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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 2:02am-2:31am CEST

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a pony as mayor. see how politics in one english town has gone to the horses and grab your crowns and cameras for a tour of castles in berlin. these stores and more coming up on your own mac. the but 1st iceland is known for its incredible natural landscapes. thousands of tourists flock here every year to visit. but how much do they know about the people who actually live on the island euro max report, or brent, dennis travel to reykjavik for a taste of local life? oh my god, a bright smells for that. it's a cold, comfortable virus, or i send experience press. do we have to do this?
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ok that they don't actually have to say like hello for everyone on the street by still in the land of some fire on here and it's capital re cubic and i don't want to be just a tourist here. i'm going to learn what it's like to be a local us landed person with the help of a friends called english to oh and it's that's a typical greeting. yeah, i mean i would like one piece on the cheeks like my toilet and my is why look very us landed. oh, look a victorious be for us. this was the pon pon, the half that you were like i, i don't think i've ever seen like an ice lender where to answer, you probably won't need the umbrella these places where we're heading into. so let's start date by going, swimming. a normal hands team don't seem to like it. so what exactly is she up to?
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the english. what are we doing here? its like freezing and you want you want to go swing? yes, we have to go swimming every eye center. well, most eye center start thursday with a nice swim. usually people go to the local pool, but the most hardcore ones will go, you know, have a nice day in the ocean. people subjecting myself to that will take a hot shower hiking is taken very seriously in iceland and i was told to wash myself thoroughly make it so it did the whole time warner is a bit funny though, since it has traces of salt the mosque of myself and my hard core enough ink and definitely is happy she's is running running is always the cold water. all right, now it's my turn. all right, if we're going into the ocean, you should know it's going to be a bit cold. so just remember when you go out into the water,
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don't let the cold take over. just take nice deep breaths. if this is what it takes to them the like i'm taking a 2nd is actually the best i've got. i hope you got all this stuff. so proud of it to walmart, we now die for a deep in the hot to every town around. the last one has one of those, most of them a heated, with the assemble energy we head back to the city center and decided to
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take a walk since right cubic with its 140000 inhabitants is quite small. in this country, there are no trains will trans to next. england gives me a little small tool of lesson. how do you say good morning here? uh, yeah. so you would say go and buy and come come diane, going diane? but it sounds like like, you know, going to it sounds like a terrify cuz it sounds like being just like go on diary. okay. yeah. going by end with the or regular uh thing. okay. diane sometimes yeah. sometimes sometimes. yeah. are there any like wood so like gestures or things that i could say to make it sound like a athletic oh yeah. well okay. so if you have a like a normal conversation and you want the person to know that you're listening and you're paying attention, it was or not, and go, you know, like, oh, it will put on your, in the next task of restaurant visit people. he loved to go
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out every iceland, expensive average of 3500 year as a year in restaurants, including orders, a must tries to me, matched fish, dried fish, and smoke trout. it's my plan. and so this is one of the more traditional i found a quote, definitely something i don't have every day, but on, you know, special education. so this is for meant it's shar or all my go, a brother smells for the yeah. and it doesn't taste good. that was no good. worst thing i've ever put in my mouth. how much am i going to kick now? okay, so we don't really have attending quotes here, so you don't actually have 2 people actually make how many people base rates and i last saw them on the agenda a tests. what i planned on kingdoms, brent tyler,
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tyler. but okay, tyler went off without a hitch. so france, you've had your full iceland dictate. so in honor of this we have decided to give you an ice splendid name. okay. for the been iceland differs from dish or coming cat's name by the way. oh so what is your father's name is mom. so you will be prompted my son to go when visiting room eating spaghetti covering. all right is just as important as visiting the coliseum. it's a roman favorite that may look simple to make. just add some cream and pork to plaster. right. well, one roman chef shows us the correct way to make this a tell you in classic spaghetti cover. now is one of italy's most famous pasta dishes. it doesn't take many ingredients, but it takes a cook,
