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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why, from berlin? israel orders and new evacuations in both the north and south of. gotcha. the military says 300000 palestinians have already fled. the southern city of rasa, as israel prepares to expand its operation in pursuit of hamas, and duck senior use klein is booted out of the your vision contest. as they say, no reply for holland. after backstage incident leads not only to disqualification, but also a police investigation. the
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i michael ok. let's get to have you with us. israel has called on palestinians to evacuate more parts of rafa, as well as to northern guys and neighborhoods. these really military says more than 300000 people in ross i have already flipped the area as fighting between is really troops in palestinian militants, intensifies in the southern region which borders egypt. heavy clashes there have left crucial aid crossings inaccessible. according to these really military, a mazda is trying to rebuild its capabilities in the north of garza. i asked our jerusalem corresponding to a email to him about the renewed evacuation. and whether these are early signs of a major offensive on rough or as well as real as really officials and the prime minister of israel have been cleared, that going into real fi is a priority up for them to uh,
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the israel would continue with these plans at despite, as you mentioned, international warnings from the international community not to do so. and in fact, warnings from israel's closest allies. the nights i like the united states, not a to do so. so far into israel has been operating in rough up. but with air strikes that the claim are targeted to go straight. so we're talking about an area that is very much dense and densely populated with over 2000000 people sheltering and but southern most part of the strip. and there have been things, as you mentioned, at the, at the, at the border crossing between a rough and egypt on the, the guy's side of the border. and certainly these new evacuation orders and the images that we're seeing right now with people rushing out of the southernmost
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areas seemed to suggest that an operation is eminent. however, analysts have also suggested that this invasion, eminent invasion on rough or something that's a little bit more invasive than what we've seen so far is a bargaining chip for these release as it is now. certainly the last of what they say is the last part of the strip where there are, there are still how much of a battalion. so it's a, it's unclear but certainly something that they've said that these rules have said they are willing and prepared to continue with just out of curiosity. how did the people in rasa get the latest evacuation orders as well? according to the eye witness reports, they've gotten them through text or even phone calls. they're also requests that are often being dropped in these areas as
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a way to warn people that's what is real. always. it's because it's, it's, it's an attempt to try and, um, you know, minimize civilian harm and to get civilians out of harm's way. but as you meant to humanitarian organizations have also been saying that this, you know, warning people when there's no real safe place to go, or no place where the basic needs survival exist is, is, is, is useless anyway, because where are these people, these hundreds of thousands if not millions, suppose to go in in a tiny piece of land that has been under constant berman bombardment for almost 7 months now. okay, that is a abraham enjoys alone. many thanks you to the un security council is calling for an independent investigation and to reports of mass graves found near hospitals rated by israel in garza gone, and officials accused israel of killing the victims and burying. but israel says
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palestinian spirit the bodies. a warning this report contains distressing content. rescue workers uncovered dozens of bodies as she saw hospital. over the past few weeks, hundreds of corpses have reportedly been found in gas as north and in the south, nicer hospital and han unice. people have been coming to see if they're missing loved ones are among the dead doesn't leveled. and my husband has been missing for a bunch of months and we've been searching for him and that's where he didn't used to go out much. he would only leave to bring us food and walters if it had been. and if he's been missing since he is really army entered han, you know, and, and, and we've been searching for him, but to no avail. and of union that's an under international humanitarian law.
