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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news line from berlin. the us, as israel may have reached international law while using american weapons and gossum, will have more in the report released by the us state department. also, and to show ukraine's president for letting their zaleski says a fierce battle is under way in the heart of region. after russia surprise assault opened a new front in the war, the marion isn't staying, it's good to have you with us. we begin in the united states,
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where a report released by the state department suggests that israel may have breached international laws while using american arms in gossum. presidential biden had ordered the report back in february, but it was submitted to congress after a long delay. the document says that it is, quote, reasonable to assess the us to provide weapons have been used in ways that are inconsistent with israel's obligations. due to being correspondent, benjamin of ours goober is in washington and had this background assessment of the report for us. so this report comes only 2 days of the president fighting public, the threatened to withhold certain bombs and of temporary shelves of israel goes ahead. within a sold on the pack since your front line sullivan, gaza. it shows that washington is using its leverage. this is world's biggest, 6 pull to and not just sharing is frustration with these really government behind closed doors. many have been asking to by then ministration to do this for a while now. and we also know that is it has seized the rough ox crossing into
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egypt from us and the closure of the boat as also race news concerns about age deliveries into a gaza, where the united nations, as war and of, of risk of offending by them is under pressure, not only from those ones that you asked to even further it condition military aid to israel, but also from republicans that have criticized biden's reasons. a decision to hold this balm shipment saying that it henders israel's campaign against come us. that was their correspondent benjamin of ours gruber, speaking earlier in washington. well, you unofficial say more than 100000 people have now fled. the city of rafa for other parts have gone some heavy fighting between is really troops and homeless militants. of the cities outskirts has prevented age from getting in. food and fuel supplies are critically low inside drop off. some 1300000 palestinians had sought refuge in the city. that's more than half of gauze as population. now,
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many are packing up to leave. officials stay the world food program. supplies will run out by saturday unless more aid arrives. a hi that. oh, how god is with a relief agency. ok, sam and central go. awesome. she told me about the rough off evacuation. thank you so much for having me today. yes, as you mentioned, the destination for more than 1000000 people who slip their holes in north and other areas and had you list and center and areas. and it's like you to start the business. want to be there on the destination or a side, you know, this, a placement that opportunity when people receive the lease and the most recent evacuation orders the or where in the all settings and see. and because we don't know we, we don't know where to go, where they don't know where to find a street a place to uh for themselves, for their children, for their family members. oh,
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so be our oldest washed in other areas. we've been in a multi area which is a bit out of scared of the subsidies or infringement areas or in, in tenuous city. but unfortunately, oh, i didn't, i didn't a status of clinic and i'm supposed to be and people have spaces and on, as you don't know where to go when to find a certain way they cannot be it or a stricken by is dr. old by bombings or activities showing. i'd like to ask you about aid right now because these really military says that a trucks are again, making into the carrying shall i'm crossing but she, military and groups say they haven't received anything in the last couple of days. what have you been seeing? i would be seeing that uh that was shots or,
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or the mean uh into point which is the sink has been shot for the past few days. no aid has entered garza in the past uh days actually uh, concerned about the flu and acts as of age for the people. as you know, since the owner of the ward is there, it has put a drink, nancy, and ear all these on the goal is to allow very, very, very little amount of age. and to goes, well it's, it's even less than a drop in an ocean of mean during the past few months we, we managed to give, this is a to people who, i mean it's such a system. but unfortunately, we never managed to reach or people needs because of the uh, to the shop, only pressing. so i'm very concerned that the shopping of the borders into golf was to would make the humanitarian position on in goldsboro. and in the specifically
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more or catastrophe, i'm more horrible than it is. i think that in time that was called the dog from the n g o. ok? sand speaking to us from central goss, i'm thank you so much. thank you. the un security council is calling for an independent investigation into mass graves found near hospitals rated by israel and gauze them in a statement. members of the council expressed concern over reports of hundreds of bodies, buried new v l chief a hospital and gaza city. and the nicer hospital and con eunice gauze, and officials accused israel of killing and burying them. it. israel says palestinians buried the bodies and that is really forces zoom some of them while searching for the remains of hostages taken by him, aust militants during the october 7th terror attacks. all right, let's turn our attention now to some of the other stories making use of this hour.
