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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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of the business day, the news lived from breland. these are all, all it is new evacuations. in both the north and south of casa, the military says, 300000 palestinians have already slept this 1000. and 16 rafa as these are out the past to expand its operation, passing on from us, also coming up, oppression forces launching new offensive along the trains. ne pulled our region of hockey of culture and several villages. green responds by sending reinforcements, the area, and hedge, and its allies to send and boxing got used,
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klein is booted out. so the eurovision contests absolutely. backstage incidents that needs not only to disqualification, but also a police investigation. the i, i'm eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program. these are all house called on palestinians to evacuate all parts of rafa, as well as 2 neighborhoods in northern garza. these are the ministry says more than 300000 people in ralph. i have already fled the area of fighting between east riley choose, and palestinian militants intensifies in the south and region which borders egypt. heavy clashes that have left crucial aid crossings in accessible according to these regulatory have office trying to rebuild its capabilities in the north of casa. still is that somebody's
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a coal joins me from jews that i'm hello saw me. is this the style of these roles long states have planned to attack the remaining have mass forces in rafa. when a on thursday night was a cabinet the meeting a security politic on the cabinet. and there was also a meeting of the smaller work cabinet. and in both of these forms, they decided to go ahead with this so offensive in that of law. but they did not say whether this is the beginning of the major escalation, or whether this it would be a limited attack. and i think that we will have the to see in the for coming days, the scope of this right at the u. s. has wand ease. are all against launching full scale invasion or dropbox is. these are new governments worried about losing support for me? it's me and i like if a desk,
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as for sure the graves, the concerns is rand, regarding the, the threats by the american administration. but i, i continue many people here in israel. they view of these statements that are coming out of washington as statements that are linked to the internal politics in the united states, and namely the upcoming november elections. and they're saying that inside the united states, and by then is concerned that the own growing protest in the universities against the is really the warring gaza, is going to cost him the upcoming elections. and therefore, he's making these statements. but the after the elections and whether it would be republicans or democrats, it would be more like a business as usual. right,
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right. at 7 more protests calling for these ready governments to do more to get hostages released. how much pressure is the government under to yeah, when the today is the relatives of the hostages uh the stage at protest in the deluxe eve, in which they were and putting all the blame on the prime minister benjamin at the out. and, and they were saying that, so long bunch, i mean it's in the hours, the priming is stuff is around, the relatives were not to be released or from captivity. and the, the 1st thing that has to be done is the removal of and that then, you know, they called the other members of the government to leave this government. they're saying that this government is not acting to release the hoss there's, but is a rather a, they're aiming at the war in rough us. and i can tell you that even though
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a majority of the public is what to support some kind of like a prison or swap that hostage swap is a base the politic a right wing base, is actually in favor of these kinds of operations in the fluff and this is where nathan, you know, is getting his political support. right. somebody so cold in 0 is that him. thank you. how do you answer, curious accounts of this, calling for an independent investigation into reports of mass graves found in the hospitals rated by eas, riley, and gaza. mazda accuses these are all of killing the victims and burying them, but these are all set for the stadiums. buried to the bodies. the one in this report contains distressing content. rescue was uncovered thousands of bodies that oh, she felt hospital. in the past few weeks, hundreds of corpses have already been found in gauze as news
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and in the south at nasa hospital in con eunice, people have been coming to see if the missing loved ones are among the dead doesn't leveled and my husband has been missing for a bunch of months and we've been searching for him and that's where he didn't used to go out much. he would only leaves to bring us food and walters. and again, he's been missing since these really army entered hun, you know, as and, and we've been searching for him, but to no avail. and the view that happened on the international humanitarian, new health facilities and hospitals are entitled to special protections during war . the united nations said is deeply alarmed by the reports of mass graves. it is imperative that even the pendant internationally, investigative sweets,
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forensic expertise allow the immediate success to the sites of these mess graves to establish the precise circumstances and which ends as a policy means lost their lives ends, or buddies or the buttons. the families of the data, the missing give a right to know what happens that out of competing negatives around several of these mess graves, including seat is only gave sions at some of those. but it's what it lawfully q. israel says palestinians buried the bodies and that is where the fault is examined . them was searching for the remains of hostages. taken by how much in the october 7th terror attacks to the how must one civil defense accuses israel of killing and burying them. israel had carried out raids in both hospitals, alleging how much the militants use the most c'mon centers to hold hostages. mass