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who knows what they're doing with this dish. you can make a lot of mistakes. and what exactly might those mistakes be me as i committed some used by. so some of these meal, cold cream on some beat the eggs and get an omelet and some you smoke. cool cuz you have the food. i was as bad on the love i've checked, the fluid is wrong. rudy model not in place. so we all thought we'll show you how to make spaghetti carbo. now it's a true, it's while you wait for. i said, i'm hello. i met with sandra. i'm a chef with the equity restaurants and i'll show you how to make the genuine spaghetti calvin. all right, i got to point out you'll need these ingredients, spaghetti going shoddy, pecorino eggs and have the adequately restaurant in rome has its own well stocked daily counter. claudio masada is in charge of purchasing. he explains why pecorino cheese is best for catalina. i think we're still grieving it up because if
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this one comes from a traditional darian a treat che module, guess that this is a cheese that mature for over 12 months locked it really badly. it's made from sheep milk from the level. see you. so didn't you then go set to regions the lots have been yeah. oh, the little cit. donald claudio also explains what eric heward glenn county is the one charlotte is significant. and so when charlie differs from the smoke pool, a coupon chair. so in that it's taken from a different part of the plague, the ones that being the jones on nick level, unlike bacon that comes from the bailey, it with some of that. as we can see, one charlie consistence of a thick layer of fat and a thin layer of lean, which lends at the unique taste. it will get the most of all of the uh, like one charlotte. now onto the preparation. first, alessandro grates to pet cody no cheese sandwich. does that sound? now we seem to pick a renew, so it doesn't form lumps in depend on the your possible. that's another common
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mistake. so we have to see if the pick or, you know, to let it change. the motion is consistency, then someone, daniel, now we come to the one shot, a 1st we cut off the crust. big one sally, this is going, charlie has to q a for at least 90 days. why do we use going chalet? because it's much more flavorful than punch it to well bacon opium bag smokes bacon ruling company. all right, i have one out of it. when we got them, then he cuts the g one charlie into large cubes. now come the eggs. she only uses the yoke and beat them into a smooth liquid. then he adds pepper and salt, tasted one chatty, briefly, in a pan, out of the other. if i use an eye and skill it, because the ion distributes the heat more evenly, so the gland, charlie stays,
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christie outside, and so in science will genuine alessandro does not add any oil or grease to the pan to salty that one shot to. so we'll scroll on my list of fat mail to way and then finally it's in its own grease soon if it goes out in my do that. so the fact will mean later in the process, one smell burns over the 200. no, no, the the boom shadow. now it's time to cook the spaghetti. 100 grams per portion boil for 10 minutes to feed absolutely has to be. we'd cost no egg noodles on a going egg that doesn't work. once the pasta is identity, alessandro stairs pepper into the gland shot of grease with a little noodle. water only now are the spaghetti noodles added and then the beaten egg yolks. he mixes everything well and adds the pickering fenced or is it again? finally, alessandro arranges the noodles on the plate and tops them off with
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a salt aid, one charley cubes. he sprinkles a bit of pepper and take. what do you know on top and the spick, get a couple not uh, is done this past the dish has a longstanding tradition and it leaves capital rome here carol now is found on virtually every menu. i do not. i love spaghetti covering uh because it tastes so good. you don't mind it's made of typical roman ingredients. i'm not going to my mother fixed it for me when i was little and so it reminds me of my childhood shot. it's a special dish because it's got this blend of cream and crisp. it's a really well thought out in well round a dish. so contrary to popular belief, a genuine spaghetti cover not a doesn't use butter nor cream, nor smoke ham. one of the t, 2, the
