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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the business dw, new nice component and russian president vladimir putin removes defense. men is pathetic. assure i go from his post and proposed as a former deputy prime minister to replace a spot for re shuffle schrager with festive, accomplish texas. we offer michelle's council for coming up is rarely tanks. we enter pots of northern gauze on wareham mazda militants, have reappeared, as well claimed to have taken control of that gave you off months ago. and millions of people in the heart of africa suffer from sickle cell anemia. those living that
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the genetic disease face discrimination, unlimited health care, rejoiced bibles into gondo was doing called best to make a difference. the . i'm the how johnny welcome to the program. russian president vladimir putin has removed defense minister studies showing go from his boast and appointed him as the head of the national security council. hooton's longstanding allies, shribel, served as russia's defense minister since 2012. according to the kremlin, chicago will also be responsible for the military industrial complex put in his proposed form, a deputy minister, deputy prime minister andre bella wil software as cycles replacement in the defense ministry. some more on this now we are joined by dw correspondent because we stovall in the lottery and capital rico. hi,
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vicky. thanks for being here. fulton has remove defense, minnes destroyed, and appointed him a security or secretary of the security council. what more can you tell us about the shake of we so just a few hours ago, this major re shuffle in russia's military read leadership and put in proposed replacing a shrug. was defense minister and appointed him as secretary of the national security council. and now on day bellow, souls has no military background, but will now replace a show who as defense, minister, and to now below. so what's considered a by some, one of which is closest advisors on economic affairs. and now show who has been defense ministers since 2012 and has led russia on the ongoing invasion of ukraine and is widely seen as actually one of futons most trusted lieutenants and put in has. and i was close professional relationship with troy though, but not only,
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and he's also close with him personally. and they have also been seen to get her on retreats of into severe in the wilderness, for example. so for to some this ratio for when power might come as a bit of a surprise. right now, struggle was defense minister for about 12 years. he was in charge of a big mission, which was russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. so why replace and now as well, the caribbean is so far has made few comments, but a spokesperson possible said that the defense ministry has to stay in, nobody is and has to be open to the creation of conditions for economic competitiveness. and now just to remind their audience fulton started his 5th president, a short term just after being evaluated this week earlier this week. and, and as part of that, as part of russian load the entire russian cabinet and resigned at now. sure goes a ally, deputy defense minister timor evils, as a reminder,
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was arrested in april this year on bribery charges. and, and this by some analyst has been interpreted as an attack on show who perhaps possibly leading to his dismissal as a role of a defense minister. and now you have denny pretty gorging. as you might remember, oak was head of the wagner group before dying. last year in a plane crash was a vocal critic of a struggle and often code for his removal. and so far from what we know, a struggle is the only minister being replaced from the members of the cabinet. okay, that's the w corresponding vacancy silva and we go thank you so much for being jim . so let's look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. one of jeremy's leading human rights prizes has been avoided for few misleading to the russian opposition for go alexi, nevada, and he died earlier this year was solving
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a 19 year old presence prison sentence. the rest in peace prize was accepted by novalis video. the award was given for contributions to peace and international understanding with most of the votes counted in catalonia, as the regional election, capt alonza protest appear to have lost the majority they held for over a decade, the socialist party gained the most votes in a booth for national prime minister federal sanchez, who needs the support of catalogs to show up his minority socialist government. a police officer has been killed in thousands of people, enjoyed off the protest in pockets, fund controlled crush me a ton while and people took to the streets against rising costs of food and fuel. several people were arrested fresh meat as a dispute. if you're all divided between focused on india and china to choose flogs and lot of slides have had china. southwestern g one she region following heavy rain phone rescue teams happened,
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evacuating residents to safety using boats. torrential rain has impacted several cities across southern china. now us secretary of state, anthony blink, and save as well as tactics and garzo have meant a horrible loss of life for civilians, but have failed to neutralize him off the doors and fight of his comments. com as things rarely, military, it expands its attacks and the gaza strip is rarely times have re entered. northern goals are often as well said homos which launched the october 7th federal tax was trying to regroup in the area. this is riley tanks, heading back into northern causa. these raining military, had declared victory of a mass here months ago. now it says it's going back to stop the minutes in group re establishing control palestinians living here and the jabante, a refugee camp, just north of gauze. the city i've been told to evacuate with the area still
