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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why, from berlin, israel orders and new evacuations in both the north and south of gaza. the military says, 300000 palestinians have already planned the southern city of rasa, as israel prepares to expand its operation in pursuit of from us. also coming up ukraine's president's zalinski says a fierce battle is under way in the heart chief region. after russia surprise assault opens a new front in the war. and duck senior use klein is booted under the univision contests, as they say northwest for holland. after a backstage incident leads not only to the disqualification, but also
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a police investigation. the and a warm welcome to the viewers around the world. i'm michael. ok. israel has called on palestinians to evacuate more parts of rafa, as well as to northern gods and neighborhoods. these really military says within 300000 people in new off, i have already flipped the area as fighting between is really troops and palestinian militants intensifies in the southern region which borders egypt. heavy clashes there have left crucial aid crossings in accessible according to the is really military. a mazda is trying to rebuild its capability is in the north of gaza. dw corresponded abraham joins me now from jerusalem. a. is there
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a sense there that this renewed evacuation order in rough up is assigned that israel is about to launch a major offensive there despite international calls not to do so. as well as real as really officials and the prime minister of israel have been cleared that going into real fi is a priority up for them to the the israel would continue with these plans at despite, as you mentioned, international warnings from the international community not to do so, and in fact, warnings from israel's closest allies, the nights i like the united states, not a to do so so far into israel has been operating in a rough up. but with air strikes that they claim are targeted airstrikes. but we're talking about an area that is very much dens densely populated with over 2000000 people sheltering in that southern most part of the strip. and there have been
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things, as you mentioned, at the, at the, at the border crossing between a rough and egypt on the a guys side of the border. and certainly these new evacuation orders and the images that we're seeing right now with people rushing out of that southern and most areas seem to suggest that an operation is eminent. however, analysts have also suggested that this invasion, eminent invasion on rough or something that's a little bit more invasive than what we've seen so far is a bargaining chip for these release as it is now. certainly the last of what they say is the last part of the strip where there are, there are still have much a battalion. so it's a, it's unclear but certainly something that they've said that these rules have said they are willing and prepared to continue with just out of curiosity. how did the
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people in rasa get the latest evacuation orders as well? according to the eye witness reports, they've gotten them through text or even phone calls. they're also requests that are often being dropped in these areas as a way to warn people that's what is real. always. it's because it's, it's, it's an attempt to try and, um, you know, minimize civilian harm and to get civilians out of harm's way. but as you meant to humanitarian organizations have also been seeing that this, you know, warning people when there's no real safe place to go, or no place where the basic needs survival exist is, is, is useless anyway, because where are these people, these hundreds of thousands if not millions supposed to go in a tiny piece of land that has been under constant berman bombardment for almost 7
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months now. okay, that is a abraham enjoys on many thanks. you a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world at this hour. the u. s. has criticized israel's use of the american weapons in the war and gone to a report shown to congress says it is likely that israel has use the arms in ways inconsistent with international humanitarian law. although the documents said it could not reach conclusive findings present in find in order to report in february, the u. n says flash floods in northern afghanistan have killed at least 200 people . exceptionally heavy, seasonal rains cause flooding in several districts of bug one province. as well as cobbled officials say the death toll may rise, as many people remain missing and more storms or forecast as the united states says,
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it is working around the clock to deliver ukraine. what it needs to defend itself against intensified russian attacks. the us announced a new $400000000.00 package of military aid for keys. the move comes after moscow's forces launched a massive ground attack on the ukrainian border region of hawk. he's on friday. the burning houses and fines of debris says detention area, a few clean car key region was among the latest targets rushing and strikes. we will let you know that we were here at night. my door was even blocked out because when you uh, i called the rescue is no, but nobody came mutual. with my husband unblocked, the dual shows like, you know, in the nearby city of love, johns, near the border of the trash here. you create a new notification, said freshman forces tried to break through the defense line. people
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go to evacuated because of flight sped. shelly said picking lead caused a everything was destroyed. everything was in ruins, homes with all night long. there was smoke owner room, a haze yukon recognize the vault. tunzia used to be that you create in president will develop zalinski said the military had anticipated the taxes and fees federal is under the a. those of i'll have to the odyssey of which along the fluid oakland, russia has launched a new wave of counter offensive synthesis area. really, ukraine method, the without troops brigades and artillery much little show when it's important that they can increase and pull up some of forces in this direction. and that's if you split out military or come on now combined small and
