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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news now i from berlin is when all those new evacuations in both the north and south of garza, the military says 300000 palestinians have already flipped the southern city of ruffled as this ran for plastics and its impressions. in posting also coming up ukrainians, clear fresh prussian attacks near the city of card came new principles to say that fighting back for structural claims to be moving forward and the split sealants name or when's the eurovision song contest with the song about sensually as a known binary person,
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the welcome to the program. israel has ordered palestinians to leave more parts of the gaza strip as of readies of field ground defensive on the southern city of russell as real estates. that's the last refuge of homos which launched the october 7th attacks these by the military claims. more than 300000 people have already fled out of my bossy. that's a pen, go strip declared as an expanded humanitarian adrian. but for many displays golf, no one feels safe. leaving rafa behind with everything they can bring with them. here the streets are filled with palestinians, packing up to go. many what clear the choice to flee what was for months considered gauze as last refuge was no choice, a tool of love,
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we have to evacuate, we have no choice. if i stay, i will die either death or displacement. this is the strategy of displacing here. and the leaving because a few and you do coersion, we are leaving for the and the all the audience that these they are steve out on see if that's going to be on. um the hey, well that's good. um, in general is based in rafa also heating these really all these evacuation orders for poor to is that immediate camp outside the quite the hospital in the center of the city said they to had no choice, but to leave the we have no words being lost and confused, what should we do? is we put the possibly go things jumbled up. we don't know what to do now. john must have finished now. i meant. but the risk of remaining earl to clear yet more palestinians killed by his railey, asked right to ride to the hospital. throughout the day this man lost his brought
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the commission. what they were peaceful civilians who had nothing to do with the resistance. they were wearing their robes when they were killed without any prior warnings. but these riley army insist it's operations, and rafa are targeted and already taking that toll on the masses forces me to battle. but the, the, this is a targeted intelligence based activity against hers infrastructure in the area. cool. so far we have eliminated dozens of terrorists and the east throughout the area. and some, we found a significant tunnel route with many web. and then the fee amount will be in the u . s. and then however, intel a v of some relatives of the hostages taken by him us and it's october 7th terrorist attacks fee that israel's assault on rafa is putting the captives lives at risk. and during the off uh and expanding the the offer
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rates and there are both to hinder. the hostages released negotiation and put the hostages lives in great danger for the thousands of israelis who joins protest and the city again. later on said today, the solution remains the same. they cooled once more, the government to agree to assist by deals to bring the hostages of let's look at some of the stories making headlines around the world in the us as criticized as well as use of american weapons in the war in gauze on a report shown to congress say that is likely that israel has use the arms in ways inconsistent with international somebody to enroll all of the documents that it could not reach conclusive findings. president vitamin or the 3rd or 4th back in february, people in northern couple of gone, his don, have been burying the dead of the widespread flooding. the world health organization saves the number of people killed has now passed 300 and cody the w.
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actual set, the slots had left many more homeless and with severely disruptive transportation, water supplies and sewage systems up to $50000.00, demonstrators have rallied in the georgia and capital tbilisi just another night of protest against the russian style foreign influence. so they liked them. the bill to one introduced in russia by vladimir fulton, which critics say, has been used to suppress, defend several in georgia dream. poppy is currently forcing prevent legislation to parliament despite months of protest. now russia say's its forces have captured villages near ukraine's 2nd largest city of hard cave. you can set the unexpected russian attack went ahead fully on friday. it's expanded the battlefield along ukraine's northern bordeaux and has sent hundreds of civilians fleeing from a town that's on the trent. russian shilling had fet homes i believe,
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and took down a full shot. the residents here are picked one by one by the rescue teams. from on unsteady legs for them, the water has come to close. once again. lucian sports occupied progression. troops after the full scale invasion in february 2022. it was liberated that september and have been sporadically sent since then. of these days and nights something terrible is going on. may god protect us, you lie down and think whether they will kill you now or in an hour or 3. many are leaving, not knowing when and if they will return to their homes, smoke and roaming at the last memories that taking with them. we drove through 4 shots in the town,
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satisfied. i can't look at this without tears of the everything is shaking, visiting the system. we didn't sleep these 2 nights at all. russian for 5th happens slowly, but that is the pressure thing that you premium defense as you can see if it's fighting back, but it's submitted to send stipulated the supplies from a long delayed american east package are only beginning to trick this to the front lines. you had, with the situation has left 2 premiums, suddenly feeling more valuable. what do you know me wrong from the whole studies department, atkins, college london, told us earlier that it's not yet clear if russia is opening a new front in the war. so it remains to be seen right now. i don't see that, how's the russians would be proceeding to capture the city of hard to you? there is still a lot to be done on the ground. as of the latest news,
