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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why, from berlin? israel orders new evacuations in both the north and south of gaza. the military says 300000 palestinians have already fled the southern city of rough up as israel prepares to expand it to operation in pursuit of him on russian forces to launch a new offensive, a long ukraine's ne border region of carson's capturing several villagers. ukraine response by sending reinforcements to the area, encouraging its allies to send more military aid will speak to an ad on the
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on mike, look who it's good to have you with us. israel has called on palestinians to evacuate more parts of rafa, as well as to northern g as in neighborhoods. that is really military says more than 300000 people in rough, i have already fled. the area as fighting between is really troops in palestinian militants, intensifies in the southern region which borders egypt. heavy classmates there have left crucial aid crossings inaccessible. according to these really military, a mazda is trying to rebuild its capabilities in the north of gaza. i asked our special correspondent in jerusalem, a email to him about the renewed evacuation and whether these are early signs of a major offensive on vasa as well as real is really officials and the prime minister of israel have been cleared. that going into effect is
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a priority of for them that the, that it is real would continue with these plans at despite, as you mentioned, international warnings from the international community not to do so. and in fact, warnings from a israel's closest allies. the nice i like the united states, not a to do so so far into israel has been operating in a rough up, but with air strikes that the claim are targeted to restrict. so we're talking about an area that is very much dense and densely populated with over 2000000 people sheltering and but southern most part of the strip. and there have been things, as you mentioned, at the, at the, at the border crossing between rough and egypt on the gaza side of the border. and certainly these new evacuation orders and the images that we're seeing right now with people rushing out of the southernmost areas seem to suggest
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that an operation is eminent. however, analyst have also suggested that this invasion, eminent invasion on roof or something that's a little bit more invasive than what we've seen so far, is a bargaining chip for these relays as it is now. certainly the last a what they say is the last part of the strip where there are, there are still have much a battalion. so it's a, it's unclear but certainly something that they've said that these rules have said they are willing and prepared to continue with just out of curiosity. how did the people in ross, or get the latest evacuation orders? i look forwarding to, i witness reports. they've gotten them through text or even phone calls, and they're also requests that are often being dropped in these areas as
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a way to warn people that's what is real. always. it's because it's, it's, it's an attempt to try and, um, you know, minimize civilian harm and to get civilians out of harm's way. but as you meant to humanitarian organizations have also been saying that this, you know, warning people when there's no real safe place to go, or no place where the basic needs survival exist is, is, is, is useless anyway, because where are these people, these hundreds of thousands if not millions, suppose to go in in a tiny piece of land that has been under constant barbara bombardment for almost 7 months now. okay, that is abraham enjoys alone. many thanks you that we should mention to you when security council is calling for an independent investigation into reports of mass graves found new hospitals rated by israel. in
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garza, i'm austic uses israel of killing the victims and burying them. but israel says, palestinians buried the bodies a warning. this report contains distressing content. rescue workers uncovered dozens of bodies as she saw hospital. over the past few weeks, hundreds of corpses have reportedly been found in gases north and in the south nasser hospital and han unice. people have been coming to see if they're missing loved ones are among the dead doesn't leveled. and my husband has been missing for a bunch of months and we've been searching for him and that's where he didn't used to go out much. he would only leave to bring us food and walter doesn't have it. and if he's been missing since he is really army entered, han, you know, is and, and we've been searching for him, but to no avail. and of union,
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that's an under international humanitarian law, health facilities and hospitals are entitled to special protections during war. the united nation says it's deeply alarmed by the reports of mass graves. it is imperative that even the pendant internationally investigative sweets, forensic expertise allow the immediate success to the sides of these mess graves to establish the precise circumstances and then which enters a policy means most of their lives and the buddies, buddy, buddy, the families of the dad the missing give a right to know what happens or that out of competing net. it seems that on several of these mess graves, including seat is obligations at some of those. but it's what it lawfully q. israel says palestinians buried the bodies and that is really forces examine them while
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searching for the remains of hostages, taken by a mass in the october 7 terror attacks. but gas and officials accused israel of killing and burying them. israel has carried out raids in both hospitals alleging have mass militants use them as command centers and to hold hostages. mass grave excavations are complex, and the sides have already been disturbed. uncovering the truth of what happened could prove difficult. a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the u. s. has criticized israel's use of american weapons in the war and gaza. reports shown to congress says it is likely that israel has use the arms in ways inconsistent with international humanitarian law. although the documents said it could not reach conclusive findings, president biden ordered the report. in february. people in northern afghanistan
