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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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to the change movies forever. it was a mash of trashy and classy cinema. traditions the transform co, we make watch and talk about. so a movie whose impact continues to be felt across pop culture. that movie was pop fiction. the the 2nd film from flint and parent tino was less of reinvention of cinema, the re max of old troops and a new style. but it hit the movie world like a shock of address. the i love you, honey bunny. everybody playing the wanted
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. yeah. who when hope fixing premiered in 1994. it felt a bit different than the other movies that can, that year the, they were mostly class the european or house they are like burnt by, the sun, 3 colors read films supposedly about the real world about history, about the politics of a big ideas of fiction. wasn't like that whole fiction felt like a movie and pretty trashing as a back. it took recycle characters and story lines from a 1000 crime films. we've already seen the, so we have the story or the to hit man on their final job, jewels winfield and then some vague,
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the, or the story of the mysterious, all powerful getting stir. marcellus wallace, best price. pri that god damn the story, the gangsters likes defense. a tall meal was the story, a book, a noble boxer who pro is fight sideboards and the story of a professional fixer who cleans operate this message. situations here is how much that will solve problems the actors and pulp fiction act as if their
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characters and a movie with snappy and instantly quotable movie lines. you know what they call a quarter pounder, with cheese the metric system to chop a baby. who said then that baby did that and, and lis references to pop culture. nobody's going to hurt anybody. we're all going to be like 3 little find these here, and what's funds the like a. hi yolanda, watch bobby lights pools. well, cool with the window. and that's what we're going to be. we're going to be cool. pulp fiction does not have a film score. instead, we have a series of needle drops the
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the, sometimes the songs play with in the world of the characters. and they even sing along the sometimes the songs are outside the store used ironically to comment on a c, the of the violence and pulp fiction is both extreme and often absurd. i mean, to think that god came down from heaven and stopped the mentorship
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melvin in the face. i did do that. i didn't mean to do as an accident by themselves . none of these elements were new. it was out here and do you know, re mixed these old styles, creating a movie world that is entirely self referential or artistic approach known as the post modern post, which it wasn't the 1st post modern film. but it was the film that will bring this artistic move to the movie main street. the post modernism is a rebellious idea that comes from french philosophers like these all plus why little talk and john gold. but yeah. and from american critics like frederick james, post modernism in art, means challenging the concept that there is one reality or one big story to explain
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the world. post modern artist can make are out of anything. a pike, a urinal, even a dead sharp. they say no distinction between high are and pop culture and they see their own work as inseparably intertwined with the art of their past. a perfect example is the beatles sergeant pepper album cover. the band stands before a crowd of their inspirations, artistic, historic, and political. marilyn monroe and bob dylan, marlon, brando, karl marx, the beatles are saying they are involved reinterpreting. what came before. even reinterpreting previous iterations of themselves as pop artists to make are that will, will become grist for the cultural mill of the future. that's post modern fiction is post modern cinema from tip to tell, instead of one grand story to tell multiple narratives from different perspectives
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even from different movies, genres, the gangster film, the musical romance, the horror of moving it copies directly from the center of the past. the glowing briefcase seen echoes and almost identical image from fifty's. the wire gives me depth the street crossing double take you folks a similar shot from alfred hitchcock's classic psych you can use and the dotted square site gag come straight from old cartoons as much. what we see christopher walk and playing a vietnam that talking to bunch about is that dad sacrifice? touch sonya daddy's wrist. never shut down. and why? we think last about the vietnam war than about vietnam war movies like the dear 100 also sorry. christopher walken. this is what post modernists call, hyper, reality, arts, invitation of artistic reality. the copy of a copy can feel more real,
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the listing itself maybe the most post modern thing about pulp fiction. the one thing everyone notices is it's non linear story. okay, pay attention. here's the plot, the pulp fiction. we start in the diner pumpkin and honey bunny plan the robbery, and then we meet philosophical hit, the vincent and jewels, the cheeseburgers, and killed a thieves who sold the bosses. blowing briefcase at the bar. marcellus tells box of which the throw was expert. vincent bice heroine before taking me out for a date, a dance and a $5.00 milkshake. back home t overdose is on his hair when, but it's saved by shot of adrenalin to the heart. we flash back to purchase a kid during the story of his dad's gold watch, which wins the spikes retrieves his dad's gold watch from his apartment. but there
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he surprises vincent and kills escaping. he and marcellus are captured by sadistic hillbillies, but bush and his samurai sword save the marseilles, forgives, but for not throwing his spite and butch and his girlfriend right off on said stroppy. then we go back to the pre k, c. vincent and joules, the 5 being shot, driving home, they mess up the car with a dead body and the width is called to clean things up. later having breakfast, the car and the pumpkin. anybody, robert known get shot and they leave roll credits. but chronologically, the film is all out of order. the dyna robbery actually happens in the middle, the suitcases, then the wolf and the clean up were all before them. after the cafe robbery, marcellus tells bush to throw his bike in somebody's drugs and goes out on his date with me. on that same night butchery calls his dad's watch story, and wins is fine. the next day, which goes to his apartment, kills vincent stays. marcellus gets the girl and rides off into the sunset instead