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you about this and calculate that forces to meet the enemy with fire and them water now there was out of fee is patch will still be so will not rush. she denies targeting civilians and cause it's a salt digital bit to strikes when you create military energy and transport infrastructure. but these images stuff and aids hard keep now in ruins. that's a different story. this year is your vision song contest in the swedish hoshi city of marble was already proving controversial. there have been protests and tension surrounding israel's participation with the war in gaza ongoing. but now in a separate incident comes to the later shock. the netherlands contest in use, klein has been disqualified. the duct senior did not perform and fridays dress
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rehearsals following what organizers described as an incident. now he's been removed from the contest with a police investigation into a complaint from a female member of the production crew. fish on you o papa was among the favorites to win. let's bring in richard orange. nordic editor at the local who joins us from the eurovision song, contest press office in bundle. richard duck senior us kline has now been banned from competing in the final. what do we know about what exactly let to this? it is still quite mysterious and i suspect it will be a while before you know, the full story book is a statement confirming his disqualification. the european broadcasting union said the swedish police have investigated a complaint made by a female of the production fruit, which came off for an instant following his performance in the semi final on thursday. and then just read this piece of separately said that they're
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investigating what they cool on local trucks and they've intervene by trying. i'm just a key. the one thing the, the news has stressed and did stress in his statement was that this did not involve another to format or anyone connected to another country. static ation. because it has the speculation that it was linked to israel delegation, particularly off the on 1st stage. i used klein and he, he, he was, he sort of challenged um, is i was a contestant by she was awesome. that she was worried about creating an extra risk for all the performance. and she said, i called comments on that. and he said, well, i know it's in a way that was contrary to this impressive book and it was absolutely nothing to do with us. so off the show and also law enforcement authorities now involved. there's also been protest calling for israel to be excluded over the gods. a war is politics stealing the spotlight for music in this year's contests,
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in your opinion. as i think before, the conscious thoughts about was the me something that the organizes in mama cities will forward to you. we're worried about. but actually the or vision found to come in it's, it's, it's really that they pull right into the eyes and i'm not in the energy here at the stadium is actually very positive. and uh, and also the were a very large protest in mama on, on thursday and they went to friends to be peacefully. so i think people wired that would be a serious, incidental injury to people being shots in india and not nothing really happened like that. it was, it went sort of relatively well. so i think in a way, it's that the handling is probably just has been a success for the city and for the contest. so let's get that positive energy going again here in politics aside, who's your favorite contestant to win tonight? richard, i'm actually even though i'm joining british, i'm swedish, and they were wasting twins. most of martinez, who reps,
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ethics reading to him or the case only. i told him my favorite is a is doctor, but i mean is the, the because it's kind of a return to the coming feel good old food key type of your vision. and i think it's a really fun song and too many boxes here. i've been trying to do something a bit at g, a court like that it's, it's kind of getting gates out and just doing something that just people feel good and the time. and i'm like, what actually i have to say i would have to send inviting school for um, use use klein, 0 pop up because it was such a fun song. and it's, it's such a shame that it's been knocked out, talk to the well, we'll be watching and judging your predictive skills. richard, orange, nordic editor at the local. many, many, thanks. thank you very much. i to and a reminder of the top stories were following to you at this hour. israel has ordered new evacuations in both the north and south of gaza. the military says $300000.00 palestinians have already fled the southern city of rafa. the un
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recently put the figure at 100000. israel is expected to expand its operation in pursuit of a moss. you carry the october 7 terror attack. that's all for now. coming up, our tech show shift explores why more and more youtube influencers are using animated characters as advertise, but will leave you with some spectacular footage of the northern lights, which have been dazzling skies all over the northern hemisphere. in countries like the u. k, germany, france, and the us. the aurora borealis could even be seen as far south as florida and tennessee, where solar storm on friday night cost solar flares. that meant the dancing lights could be seen much further south than usual. enjoy. can take care of the
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1st into are, is whenever they feel like you don't themselves are selling and fashion and most pieces in the sky. the beds have most of many ons, including the us have survival to do they do is the .


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