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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm CEST

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the credit supply behind these discovered new adventures and 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage, sorry, dw world heritage 360. now the, today we're coming to you from the capital of malawi, we're exploring cause a creative help with the countries i to is connect, collaborate, and showcase the exciting talent. but 1st, we follow the influenza bellow. go see around is what you need to find off the 5 must do. see what stacy? the maze we've been in south africa and find out why she's called the scene of smoke. then discover more about the teenager orchestra, bringing diversity to classical music. i am cynthia sundays, hulu, and you are watching after max. the
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layer of, of the law holds deep symbolism and they are but culture representing respect and continuing as it is passed on through generations. failure to come be a design the based in the link us specializes in casting these 2 additional cap fees. hi, i'm loving just an accessory. traditional niger, men's fashion would not be complete without so much and kept this cops coming in different desires, on the contrast and was growing up as a child. mo, most of us learns out to the style these cops out to pick the pieces to complete and to what you are wearing before we get into the secrets of house of style and we have the field property, i want it saves about the person where and it's let's find doubts why the top is so
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important for your appointment. family can be is a legal space designer who has been making fema cops for over 5 years. for example, this is the extra fabric comes in your pin stripe, blue. i drove it out of blue and bright. the yellow design is called the ending and symbol i see is friendship relationships with people in the not doing culture mens had supposed culturally significant on the form of individual expression the same time they show a deep connection. so tradition of spirituality and family company, all this together in one hand, this is a design for by us that we made means velvet's and the umbrella sam. roger, this question means i drew as i go with each other about politics is design comes from the popular kind of games and we designed them with trees
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beside them just to give it to, according to the field. before reveal the secrets of houses we have to fill up properly. let's find out how they produced in the 1st place. quite as familiar with, with about the theme local i to sense from across various parts of the south west, the parts of bunch area such as effect an example. this is a popular town known for his picnics in, i'm in newton of cops and they've been doing this for over a 100 years. the i known for this particular profession and we are going to be showing you ways on our everything to make a complete comp from the contents of the line into the joining mixing process. this is my feeling to walk, and i loved all so much and i've been doing this with like sales and so 20 years ago. this is where we make our admissions process for some of our cups. the cover working on is going to be made with a powder blue design and a new design is going to cost about $2.00 to $3.00 days to complete the process. we
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love to use the origin out and with one course in the fabrics for our cups. so we're going to be quite some distance precise 23, and we've got the swap. so fabric in the dog. and no way to enable you'd be able to slip your copy of your cups from the sides. why is this important to be able to flip the cap to the side? more than that lights up. we cut them into swats of fabrics and we lined them from the inside. we joined the source of fiber, softer, savvy on of the suburbs of quoting so size is because we was able to anyone else get the right shape of the car. so we train them together on line the fibers from the inside. well that don't allow me to fabric. we've taken 3 units in process of submitting this. it usually takes a couple of days to complete the, because on every stage is done by and, and we take our time, i make sure that it's sort of satisfying that they've been for centuries once. it's
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done with tickets to the it's in fact very well, it's in so give it is a sign of platform that keeps the originality of the membrane piece of painstaking manual. what payoff certainly is hans and made by local actors in which spread the local community is had a sold worldwide. we boosted my joy to come to me and helps with the preservation of the your but for addition, the bride res can last 5 as long as 101520 years. been all you keep them the uh, the company passed on from generation as the all this now, but you found out how that additional feelers have made. it's time to unravel the final mystery of the euro. but how does a man actually where it is due to there are saying that when you're married, you
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a cup to the left. and when you're saying we have nothing in my read the way to do right in this form and this phone. and for those that not fiction, you enter the front. and because of this mysterious finds that men can make that feel lot, polk should be preserved. it's important that we keep the over buffy allows the culture all accessory a simple piece for as long as we can because just like the language itself, where we have to like protect it on trust side. so i can make sure it doesn't get as, although fashion trends are constantly changing. and so all the designs of the field, what doesn't change is the thought of making your costs and how to with them and send me, i'd be going to be make sure to fill out remains it, remind me of the rich culture, hopefully euro, but people do not use such great designs or with so many different meanings. since 2022 quizzes in the longer malawi has provided