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grave excavations are complex and dislikes of already being disturbed. uncovering the truth of what happened to you could prove difficult, as most are, is making headlines around a well that's look at some of them. the u. s. has criticized these are alls use of american weapons in the war in gaza, reports shown to congress, and so it is likely that each route has used the ways inconsistent with international humanitarian law. although the documents that it could not reach conclusive findings, president biden for the reports and february people in northern afghanistan have been burying the dead after widespread flooding telephone with already to see the number of people killed has now passed 330. the world health organization said the flats i left many more homeless and severely disruptive transportation, water supplies, and sewage systems. that total has risen to 7 after
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a bus crash in the restroom success of st. petersburg on friday. cctv show the vehicle driving drastically before plunging into the river. please investigating media quote at the drive his wife, seeing he was forced to drive long ships without rest, is now the korean government says it is committed to repairing in new russian ground offensive on ukraine's northeastern border. according to local officials, hundreds of civilians have already been evacuated from the area in the hockey region. restaurant seems to have captured several villages while you bring says the russian casualty rates as near record levels between 2nd largest c to hack it has come on that constant russian bombardment in recent weeks. so are we seeing a new front in the war that's here for my, you know, i'm here on from the war studies department of kings college london. well, that's the very good question because we don't know if the russians are doing it
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as a distraction. so they launch this operation as a distraction in order to lower ukrainian forces. and the reserve units away from us are locations such as trusting the, are possibly and open a bigger offensive in those locations for they could indeed be establishing was put in has called for, namely a box for us own in order to protect valid the right and that has been the non several months ago, so it would align with those objectives. at this stage it's very difficult to say what is happening. and as you said, we're getting mixed reports from both the premium and the russian side. um, however, it seems like the russians are moving forward and from my understanding what they're trying to do is surround both chance and breakthroughs or ukrainian defenses there and make it also difficult to supply ukrainian troops from hierarchy
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of involve trunk. now use klein that that's the contestants in this. he has eurovision song contest has been disqualified just hours before the final in the sweetest city of mama, the thing i did not perform in friday's dresser has always that's what organizes described as an incident. the competition, organize, assess, please the investigating. he complains from a single member of the production crew, klein song, bureau papa was among the favorites during a jeremy now is mike lee from dw college. i resonate and goes hello. bethany. nice to have you. it's uh, quite interesting what's happening with this on contest? do we know more about why did that send got used client has been disqualified. yeah, so i'm the mean you, the organizers off to your vision have actually kept their public statement rather bake. just saying that there was an ongoing police investigation involving a female crew member without really giving any further details. but then today,
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in the course of the afternoon, off road toes, the dutch broadcaster, who is one of the many broadcasters, funding and broadcasting the revision every year has come out with a statement on social media. saying that use kline did in fact make a threatening movement towards a female um crew member. but this was an reaction to her not leaving him alone after he repeatedly said that he didn't want to be fold. um, they are calling the disqualification or the exclusion of your client from the event rather disproportionate and say they're that they are disappointed with the decision. as you can imagine, the reactions of the fans has been pretty intense, both at the venue as well as on social media. they, they say they're confused and they don't quite understand why this happened, especially considering that a song was positive to be one of the favorites. what's also happening is that as in
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protests, calling for each route to be excluded by the gods of all the splits, explaining the show. yeah. so maybe you has repeatedly insisted that, but your vision is a cultural event with no place for politics. and what that means is that behind the scenes, they are tracking very hard to keep this event are free of politics. so in terms of the final intern ibis means that there will certainly be searching the bags of attendees to make sure that they won't bringing in any flags or slogans are representing countries that are not directly represented in the final. in terms of the performers there, of course, also asked not to make their performances political in any way. i'm listening. step be is real or is really contest and eden. golan was asked to change both the alerts and the title of her song. it's now called hurricane,
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but it was called october rain and that made direct reference to the october 7th. i'm also tax. there was also an instance at the final dress rehearsal today where the french contestants, we, man, um, actually, uh, stopped his performance and um, came out to speak in favor of peace and unity. so it's all very uh, very easy to then definitely defend um. so while there has been politics um, sort of on stage and off stage of previous events, this is certainly the 1st time that we're seeing it to such an extent. i wish i had more time to ask for your support team about you to time with me. with that. thank you very much. as i said right now, the strongest sort of storm in decades has that supercharged to nothing on southam nights settling. nothing of dazzling displays and skies across the world. normally visible only might spread and off the r borreo, this shipment over the u. k. germany funds to us and many other countries. a space
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that whether it is the issue, the severe jewel, my kinetic stone, wanting, that is sort of our best reached at on friday afternoon. and that's all for now. join us at the top of the someone use the prices got any issues or thoughts save, who the good thing could've done more. thank you. just click away sign the best document on you.


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