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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CEST

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or the distance dw news line from berlin. you're a vision has a new winner. switzerland nemo lift surprise, that's been eurovision song contest and sweden winning with their song, the code about their journey as a non binary person. also coming up, ukraine sends reinforcements to strengthen his positions near harkins, russia claims gains in the region as a surprise, offensive problems mass evacuation the
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marietta evans, dean. it's good to have you with us switzerland. nemo has won the eurovision song contest becoming the 1st non binary contest and to take on the prize. the annual contest is billed as a feel good celebration of europe's diversity. and organizers in says the event is non political. but this year's contest was mired and politically charged controversy. for weeks, thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators had marched through the streets of the host city, mallow, and sweden against israel's participation. the b one over both the jewelry and the public, the afternoon fighting final name a to comb. the top tries after performing the code of how for tract and the rate, their journey of self discovery,
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and finding one's place in the well the contest can liberty live up to its promise and continue to send for peace. the news your visions 1st winter widen, defies as known binary. they hope the victory can place a training for others having to cope with prejudice or discrimination. this was one of the most clear representations. we see your vision, which is like amazing. i want to shut out all the other clear artist this year, like, give it up, give it up for everyone. this year's contest was overshadowed by protest and drama. the tips of music celebration into chaos. just hours before the grand finale took off dutch contender, joe's klein was disqualified because of
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a fact states incident that came after days of protest on the streets of her city mountain, a calling for israel to be excluded over its military campaign in gaza. once a time, we refuse to have russia because it has a war against her plan. yeah. and today we have is right. and so her proceeds painful history is easy salon finished 5th and was partially bu, during her performance. that was always a boeing when the point of the is rarely jewelry were presenting on an evening when units he was not always evidence. and to talk more about the revision san condos. i'm joined to the studio, but my colleague, rosalie angles from dw culture, rosalie, really good to see you. so i know that last night you actually predicted that nemo was going to wind. so what do you think made to this performer?
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the favorite of not just the jury, but also the audience and also yours. yeah, yeah. so i'm happy to say that my favorite one. i think what it comes down to is that nemo had a very interesting mix between a highly emotional song. but it was also very, very catchy and then that paired with the song being both pop music but also wrapped and also elements of opera needed very unique and even for your vision standards. and this was definitely reflected in the boats. so out of to $25.00 national juries which rang each performer based on the bow calls, originality, and stage presence. and 22 gave the maximum number of boats to nemo. and then the other, 50 percent of the votes come from the public where there were rent and number 5. interesting. and then what were the reactions to this outcome just generally in the
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press or like in the form media. yeah, so i think us with any competition, there were mixed reactions. nemo did receive a lot of praise online. i saw a lot of people saying that it was a very powerful performance. and of course, we also know that a lot of your, your vision fans are part of the eligibility community. so being represented in that way by a non binary performer, was definitely seen as a huge win. but then there were also a few fans were disappointed, especially those who supported baby loves on your crazy shows. home contest in which was the fan favorite. and there you could see again the discrepancy between the public mode and the jury vote. and the same actually happened with the is rarely performer. so there was also a little bit of disappointment there. they got, they came in seconds with the public mode, but then they came in 12th with the jury about. so there's always a bit of
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a discrepancy. there, yeah, i mean, we mentioned it already, you know, the organizers of your revision always stress of this event is supposed to be non political. it's supposed to be about the music. it's supposed to be about unity. but of course, we saw just over the last several weeks that they didn't quite succeed in keeping it completely non political. what was your take on all of this? yeah, i think it's true that last night's event was definitely more political than usual for adults with us watching at home. we could hear bit of doing when to is rarely performer came on and then also when the points were awarded by israel. and so i would say that the spice, the organizers, best efforts to keep the event on a purely cultural event and keep it on political. there was a lot of politics actually happening on stage some of the performers, when they were in the spotlight. they actually took the moment to make some statements in speaking out for peace and unity, which is something we don't usually see at your vision. but it was definitely an
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extravaganza, as it is every year rosalie angles went to w culture. thank you so much for your insights. all right, let's turn our attention now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world. this, our people in northern afghanistan have been burying their dand after devastating flooding. the world health organizations as a number of people killed has now passed 330 the w h o. so the floods had left many more homeless and with severely disrupted transportation, water supplies, and sewage systems, and evacuation order has been issued for the canadian town of 4th. miss murray, a burden and out of control. wildfire is raging near the major oil town. the government has worn the canada faces another catastrophic wildfire season after and during its worst ever last year. to of just $50000.00, demonstrators have rallied and then george and capitol to be leasing. it's another
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night to protest against a russian style for an influence bill. the like and the bill to one introduced in russian by flattery of food, teen which critics say has been used to suppress, to send the ruling georgia dream party is currently forcing the legislation through parliament and that's defined to months of protest. well, israel has launched more strength and gone after expanding its evacuation order for rough incense um $300000.00 people have flooded the area of the united nations. as warning of an epic disaster, israel pursues an outright invasion of the crowded city. israel says ralph, off is the last refuge of hum us, which launch the october 7th terrace attacks. these really military claims people have fled to on the wasi, which is a fin coastal script strip declared and expand that humanitarian area. but for many displays, gardens,
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nowhere feel safe. leaving rafa behind with everything they can bring with them. here the streets are filled with palestinians, packing up to go. many, what clear the choice to flee what was for months considered gauze as last refuge was no choice. a tool of love, we have to evacuate, we have no choice. if i stay, i will die either death or displacement. this is the strategy of displacing here and the leaving because a few and you do coersion have your leaving for the and the all the audience that these they are steve out on see if that's going to be done. um the, hey, well that's good. um, in general is based in rafa also heating. these really all means evacuation orders for poor to is that immediate camp outside the quite the hospital in the center of the city said they to had no choice, but to leave the we have no words being lost and confused. what should we do?
