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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the news live from very late and the russian president vladimir puts in that removes the defense minister, say, gaze showing go from his post. i propose as a form my deputy prime minister to the place of spots of the re shuffle. shy, do is set to become the secretary of russia. security council. also coming up these riley forces pushed the probably into a gas as solving safety over. i found out that these are all expands on the question on some 300000 people assets that have to let the area cost to you in ones on epic these best buy. if these are office use, i'm outright and vision of the products and millions of people in sub saharan
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africa, so far from sickle cell anemia. those living with a genetic disease, face discrimination, unlimited health care, rejoining somebody buying uganda who is doing their best to make a difference. the i, i'm eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program. russian president vladimir putin has removed the defense minister sig showing go from his post and appointed him as the head of the national security council. within the longstanding ally show who said that's russia's defense, new spots since 2012, according to the kremlin show who will also be responsible for the military industrial complex. which in has proposed for my deputy prime minister on the bill itself as showed this replacement and the defense ministry. as
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the correspondent vicki is restored in the lives, you have the capital reader to tell us more about this. we shuffle, well, put in just a few hours ago has proposed replacing a saturday show who as defense minister and has appointed him as secretary of the national security council now. um the a below sofa and i'll replace troy who as defense minister and until now the loose of was, has been responsible for the economy and has been the 1st deputy prime minister. and now showing go has been of defense ministers since 2012 leading russia throughout the invasion of ukraine, which started more than 2 years ago. right. i mean, as you say, yeah, struggle has been defense. some of this stuff for about 12 years now. he was in charge of the full scale invasion of ukraine. so i guess the question is why remove him now? well, no official reason has been given. yes, but just to remind our audience that put in august we started his 5th presidential term earlier this week, following his inauguration and as part of the russian load,
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entire russian cabinet resides after which is integration. now also to remind our viewers that assure goes ally, the deputy defense minnes 13 or even off was interested in april on bribery charges . and so this was shuffle, mind mean, and many things, but we're just yet to see. right, definitely be yeah, only time will tell, but i especially considering that russia is making some advancements on the ground in ukraine. what could this mean for us as offensive that as well? this announcement actually comes after russia just to gain momentum in northeast and ukraine. and civilians are just now fleeing towns and villages. actually, the grand town of wolf chance has seen russian forces approach from 3 directions earlier today on sunday. and right now within this proposal to for this cabinet were shuffle must be approved by the federation council. and we would just have to
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see where um, under a boost of the new defense minister will dis, bowery shuffle would mean for him and the ongoing invasion of ukraine. right to a lot of things to be clear as time goes on. w correspondent, the key restore about india. thank you. in ukraine 1000 small civilians have fled rushes renewed ground offensive on the northeast. in front, keith, i send to be enforcements to the board. all the hack of region where the intense bottles would actually read and malta by a process as it has captured several villages. the grains matri chief, i admit that the situation is difficult, upset. his forces are doing everything to hold defensive lines and positions. hundreds of residents of the part of the area, the for the a ton. a mazda vacation is under the can you please talk you region after the machine forces lost a surprise offensive on the not eastern front orange ocean. it was horrible. we
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face terrible, showing everything was exploding. we didn't understand what was going on. why did you create an invalid? 3 sees feel better. let's continue. but bosco already claims to have taken control of several villages in the border region. a lot of support for the situation is extremely difficult because the enemy has been conducting mess, shelling of the town who most over the world terrorizing the civilian population room a. so we're destroying the town of things us before we are delayed and so they will, they use all temporary and multiple loans, rocket systems for when the day with 30 strikes just in the last day 15 because there's a lot of destruction of to the heart of the presidents ellensby has also responded to the pat, paused by unless she has new offensive defend announced the deployment of the enforcements to the emerging new friend. so the nation i would owe us is,
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must achieve maximum results to destroy the enemy everywhere. today, with reports from a commander in chief alexander to a scale of 4 months, we are strengthening all positions, especially in the region by the prelim additional forces. the artillery is operate to exactly as planned on the budget, but to the left. as you clean boots are mod, military, it permits allies showed up its defensive effort, crushing forces. i'm hoping to take advantage to make gains in the region as well. star is medium headlines around the world that they've got some about thousands of protesters of the 5 government warnings in georgia that they would face arrest if they blocked the parliaments building in the capital to release. the latest for the test comes a day after an estimate that $50000.00 people rallied against a controversial fine influence bill, which they say that spiteful dissent. one of germany's leading human