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have been burying their dead after widespread flooding. taliban authorities say the number of people killed has now passed 330. the world health organization said the floods had left many more homeless and severely disruptive transportation, water supplies, and sewage systems. to the desk told has risen to 7 following a bus crash and the russians to give st. petersburg on friday. cctv showed the vehicle driving a radically before plunging into the river. police are investigating media quoted. the driver's wife is saying he was forced to drive long shifts without rest. the ukrainian government says it is committed to repelling a new russian ground defensive on ukraine's northeastern border. according to local officials, hundreds of civilians have already been evacuated from the area in the harkey
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region. russia claims that have captured several village as well. ukraine says the russian casualty rate is near record levels. ukraine 2nd largest city hockey has come under constant russian bombardment in recent weeks. for some analysis, let's bring in marina moran from the war studies department at kings college london . marina moscow says it's captured several villages around hockey's. keep and says it's largely repelled the attacks. but both sides put their spin on this. is it a new front in the war a good afternoon, michael. well, that's the big, very good question because we don't know if the russians are doing it as a distraction. so they launch this operation as a distraction in order to lower ukrainian forces. and the reserve units away from
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us are locations such as tri city are possibly and open a bigger offensive in those locations for they could indeed be establishing was put in has called for, namely a box for us own in order to protect balderas. and that has been the non several months ago, so it would align with so subjective at this stage it's very difficult to say what is happening. and as you said, we're getting mixed reports from both the premium and the russian side. um, however, it seems like the russians are moving forward and from my understanding what they're trying to do is surround both chance and breakthrough. so you premium defenses there and make it also difficult to supply you pregnant troops from hard to you. involve trunk. you might be beginning to answer. my 2nd question here in your mind, is this a limited operation or the beginning of the ground defensive ukraine has been
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sounding the alarm of that for weeks now as well, it would be interesting to see you. how is it some folds? because i think that at this stage the russians will not be trying to take the city or harkey, which shouldn't be confusing. the old list so far keep and the city of harkey may be, as i said, they will try to take some settlements and try to control this. what used to be called every zone. but essentially when it comes to the actual offensive operations, it might be developing into also direction. we also have as a such trust to be off what on chrome. of course, there was another possibility for that. so maybe they will strike in several direction. simulate tenuously. so it's very difficult to know, and there isn't as a possibility that the russian command is looking at how ukraine is reacting and then adjusting their own plans in terms of whether to further develop this
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offensive in harkey or a goal for. and those are the direction. mm ukraine. as you surely know, is expected to receive new western weapons in the coming weeks. no doubt russia knows this, and i imagine little doubt ukraine could use those weapons right now. can that military 8 arrive in time to repel the russian to advance and ultimately make a significant difference, as well in order to, to repel the russian advance. ukraine also need a proper defensive lines and well built out defensive lines. and that has unfortunately little to do with the aides that are ukraine will be receiving the as a problem, is that at the camps, for instance, yes, it can be useful. but in this specific scenario, what you created with the need of, um, our vehicles, um tanks artillery systems along with artillery amunition. given the fact that the
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artillery ammunition is not going to arrive until june, according to the check or republic. it's difficult to say how much, in fact that it will have if any, i think i'm much more skeptical that the arrival of the 8 will be timely, on the kind of the able to print will be receiving will be enough. and we also have the problem with the number of trips that your brain is missing in order to, to be able to deploy more troops to the front to stop the russian offensive walk to the space. so that's the analysts, marina moran. from the worst studies department at kings college london. as always, many thanks. thank you for having me to this year's your vision song. contest in the swedish host is city of memo, was already proving controversial. there have been protest intention surrounding israel's participation with the war in gaza on going. but now in
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a separate incident, comes the last latest shock that metal is contested. yost, klein has been disqualified. the duct singer did not perform in friday's dress rehearsals. following what organized was described as an incident. now he's been removed from the contest with a police investigation into a complaint from a female member of the production crew. his song, you of papa was among the favorites to win higher and higher. aware solar storm has lit up the night sky in countries they rarely get to see the natural light show. the aurora borealis, the northern lights dazzled over the u. k. germany, france, the us, and many other countries across the hemisphere or us space whether agency issued a severe jewel, magnetic storm warning when a solar outburst reached earth on friday afternoon. the rare event caused solar flares that meant the dancing lights could be seen much further south than usual.
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and we ended there coming up tensions among the world's nuclear powers or on the rise. we're going to take a look at that state to unlike local more news at the beginning of the next hour. the every jenny is full of surprises. allowed to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time. but still very much alive your guy to dismiss.


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