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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news why, from berlin? ukraine says it is facing a tough situation with a new russian offensive cube attempts to strengthen its positions and is sending reinforcements to har, keith, as russia claims gaines in the region. it's surprise or offensive is prompting mass evacuations. also coming up is really forces push deeper into a gas is southern city of rasa. after the netanyahu administration expands and evacuation order, some 300000 people are set to have to let the area as to un ones of an epic disaster is real confused, and outright can vision of the crowded city and catalogs built in an election that
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test the strength of the shepherdess movement and the policies of spain's prime minister of petro sanchez, separate as hope to hold onto power. but survey shows they are losing support the welcome to of viewers around the world. unlike loco, we begin in ukraine, where thousands more civilians have fled. russia is renewed, ground defensive on the north eastern front, chief has sent reinforcements to the border of the harkey region where there are intense battles with artillery and mortar fire. russia says it has captured several villages, ukraine's military chief admitted the situation is difficult, but said his forces are doing everything to hold defensive lines and positions. russian shilling have fet homes, i believe, convict down off of shots. that evidence here are picked one by one method,
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execute themes for somebody on unsteady legs. for them, the water has come to close. once again. lucian sports occupied production troops after the full scale invasion in february 2022. it was liberated that september and has been sporadically should since then. these days and nights something terrible is going on. may god protect us. you lie down and think whether they will kill you now or in an hour or 3. many are leaving, not knowing when and if they will return to their homes, smoke and roaming at the last memories that taking with them we drove through functions in the town satisfying. i can't look at this without tears. everything is shaking. that's empty. we didn't sleep these 2
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nights at all. russian 4 fifths have been slowly. but that is the precious thing that ukrainian defense, as you can see if it's fighting back. but it's money to spend stipulated with the supplies from a long delayed american 8th package out only beginning to click the front lines. a dw corresponded mag xander in. keith told us more about the situation in the hockey region. right, michael. so the situation in the north east of the heart of the region remains very serious for i think you're still going on going or ever since of again on, on friday from what we're hearing, reserve forces were sent to the area. now the question is, if additional forces are going to be sent or it can be, can be spared. from what we know is that russia managed russian troops managed
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across the border in the northeastern part of the region. northeast of the city of harkey at 2 different areas, essentially opening up a um, additional direction, an additional uh additional front from what the russians are cleaning at least 6 villages um were seized. and from what we know, the cleanings are saying that at least 4000 people were evacuated from the effected regions from regions where, where we're fighting is, is ongoing, no defense command. and she's going to assist you. acknowledge the russian incurs, acknowledge that this is a very serious situation, but i'll also today came out and said that some of the crating forces are pushing back and, and doing everything possible to, to send the russians back across the board. which this sense on the ground max is the fear that russia is gearing up for a full assault to take, or keith. it's probably a little bit too early to say,
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but from the just looking at the location and the force that is being used. it doesn't seem very realistic that this is that the russian was actually trying to attempt to take control of how to use it seems more likely um that this is a distraction that the idea is to move troops from other parts of the front. one where there's heavy fighting, going on, for example, and trust of yard or a visa direction. move some of these troops to that usually opened up frontline and thereby opening up an opportunity for the russians. that in that part, an additional fear is that the russians are trying to create a buffer zone. ukraine in the past has usually in retail and retaliation, attacked the builder with proven. so the belt city of the above road used the area as a staging ground for drone attacks. their help and cross border incursions conducted from the, from the printing side. so creating a buffer zone could make it less likely for these attacks to be successful. while
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we're at it, we should mention that there are images now coming out of russia, of a destroyed apartment block in the city of bel garage, which you just mentioned. what can you tell us about that? right, so um the cctv footage emerged of said, apartment block collapsing during the day. it's not exactly clear what exactly the connection is or if there was any connection between these events and the situation there. um, and this, this collapse going during the, according to the russian health ministry, at least 17 people were injured. during this attack, the russians say that a soviet era, michelle used by the ukrainians was intercepted additive re let's to the collapse of the parts of this residential building. and the ukranian authorities have not responded to that as of yet. but commentators have raised or have, have,
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have mentioned that this perhaps could have also been the responsibility of the russian side, such as a fail glide button to turn black light bomb attack or a false flag attack that could be an indicator for something happening in the future got it, that's a dw corresponded mac sander in key. many things max of israel has launched more strikes and gaza after expanding its evacuation order for rasa. it has said some 300000 people have fled the area, the u. n. is warning of an epic disaster of israel for susan outright. invasion of the crowded city. israel says rafa is the last refuge of emboss which launch the october 7th terrorist attacked these really military claims. people have fled to l . my wasi, a sing coastal strip declared an expanded humanitarian area, but for many display scoggins, nowhere feel safe. leaving rafa behind with everything they can bring with them.
