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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. ukraine says it is facing a tough situation with a new russian offensive cube attempts to strengthen its positions and is sending reinforcements to hockey as rushes claims gains in the region. it's surprise offensive is prompting mass evacuations. and in the baltics, lithuania is going to the polls. citizens cast their votes in a presidential election as tension joined, high over rushes war in ukraine. the
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i'm mike local. welcome. we begin in ukraine, where all attention has turn to the north eastern front. ukraine's military chief says, forces are facing a tough situation in the hard key region, where a surprise russian offensive prompted mass evacuations on saturday, moscow claim to have control of 5 villages in the region. it now says it has captured for more. keeps as are fighting is ongoing and that hundreds of civilians have fled to which as you can wait for more ammunition and aid from its allies present into lensky, has responded to the threat posed by russia's new offensive. he has called for steely, resolved from his armed forces and is deploying reinforcements to the emerging new front. children i should, i will, says, must achieve maximum results to destroy the enemy everywhere. today, with reports from a commander in chief alexander to scale a former, we are strengthening all positions, especially in the region by the prelim additional forces. the artillery is
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operating exactly as planned on the budget, but the dw corresponded max xander in keith told us more about the situation in the hockey region to the right. michael, so the situation in the north east of the heart of the region remains very serious . fighting is still going on going or ever since of again on, on friday, from what we're hearing, reserve forces were sent to the area. now the question is, if additional forces are going to be sent or it can be, can be spared. from what we know is that russia managed russian troops managed across the border in the northeast of our 2 region. northeast of the city of harkey at to 2 different areas, essentially opening up a uh, additional direction, an additional uh additional front from what the russians are cleaning, at least 6 villages were seized. and from what we know,
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the cleanings are saying that at least 4000 people were evacuated from the effected regions from regions where, where we're fighting is, is ongoing. now defense command and she's going to assist to acknowledge the russian incurs, acknowledge that this is a very serious situation, but i'll also today came out and said that some of the crating forces are, are pushing back and, and doing everything possible to, to send the russians back across the board. what's this sense on the ground? max is the fear that russia is gearing up for a full assault to take, or keith. it's probably a little bit too early to say, but from the just looking at the location and the force that is being used. it doesn't seem very realistic that this is, that the russia is actually trying to attempt to take control of how to use. it seems more likely um that this is a distraction that the idea is to move troops from other parts of the front line
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where there's heavy fighting going on. for example, in the trust of you out or a visa or direction move some of these troops to that, usually open up front line and bear, bye hope putting up an opportunity for the russians. isn't that in that part? an additional theory is that the russians are trying to create a buffer zone. ukraine in the past has usually in retail and retaliation, attacked the builder with proven so about city of the road used the area as a staging ground for drone attacks. there have been cross border incursions on conducting from the, from the printing side. so creating a buffer results could make it less likely for these attacks to be successful. while we're at it, we should mention there are images now coming out of russia, of a destroy department blog in the city of belk allows, which you just mentioned. what can you tell us about that? right, so um the cctv footage emerged of said,
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apartment block collapsing during the day. it's not exactly clear what exactly the connection is or if there was any connection between these events and the situation there. um and this, this collapse going there. and the, according to the russian health ministry, at least 17 people were injured. during this attacks, the russians say that a soviet era miss how used by the ukrainians was intercepted and the debris led to the collapse of uh, parts of this residential building. and the ukranian authorities have not responded to that as of yet, but the commentators have raised or have, have, have mentioned that this perhaps could have also been the responsibility the russian side, such as a fail glide, bond attempt, blank light bomb attack, or a false flag attack that could be an indicator for something happening in the future. got it that's a dw corresponded mac sander in key. many thanks, matt. the tools lithuanian now where citizens are casting their votes in
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a presidential election at a time when anxieties are high over russia. russian gains on the battlefield and ukraine are fueling greater fears about moscow's intentions with the baltic country . the popular incumbent is expected to win another 5 year term. the president's main task in lithuania, as political system are overseeing for and and security policy. for more on that, i am joined by our correspondent vicky history of law in riga, the capital of neighboring country. lock the vicki, what's at stake in this election? well, 1st it is important to note that the president of the 20th it doesn't. it's not only a symbolic figure, the president of which, when you has many responsibilities, including being the chief of the armed forces and overseas between use of foreign policy. and now which uh, between you being a member of the european union,
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end of nato and being located in the strategically important baltic region. of course, that has raised concerns with versus invasion of ukraine, about how about 6 days could respond to a potential threat from russia at having said that, the newly elected president, who would have this responsibility to oversee a foreign policy and manage the 20th relationship with russia. no doubt there's a vigorous discussion about the polls just about now. what's the expected results as well the president incumbent and no said is expected to win and secure. another 5 year term in office and oppose suggests that around 35 percent of voters would vote for now cetera. and other results are expected to come out late at midnight today, at now,