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devastated from the early is ready operations and new as strikes, raining down, residence a hurry to get out. but many of those rushing to flee with everything they could take with them said that there was no west safe left for them to go on. and last, we left the camp, but we don't know where to go. we don't know where to head. we don't have food or drink or clothes. i want to know that we have to move every day. we move more often than we stay put up every day. we're in a different area in the north, in the south, in the east. we don't know where to go. garza southern most city. rafa was long considered the safest place left in this trip. but he's ready for us is a now trying to reach out a mass fighters here to hundreds of thousands of people have already left the city according to these really all me. while more a still trying to leave many of those displaced by the fighting. and rafa have
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headed north to central guns. a and this woman said she'd follow these really evacuation. notice that now she couldn't find even basic supplies for children. type of fish, listen, there's no safe place. the situation is very hot. that's no from the from like no dream to even the water is how to get my children try and tell me on that mother we want to drink and i don't know what to do next, but i'm like everyone else who left it all 5 and came here and we had just placed you the best know safe place. so my friend and we'd palestinians desperately searching for safety. washington has again called on israel, not to launch a full scale round defensive. and rafa israel's on the directory, potentially to inherit an insurgency with many arms from us left or if it leaves a vacuum filled by chaos,
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still by energy and probably refilled by. am us the with the israel, increasing its attacks throughout the gaza strip tools for restraint. even permits closest ally seen to be falling on deaf ears. joining us bullocks loving is intel of ease. he told us more about as well as evacuation, although in the south of russell. yes. so let me tell you the is working in the eastern rough. uh now is uh, according this unlimited operation and it is like stacy, as we understand the sensor, probably the may, concentration of the population is. so the back of waiting eastern, right, which is a few kilometers on the rolling one of the actually the prostate, which is only part of bombs, is from the, the now the whole of the,
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the, the car is actually the kilometers which means the loss of where to go in order to take control over the for the, the carbon which is that is a, basically one of the way egypt uh is the which is the, the, the modeling equipment from egypt to thousands of protesters and the georgia and capital tbilisi have joined nighttime protests in defiance of government warnings. crowds have gathered outside parliament and afresh protests against a controversial draft low. they say would stifle dissent. the government says anyone who locked the bottom and building would be arrested. the protests which have been taking place for weeks have intensified as lawmakers prepared to debate the bill in a toad. and finally, we think on monday the goal of georgia, dream faulty is intent on passing the draft flow this week. a
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dw correspondence, maria cut them up so has more on the protests from the capital tbilisi capital almost in the intake with the whole they say to be a see to be of their freedom of the government deliberately damaging the u. s. b officials, however, as transparency over the funding, georgia is receiving from a broad also the fact that the government is ready reconsider the tax of the bill to see of a site visit. thomas from the government studies see the bill that they're not ready to make any promises. this bill passed to say that
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they've gone to stay here or not on tomorrow. they going to meet their m p 's here in the morning when the problem is going to review the reading of the final offline . the hearing is still at the future here in georgia. 8 because the government does that to introduce this bill, this find the back cause it's a common genetic disease affecting millions of people across africa. sickle cell anemia is especially prevalent in sub saharan africa. those living with the illness face discrimination and limited access to health care. but in you've gone the once the bible is determined to change things to this rural area in eastern uganda is a hot spot for sickle cell anemia. this hospital is one of the few places that
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treats patients like barbara and of google. but today she hasn't come for help. she's come to provide support. despite being the most common genetic disease in the country, patients face discrimination and inadequate health care. barbara says her own family shunned her when she was diagnosed with sickle cell as a newborn she ran to c h as a quarter to them. yeah. so they never thought of me as an important person. like someone who would grow up or is supposed to get an education on that tip, is that because they use, oh my mother, the people like me don't grow money and we can't go to school. have children in the community? barbara would go on to become a mother and an important voice, and this sickle cell community. she uses her story and experience to give patients hope for about her life. sickle cell mutates red blood cells and causes
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them to die early. it can lead to stroke chest infections in oregon damage. years ago, a new treatment was approved for the disease, the doctor here cause it's a wonder drugs. that's also helping to distinguish the ties the illness previously. like maybe 5, yes from now. the uh, families would have a child who is sick or sale and they wouldn't even bring them to the hospital because they thought that child would die. hm. and in the process, because when they don't come to hospital, they don't get the information. but now what do you see is that we are seeing on influx, so like many people really call me and when they come, barbara is often there to lend her support. that's all for now.
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destroy nights. what is the mega.


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