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in a time when politics have divided many, one town in the u. k, decided to elect a pony as mayor. we went to southern england to the town of talking 10 to meet this unique 4 legged political figure. this is patrick a minutes or shuttling pony from the small village of cooking 10 in southern england. he plays a very special role here. hello mister mirror. this is patrick the pony now. he's not just an ordinary pony. he has been elected the mayor of this village in devon, england. yes, you heard me correctly. he was elected mayor of this town and how that came about we're about to find out. back in the summer of 2019 the town counsellor passed away . there was an opening for mayor and patrick's owners gathered enough signatures to
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put him on the ballot. since the residents were fed up with local politics, it was a one horse race and he won uncontested. what's been the reaction since patrick was elected mayor? the reactions being ready, positive, lots of happy people who wouldn't be happy at that pony become narrow of cooking, some village. well any negative voices. yeah. there's this one um and don't even like cool. um the feel was that a pony be coming back? you know, and so a little bit front end. what does it name, is he gonna run for office next and stuff like that. so you always get what? we call them a sour grape. patrick's role as mirror has turned into a mini star. he has his own facebook page with over 30000 follow words. patrick also takes part in local charity work, but sometimes needs a little nudge to get started. he helps distribute
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a monthly newsletter about the dangers of lyme disease. do you know about lunch? sees spread from tex and as a therapy animal, patrick pays visits to patients at the local hospice center. but when he is simply walking around talking to him, he's quite the tourist attraction. i think it's great. i think it's something that brings it to the younger community for children coming around a lot. well, loved, well respected and always, always on show friendly. it's wonderful. well, we can't do any worse than a human i'm like most horses, patrick, spend some of his time in his family's home. he's allowed inside where he can also conduct some mayor or business and keep in touch with his constituents. but he mostly waits for his snacks before he heads back outside,
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where he likes to wind down after a busy day. pop culture is very big here in england. and patrick likes to take part in his own little way. don't psychiatric but don't worry, beer is apparently healthy for horses to drink as it's rich in vitamins and minerals which help the animals with stress. and i just ashton as for patrick's political future, notice i main um tease uh being elected the mat by the people and the people just nothing. so i think he's going to be mad cooking since a very long time. are you a fan of oil flare? then berlin has just what you're looking for. aside from numerous museums and clubs, berlin also boasts castles and palaces from opulent prussian times. your old max
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reporter, honda humble texas on a tour the did you know that in berlin? there are several palaces to explore my mission today is to show you 3 of my favorite german castles and then you can choose your favorite i'm exploring. so i loved new book, palace cleaning capacity and 61 divide hunting lodge. it's going to be a day fill of royal history and grantor for starting off right in the center of the city. shy lot and but palace, this isn't only the largest is the most significant palace in berlin, because here we're literally walking in the foot steps of prussian kings and queens and german emperors. so that's good. but why exactly is try loving book palace such
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a big deal in portland. i think it's the most important palace in berlin because it's a place where the royal family list for over 7 generations. it was built around about $1700.00 and the oppression whole insole on family. and they use this palace as a summer residence chose the end of the month, a key not 1918. and that is became a museum. it's a substitute for the the in palace the time to explore the magnificent for rock apartments. some of the highlights are the porcelain room. the palace chapel
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and the bed chamber of king frederick the 1st. what makes charlatan burst palace all the more amazing by the gardens, so much nature right in the middle of portland, and it's a great spot to come to, to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. the lake here is connected to this play river, which flows through berlin. so the royalty was able to travel between charleston, but palace and the city palace by going to love. the gardens were originally designed in french style and later expanded in the english landscape garden style. onto the next stop of the day. for the perfect day trip from berlin. and for a little bit of madness, geraniums where you have to check out the green eco problem.