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a unique space for us is to work network and perform as evolved into a community of like minded creatives aiming to change the world through art. today where with a quiz i found that cumulative is why did you think there was a need for such a space as quiz? i think my relax a little creative spaces for myself as well. i needed a place where i could feel inspired and i felt if i could do that for myself, then let me just expand it and create a space. where are this under the creatives can access facilities? can you take us through the different areas and the types of people, okay, those that use this facility, we post creative interpreters for looking for the space for administrative and management purposes. we get musicians. we use the recording studio, we gets dances and instructors who use our mind to use studio for desk. we're hoping to finish our event space as well so that we get people who do events can come and do different events as well as all thank you so much cute. you'll catch up
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with you later. you're not, not off the hook, you're not off the hook yet. thank you. the modern kingdom is what you need is known for its culture festivals attracting taurus worldwide. but beyond that, there's a lot more for adventure as travelers to enjoy what the host and influence of below go see, says her top 5 must do experiences enjoy. if you haven't done these 5 things and you haven't been to and so i think we just slide a small sized kingdom off of a wealth of unique experiences to travelers on all tide's years. 5 things you must do in the kingdom. chairs for candle is what the name formerly known as far as the land has so many attractions and one office main attraction is it's the natural beauty and muscle i. d as the 1200000 people living in a 14 year of course, love spending time outdoors. and if you want to get to enjoy the kingdom,
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like one of us locals, then get us in some h. s. to 15 minutes away from bonnie's for to santa is monday, i may chat visits for you can go for a high school, enjoy that culture of a must be the monday have falls rid of high takes 151 and a half to 2 hours through sized indigenous tropical forest, the hike ends at glen downfalls, which is as 40 lodges toward the wow, this is really an spoiled nature. not only what you're saying, but look out for the game. this is really the perfect place to work up. a little switch in our natural power dies
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on our list of top 5 things, not to miss. this is an odd to experience in a 14 is christine ne, check check. and if that wasn't enough, you can continue the past a long to say it was 1st legend has it. this is way queen. she was buried. king solomon's treasure. oh and one more thing. if you really want to cool, don't go swimming here. i'm just saying crocodile, as for the as tropical or you're around not to say upon. what does is what any have to offer those who need a great, well, what's crocodile lurking and most of the rivers, those that want to cools can hit the pool. and that's another one of my must do
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things in a 40, but don't forget, just then screen a pod from hiking and swimming. what other surprises all day in by me is what we must do. i do have never been shy to travel between towns and villages to get live done. so we're pretty proud of our road network. and so i think he may be squeezed between south africa and mozambique, but there is one more thing. then it's nature that as world renowned and well below your mind. i think when you close, only recycled close as he used mainly old cole chang parcels. and each and every piece of totes in a hand way. and last blow people from all over the country,
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collect bottles and a paid for clean cloth. make sure you come from mondays through fridays at green your claws, then you can actually wash them below that. something that flows your mind. ok. so what else is on the left? and just 2 steps away from them when you're class flowing factory is f like any space chocolate factory. come on and see the sweet fights that they have to offer. and because i'm special, i get to be helpful and i have that love view templates as me to adventure. check working up a sweat are not checked sunscreen. well, but mind blowing, sweet surprise and a vibrant night lived. oh take. there's something for everyone in the kingdom of
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it's letting me make sure you don't miss out. don't know about you, but it's what you need is definitely on my bucket list. now we're back with cuba. low is he? did you know that he's also an incredible poet? let's learn more and how he uses porchie just thought important conversations about culture and society. we remoted from this land, a skins molten mountain rocks painted onto our flesh. we are one with this land. we ok this land a mile out. what value do you think artists offer, especially in africa where most business people don't understand the value of the ok. everyone wants to be associated with with ours and culture. and i think that association puts whoever it is, whether it's a corporate with whether it's an organization in a, in, in a good light. i think it really, really helps the brand, especially if it's an artist whose messaging who's brand is in line with their own