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flash floods in northern afghanistan have killed at least 50 people. that's according to tell a beneficial, exceptionally heavy seasonal rains cons flooding in several districts of fatherland province, as well as campbell officials say the desk told me rise as many people remain missing and more storms are forecast here in germany. hundreds of environmental activists have tried to storm test plus electric vehicles, factory near berlin. they were driven back by police. the protesters of whose plans to expand the factory and clear the nearby forest. tesla wants to boost production of the site by up to 1000000 vehicles here. and other news, the united states says it's working around the clock to deliver to ukraine what it needs to defend itself against intensified russian attacks. the us announced a new $400000000.00 package of military aid for kids. the move comes after moscow's forces launched
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a massive ground assault and the cranium. border region of hark is on friday, or the burning houses. and fines of debris says detention area of fuel cleans hockey region. was among the latest targets for us in 10 strikes much, you know, we were here at night. my door was even blocked out because when you uh, i called the rescue is no, but nobody came mutual with my husband um blocks the dual. most of like, you know, in the nearby city of love, johns, near the border of latasha. you could, and you know, if he showed said traction forces tried to break through the defense line, the back dated because of flight, sped shedding, that picking lead caused a everything was destroyed. everything was in ruins
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for the whole night long. that was smoke owner room, a haze yukon recognize the valve tons that used to be that you could union president while debated. zalinski said the military had anticipated the taxes and fees battle is under the i those about how to the receipt of which along the fluid oakland, russia has launched a new wave of counter offensive sentence area. de la u. e crane met them there without troops, brigades and artillery must live. i saw one them. it's important that they can increase and pull up some of forces in this direction. and that's if you split out military or come on now combined small and you about this and calculated the forces to meet the enemy with fire and them water. now there was out of fee a special stuckey be so will not rush. she denies targeting civilians
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and cause it's assault limited with the strikes when you cleans military energy and transport infrastructure. but these images of an idiot hockey. now in greens, there's a different story for some analysis. let's bring into frank ludwig, he's a senior lecture in military strategy at portsmouth university and a former a u. k. military intelligence officer. welcome to the w. so ukraine is expected to receive new western weapons at some point over the next couple of weeks. but is russia trying to take advantage of ukraine's lack of ammunition right now? the movie my own? yes, there's no doubt that that's happening now. and it's also been the case, i think, for the last 4 or 5 months, particularly since the russian success in of difficult, uh, earlier this year and uh like february, early march. and that's continuing on
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a been making advances all across. well, mostly, actually in the done net screeching, but they've been pushing elsewhere with greater or less of success. and only yesterday, of course, we see a new front being opened up. we'll see where that goes to. well, how far is russia's assault on the heart of region? likely to go, i mean, do you see it as an expanded rate and incursion or is this the beginning of a full fledged ground? defensive? yes, that's a great question. and i think those 2 overarching possibilities. the 1st is that this is fulfilling proteins, pledge to create a buffers of around them before the city of belgrade, which has been rated itself for the region. actually that never goes to the city by you crazy. and so you kind of interesting, you may be quite new prophecies,
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russian, russian discipline units. so please have promised earlier this is late last year, i think to create a buffers. and the operations were saying, which are essentially the, as you said, use the term rate and that's right. so rated falls. do seem to be a locating tool. it's kind of kind of objective, but it's another possibility as well. and not is that this is the beginnings of a driving to cock if it does it, and that's what the americans believe this to be. i'm not sure that the was on setting. it wouldn't be wise in the, in the russian perspective, but we'll see. but at the very least, what we're saying is, is rates in force that potassium level lots units of a few 100 plus at several villages. a big challenge now will be contested about that doesn't necessarily not region. there's also evidence that there may be a similar in caution you credit is attending us to assume a which is to the north side, north west of the receiving operations. now, well,
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we know that a of has long been frustrated that its allies will not provide more advanced or a long range weapons needed to effectively repel russia. is this perhaps a sign that you cranes allies may have given up on and winning the war? it depends which all i see will talk you about certainly most absolutely not the case with the major allies. we're talking here in the united states, of course the u. k. job and the suspect. some of the other nato countries are not going to become any more enthusiastic. let's put it that way. there's no doubt to total that great test. that's a big made. i think almost maximal efforts in the might would to increase that particular munition, supplies the problem and structural the you and it's, and it's can compass it. states simply don't have the industrial base to, to, to, to increase the supplies at the most strategic level. what it does see pops is like pulling back, but we also have to remember the munition and kate is opposite of the vital. but
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the other component of this as a component russet is may be striking out is not on the other course. exploiting is your credit is the grades deficiencies in month power. they've taken great losses or the last couple years need to replaceable. so if the last few weeks efforts to increase the conscription but you know, anomaly needs, trained, formed, organized, non power to be able to operate these weapons. and this is a major challenge to ukraine in addition to its issues without munitions and so forth. on a deep and indeed weapon room, it stopped deficiency that the russians are taking bucks, joking, stretching the ukrainian forces across the lines. and of course, maintaining an initiative out disclose with this that it's very important to remember the russians on stupid, they love they know the disadvantages. he probably has that was military analysts, frank language,
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thank you so much for all of your insights. thank you. bye. you're up to date on the w news. i'm marrying a evans team from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching the music con, be destroyed. you can try. so that's impossible. see how nice no sweets the was the nazis. the 2 musicians who lives in the savannah office, i assume about the sounds of town.


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