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health facilities and hospitals are entitled to special protections during war. the united nations says it's deeply alarmed by the reports of mass graves. it is imperative that even the pendant international investigative sweets, forensic expertise, allow the immediate success to the sides of these mess graves. to establish the precise circumstances and which and the policy means most of their lives and order buddies or the buddies, the families of the dad, the missing give a right to know what happens. that out of competing narratives around several of these mess graves including seed is only gave sions at some of those. but it's what a lot to lead cubes. israel says, palestinians buried the bodies and that is really forces examined them while searching for the remains of hostages. taken by a mass in the october 7 terror attacks,
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but gas and officials accused israel of killing and burying them. israel has carried out raids in both hospitals alleging have mass militants use them as command centers and to hold hostages. mass grave, excavations are complex, and the sides have already been disturbed. uncovering the truth of what happened could prove difficult. a brief look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. the u. s. is criticized israel's use of american weapons in the war and gaza. reports shown to congress says it is likely that these role has use the arms in ways inconsistent with international humanitarian law. although the document said it could not reach a conclusive findings present in, but in order to report in february, ukraine says it is committed to repelling
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a new russian ground offensive on ukraine's northeastern border. presidents and landscape says the military anticipated the attack, and a fierce battle is under way ruptured claims to have captured several villages near keith. while ukraine says the russian casualty rate is near its highest levels ever . the death toll has risen to 7 following a bus crash in the russian city of saint petersburg. on friday, c. c t. v showed the vehicle driving a radically before plunging into the river. police are investigating media included the driver's wife as saying he was forced to drive a long shift without rest to the un says flash floods in northern afghanistan have killed at least $200.00 people exceptionally heavy and seasonal range caused flooding in several districts above one province as well as campbell officials say the death toll may rise, as many people remain missing,
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and more storms are forecasts well this year is your vision song contest, and the swedish host city of manuel was already proving controversial. there have been protests and tensions surrounding israel's participation with the war in gaza ongoing. but now in a separate incident comes to be later shock. the netherlands contested, used kline has been disqualified. the duck singer did not performing friday's dress rehearsals following what organizers described as an incident. now he has been removed from the contest with a police investigation into a complaint from a female member of the production crew, his song, euro papa was among the favorites to win. richard orange is the nordic editor at the local key. join me from the eurovision song contest press office in mama and i asked him what he knew about what led to the disqualification of the
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ducks. thing. it is still quite mysterious, and i suspect it will be a while before you know the full story book a statement confirming his disqualification. the european broadcasting union said the swedish police have investigated a complaint made by a female the production for which came off for an instant following his performance in the semi final on thursday. and then the swedish piece of separately said that they're investigating what they cool. i'm know full trucks and they've been to be by trying i'm his accuser. one thing the child stressed and did stress in his statement was that this did not involved and know that the format or anyone connected through another, come feet static ation. because the has the speculation that it was linked to israel delegation, particularly off the on 1st stage. i used klein and he, he, he, he was, he sort of challenged is files of contestants by she was
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off of the she was worried about creating an extra risk for all the performance as he said, i can't comment on that. and he said, why no, it's in a way that was contrary to this impressive books, and it was absolutely nothing to do with us. so off the show and also law enforcement authorities now involved. there's also been protest calling for israel to be excluded over the gods. a war is politics stealing the spotlight for music in this year's contests in your opinion? or i think this all the conscious thoughts about was the me something that the organizes in mama state to use all sorts she was worried about. but actually the years and found to come in it's it's, it's really that they pull right into the eyes and i'm not in the energy here at the stadium is actually very positive. and uh, and also the was a very large protest in mama on, on thursday and they went to friends to be peacefully. so i think people with wired
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that would be, you know, serious, incidental injury to people being shots in india and not nothing really happened like that. it was it when. so it's a relatively well. so i think in a way it's that the handling is, it probably just has been a success for the city and for the context. so let's get that positive energy going again here in politics aside, who's your favorite contest in to win tonight. richard, i'm actually even though i'm joining british, i'm swedish. um, are they really? i live in wage and twins, most of martinez, who reps, ethics reading to in all the cases only how they come to my favorite is a is just told by, i mean is the diva could. it's kind of a return to that kind of feel good old food key type of your vision. and i think it's a really fun song and too many boxes here. i've been trying to do something a bit at g. i quite like that it's, it's kind of going to get something just doing something that just people feel good and the time. and i'm, i would actually have to say, i would have to sit inviting tool or use use klein, 0 pop up because it was such
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a fun song. and it's, it's such a shame that it's been knocked out actually, well, will be watching and judging your predictive skills. richard, orange, nordic editor at the local. many, many, thanks. thank you very much. i a and a reminder of the top story we're following for you. israel has ordered new evacuations in both the north and south of gaza. the military says 300000 palestinians have already fled. the southern city of rough or the un recently put the figure at a $100000.00. israel is expected to expand its operation in pursuit of from us who carried out the october 7 terror attacks. we're going to end things. they are coming up a documentary about a genre of music and dance. that is unique to advocates cape virgin islands, but will leave you with some spectacular footage of the northern lights, which have been dazzling skies all across the northern hemisphere. in countries
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like the u. k, germany, france, and the u. s. the aurora borealis could even be seen as far south as florida and tennessee aware solar storm on friday night costs solar flares. that meant the dancing lights could be seen much further south than usual. take a look at these images and enjoy the in the
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can you see what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a heads up. so we'll need the snow on youtube
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and archipelago in the middle of the atlantic cape. the.


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