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. not just that, but also in terms of services. i think there's a lot that still needs to be done for companies will corporate to fully harness the power of engaging artist not just waiting to payment, but as part of their group. thank you so much for your time today. q. what do we think of motor sports? we think racing and male sense drivers, but one woman in south africa has put a different spin on this image. let's go to el dorado park, south africa and meet stacy lee made the dynamic of a small professional car spinning is a male dominated world. stacy may is one of the few women to take a stand in the sport. how did she feed her male competitors? before we get to know what you had to overcome to be some of the queen and smoke? let's find out what it is that makes her just awake. spinning means everything to me because it just puts me out of my comfort zone and made me do something so
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extraordinary when i'm so was typical shy golf from all those. so how do you do session with constituting start the tests today and was in swimming from the time my dad used to do each device the principal today, so spend a name is fine me. so he came to us, i was in was 3 for 16 years. old and i came home from school one day and i was crying because i was fully deluxe being younger than everybody else. and in human, my dad decided this thinking it doesn't mean to man thinking the make me splendid does. when i started spending, i had a less e 30 cabriolet, so it was my very 1st golf swimming. and then after that we went over because of the lifespan is you know, suicide which look like the old tassel home. and then we went over to
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a 4 door green east, 50 my dad to pick like being coming from the we decided let's go more professional . so we've decided this, but i think though, the golf thinking they think in the presentation of breast cancer awareness because my grandmother passed away from the skin so so we'd be going to be presenting very skin. so if you open the door, you on the side, you'll see the inside of the guy stole spring. it was quite a journey for the shy girl to step behind the wheel and take charge. let's have a closer look at the car spinning in general. popularized by so that's getting gangsters in the 19th. it's popularity spread across the country as a gain recognition as the motor sports. but what made it attractive to a teenage girl? i post all costs would include for someone us 5 is also if it was a nice they used to have this like secret meet up where they would go and spend guys with the cops. we didn't find them and i know it was fabulous of english. my
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friends has to take us to watch the shows it was safe because without parents, but it was just, it was just put it in. it was big size thing please. this guys, funding the for the souls of blinds. people telling it was just a definitely experience for the wall and we were just upset, slipping. so live with some stuff about this plan before they took me off the dive, the splitting was so i feel to actually that i have to be video and that's who we have this the event in albert then as we'll then smoke will kings and queens of smoke and in from 24. seeing off, so, take over 2019. i won the stifled point of smoke. so after the 2nd one is my mom's started calling me the queen of smoke and nobody really took note of re dental cindy. sit on game to south africa and she made to me this. i'm the
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queen of smoking. everybody to started. who is now stacey is the queen of smoke, but away to the top, wasn't that easy? how did you manage to go up safe and el dorado parked a suburb. lost a way to the south west of johannesburg and now did it help her father to keep her away from getting violent. between then and now it's been a great change because of where we are and what people we clause if motivates down females be traveling to different countries in africa to promote young female and company as of things like athletes. also, i thought i was a young boys are not in our area and they also have the same time it helps people put these together so that they can also focus on the kids. safe, gives the amount of time on and things like that. so that is what, that's what that was. my main over the years basically is attracted several sports and more to kind horsemen. but how does she compete in the support that is still
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very much about the boys? all the females were not that many to have all guessed ability to compete against each other. so which is going to be like as old, but male and female in one of these guys to, to quite difficult. so i'm thinking as a woman in a male dominated sport, because everybody's entitled to their own opinions and some people believe women belong to the kitchen. some people believe this when, when can do anything man can do. so you just have to, for yourself and do the best you can do and don't. why do you want to anybody else us to say because it's not their lives, it's yours until today. she has completed successfully in many competitions. so based on why a was this one back? yeah, i 11 of on a full called in, i think 2019 for being a woman in motor sport and breaking boundaries and the sidebar
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from current in 38 the last night while we're spending said i'm the queen. so used the queen of the king of confidence and i'm the queen of smoke. so you gave me this one. this is my floating trophy full of a lot of middles and other stuff for queen of smoke. you can see it started in 2015 and get it on until slow. we had the last one this year. my favorite ones. so super opposite of these actually one of the most difficult competitions to get the toll free. and we want to, in between the 2 best pumped out the most of the day. and i was so excited because it's super, super difficult to in something it's so big enough to this one means the most took me out of all of them. the stacy may continues to rise, showing the world that this queen reigns in smell. the queen of smoke indeed. well, stacy, that is incredible. the teenager orchestra is
