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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the mrs. dw news line from berlin. israel order's new evacuations in both in north and the south of gauze of thousands of palestinians have already fled the southern city of rough off as israel, and prepares to expand this operation in pursuit of come up. also coming up the cranes presidential and there's a lot of cases. a fierce battle is underway in the heart of region. after russia. surprise assault opens a new front in the war and controversy. here's the eurovision song contest and sweden. one of the favorites is banned from rehearsals over and no legit altercation casting down on whether he'll even appear on stage tonight.
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the marietta as in stain is good to have you with us. israel has called on palestinians to evacuate parts of ralph off in the south, as well as to northern goals and neighborhoods. more than 110000 people in rough off have already fled. the area as fighting between is really troops and palestinian militants intensifies their heavy clashes have left crucial aid crossings in assessable. meanwhile, israel's military has also deployed forces north of gauze, a city where the army says, come off. fighters have re organized residents of the city of job aliya were told to evacuate in preparation for renewed combat. kind of kramer is following developments for us from jerusalem. and she joins us now for
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more. good to see you, tanya. so are these renewed evacuation orders for civilians? and rafa assignment israel is indeed about to launch a major offensive in the area. and that's the spine international calls not to do this as well as food. i mean, the, uh is really military still says it is unlimited operation, but uh, on thursday the security cabinet has actually greenville. i took the expansion of this ground offensive. so we don't know, you know, how far it said they will go right now, but we're seeing more of a creation or just now for the population there as still in east and most of what you've seen. and we've talked to people in with us on this saying, you know, many of those who are not in these specific areas of adults in other areas that steering and they're very worried about. and they think people who can leave, i mean there's always those volume over people that cannot leave a that, you know,
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they are leaving right now. and the numbers were given by the united nations agencies working down the road over a 100000. others have put the number my tie up, those people that are leaving. so this is ethan ross on as you said, that whole set of aggression orders for people again in northern java in bid last year, which is in the northern part of the gospel city. and, and the town of fade to noon, which is in the north east, the potentially indicating that it's regrouping there. although it's other side it is, they're mostly under control. now, what does it mean for the people on the ground, they have to leave in the southern parts now to an area either going for the up north to con eunice, whether it's nice the proper and ruins. but also they were asked to go to on my was c, which is on there shortly on the coast line of gossip and agencies have said, you know, the area there is hardly an adequate of course. so many people. it is without
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electricity. uh without uh, you know, running water sewage system and people have been displaced now many times over and over again. all this is of course happening why the compartment is going on and also in this integration receiving the since tuesday is the a mass of crossing which has been closed. as soon as an agent is agencies of warning that and not enough age is coming in anymore. older as well as some it kind of came in, but there is a dispute of a how much a is actually reaching people because of self browser. most mainly where 8 organizations where as still working in the post models latania in a separate development. the u. s. says israel may have reached international law with american weapons in gaza. has there been an official reaction from israel to these allegations? and we don't, we didn't see that an official reaction to this,
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but it's very closely watched because the report says that it was use of us bathrooms is like you to be inconsistent with international but the lex and you know, the evidence in specific cases, no human rights groups would argue that they have documented cases where the force being used as disproportionate, where the more it just, you know, in the light of the so many civilian casualties now is the highest rejected. those accommodations over the long. it says it does enough to protect civilians, but this comes, of course, a mis, a deepening risk between uh the us administration and israel about the shipment of arms. and we have to see, you know, how this about the operational comes into play. and this because the us, as always says, i don't, this is the right likes for them. if it goes for the deeper into about the but you know of what, when they do. but the other countries do, if it's rather, is expanding its ground a sense of their so is the w is tonya kramer,
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reporting from jerusalem. tanya, thank you so much. let's get a check. now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the when says flash floods in northern afghanistan have killed at least 200 people, exceptionally heavy, seasonal rains cause flooding in several districts of babylon province. as well as cobbled officials say the desk told me, rise as many people remain missing and more storms are forecast here. in germany, hundreds of environmental activists have tried to storm tass, loves electric vehicle factory near berlin. they were driven back by police. the protesters oppose plans to expand the factory and clear the nearby forest. tesla wants to boost production of the assigned by up to 1000000 vehicles a year. in other news, the united states says it's working around the clock to deliver to ukraine what it
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means to defend itself against intensified russian attacks. the us announced a new $400000000.00 package of military aid for t of the move comes after moscow's forces launched a mass of ground attack on the ukrainian border region of harkins on friday. the burning houses and fines of debris to says the tension area of fuel cleans hockey region was among the latest targets rushing and pen strikes. we will let you know that we were here at night. my door was even blocked out because when you uh, i called the rescue is no, but nobody came mutual with my husband unblocked, the dual shows like, you know, in the nearby city of love. john's near the border of the truck she a degree and you know, officials said freshman forces tried to break through the defense line of
