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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the other news now i from berlin as well, all those new evacuations in both the north and south of gauze on the minutes. we say 300000 palestinians have already fled the southern city of rough us as well as professor expand the population info. see from us also coming up off of someone else, stone lights of my pine skies in the northern hemisphere. the northern lights of expect us to continue this weekend. the, i'm the welcome to the program is well,
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has all the palestinians to leave some parts, leave more parts of the gaza strip as it readies a field ground defensive on the southern city of russell as well. say stuff. the last or future from us, which launched the october 7th federalist attacks. these really military claims, more than 300000 people, have already fled to all of my bossy attempt coastal scrip. it has declared an expensive to monetary and everything else. but for many displace gallstones no way feels safe. leaving rafa behind with everything they can bring with them. here the streets are filled with palestinians packing up to go. many what clear the choice to flee what was for months considered cause as last refuge was no choice, a tool of love, we have to evacuate, we have no choice. if i stay, i will die either death or displacement. this is the strategy of displacing the of
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the we are leaving because a few and you do coersion, we are leaving for the and the result of the audience that these they are steve out on see if that's going to be scan um the name of the channel is based in rafa also heating, these really all means evacuation orders for poor to is that immediate camp outside the quite the hospital in the center of the city said they to had no choice, but to leave the we have no words being lost and confused. what should we do? we could be possibly go things out jumbled up. we don't know what to do. some testing is not meant, but the risks of remaining or to clear, yet more palestinians killed by his railey strikes, arrived at the hospital throughout the day. this man lost his brother the commission. what they were peaceful civilians who had nothing to do with the resistance. they were wearing their robes when they were killed without any prior
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warnings. but these riley army insist it's opperation, and rafa are targeted and already taking that toll on the masses forces me to battle. but the, the, this is a targeted intelligence based activity against terrorist infrastructure in the area . cool. so far we have eliminated dozens of terrorists and the east throughout the area and some we found a significant tunnel route with many web and then a few more gonna be in the u. s. and then however in tel aviv, some relatives of the hostages taken by him us and it's october 7th terrorist attacks fear that israel's assault on rafa is putting the captives lives at risk you for entering rafa and expanding the the operations there are both to hinder the hostages release negotiation and put the hostages lives in great danger for the thousands of his rallies, who joined protest in the city again later on said today,
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the solution remains the same. they cooled once more, the government to agree to a cease by deal to bring the hostages home. so is this the thought of as well as long stay the plan to attack the remaining come off, false as in russell. be full stop question or you have to join the saw me sako, in jerusalem. when a on thursday night, it was a cabinet, the meeting a security politic on the cabinet. and there was also a meeting of the smaller work cabinet. and in both of these forms, they decided to go ahead with this so offensive in that of law. but they did not say whether this is the beginning of the major escalation or whether this it would be a limited attack. and i think that and we will have the to see in the for coming days, the scope of this,
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that stuff now with some of the stories making headlines around the world. the us say the us has criticized as wells use of american weapons in the war and gotten a report shown to congress saves it as likely that as well has used the arms and ways inconsistent with international humanitarian law. all of the documents that it could not reach controls of findings because of invited order to report in february to people in northern afghanistan has been burying the dead of the widespread flooding. the bundle quality, say the number of people killed has now passed 330 the world health organization. some of the floods have left many more homeless and severely disruptive transportation, water supplies, and sewage systems. up to $50000.00, demonstrators have rallied in the georgia and capital subleasing for another night of protest against a russian style foreign influence bill. they liked them the bill to one introduced
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in russia by flooding. the reporting which crickets, which critics say has been used to suppress, defend the ruling. georgia dream party is, comes before us into legislation for parliament. this 5 months of protest now ukraine's president belonged to me of the landscape. se ukrainian full says a baffling russian troops in 7, both the villages in the northeastern hockey region, only a multiple claim to have captured several villages in the area. you're creating an official said, they have evacuated hundreds of civilians from the border region to the city of hockey. according to the local government, ukraine's 2nd largest city isn't currently threatened by the russian assault money. now, mid rolling from the wall studies department, atkins, college london told the w, it's not yet clear if russia is opening a new front in the war. well, it remains to be seen right now. i don't see that. how's the russians would be
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proceeding to capture the city of hard to you? there is still a lot to be done on the ground. as of the latest news, they have apparently entered well of trying to scan and they are trying to surround the ukrainian groupings they are. so i think that the, the russian commands will look what the ukrainians will do and how many of their reserves will be deployed to higher q before they might decide on the next move. because i think there is a possibility that they might still launch an offensive against possibly odessa or continue with a slugs going from a tourist. because we also have trusted yara. we have activity around guns, so those opposite directions are still important. so there are many offensive. let's put it that way. still underway. you there. so right now, it's not very clear what's going to happen. switzerland has won the eurovision song contest, the voice,