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of one straight story pulp. fiction is a postmodern cook, coughing of multiple timelines, and multiple perspectives. major characters in one tale are just big players in of, in the field undermines the whole idea that there is one big story. one big narrative that can explain everything which is the most famous post modern remax. treating old culture into something new, comes in the movies iconic. dancing to the dance is pure. a post modernist. here in keynote, is stealing from classic cinema and pop culture. to create a newly iconic moment. a movie magic director says he drew inspiration from disney cartoons and from his only guitar, making no distinction between high and low culture. some
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of the scenes dance who's come directly from an old episode of the batman t v series, others from police classic film 8 and a half the the population dance is a mattress and ultimate re max of all the culture that's impacted and inspire. quinton guarantee, you know, the whole this is taking place inside jack rabbits lives. a themed restaurant where all the employees are copies of pop culture icons from marilyn monroe and buddy holly to james the the
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even casting john travolta as been some vega is post modern. since watching travel to dance, pulls up cultural memories of the actor in his most famous movie roles is the zip parents, you know, saying we all swim in this pop culture ocean. and the best way to understand this world is by re mixing and reinterpreting, the pop culture that made us fiction was and remains controversial as much for with parenting or says, as with the company to keep the, the critics of pulp fiction, see a movie with no original ideas, just cut and paste job a films that came before. what some post modernist called influence, or inspiration. others think is just plain stealing. because many of the films, parents you know, chooses to boil from our black split patient movies of the 1970s films like shot
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super fly and coffee parents, you know, has also been accused of cultural appropriation. it hasn't health that is characters often leaned heavily on the n word. did you notice the sign at the front of my house? it's a good storage to me. you've seen that remains hard to watch parenting know. cast themselves reading the main black character with a stream of racial courses. you know why you can see that sign? what does it mean? there's a story. there's a my business that's why this isn't just the pulp fiction thing guarantee. i uses the n word 38 times in jackie brown. and a john dropping a 110 times in his black, western jango on train spike lea, another giant of independent cinema, called up parenting for his use of the racial slurs the
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but samuel l. jackson, who is worked with both directors defense guarantee, you know, saying he writes intelligent and complex black characters. the another problem for many and pulp fiction is how the film depicts violence. it's not just that there's so much of that. it's a violence is often played for laughs for me to sing cool guarantee those arguments . a very post modernist argument, is that on screen violence has nothing to do with real movie violence in care. and he knows you is not much different than a dance sequence. it's just another set amount of technique, designs to dazzle the shock. porch entertain the the
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one aspect of pulp fiction is legacy is harder to dismiss producer harvey weinstein parenting a work for years with weinstein. on 8 movies. all that time. it was an open secret that weinstein was allegedly assaulting and sexually harassing women, many of them actresses in his own movements. one scene was found guilty of abuse in 2 separate trials, but he has appealed, and one of jesus is now being retried. parents, you know, now says he knew about some of the abuse allegations at the time and that he should have spoken out the love it or hate it. you can't argue with pulp fiction success. it wasn't indeed blockbuster to transform the movie business. there were american indian films before care and tina directors, like jim germ loose,
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cohen brothers or david lynch, were creating weird movie worlds with multiple story lines and post modern sensibilities. long before karen tino picked up his camera. but before karen tino indeed films were more or less a niche business for a tiny audience. have sent a fine fiction turn cult movies. the big business. it was the 1st all in the blockbuster made for just over $8000000.00. pulp fiction gross more than 200000000 at the box office worldwide. more than any are rated in the film before the traditionally in the movies in america will release slowly, starting in a few theaters and adding screens as word of mouth and critical support spread. pulp fiction, what's the big bass? it was released on more than a 1000 theaters, a nationwide like a studio temple at work. whatever you think of pulp fiction? it's success created
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a new market for weird american films. helping directors who came before him find a broader audience and bigger box off? no, no, no, no i i sold the of the waves is one of the media. and it is best to dash, she has the give me advice. i want that fight, reach the out
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the there's a high speed for so in terra and then this execution type deal. yeah, i'd be very surprised by suspect was from breeders the was pulp fiction guarantee no more than just revive the hollywood career of john travolta. the blockbuster success of his trashy little film helped open away for filmmakers as diverse as wes anderson and spike jones, christopher nolan and paul thomas anderson. top. they are weird. visions enter the main street. today there is no denying pope fictions in the movies. impact is seen every the pope