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the people that created because of flight spent sharing that thinking lead caused a everything was destroyed, everything was in ruins, homes with all night long there was smoke owner room, a haze yukon recognize the off chance they used to be that you create in president will develop zalinski said the military had anticipated the taxes and fees federal is under the a. those of a hot, obviously, of which, along the way to russia has launched a new wave of counter offensive fitness area. city where you, you crane, met them there without troops, brigades and artillery much live a show when it's important that they can increase and pull up some of forces in this direction. island massively split out military. welcome on our combined
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knowledge, knew about this and calculated the forces to meet the enemy with fire them. war. now there was out a few special stuckey b. so will not russia denies targeting civilians and cause it's assault digital with the strikes when you cleans military energy and transport infrastructure that but these images often adf, i'd keep now in ruins. del, a different story. a short time ago, i asked the w as an economy and key for more on the fighting one man at 24 hours in to this russian advance and the kind of give and we are still scratching our heads, trying to work out what exactly is going on we've had reports that they have basically gone into for the villages directing those kind of give us about 35 promises north of ukraine, 2nd city, and east of kind of giving you both chance credit of 6065 terms voltage factor. so
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the, the 2 separate areas on the russian border yesterday evening we had regional ukraine, you know, with our, to saying that the russians basically what controlling any villages. now that doesn't seem to be quite the case with international kind of observe is alice trying to look for g o located footage, satellite imagery to try and confirm that your boss is still struggling. but certainly we've seen lots of regions. social media falls of fighting, all fires of, you know, the kind of this you can see in the distance. so you're fighting going on that location. so there was a sense that the russians really at the, it's coming big of this big scale and trying to really make it difficult for the ukraine inside. we do believe that these, but it's on the board of wall logins that will gray zone. so they haven't really been fully controlled by the great inside. they were basically abandoned, but we're still really struggling to yeah. get photo this. so there's an economy in keys while until the patient is building ahead of saturdays and eurovision song contest final. the event has been overshadowed by protest over israel's
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participation. well, now there's a fresh controversy that's casting down and whether one of the top acts will be allowed on stage tonight. that's the thing or yours, klein was banned from a final rehearsal on friday after what organizers called an incident investigation is ongoing. hassan euro papa is one of his favorites to win. your emission is being hosted in the sweetest city of mountain there. i was bringing it philip alderman. he is the european culture editor for the guardian newspaper, and he enjoys us now from almo. hello to you, philip. so is politics stealing the spotlight away from music and this year's eurovision song contest? i think we can certainly say that it's overshadowed the proceedings here. and uh, that being major protests in the city since says day by people calling for the port bar code. so we don't want the israel to be included in the event to
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i'm really as of said since thursday the do politics is spilled into the program itself. and that was a very powerful sense after this had to be signed on. so as the press conference that's and separately will set out this way. this rates is with the fact that the debates around is around some cases over sat during their own contribution and, and they sort of made that's made that felt that after the after press conference, some of them have since become very specific passwords. they've set that in a cloud hanging over the haven over there. some come test. now we thought this some extraordinary development with the m temporary perhaps final exclusion of one of the office. yeah, phillips. is there anything more you can tell us about this incident as it's been
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called with the dutch single us klein. but just trying to was, uh, it was really one of the, one of the favorites. you know, you can see the love for folks at the round mouth, moses the singing. that song is very catchy. you say it is quite a political song. it's, you know, it's a song about oats when i'm some of outs um free movements. um, uh uh, i'm so wrapped into that pricing and story, but it's a good song. um, so, um, you know, it's kind was one of alex's about prescott and friends on size day who was quite confrontational, lead to say he sat right next to the is rarely contestants. and he was also due to perform right before huh. them at tonight's final and at the address the hassle. i know the press conference, one journalist i asked to ask these ready contests and whether she what
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so that may be hot, presence wasn't danger and you'd be out of the office. so the, or the spec types of visiting the events, which um, uh, got some booze around the room. um and then the, the person motor motor writing the interview such as he didn't have to onset, to which use klein said why not? which, you know, i'm, but we don't, we don't know whether the suspension has to do with that event for a, a separate incidents that, of the speculation but nothing from side problem. all right, we'll have to see what happens tonight at the final, phillip alterman, the guardian, european cultural editor. thank you so much for speaking to us from melma. thank you. as you're up to date on the w news, marian, i haven't seen, i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour up next. we have in good shape with the latest in nutrition trends from me and the entire new team in berlin
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