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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, euro vision has a new winner and switzerland. nemo lives the prize at the or his vision song contest and sweden winning with their song to code about their journey as a non binary person. also coming up ukrainians, flee a fresh russian attack near the city of car to the grants forces. say they're fighting back, but russia claims to be moving for the
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marion evans. dean is good to have you with us switzerland. nemo has won the eurovision song contest becoming the 1st non binary contest and to take home the crystal microphone trophy. there's song, the code or accounts nemo's journey of self discovery. the annual contest is billed as a field good celebration of europe's diversity. but observers say this year's event was the most politically charged ever with calls for israel to be excluded over the war and gaza and death threats against these really contestant 8 and go on for weeks. thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators have march to the streets of the host city mountains, sweden against israel's participation. wow. the one over both the jewelry and the public. the,
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the author named fighting sign on, mima took home the top prize. after performing the coat, a powerful tract and the rate their journey of self discovery, and finding one's place in the world to live up to its promise and continued to send for peace. the news, your visions 1st winter of widen defies as non binary. they hope the victory can place a trail for others having to cope with prejudice or discrimination. this was one of the most clear representations. we see. you're a vision which is like amazing. i want to shut out all the other clear artist this year. like, give it up, give it up for average. this huge contest was overshadowed by protests and
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drama. the tips of music celebration into chaos. just hours before the grand finale took off dodge contender, jos klein was disqualified because of a fact. states incident that came after days of protest on the streets of her city mountain, a calling for israel to be excluded over its minutes. we can pain in guys all once the time we refuse to have russia because it has a war against her friend. yeah. and today we have this, right? and so as i hear proceeds painful is rosie is due to non finished 5th and was partially bu, during her performance. there was always a boeing when the point of the is rarely jewelry were present. on an evening when units you was not always evidence. well earlier we spoke to frank from dyke, a journalism, another lives and or your revision enthusiast. we asked him if the award for
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switzerland was well deserved, the pricing. so i think the so the $34.00 or 5 countries steps are adopted this year are the best, sorry for the most creative or punched aging. so or the last couple of years. but because she is dead is not anymore just the way you can say, share all political thoughts or just to be as crazy as she knew that she was going to be. it's also about how we get your songs and how well as your staging in switzerland has an impressive x. and i think a song that the 1st night, so with a lot of beautiful air around your show. yeah. congratulations to this, right. so let's, let's get a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. people in a scanner stan had been burying their dent after devastating flooding. the world
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health organization says a number of people killed has now passed 330. the w h shows that the fonts had left many more homeless and with severely disruptive transportation, water supplies, and sewage systems, the death toll has risen for 7 after a bus crash and the russian city of st. petersburg on friday. c. c t. v. show the vehicle driving a radically before plunging into the river. police are investigating media quoted. the driver as wife is saying he was forced to drive long shift without dressed up to 50000. demonstrators have rallied in the george and capital to the leasing. it's another night of protest against a russian style for an influenza bill. they like and the bill to one introduced and rushed on by vladimir putin, which critics say has been used to suppress, defend the ruling. george and dream party is currently forcing the legislation through parliament despite months of protest. israel has launch
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strikes and gaza after expanding its evacuation order for rough off. it says some 300000 people have already flooded the area. the u. n. is warning of an epic disaster. israel pursues an outright invasion of the crowded city. israel says ralph, off is the last refuge of hum us, which launch the october 7th terrorist attacks. these really military claims people have fled to l. my wasi, which is a fin coastal strip declared an expanded humanitarian area, but for many displays gardens, nowhere fields safe. leaving rafa behind with everything they can bring with them. here the streets are filled with palestinians, packing up to go. many what clear the choice to flee what was for months considered cause as last refuge was no choice, a tool of love,
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we have to evacuate, we have no choice. if i stay, i will die either death or displacement. this is the strategy of displacing the leaving because a few and you do coersion have your leaving for the and the or the audience that these they are steve out on see if that's going to be done. um the hey, well that's good. um, in general is based in rafa also heating these riley armies evacuation orders for poor to is that immediate camp outside the quite the hospital in the center of the city said they to had no choice, but to leave the we have no words being lost and confused, what should we do? is we put the possibly go things are jumbled up. we don't know what to do. some testing is not meant. but the risk of remaining earl to clear yet more palestinians killed by his railey, asked right to ride to the hospital. throughout the day this man lost his brought the commission when they were peaceful civilians who had nothing to do with the
