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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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the situation has left 2 premiums, suddenly feeling more valuable. you're up to date on the w news, a married a evan stain. i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour. thanks for watching the eclipse someone else to the cd highlights of selected to be used you every week in you a box subscribe. now this shadows object. these pod costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infested by germany across and he employed the schools, tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as
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depression today? history? we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the a living in safety and freedom, exploring your identity will reconnect saying with family history. what does german citizenship mean? so people with different backgrounds today. the main part of the germany, even though i can have a safe document inside itself, was impossible. well, was about to pass support. it was also about having to choose an identity and it felt like a, uh, something positive had come out. so it was so terrible history, the
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a melissa character sales at home in berlin, born in germany to talk his parents. she grew up with 2 languages and 2 coaches. but when it came to citizenship as a teenager, she was faced with a choice and more testing. mm hm. my mom came to me and asked, so what do you want to be gentlemen? oh, turkish. and then it took a little while to figure out what to do with my how much the as a child. melissa had tucker citizenship lights, and she chose to apply for a german passport. instead, rose at the time when she could only have one of the alpha then inside and having to choose between 2 identities, the coaches were just talking about a possible what it was moved and that of course, yeah. so it's not a nice feeling that well not, but for me it was clear quite quickly for ms. ross and yes i was expect law if you
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would, german, or if you was seen as jim and it was an advantage. i thought it was like, the more you fish in the best, so you off when you man to high and past the best. this to today that's changed. minister says she's parts of a generation now embracing that mixed identities and creating space for thoughts in german society. she runs a design agency focused on issues around diversity. it's name rank means color intact. yes. and she publishes a magazine exploring german tactics culture have for me because i created this image for myself for i'm not switching between 2 chairs off and put on a bench. i can slide around on the desk. and i think that mindset has something that's missing. also in campaigns on websites, in so many things. so the business really came out of a need is the focus off, and participants have also started in germany today. well must have said,
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if the population have what's known as the migration background, meaning they, or at least one of the parents, was born without german citizenship. the arrival of guesswork as in the mid 19 fifties march, the beginnings of the more types of society, the majority were from talking to came under a scheme for temporary workers to help each labor shortages most returned the many states and brought that families to join them now people with tax rates make up germany's largest minority, great. many could benefit from a recent open the door using the positive gem and citizenship. the change will also make dual citizenship possible for many more people. previously, it was an exception. like for those from the people like melissa who once had to choose between 2 nationalities and will now be able to have both for the credit. it's big news by community and she wants to share it with rank follow as fast as i have spent in donald's name or the up as a cop when preparing
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a social media post ro instagram page. that is what we want to let people know about this new lord. and then the post is also about identity and what a passport can mean to people are supposed to pass for on the board. and also does the new law allowing dual citizenship as long as the jew melissa says to the mindset used to be okay, you have to make a decision so that you can integrate better and choose to be one thing over the other. i think that was absolutely the wrong strategy. it can only ever be an advantage to have another aspect, another culture, another passport or another language can lie configured. that's the reality and melissa's bell in may. go ahead and take it. she says, we should come into the supermarket and what's going on in the end of culture because what she hopes, which i'm in the future. as principal, i really want this to be something we can take for granted that we live alongside each other, many different cultures. we're living here together, that that's
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a good savings, that that's not seen as a struggle or a conflict, but as an asset. so i assume you buy some assets for jem and society as well as its economy. the country needs more immigration and is desperately trying to attract skilled labor from abroad. and more and more people are making gemini, that long term home. in 2022, the number of people granted german citizenship had to 20 high move in a culture of them were serious. many arrived yet in 2015 off to civil war broke outs. and that homeland one of them wants to catch up for almost 10 years after arriving in germany as a refugee. he's now a german such as in hub to find all of this. i work so hard to do everything you can do in germany. alice, i'm a homeless my level kind of nice done on tons. i'm in the stores and getting the
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german passports at the end of it feels like i finally made a tear and shaft of lots of a bunch of floods more in syria age 21. along with his older brother, he's supposed to live here in belen lent german and started taking piano. but he hasn't seen the rest of his family for 10 years. my clothes now opened back home because they can come to your on us and i couldn't travel anywhere else either. then, as you just couldn't do it, unfortunately, on that's being, that's one of them. that's the item that's us. but now as like german passport makes it possible this kind of best buy in button. so nothing that's a lot to now i just didn't have the option. so that's why it's really important to have it. me grover's taste as much on full time product design as months that is also family embedded invalid and starts up saying he launched his fast, starts up just a year off to coming to gemini, an app,