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no cetera is joined by 2 of his opponents in greta. she monita with the current prime minister and eagerness. vega, who is a current lawyer and both of all of them share a similar policies when it comes to when it comes to ukraine. for example, all of them are backers of ukraine and, and all of them share the at all of them. believe that between yeah, a should increase its defense budgets. and now it's highly unlikely that the president of the president now would secure a faith that needed 50 percent of the vote and to be able to be president today. but if that doesn't happen in the, in the next 2 weeks, they will be a runoff election. where of the president will be chosen for a viewers who may not know lithuanian politics, certainly to the degree that you do. what challenges does the next president face? well, as mentioned previously, and according to voters in the baltic region,
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and the 20 of being in the position where it's both that nato member and a member of the european union and border share concerns that there might be a potential attack from russia. in fact, both in survey suggested that a more than 60 percent of between years believe that an attack is highly likely or possible. in that sense, the newly president elect would have to manage these national security concerns and prepare the country for an attack of for an hour before an attack is needed. many thanks to a dw corresponded vicky hipster by in riga to let's look at some more stories making headlines around the world at this hour. the united nations human rights cheap says a full scale is really assault on the city of rafa cannot take place and it could not be reconciled with international law. israel on saturday, expanded in evacuation order in the south agencies. warren,
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people have nowhere to go home. us run health ministry says the death toll from is really strikes on. gotcha. has now passed. 35000. cham, joan city floods and land slides have kids. china is southwest and one cherry tree . following heavy rainfall rescue teams have been evacuating residents to safety using boats. torrential rain has impacted several cities across the southern china . talking can go to a couple names and evacuation order has been issued for the canadian town of fort mcmurray, alberta, and out of controlled wildfire is raging near the major oil town. the government has won that canada faces another catastrophic wildfire season. after enduring its worst ever last year, donald trump may face a tax bill in excess of a $100000000.00. if he loses a years long audit battle, an internal revenue inquiry was uncovered by the new york times and pro public
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a. trump allegedly used a dubious accounting maneuver to claim tax breaks from his chicago tower. voters in spain's catalonia region have begun casting ballots in an election that could determine the influence of the separatist movement. opinion polls suggest that spanish prime minister pedro sanchez's social as or ahead of the hard lines separate his party separate his have held the regional government for more than a decade. a switzerland nemo has won the eurovision song contest becoming the 1st non binary contest and to take home the prize. the annual contest is billed as a fuel good celebration of europe's diversity and organizers insist the event is non political. but this year's contest was mired and politically charged controversy. for weeks thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators had marched through the streets of the host city bombing most sweeter against israel's participation. the
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the day one or the the jury ends the public and dr. natal buzzing final name or took home the top prize after performing the code of household tract. and right the journey of self discovery in finding one's place in the world. the king promising continued to send for peace. nemo is your vision's 1st. we know who identifies as known binary, they hope the victory can blaze, a trail for others having to cope with prejudice or discrimination. this was one of the most clear represent patients. we seem at your vision,
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which is like amazing. i want to shut out all the other clear artist this year, like, give it up, give it up for at least he is. contest was overshadowed by protest and drama that keeps the music celebration into chaos. just hours before the grand finale to cos dot contend used, klein was disqualified because of the back stage incident. that came off the days of protests on the streets of host city mail. no calling to israel to be excluded over its military campaign in gaza once to time, we're here to have russia because it has a war against our prime. yeah. and today we have is right. and so as i hear proceeds painful ease rose eaten goal on finished 5th and was partially booed during her performance. there was also boeing when the points of these railey
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jury were presented. organizes say the event is known, police equals the see, it was as political as it ends up being fed even. so the music and the classic you are a vision plan, shown through a powerful solar storm has lit up the sky across the world for a 2nd night in a row. the awards are the biggest jewel, magnetic storm in decades. the brake shoes are caused by solar flares and cause power grid and satellite disruptions experts say the auroras could possibly extend into monday, or we're going to ended there coming up next. we have dots on for you with an investigative report into racism in health care. that's after the break. there's more news on our website, doc. com,
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and of course on youtube and social media chance unlike look. and thanks for joining us and bye for now. the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. is soon about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good, everyone to king you're healthy award winning called called the called back the the dr. bismark a for a.


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