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they have apparently enter as well of trying to scan and they are trying to surround the ukrainian groupings they are. so i think that the, the russian commands will look what the ukrainians will do and how many of their reserves will be deployed to higher q before they might decide on the next move. because i think there is a possibility that they might still launch an offensive against possibly odessa or continue was a slugs going from a tourist because we also have trusted yara. we have activity around guns, so those opposite directions are still important. so they're menial fences. let's put it that way. still underway. you there. so right now, it's not very clear what's going to happen. switzerland, nemo, has one thing your vision song content, but coming to false non binary contest them to take home the crystal microphone. the song, the code recounts name of journey of self discovery. as the sales contest was
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thrust into the political spotlight with calls for as well to be excluded over its military campaign. in garza, with thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators marching to the suites of the whole city, mama in sweden, against israel thought dissipation. the c one over both the jewelry and the public. the alternate fighting final mean will to comb the top price after performing the code of how for tract and the rate, the journey of self discovery, and finding one's place in the world who can live up to its promising continuous send for peace. the news,
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your visions 1st winters, why den defies as known binary, they hope the victory can place a trail for others having to cope with prejudice or discrimination. this was one of the most clear representations we see your vision, which is like amazing. i want to shut out all the other clear artist this year, like, give it up, give it up for everyone. this year's contest was overshadowed by protests and drama. the tips of music celebration into chaos. just hours before the grand finale took off dutch contender, joe's klein was disqualified because of a fact stage incident that came after days of protest on the streets of her city mountain, a calling for israel to be excluded over its military campaign in gaza.
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once a time where if you still have russia because it has a war, i got surprised. yeah. and today we have is right. and so as i hear proceeds painful is rosie is due to non finished 5th and was partially bu, during her performance. there was always a boeing when the points of the is rarely jewelry were presenting on an evening when units you was not always evidence older. i spoke to frank from dice a journalist in the netherlands. i know you are a vision enthusiast. i asked him if the award for switzerland was well deserved. perfect. so i think the, so the $34.00 or 5 countries steps are adopted this year. are the best, sorry for the most creative or dishonest aging. so or the last couple of years. but because she is deb, it's not any more uh, congest, uh,
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where you can say share all political thoughts or just to be as crazy as she knew that you're going to be. it's also about how we did your song, how well as your staging and switzerland has an impressive x. and i think a stronger person, right? so with a lot of people are around your show. yeah. congratulations to the switching of are the strongest solo stallman. decades has supercharged the northern and southern lights, setting up as link displays and skies across the world. it's normally invisible for the north, but the auto auto body on this shipment over the u. k. germany, china, the us, and many other countries. scientists say the lights will continue to be visible over this weekend as well. but rad glimpse of the spectacular lot. the lights from europe to the united states on lookers are taking in the color for the show and the sky produced by
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a powerful soda as tom the, the over all the products can be seen quite regularly. and there are some gimme spheres near the pull out in the polar regions, but it's, it's not very usually that these pull are large. i've seen at the 192. it's like germany also have to meet your need for the down and remember that 2003 a good could see them in spain, and that's that means we had a very stalled stall, us space visit agency. it showed us to do a magnetic storm bonding, but not sold at outbursts these to us on friday afternoon. each an option newness, go to another mazda objections can often billions of tons of plasma and magnetic fields from the sun. but this is phyllis delight,
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you can also both see those threats in the clinic, branches of an extreme storm. you can have a lot of uh, problems with the technology, infrastructure, communications, navigation systems, and so on. but this, the home was not so extreme that'd be really have to feel for any cv of damages. the multi colored lights are expected to continue over the weekend. so you may still have a chance to enjoy the amazing live chill. the a reminder of the top story we're following for you all as well has auto new evacuations and both the north and south of gauze on the military stays, 300000 palestinians have already fled to the southern city of ruffled as well. is expected to expand its oppression against come on the phone for now.
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next, both life looks at the goals, basketball in gone. no. that's after the break. you can always get more news on our website, dw, dot com. and on all youtube and social media channels. and the whole driving, thanks for watching. goodbye the questions. got any issues or thoughts say what the name is, the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that.


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