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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CEST

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the, the business need of the news life umbrella, and these are all orders newly of our questions in both the north and south of casa lemonades. recess, 300000 palestinians have already flipped the south. and city of rafa, as these are off a pass to expand its oppression, impressed you or from us, also coming up thousands botched through the streets of civil easy in a fresh show of a position to a foreign agents bill. similar to a law in russia. critics, a can be used to track down on defense, will go to police and russian forces, as long as you knew, offensive along the cranes. ne pulled our regional pocket of capturing several villages. the train was phones by sending via the enforcements to the area and ads
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and its allies to send moment the i. i'm eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program. these are all has called on palestinians to evacuated small pots of rough, uh, as well as 2 neighborhoods in northern guys. these are leading latrice as more than 300000 people. in the rafa i've already fled the area of fighting between these early troops and policing and militants intensifies in the south and region which brought us egypt. have you glasses that have left crucial aid crossings accessible according to the easily military? i'm office trying to rebuild its capabilities in the north of gas. so is this, the styles of these are all as long states i plan to attack the remaining how my
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sports is in the rafa. i asked the gentlest, some musical injury. we send them on thursday night, it was a cabinet, the meeting a security politic on the cabinet. and there was also a meeting of the smaller work cabinet. and in both of these forms, they decided to go ahead with this so offensive in that of law. but they did not say whether this is the beginning of their major escalation, or whether this it would be a limited attack. and i think that and we will have the to see in the for coming days, the scope of this right has been us, has warranties, are all against launching a full scale invasion or dropbox is. these are a new government worried about losing support for me. it's me and i like if a desk, as for sure the grades with concerns is rand,
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regarding the, the threats by the american administration. but i can tell you many people in the hearing is rose. they view these statements that are coming out of washington as statements that are linked to the internal politics in the united states. and they believe the upcoming november elections. and they're saying that the inside the united states and the biden is concerned that the ongoing protest in the universities against the is riley of warren garza, is it going to cost him the upcoming elections? and therefore he's making these statements. but the after the elections and whether it would be republicans or democrats, it would be more like a business as usual. right, right. at 7 more protests calling for these are the governments to do more to get hostages released. how much pressure is the government under?
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oh yeah, well is, today is the uh relatives of the hostages uh the stage at protest in the deluxe eve, in which they were and putting all the blame on the prime minister benjamin at the out. and, and they were saying that so long, but should be there between the hours the pricing and stuff is around, the relatives were not to be released from a captivity. and the, the 1st thing that has to be done is the removal of and that the anyhow, they called the other members of the government to leave this government. they're saying that this government is not acting to release the host is, but is a rather a, they're aiming at the war in rough us. and i, i can tell you that even though a majority of the public, the end user support some kind of like a prison or swap that hostage swap is
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a base. the political right when base is actually in favor of these kinds of operations in the class. and this is where nathan, you know, is getting his political support. right. somebody so cold in 0 is that him, thank you. as most are, is making headlines around a well, that's the cut, some of them, the us, us, criticized. these are all as use of american weapons in the war and gas, a report shown to congress this. it is likely that these route has used the ways inconsistent with international humanitarian law. although the documents that it could not reach, quote conclusive findings. preston by the end or that the reports in february the people in not enough got us done having diarrhea in the dead after widespread flooding. kind of bundled, sorry to see the number of people killed has now passed 330 the world health organization. so i have the flaps, i've left many more homeless and severely disruptive transportation,
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lots of supplies and sewage systems. the bet total has risen to 7 after a bus crash in the russian city of st. petersburg on friday. cctv show the vehicle driving wraps. it can be before plunging into the river. please investigating media quote at the drive as wife a see and he was forced to drive long ships without the rest of thousands of demonstrates as how valid in tbilisi, in another might of protests against the russian style. for any of the winds, fail after 50000 furthest as much to the georgian capital calling on the government of the for most of us are public to withdraw the draft legislation. the like in the bill to when introduced in russia by flooding inputs in which critics, the has been used to suppress dissent that ruling georgia. dream patsy is county forcing the legislation to parliament despite months of protests to have you correspondence, maria customize the este into below easy. she told us all about the latest protest
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. yes, indeed. thousands of her passers. i came out on the streets since b. c. we've seen an ocean of people marching from 3 different locations in the city to the europe square pro european demonstrators are showing their commitment to the europeans past the state that they are this. i think the most decision to breeze reduce the spell. what's interesting here is that it is the protest resumed after a long is to break. but surely this is to break in georgia here was not peaceful at hall. we've seen the spark of wireless against the protesters against the actors and a position fingers were actually posing this bill. in the city, you can see the posters all being dependent on the list of the activists, if threes, that they are, the traitors, they are the 4 nations of the country. and that's what people here in georgia are