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resistance. they were wearing their robes when they were killed, without any prior warnings. but these rally all me insistence operations and rafa or targeted and already taking that toll on the masses forces me to battle . but the, the, this is a targeted intelligence based activity against terrorist infrastructure in the area . cool. so far we have eliminated dozens of terrorists in the east throughout the area. and some, we found a significant tunnel route with many weapon that came up in the u. s. and then however, intel a v of some relatives of the hostages taken by him us and it's october 7th terrorist attacks fee that israel's assault on rafa is putting the captives lives at risk, who die and during raphael, expanding the gulf or rage. and there are both to hinder. the hostages released
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negotiation and put the hostages lives in great danger for the thousands of israelis who joins protest in the city again. later on said today, the solution remains the same. they called once more the government to agree to a cease by deal to bring the hostages of let's hear more now from shayna. lo, she's a communication advisor for the norwegian refugee council, and she enjoys us from jerusalem. welcome to the w shayna. so israel, as we mentioned, has ordered civilians and eastern rasa to now move to the designated to monetary and zone on the wasi. can you describe for a viewers want this journey actually entails? and are people going to have enough time to reach safety? slow? first of all, the people in process i have already, most of them have already been displaced multiple times. this is we have staff
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themselves who have been displaced 678 times over the last 7 months. so i what awaits people once they get to the areas that, that they're having to mostly, um, watch the but other parts of garza is, is the find that 1st of all, conditions are incredibly overcrowded. there is no space for people to pitch aero attends. there's a shortage of humanitarian supplies, including tens and other shelter materials. there's a little to no wash water, infrastructure latrines, and there's no space for humanitarians to install this. this area is anything but a theme. so we've seen already over the last several months. there have been strikes in these places that israel has, it has designated as allegedly being safe, but the realities are and that with the overcrowding, this, the health hazards and the, the tremendous challenges that people are facing with 7 months of displacement this,
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this really is not a safe word or humane way to be be treating people. in fact, we have found that is rose actions in issuing these evacuation directives in ordering people to leave or unlawful under international humanitarian law. people are not being guaranteed of of their safe passage. they're, they're not being provided with the means necessary for their survival. once they arrive to the places they're being told to lead to and are not meeting conditions that can support them. and they are being guaranteed of their rights to return home . one possibilities have ended. all of this the amounts to forcible transfer, which is a great violation of international humanitarian law. or, well, there's been enormous concern throughout the world. what will happen if israel does indeed launch a full scale invasion of rough off? from your perspective? um, what kind of consequences will we see?
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well 1st of all, already seeing that the 2 main crossings for getting in the even assistance over the last 7 months are basically non operational if any, limited, if any limited aid is coming in it's, it's nowhere near enough. and then we're facing logistical challenges and being able to collect that aid and then being able to safely bring it to people who are in need of. that's one major issue. of course, on top of that, we're going to see lots and lots of casualties. many, even it could rise in the 10s of thousands, even be double what we've already seen up to $35000.00 killed over the last 7 months on top of that. and that's because many people can police, they either have no place to go. they're afraid. no one will weight them or they might have disabilities or other conditions that prevent them from moving even if they want to. well, we're anticipating is that the humanitarian capacity we're already seen will will grow even greater. that was shayna low from the norwegian refugee cancel many
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thanks indeed to some other news now and russia says it's forces have captured villages near ukraine's. second city of clark of ukraine said the unexpected russian attack went ahead early on friday and has sent hundreds of civilians fling from the town of of charles, that's under threat. russian shilling have fed homes. i believe that down off of shots, the residents here are picked one by one by the rescue teams world from on unsteady legs. for them, the water has come to close. once again. lucian sports occupied progression. troops after the full scale invasion in february 2022. it was liberated that september and have been sporadically should since then these days and
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nights something terrible is going on. may god protect us. you lie down and think whether they would kill you now or in an hour or 3. many are leaving, not knowing when and if they will return to their homes, smoke and roaming at the last memories that taking with them. we drove through functions in the town satisfying, says i can't look at this without tears. everything is shaking. that's empty. we didn't sleep these 2 nights at all. russian 4 fifths happens slowly, but that is the pressure thing that you premium defense, as you can see if it's fighting back, but it's submitted to stent is depleted with the supplies from a long delayed american east package. are only beginning to trick those to the front lines. the situation has left ukrainian suddenly feeling more valuable.
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you're up to date on the w news a marion evan stain. i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour. thanks for watching the eclipse someone else to, to see the highlights of selected for you. new every week. a new a box subscribe. now this shadows of jumping colors. these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he.


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