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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin, a ration ground, defensive and ne, in ukraine, leads to the question of thousands of residents. the for the board are towns of the hockey region. to escape the latest by roger about tennessee and more tough, biased as russian troops tribes of pushed into you train. he sends reinforcements to stump the advance. we'll talk to him, i need you ex. that's also coming up. is there any forces pushed deep into guides? us obviously to your blackbox, i'm sorry. these are all expands are due by question or some 300000 people asked that to have flight. the area passed the you and one so on. epic dis bestbuy. if
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these are office use, i'll try is invasion of the crowd that sits in cost of hands vote in on election that test the strength of the separate as movement. the policies of springs prime minister produce on says, separate to soap, to pull it onto power about the survey shows the i'm losing the i, i'm eddie mike, a junior and you are welcome to the program and you train thousands more civilians of fled rashes when you ground defensive on the northeast in front. keith, i sent the reinforcements to the board all the hacking region where the intense bottles will actually be and more to 5 processes. it has captured several villages . ukraine from nutri chief, i admit that the situation is difficult, but said his forces are doing everything to hold defense of lines and physicians.
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hundreds of presidents of the part of the frontier ton mazda vacation is under the new queens hockey region. after the russian forces launched a set price offensive, or the north eastern front, orange oceans, it was horrible. we face terrible, showing. everything was exploding. we didn't understand what was going on. why did you create an invalid? 3 sees feel better. let's continue. but bosco already claims to have taken control of several villages in the border region. a lot of support for the situation is extremely difficult because the enemy has been conducting mess, shelling of the town, who most terrorizing the civilian population from a so are destroying the town of things just before we are delayed, and so they will. they use our tillery and multiple loans rocket systems for when the day with 30 strikes just in the last day 15. there's
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a lot of destruction or to the heart of the presidents. ellensby has also responded to the threat posed by unless she has new offensive. defend announced the deployment offer the enforcements to the emerging new friend. so the not sure what else is must achieve maximum results to destroy the enemy everywhere. to evaluate reports from a commander in chief on exam, this is tequila. former we are strengthening all positions, especially in the region by deploying additional forces. the artillery is operating exactly as planned on the budget, but as you green food for more military, it permits allies to show it up. it's defensive effort. pressure and forces are hoping to take advantage to make gains in the region. marian, i'm your own is from the war studies department, atkins, college london, as a green tries hard to stop the rest and offensive. i asked for half assessment the
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situation as well. it's very difficult to tell right now, son speculations are, is that it is the, the offense of the russian offensive. that one has been waiting for. what we know so far is that the russian forces and in from the north scooping managed to take several villages in the harkey populist. and it looks like they're moving towards wolf chance or m in or the to try to basically surround the city and 2 blocks of supplies from the contents direction from the east. so that is um one possible scenario. what is going to happen here? of course. so instigation is changing as we speak, but we shouldn't be forgetting that opposite directions are also important where the russians are trying to advance, namely, around chastity are near severus, and as well as a round ro bought in the ends up ratio. so right now this
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a decent is very complex and some believe that this is done in or the to pull. the rush is a ukrainian forces away from the net pro mazda directions so that the russians can develop the breakthrough around the, of the, of car, right? obviously, a quite a complex situation isn't that, i mean, as you know, and there's also some action happening in the hockey region where thousands of people have been evacuated from, is rush out, trying to take over the hack of region and to what and well, i don't think that at this point, the russians are actually trying to take it, because they would need much more troops and they have not committed enough troops in order to hold the hierarchy of region. they also don't have enough troops right now to store them both chance and even less the storms. the city of higher kiff, as i said, um most possibly they want to develop their offensive around of the car.