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a prominent ensemble in great britain composed of black musicians. the amy scenes x greater diversity into the classical musical, c in 2015 with the genic, a foundation set out to make the world of classical music accessible to regardless of skin color, their scholarships network and attend the cult orchestra. are powerful tools on this quest with non white musicians still under represented in the world of classical music he read just wanted to make classical music book one previously given the opportunity the i would say in the past and kind of has a lot more difficulty getting into any see the playing with people like me. it was empowering. one thing that jen case stands for is
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diversity double basis. cheating on know who, who has irish, nigerian roots found that jenica orchestra in london in 2015. she's been part of the classical music world for decades. here. musicians of color are still in minority. i decided, well i'm, i'm going to look for people. is because i need so many people say it did say it's not you'll sort of music and any black people who play classical music but not very good. they're not very good and think they were very confident with this. so i, so i have to find that for myself. and the more i looked, the more i the where the tenant runs the american conductor cuz he came up to a lot, has worked with many famous orchestra around the world. this is the 1st time he's rehearsed and performed with the technical orchestra are uniquely beautiful experience. he says, hopefully that this new generation of that's coming up will realize the importance
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of making sure that the arts and music is really accessible to everyone. and i think connected and makes people realize, i see people playing like the violin, the shuttle, all these instruments in a really high level professional way. and so that's what i can put, you indicate as best south african cellist able to allow to also started his career with the traffic of orchestra. today, he's a globally recognized soul, the west and composer he still feels deeply connected to the technical orchestra. the, you know, kind of doesn't make us have the same ideology simply so we're all exploding ourselves and within speaking to each other and playing with each other that we find answers of what we want to be in the society. technical orchestra plays about $35.00 concerts in europe and the united states each year. the musicians mainly
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perform compositions by multi ethnic composers like this piece from 19 o 3 by british composer, samuel co ridge taylor, whose father was from sierra leone. we on a nice, we're not using a tool. what we're doing is i'm really finding what is already fat. we're playing music by l. golf, bronze, beethoven, boy, jack c, bailey, yes, et cetera. side by side. with that black, a counter tops clinical orchestra encourages young musicians of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enter the world of classical music. and their concert hall audiences are every bit as diverse from the beautiful creative spaces here as chris that we hope you enjoyed the show. don't forget to get us up when i socials for more. and so next time i get back the,
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the conflicts with sarah kelly 5 months into the warren, gaza, and deadly chaos around. an aide con boy has glaringly highlighted. the desperation incline is just full amongst civilians. my guess is police on complex on is not responding, form, egyptian foreign minister and long time diplomat. at what point has egypt have no choice, but to consider opening its border to thousands onto monetary and ground conflicts in 30 minutes, d,
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w. long hand as well and launched in intelligence investigation on cassandra task force. i was scared, but you must really be doing our job, a cat and mouse game. the team closes in on as well as crime networks. we identified the super facilitators like it and organized crime families based with a boss, right? unmasking hezbollah in 60 minutes on dw, the, the east to this visual hot spots in germany. d, w, travel extremely worth
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a bit. they burst into our is whenever they feel like it's kind of cool to sign a session and pay them off to pieces in the sky. the best have most and many on including the volume the how do they do in the secret life. but stats may 22nd on d, w, the, it could be green. very green. i was, as the wind wind has nothing to read. definitely pull just the yes. yes, that's what you present. purple bubbles very special, but the georgia choose your favorite color.
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the . this is the, the news live from breland. these are all orders new about creations and vote. the northern south of guys, latrice asked 300000 palestinians. i've already flipped the solvency to over alpha as ease ralph a pass to expanded separation in pursuit of mass. also coming up thousands much through the streets of tbilisi and a fresh show of a position to the foreign agents bill. similar to the law in russia. critics, a company used to track down on defense to go to, to the leasing office. the last on produces, inspect,
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talk to you that lied show across the skies of the northern hemisphere in northern


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