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we could be possibly go things jumbled up. we don't know what to do now. must have finished now. i meant. but the risk of remaining oral to clear yet more palestinians killed by his railey, asked right to ride to the hospital throughout the day. this man lost his brother the commission. what they were peaceful civilians who had nothing to do with the resistance. they were wearing their robes when they were killed without any prior warnings. but these rally all me insistence operations and rafa or targeted and already taking that toll on the masses forces me to battle. but the, the, this is a targeted intelligence based activity against terrorist infrastructure in the area . cool. so far we have eliminated dozens of terrorists and the east throughout the area. that's something we found a significant tunnel route with many weaponized fema. it'll be in the u. s. and
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then however in tel aviv, some relatives of the hostages taken by him us and it's october 7th terrorist attacks fear that israel's assault on rafa is putting the captives lives at risk the full day and during rafa and expanding the gulf or rage and there are both to hinder the hostages released negotiation and put the hostages lives in great danger. for the thousands of israelis who joins protest in the city again later on said today, the solution remains the same. they called once more the government to agree to a cease by deal to bring the hostages. how do you create now, which is sending reinforcements to strengthen his position as near? hark, if that's after a surprise russian ground offensive prompted mass evacuations. russia says it's captured of 5 villages in the region,
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and hundreds of civilians have fled from the town of chanc. russian shilling have fed homes, i believe in pick down off of shots. the residents here are picked one by one by the rescue teams. from an unsteady legs for them, the water has come to close. once again. lucian sports occupied progression. troops after the full scale invasion in february 2022. it was liberated that september and have been sporadically should since then. these days and nights something terrible is going on. may god protect us. you lie down and think whether they will kill you now or in an hour or 3. many are leaving, not knowing when and if they will return to their homes, smoke and roaming at the last memories that taking with them
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we drove through functions in the town satisfying is i can't look at this without tears. everything is shaking. that's empty. we didn't sleep these 2 nights at all. russian 4 fifths happened slowly, but that is the pressure thing that you premium defense as you can see if it's fighting back, but it's submitted to stent is depleted with the applies from a long delayed american east package. are only beginning to trick those to the front lines, running them around for the worst. that is the apartment at king's college london told the w that it's not that clear if russia is opening a new front in the war. well, it remains to be seen right now. i don't see that. how's the russians would be proceeding to capture the city of hard to you? there are still a lot to be done on the ground. as of the latest news,
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they have apparently entered well of trying to scan, and they're trying to surround the ukrainian groupings they are. so i think that the, the russian command will look what the ukrainians will do and how many of their reserves will be deployed to higher q before they might decide on the next move. because i think there is a possibility that they might still launch an offensive against possibly odessa or continue with athletics come from a tourist because we also have trusted yara. we have activity around guns, so those opposite directions are still important. so they're menial fences. let's put it that way. still underway. you there. so right now, it's not very clear what's going to happen. you're watching the w news, or reminder of our top story. a switzerland nemo has won this year's eurovision song contest. their song, the code recounts nemo's non binary journey run up to the contest was more 5 days
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of protest against israel's participation. you're up to date on the w. news off next is our digital show shift marietta evans team. thanks for watching the music con, be destroyed. you can try, so that's impossible. see, perform saw how 9 no sweets, the nazis conduct, the 2 musicians who lives in the savannah office. i assume about the sounds of.


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