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the, this charming little palace was designed to look exactly like. and it's holly and villa is a perfect fairytales fault, and it takes less than an hour to get here. from the center of rowland, this new costco summer palace was designed to run to 1825, but the prince karl of prussia. he was thrilled by the beauty of the classical world and wanted his very own roman style country house in berlin. the gardens included in our laundry greenhouses, courtyards, fountains and even a casino. no. gonna lie. i could definitely imagine living here in this palace. if you like a more remote option, then you have to check out the corner vide hunting lodge palace. this palace is tucked away in what feels like the middle of nowhere because we're completely surrounded by lakes and forests. but we're actually just a few minutes drive from the center of portland. this is the oldest preserves
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castle in portland, completed in 1543. it's a place for berlin royalty to come to hunt. let's check out the hunting depot. although i imagine it's not going to be very budgetary and or begin friendly. the intense sometimes before uh, the hunting starts, we had checked. who would show which floor on the, or the barons the princess of the king had the right to hunt deer so far. anyhow. and all my men in the middle ages had some light on the little animals. hairs. phones was all little built on a to come for fishing. the
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. this is also the perfect place for arch lovers. there are some secret treasures hidden here almost there. the paintings by lucas chronic yelder and lucas class, the younger and his workshop. it's the largest collection of kind of paintings in berlin, and was originally curated by the one soul on family which transports you back to the time of the rest from me to martin luther. well, there you go. just 3 of berlin's multiple palaces. my personal favorite, probably the cleaning capella's, just because of how beautiful and peaceful which is there. but what was yours and what other german castles would you like to see and finally don't blank or you might miss it. a couple from assemble in turkey
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wants to show off their countries calling every the lights, but in miniature form. they put together videos that highlight favorite turkish dishes on an extremely small scale, the tiny lock about june surface pizza. a tiny portion of box level and monte circuit stepped to pastry pockets and this is done bold. many kitchen, typical turkish dishes, are prepared in miniature version marcela, no low, and i knew i didn't have setup a fully equipped, tiny kitchen and their living room. the stove cooks by a t like other appliances, like a dishwasher fridge run on electricity or batteries. almost everything on a scale of one to 12 go doing this, come on
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a diploma. be me. it is still above me. it's are causing it and took it off. look at this miniature stove and um and are completely hand me just one moment. india, for me, it is to lead in turkey. this type is very traditional. hold on to shalicia. gordon is the law plus us and these cabinets are all hand crafted. a b is a cruise. yeah. that so the garden is. so could you a seller, i ordered these tiny household utensils and appliances from abroad i system because the minute it show that a lot of it's live it eliza, this last by should go to each other know low as a social media experts. her husband anita ident makes videos. they shoot the preparation of the tiny turkish dishes like, couldn't affect the smoke. lemme and seen it. they've posted them on youtube and instagram,
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where fans worldwide follow them. today it's great believes and stuff with rice, a staple of turkish cooking, a tiny cooking is not at all easy. it takes dexterity, and a lot of patients, the band in need to get sick time. the biggest worries whether the rest of people work is done well. uh, yep, the yes, it looks very nice. all the ingredients are there, but a small candle may not be hot enough. will it be the oven may not have hooked it with and you make it small? let me so looking at in the end of may not look like the real. thank you. if this was goodness on the bins and maybe the police in the on demand the list, the stuff scraped bleeds are weighted with a bowl so they don't open. then they simmer in a covered pot just like a normal portion, the, the,
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some of them all i get is going to make. we also experimented the dishes from the world over to improve our recipe. as i took longer than it, we get a lot of requests from our followers will give you. and for example, i tell you and spaghetti and spanish tortilla requested a lot to sort of deal. so we want to show how these recipes can also be made in our tiny turkish kitchen. and these are our goals, who's going to this thing? so i gave him high quality, tiny dishes. the tiny turkish kitchen proves that size doesn't matter. and that brings us to the end of another edition of your own max. be sure to follow us on social media for more from the world of european culture and lifestyle. thanks for joining us. and until next time, the
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of the fashion for big stars meet in the canyon plan of 2 beta against all odd david, a veto has chased down his dream to see that from community life. but this time for you to become somebody like now the big time designer is encouraging people from to bid or to follow their dreams to lobo us next on d, w on the trail of a nazi highest v,
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as of jewish families, whose prophecy was expropriated all searching for then last saw what happened to the prophecy that was stolen from jews 80 years ago. researches from germany all supporting the defendants in the search. the not the highest in 45 minutes on d, w. the one of the main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within reach. what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for in a race against time. they are peers and arrivals
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with one daring goals to help smart nature. a more like watch now, on youtube dw documentary, the style regained steals the canyon fashion design, not and his brilliant feature, the delicious co fee that sustainable to we check out the unappetizing comp tail. that makes it possible and is even basic housing the coming and luxury invest is praying on us trade, the parks, the
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