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fiction may have started as an india alternative film, but the movies iconic imagery has long since entered the main stream, new wherever they are part of the fabric of modern pop culture. referenced in cartoons and tv shows. cited are honestly are not by artists, high and low. the ninety's, so we've of pulp fiction. imitators for summer. good. some were bad and somewhere very, very ugly. they would use the same pallet of hip dialogue, jumbled story chronology, and nasty stylized violence to tell their stories. on screen, his style has become so influential in 2018, the oxford english dictionary added the word parenting a ask to its lexicon. the whole sections influence with global mixed and drama. a more spare
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us uses tarantino s techniques including multiple strand storytelling and non linear narrative shows the gulf who we do in this for you are doing it for me. so you need to know, you know, because you need to see one of those on a need to know basis things as a like one of those james bond sales guy ritchie gave guarantee, knows slick pump savvy dialogue and over the top movie violence, a british accent cut on this, thank you to come in to get the one to name. i know what's called a meeting us together. this taught a comes young, i needed to speak and pulp fiction. got a german translation via action comedy knocking on having the store
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with both books and parents, you know, cross reference and put, noted the movies and tv culture of his child, but only to see his movie become a cinematic lexicon. so the directors who came after him well, now living in the post modern universe made possible by quentin tarantino as pulp fiction. but some filmmakers are trying to look beyond 30 years after pulp fiction post modern self referential movies are everywhere. to have marvel blockbusters filled with superheroes exchanging movie references or whatnot. who, who told you that star trek terminator time comp, time after time quantum leap wrinkled in time, somewhere in time. a tough time is hot till the time sheets bill and ted's excellent adventure, basically any movie that deals with time travel diehards. now as i was, this is known. kids animation is full of movie references. even though the audience
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weren't being kids, we have often not seen the movies being quoted. the reason i know what you're thinking, he is the least qualified person to lead us and you are right. the most successful female lead movie ever is a deconstruction of a pop culture. consumerist i call. hey barbara. you can't get more post modern. i'm not sure. i don't have anything they plan to some child blow out party with all the parties and the land choreography and of his focus on this stuff. all right, so cool. this is, if we are all now evincing vague, walking through jack rabbit slims, surrounded by xerox versions of the stories that came before them within this postmodern image saturated copy of a copy culture. some filmmakers are trying to find a new way forward. mine usually die. at 1st glance 2023. oscar winter. everything everywhere. all at once seems to be
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playing the same old post modern games. as pulp fiction every it puts pop culture referencing into overdrive zapping between builders on or is like a hyper active kid. surfing the entered into much things. can you believe and effective through the sentiment at the heart of the film. however, it can you hear all the we had huge specs. right? we were supposed to take these characters seriously as real people, even as they are saturated, nearly drowning in outside media influence. the way the british director, joanna hall takes a similar if far less hectic approach in her film, the souvenir part to read of it. you recount was the story of her real life. and
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from the ordinary, one of my favorite clothes is about us like a truly nothing seems to me who is quite dark, said to the extremely traumatic for life in this deception. this filtering it all through the cinematic means that cog as the director is using to process these buildings use many of the same tricks as parent tino, but you'd never call them tarantino ask particularly instead they are using postmodern this methods to more accurately capture the felt experience of life for many of us at this moment we're all of us are struggling, defined, reading from within our own personal digital information overload. you can call this mental modernism, or hyper modernism, or even post post. but whatever shape cinema is in now,
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whatever stories the next generation of directors wants to tell and whatever forms they decide to use to tell them any search for the origin of today's movie, medical must inevitably lead back to a scrappy, little in detail. the premier then can 30 years of the, the, the,
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the drama specialist, african filmmakers are becoming more innovative. this meant everything must be 4 percent practical. instead, there's a major market for, for to send them up because audiences one more will show you how they create the on 3 magic and you enjoy this 77 percent next on d, w, the gas guzzlers produces climate incentives. but the cool rise or
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on say the pickup trucks for older men trying to few young again. all they just practical, the world's most popular pick ups and makes them in 60 minutes on dw. get ready for an exciting, auburn toyota look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window of the quote on that. we've got a response and the i'm expected sides of this, the shadows of jumping colors. these pod costs and video shed light on the dog is treat devastating colonial horrors infected by just many across. and she employed
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a score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the so you've seen perfect victor and the figure in and you know more by the acting of duck. yeah. yeah. and rums into what you want to be like them onto this 77 percent show. i'm asking you to is you'll have what it takes to be the next big movie stuff
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. i am.


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