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the 1st known binary contestant to take home the crystal microphone. the song, the code is a drum and bass oper. our wrapped and rock tune about nemo's journey of self discovery hasn't gone by the re post and the sales contest has been overshadowed by days of protests against israel's military actions and garzo with thousands of profile, as they can demonstrate of marching through the streets of mamma. and sweden, to oppose the office, the patient of as well, of stage drama has also a mazda solution that's contender used, klein was disqualified just hours before the run final. because of a back stage incident. i'm joined now by frank von dice. she is a journalist in the netherlands and oh, your vision and tools? yes, frank switzerland has one year old vision. 2024. is this well dissolved in your opinion? sponsoring. so i think the so the $34.00 or 5 concrete steps are adopted this year, are the best sorry for the most creative or dishonest aging. so or the last couple
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of years. but because she is deb, it's not anymore just the way you can say share all political thoughts or just to be as crazy as she knew that you're going to be. it's also about how we did your song, how well as your staging and switzerland has an impression x. and i think a song that resonates with a lot of people are around your show yet. congratulations to switch them out. all right, well we also want to talk about that single used klein who was disqualified just hours before the final. he was one of the biggest contenders. how have people in the netherlands reacted to that or um, were in shops and were uh, well actually here uh, mostly angry about this progression its the punishment uh for the darcia entry. uh, what's happened was the 1st day or if it wasn't dresser or so,
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where are half of the jury, they have a warrant from the jury that is given them but to the left stage or to where prepare. and there he was filled by a camera lady which wasn't supposed to happen the next stage. then she was told to not do that at several times. she continued to do that and i just didn't touch her. but she made a gesture and the pointing the camera and well with the 0 tolerance policy you from the to the 8 e b you. this was the, well, that's supposed to happen, then they discussed for a long time with the also with the dust, the negation, with the after 12, the broadcasting company here in the netherlands, and with the, the end of a, the group. and they decided to, to, to, to do,
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to take care of the race. and well, i think all defense and at least the, that the broadcasting and i, we also, we think it's disbursement because you are use in case he's a, there's still an investigation about incidence. so you made him over a 100 guilty and it's is never happens in 68 years of this. your vision contest is different. it's never happened before. the country is disqualified. that's incredible. i mean, this is edition has also seen quite a lot of drama. is that right? or? yeah, credit level from our website or of course dish ro and it's a, it's, it's a chromecast. oh, the joy of music and bringing countries together. and a dish edition this year was more about the safety and i'm in protest outside their frontiers for,
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for premises you need people outside the entrance who were arrested this evening. still here were calling traders, then they're due to public. and yeah it's, it's a, it's an addition attentions, and the investigation of yours is just a small part of the, of the big story of the addition of this year, such on this frank from dice. thank you so much for being with us and explaining all of this. you're welcome. thanks for having me. the strongest, sol stallman decades has supercharged the northern and southern lights, southern gulf dazzling displays and skies across the world. it's normally visible for the northwest, the auto body, unless shipment over the u. k. germany, china, the us and many other countries find to say the lights will continue to be visible over the weekend as well. but rad glimpse of the spectacular. that's not the lights from europe to the united states on low goods are taking in the color for
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joe and the sky, produced by a powerful soda as tom, the, the over all the put our lives can be seen quite regularly. and there are some gimme spheres near the pull out in the pull that regions. but it's, it's not very usually the diesel pulled out lights seen at the $192.00. it's like germany also have to meet your need for the dawn. and remember that 2000 as we a good could see them in spain, and that's, that means we had a very strong store us a space visit agency. it showed us to do a magnetic storm warning. minnesota output these on friday afternoon. each an option newness, go to another mazda junctions,
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can opt in billions of tons of plasma and magnetic fields from the sun. but this silly still lights, you can also both see just that in the clinic, branches of an extreme storm. you can have a lot of problems with the technology, infrastructure, communication, navigation systems, and so on. but this storm was not so extreme that'd be really have to fear of any cv of damages. the multicolored lights are expected to continue over the weekend. so you may still have a chance to enjoy the amazing light chill the that's all for now coming up both life looks at goals, basketball and gone. oh, that's off the break. that's always more news on our website, dw, dot com, and our new to and social media channels. i'm a hold you. all right,
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thanks for watching the by the way you say there is never giving up every weekend on d. w. this shadows, these pod costs and videos shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up and he employed a score tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the megan.


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