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hearing that even so the bill has not been introduced yet, but we can already see the implications being termination of the journalist and the this quotation of the pro democracy movements here. because right, right. so either any signs to suggest that the government is ready to listen to the crowd and reconsider the bill of the the government again today re to rate it's commitment to base a so called for an agents bill. however, yesterday, the prime minister iraq to call come by, he's a in the interview as local journalist, saw that it could be that the government decides to make some changes to the bill during the presidential veto a processor or but um, progress. the presidents, how long is the robust really as voted to veto the bill? however, it's not going to be enough because she doesn't have real power in this country. the way part is still can override this me to so,
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and she also what's interesting here that she is opposing that government. and she saw that the bill is a problem for georgia, but it's a bigger problem. uh, what she calls a russian government in georgia, referring to the leadership of the wing party. so the portal is ation in, in georgia on the possible classes between political parties as well. i'm clicking on this one. what really is that speak for georgia here as well as the georgia and democracies, essentially bank ports to the tests. now, the integration in your atlantic integration rather, also is in truth as rise in the countries constitution and people who are actually protesting this bill. they're saying that they see this move uh for instance, auction of the bill as unconstitutional. move of the government. and also this is a, as a side, the violence increase, the gains,
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the civil society members and georgia is believe that this bill, it's going to cost the same um, same repressions as it did in russia on that's why they say that they will not back down and protest again and again until the government throws, the government doesn't show any sign of intending to do so. at this moment. right. we've got some of the integral, easy. thank you. ukraine's presidents let them, as he says, ukrainian forces are battling russian troops in 7 border villages in the northeastern hockey region area. almost to claim that you have capped at several villages in the area. training and officials say that we have the box weights at hundreds of civilians from the boarder regence of the city of pockets. according to the local governor ukraine, 2nd largest city as kindly threatened by the russian assaults or so are we seeing a new funds in the wall? let's here from are you not here on from the wall studies department, atkins,
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college, london? i think that's a very important question because right now it is not clear if this is exactly that russian offensive, that's the ukrainian government has been expecting because your brand new military intelligence has looked at the formations. the morris roofing of, for says that the russians have created amounting to some $50000.00 soldiers across the board or so they, the, the, the whole idea of was that the russians would either attack a harkey or who may regions. so it could be, of course, the parts of the russian offensive, or it could be at the sap, the operation to direct the ukrainian forces and the reserves way from the bone boss away from the south to the north in order to launch something there. that to, to add more to, to that, what do you think? is this a limited operation then?
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or is it the beginning of the ground defensive ukraine has been warning about 4 weeks. well, it remains to be seen right now. i don't see that. how's the russians would be proceeding to capture the city of hard to you've? there is still a lot to be done on the ground. as of the latest news, they have apparently entered well of trying to scan, and they're trying to surround the ukrainian groupings they are. so i think that the, the russian command will look what the ukrainians will do and how many of their reserves will be deployed to higher q before they might decide on the next move. because i think there is a possibility that they might still launch an offensive against possibly odessa or continue with us. what else can cromer for us? because we also have trusted yara. we have activity around guns, so those opposite directions are still important. so there are many offensive,
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so let's put it that way. still underway. you there. so right now, it's not very clear what's going to happen right here. you say that ukraine is expected to receive new west and weapons in the coming weeks. come about really $380.00 to arrive in time to make a significant difference. you think? i well, i think the better question is if that a, that is supposed to arrive is designed to give you credit and what it needs in order to protect itself. or it just stops the russian advances. because on the one hand, of course, ukraine is lacking, or tillery, i'm artillery systems and uh, to react munition, they are lacking armor vehicles. they are also lacking error defenses, but they are lacking manpower. and i think that's one of the critical points. and of course, the morales, the brand new troops, and is also being affected by the current mobilization and the aforementioned shortages. so ukraine already received out accounts, however, as
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a poorly suited for these types of corporations were ukraine needs or until, or at least parity in terms of where it hillary era defenses to defend against russian fab's some sort of electronic warfare, a defensive and this is something that you create is not guiding unfortunately. so i'm not sure whether the ease or to crane is going to get this. going to make a significant difference in terms of ukraine's ability to stop the russian forces right list marine on their own from the war studies department, kings, colleagues, london, thank you very much. thank you for having me. the strongest, so last on and decades has supercharged and often in solving lights, setting of 1000 displays and skies across the world. they'll go rob morales is normally visible for i don't know if by the shadow by the u. k. gemini frowns to us and many other countries, us fees where the agency issue this is. yeah. do my kinetic storm warning one a,
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so the out best and that as on friday afternoon. and you are up to date coming up. you spoke to 3 people from different backgrounds, aging for that, the world of free speech, free press access to free information for every star trainings and next take action, dw global media for him 2024 in bunch of any register. now lots.


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