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here the streets are filled with palestinians, packing up to go. many, what clear the choice to flee. what was for months considered cause as lost refuge was no choice. a tool of love, we have to evacuate, we have no choice. if i stay, i will die either death or displacement. this is the strategy of displacing here and the leaving because a few and do do coersion. we are leaving for the and the result of the audience that these they are steve out on see if that's going to be done. um the, hey, well, that's good. um, in general is based in rafa also heating. these really all means evacuation orders for poor to is that immediate camp outside the quite the hospital in the center of the city said they to had no choice, but to leave the we have no words being lost and confused. what should we do? is we put the possibly go things jumbled up. we don't know what to do. something
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about testing, it's not meant. but the risk of remaining earl to clear yet more palestinians killed by his riley asked right to ride to the hospital. throughout the day this man lost his brought the commission. what they were peaceful civilians who had nothing to do with the resistance. they were wearing their robes when they were killed without any prior warnings. but these riley army insist it's operations and rafa or targeted and already taking that toll on the masses forces a brief look now at some other stories making news around the world. floods and lance lights have hit chinese south western gun she region following heavy rainfall . rescue teams have been evacuating residents to safety using boats. torrential rain has impacted several cities across southern china and tables. sion and evacuation order has been issued for the canadian town of fort mcmurray, alberta,
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and out of control. wildfire is raging near the major oil town. the government has worn that canada faces another catastrophic wildfire season. after and during its worst ever last year. what of germany's leading human rights prizes has been avoided? passing this way to the russian opposition figure, i'll explain to bunny died earlier this year in an arctic penal colony while serving a 19 year prison sentence addressed in peace prize was accepted by end of the on these widow reward is given for contributions to peace and international understand right, so, but as well, catalonia is holding elections that are expected to have repercussions beyond the northeastern spanish region. separate as have held the regional government for more than a decade. but pre election pulling showed support for secession. as following since former regional president called pushing on lead in the legal and unsuccessful bid
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to break away from madrid in 2017 socialist national prime ministry, pedro sanchez is pushing through an amnesty law for the succession. it's. he needs catalogs to support his party in this election to assure up his minority government in madrid. for more, let's across the general is steven burgeon in barcelona. steven what's at stake in their selection as well. obviously lots of stake as a new kind of like government brand. it has to kind of significant implications for the national government. madrid is, i think, you know, what's significant is that in the last 10 years, as you said in your introduction, that the dominant topic has been independence. in fact, all of the elections and the last 10 or 12 years have really been about sovereignty issue. and whether to succeed from spain and it seems this time that voters are just a bit tired of this. and the policies seem to have realized and an outcome painting
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on more traditional issues such as education, health and housing. and the fact independence has hardly been mentioned. nevertheless, the 2 to 3 main parties, pro independence and the other principle of body is the socialist body aligned with the surface, bought a car, the government in spain. and there is no expectation that anyone is going to win the selection. i know not one of the 3 leaders is expected to win the necessary 68 seats for a majority. so what will follow is who is going to agree to make an impact with whom? and this at this stage as the total clear, no one has put their cards and the table. and we may end up with a stalemate and then 5, possibly even another election in the near future. but the polls close and just under 2 hours and then we'll know something more solid about this. this of course,
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is a regional election, but let's put it into a wider perspective. could the results have significant implications for europe? so you're kind of and certainly for the government and the dread which is dependent on the 7 votes of the former president colors pushed him on who fled to belgium after the failed independence bed. um and i mean is one of the curiosities of this . that puts him on his technically speaking a fugitive from justice and understanding for preston has in fact not been able to even both in his own election. i think builds up, i think there protections for europe. and we've now seen the emergence of a fall, right? nationalist policy, a capitalism nationalist body that stands on very much the same principles as the of a nationalist policies. but is an addition, is not my phobic on basically the shame of leave races. in addition to the main
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stream, if you can call that mainstream, the national follow right, positive box. so if they succeed and they may actually end up holding the balance of power. and the other part is the said they will not make a deal with them. but this is politics and we will see what happens is making a deal with them is the only way to hold on to power, steve, and we only have half a minute, but i do want to go back to something you said earlier, back in 2017 as you know, there was an impassioned movement in catalonia, for the regions independence. you just mentioned that that has sort of died down. what would you point to as the reasons for this? and how is it changed? the politics and the region i think is probably just people have got tired after 10 years of, well, even before that, but many years of, of marching. and i think, i think that was one of the mistakes that they made in 2017, that the leadership my was to create this impression. the independence was just on
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the corner. and the was, and i think people or okay, we're gonna have to ended there. this is steven bergen in barcelona. many, many thanks. stay with us. there's more news at the beginning of the next down. the . every jenny is full of surprises. we've gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time but still very much alive. your guy to dismiss.


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