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and that's where the russians have the breakthrough in around, but you're right. and then we remember is and use from just a week ago or so. and so i think the, the idea is to distract that ukrainian forces, knowing that the premiums are suffering from manpower. sure. the just in order to then exploit that direction and go towards colorado, the seller goldman across. and the idea is to cut the pre influences into and get him to the rear of several lit dar and salons from the doors grouping. so if you're bringing on forces me, let me get your thoughts on this that long the lead us a packages, only now stats in to reach the front line spot is a green gets an exactly what it needs to fund over access advance to well, this is a good question is ukraine, indeed getting what it needs in order to stop the russian offensive. and when knows
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that the accounts have already reached ukraine. however, the problem is ukraine also needs or was hillary shells end as well as artillery systems. a print also needs air defenses and armored vehicles. and these are all of the things that you brain is not getting at this very, very moment. we don't know when the f sixteens are going to arrive and what impact they are going to have on the battlefield. dynamics, so from my perspective, the aid that ukraine is going to receive is a kind of a mismatch in terms of what you're creating really needs. and of course we have the problem with men. power was capable men power in order to just stop the russians because that technology is not going to fill that gap. right. right, right. i'm a run from the war studies department of kings college london. thank you very much for your insights. the seas rail has launched most strikes and gaza. how to expanding its if i place you in order for rafa. i said some 300000 people
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have fled. the area that you and is wanting of an epic disaster. these are obvious use on outright invasion of the crowded city. these are all says rough off is the last refuge of a mass which launched the october 7th terrorist attacks these on even injury claims . people have fled to a lassie at then coastal strip declared unexplained that humanitarian area. for many displeases guidance, nowhere feels safe. leaving rafa behind with everything they can bring with them. here the streets are filled with palestinians, packing up to go. many what clear the choice to flee what was for months considered cause as last refuge was no choice a tool? every best of luck we have to evacuate, we have no choice. if i stay, i will die either death or displacement. this is the strategy of displacing here
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and the leaving because a few and you do coersion have your leaving for the and the all the audience that these they are steve out on see if that's going to be done. um the, hey, well that's good. um, in general is based in rafa also heating these riley armies evacuation orders for poor to is that immediate camp outside the quite the hospital in the center of the city said they to had no choice, but to leave the we have no words being lost and confused, what should we do? is we put the possibly go things jumbled up. we don't know what to do. some testing is not meant, but the risk of remaining earl to clear, yet more palestinians killed by his railey as strikes arrived at the hospital throughout the day. this man lost his brother the commission when they were peaceful civilians who had nothing to do with the resistance. they were wearing their robes when they were killed without any prior warnings. but these riley
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army insists operations and rafa or targeted and already taking that toll, the masses forces less. they've got some more stories making headlines around the wild flats and land flights of heads china southwest in going she region. after a heavy rain, full rescue teams have any backwards in the rest of the entities safety using boats . the ratio rain has impacted several cities across up in china. people think one of germany's leading human rights prizes has been awarded for seamlessly to the russian position. fig alexi in a body. he died any of this year while 7, a 19 year prison sentence, dressed in peace prize was accepted by about his widow. yeah, ward escaping for contributions to peace on international understanding that the call totally will direct to ro. jeff coleman has died aged 98 us perhaps best known for making low budgets. b movies. meaning he came called classics including
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the little shuffle. par us and the house of vasa was also known as a mentor to many hold the woods task and helping to launch the car here as a back to us like chuck nicholson on the progress, the new film critic of the daily. and then it's, suppose i've closed in catalonia, the election is that i expect to have repercussions beyond the northeastern spanish region. separate this have held the regional government for more than a decade. back pre election building showed support for succession has fallen since former regional presidents house kick them off. med legal on successful bid to break away from my trade in 2017 socialist national. prime minister, federal son says, is pushing through unless the law for the suspicion is he needs confidence to support his property in this election to show up his minority government. a moderate from on this?
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let's cross about to general is steven version in boss luna. hello, steven bowles showed officially be close by now. but any signs of the potential when a or we've had an exit poll, i have decided this. this is only in mexico, but it's very much in line with appalling before the election, which shows that the socialist kind of a salvador and the has the most states potentially 40 followed by call us, which the ones who as you mentioned, fled to belgium off to the legal independence folks in 2017 who has potentially 36 and then the incumbent president at an hour ago this with a possible 27. so this lease as much as we expected with no outright winner. and the question of who is going to make a deal with who there was there, the numbers add up for a left coalition of the socialist category,
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noises and republican left poverty and tomorrow to the i know the left wing party that would get them over the line to the 68 votes of the seats that they need . but on the other hand, an independence pro independence coalition between the republican left push them on drugs, but catalonia and the small left wing independence party, the quote would also, uh, get the numbers. okay. um, okay, so, so for those a, a listening to us now once i speak in this election as well, i think, you know, most of the stake is do we continue with having capitalized elections of central entirely on the issue of solving table. um, as has happened in this, in this particular election, is that more focused on social issues such as housing and jobs. and the significance of course is the is who becomes the government will depend on whether
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the spanish government continues to have the support of the capital and separate has which it needs in order to remain in power. and also what impact called the results from this regional election have full white. i you um, i think that before there was a lot of fear that the national issue and the independence issue which spread across europe. but i think this is not going to be the case. i'm in fact we've seen enthusiasm for independence and catalonia decline considerably in the last 5 years . right. generalist steven version in boston. lona: thank you. it's and you're up to date coming up. i'll text you a shift explores why so many youtube influenza is use. i'm a cracked as, as of a task that's after the break is one use in our website's dw dot com in all youtube
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and social media channels. i am eddie michael junior. thanks for watching staging, and we have more news coming up of the top of the out the . these are the news on a couple days in the news. the one of mankind's oldest ambitions could be within reach. what is it really is possible to reverse the researches and scientists all over the world for a no race against time they are peers and right.