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rights prizes has been awarded plus to most of the, to the russian position figure. i'll explain a volunteer. you died any of us? yeah. while 79 thing the prison sentence, the dress then peace prize was accepted by and the boundaries we do. the award is given for contributions to peace on international understanding, but i think with most of the votes counted in catalonia as a reason on the election, capital and surfaces of you have to have lost the majority held for over a decade, associated spots again to the most votes give me a boost for national prime minister federal census who needs the support of catalogs to show up as minority socialist government. us secretary of state onto the blinking says these are alice tactics in gaza have meant a horrible loss of life for civilians. but they have failed to neutralize a mass lead us on fighters. his comments come as these are the military expanded attacks in the gaza strip. hundreds of thousands of palestinians of flat the south
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and the city of rough uh, where each route is targets and how my slightest these are the times. i've also be in that northern gaza after israel said that how my spouse is where i'm trying to regroup in the area is really tanks. heading back into northern garza, of these writing military had declared victory of a mess here a months ago. now it says it's gone back to stop the minutes in group reestablishing control. how does citizens living here and the jabante, a refugee camp, just north of golf and city. i've been told to evacuate with the area still devastated from the early is ready operations. and you asked strikes raining down, residence a hurry to get out. but many of those rushing to sleep with everything they could take with them said that there was no wes safe left for them to go there. and i'm going in law, we left the camp,
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but we don't know where to go. we don't know where to head, we don't have food or drink or clothes. oh wow. i want to know that we have to move every day. we move more often than we stay put up every day. we're in a different area in the north, in the south, in the east. we don't know where to go. because of a sudden most city rafa was long, considered the safest place left in this trip. but he's ready for us as a now trying to reach out a mass fight is here to hundreds of thousands of people have already left the city according to these ready all me. while more a still trying to leave many of those displaced by the fighting in rafa headed north to central guns. a and this woman said she'd follow these really evacuation. notice that now she couldn't find even basic supplies for children. type of dismissal. there's no safe place,
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the situation is very hot. that's no from the from like no dream to even the water is how to get my children try and tell me on that mother we want to drink and i don't know what to do next, but i'm like everyone else who left it all 5 and came here and we had just placed you the best know safe place so much. and we'd palestinians desperately searching for safety. washington has again called on israel, not to launch a full scale ground defensive in rafa. israel's, on the directory potentially to inherit an insurgency with many arms from us left or if it leaves a vacuum filled by chaos, still by anarchy and probably refilled by. am us with israel increasing its attacks throughout the gaza strip tools for restraint. even permits closest ally seem to be falling on deaf ears, gentlest balise that a dean is instead of eve. he told us more about these relative increase in order in
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a salvo for alpha. yes, so let me tell you the is working in the eastern rafa now is are calling this unlimited operation and it is by stacy as we understand the sensor, probably the main concentration of the population is so the back way east. uh, which is a few kilometers on the roller. we would have to go to the actually the prostate, which is only far from the whatever the case of the b o, b, b, cargo is actually the kilometers which means that there's a lot of way to go in order to take control over the for the v carter which is tuesday, the basically one of the week. easy uh is that the okay, that was the withdrawal because they told me that the monthly equipment from egypt
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right now. so renewed classes in north in gaza. why are people being told to go yeah, so in 2 places, actually somebody to say to both of the population that is a less they are after the week of the most of the population actually in the beginning door are asked to go to god the cd kimberly, because is i believe that the military has a, from the to 10 days to work there. so the best way to me right now to go right by the side of the intel. i be, thank you. now it's a come on genetic disease effect and millions of people across africa. sickle cell anemia is especially prevalent in sub saharan africa. those they've been with an illness, phase discrimination, unlimited access to health care. i mean, you've done that when somebody buys determined to change things of this rural
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area in eastern uganda is a hot spot for sickle cell anemia. this hospital is one of the few places that treats patients like barbara and of google. but today she hasn't come for help. she's come to provide support. despite being the most common genetic disease in the country, patients face discrimination and inadequate health care. barbara says her own families shunned her when she was diagnosed with sickle cell as a newborn she ran to c h n t h. we're going to them. yes. so they never thought of me as an important pass and by the, by me, like someone who would grow up or is supposed to get an education to show that tip is that because they use, oh, my mother, the people like me don't grow money and that we can't go to school or have children in the community. barbara would go on to become
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a mother and an important voice and this sickle cell community. she uses her story and experience to give patients hope for about her life. sickle cell mutates red blood cells and causes them to die early. it can lead to stroke chest infections in oregon. damage years ago, a new treatment was approved for the disease, the doctor here cause it's a wonder drugs that's also helping to distinguish ties the illness previously. like maybe 5, yes from now. and uh, some use would have a child who is sick or sale and they wouldn't even bring them to hospital because they thought that child would die. hm. and in the process, because when they don't come to hospital, they don't get the information. but now what do you see is that we are seeing on influx, so like many people ready to call me and when they come,
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barbara is often there to lend her support. i. i'm eddie micah, julia, thanks for watching the world of free speech. free press access to free information for every stop trainings and next take action detail. use global media for 2020 for a bunch of any credit.


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