a hypothesis that animal communication follows fairly simple patterns to a hypothesis that there is much more complexity than previously thought. and the ability of whales to vocalize to code us carries signals that have much more information content than previously thought. these coders are clicking sounds similar to morse code. scientists recorded the whales in the eastern caribbean. the study focused on the structure of
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the codes, but not their meaning. the next step is to pair this data with a behavioral analysis. only then could this language be fully decoded? so could humans one day communicate with sperm wells? and so right, we're just at the very beginning of this process. and i think there's a lot more research that we have to do before we know whether it's a good idea to try to communicate with them or really even to have a sense of whether that will be possible. millions of well code is still need to be collected. scientists hope that a deeper understanding of their language could help protect the endangered species . that's all for now. coming up next is data of news interview with bill and the some the c e o files. talking about his plans to fill in the company's fortunes around as close as always
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one, using the website dw dot com and on on youtube and social media. i'm, they hold you. all right, thanks for watching. goodbye the 1st into our is whenever they feel like you don't themselves are selling and fashion and most pieces in the sky. the beds have most of many ons including the us have survive off.


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