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to help all the refugees navigate the countries notorious characteristics. now that's part of his current venture, a platform supporting fellows, migrant entrepreneurs. if cloth comes to us, the noise in the i really believe that new comers in germany have a different and unique perspective on the country and structures of education. alas, on knowing the question of, i can look at germany with fresh eyes and say this. so that's not working. and yesterday's desk we could improve on this. and if so, that's a, that's what, but it's also the job and the responsibility of the german decided to accept that accept kansas. i'm going to allow people migrants to try out their ideas on the lights and even cuttings. that's going to allow me the easy, easy and alpha one. so making society pass that that's important to me and i just knew citizenship also means, you know, has the right to vote. can serious months,
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have felt politics had nothing to offer him here. he wants to make his voice counts the entire parts, part of living and working in germany. as i can take part, i can have a say stop permit inside. he's already had his 1st opportunity and a local election of the city hope warm tells nick, talk the what i'm looking forward to the next one, the federal election next year. on the i'll actually be able to read the campaign posters. the parties put up around the city as a minute, they'll have a new meeting for me. he's not coming on next task from them by tying these i can read them knowing it's also relevant to me on this and on the heart of it. but of us here on the fifty's off months assess, he'll always have his theory and identity. but german citizenship means a sense of belonging here to or in a democracy like germany. citizenship means rights, freedom protection,
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as well as responsibilities. those to become naturalized citizens who you have to declare and saying no respect and not pulse. gemini, basic little or constitution 50 a month, 75 years since it was adopted in what was done west germany in may 1949. it's still the basis for unified gemini today. off to the 2nd level, the basic glow was designed to prevent the atrocities of the nazi period from ever happening again. the nazi strips, juice, and other minorities are set right to full citizenship during the holocaust they and that collaborate is mad at $6000000.00. james the assets are amends of his stock passed still shapes life in germany today. memorials like this one i remind of those who lost their lives. pick a goldsmith's jewish grandfather escapes that fate. he fled nazi germany and found
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safety in england. what typically a lot decades late to she is, reclaims german citizenship as the defendant of someone persecuted by the nazis. that's her right under germany's basic, lo, now she lives here in portland. some citizenship, me is it, 1st of the is very practical measures are, is about this little present. say it's about me being german of a meeting. i was this, it will coming go as of where i like in germany that so so about the sort of reckoning with the cost is about the citizenship is also to me by the german constitution. so for me that's why it's such a so enforcing symbols to have been able to have some reclaim my german citizenship . so i should have always had a right to soon to publish a book about his story today had translates room publish that is visiting her at home and balance. i've got a couple of things here from not interested in my pocket because the site,
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the pay and the book, the services german possible that he used to gets into things and hip his grandfather and scold schmidt with stripped of his german citizenship by the nazis for me to come in, chapman has been pods of learning about my grandfather's life and isn't it as much states have as i come? so that's his mind where he gets carried for that he died in 1963 so i never knew him. he could never have envisage that's the honor would become german because it feels like i've made that sort of, uh, yeah, that so family connection with with him. the only way that i can make a connection with a monster as that, as well as her research and rising tip assess the culture of remembrance in germany has helped to bridge the gap between that and now and that there is always a tension there. and like i said, i found that german people by and large,
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you know, that history really helps me overcome that tension. they also trying to understand, trying to as not so guess what happens and maybe try and learn from the past. learning from the past and forging new beginnings, german citizenship, passports and politics. but more than that, people and a place to call home and with almost 85000000 citizens. there's no one way to be jasmine the kind eyes and a fuzzy may meet patrick the pony. probably the cute as mayor and all living with
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the inhabitants of talking to in his own village duly elected him to office in 2019 . since then, he has been hard at work and mingling with the people is at the top of his agenda, 0 mac. next on d w. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger. and as you're biting into this juicy bird or your dining companion says to you, actually the hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retriever's. 2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest of
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the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate. what you know on youtube, b, w, w, mentoring. the you may think twice about putting cream in your cover nara, after you see this a pony as mayor. see how politics in one english town has gone to the horses and grab your crowns and cameras for a tour of castles in berlin. these stores and more coming up on your own mac the but 1st iceland is known for its incredible natural landscape.