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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to lie from bullet vladimir putin orders a shakeup of russia's military leadership. he dismisses longstanding allies, sir, is showing you as defense minister, and replaces him with an economist with little military experience. this comes as a new russian ground defensive in northeastern ukraine forces thousands to play their homes and keep reaching, you created minutes. russia has made tactical gains, but says it's reinforcements are melting in a successful counter attack. also coming up is really tags re enter parts of northern gaza. the military says from us,
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militants are regrouping there. hundreds of thousands of people are on the move in southern gall says israel issues new evacuation the little i'm terry morrison. thanks for joining us. russian president vladimir putin has replaced defense ministers saga, showing that it's the 1st shakeup of his national security team since the invasion of ukraine, showing that his replacement is andre. but it was off an economist, and former deputy prime minister showing who oversaw the rushes invasion of ukraine will now run the national security council. do you mean that if the sag is showing you is future up in the air as flooding that person was inaugurated for his latest term and office? he's what would is are. but on sunday,
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the kremlin confirmed the sugar would be moved from his post showing you is a long time l. i have president. he was appointed to the position of defense minister in 2012. and he has close personal ties to person. is very publicly taking the president on multiple hunting trips to his homeland in southern siberia . the little words put recently show you has become deeply unpopular in russia history, where he's seen by many as being largely responsible for the early stages of russia's invasion of ukraine and roommates were rife that his removal was coming on sunday. putting a pointed show you head of russian security council to replace nikolai thrush have it's been seen at the motion for showing go connection and it's unclear what pet the rest of the new role will be. both men with key figures and rushes war and ukraine, and the re shuffle took some waste and military observe as by surprise. he clearly
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putin has recently been being overrated. by his latest time and the president say, and he would have expected at that point, maybe some changes in the leadership but not least to a, not together then. then showing his successor as defense minister is under the but i also of a former prime minister and economist. what kind of most of it's a civilian with little military experience. ok. the kremlin says bell. it was of got the job because person wants the ministry to be open to innovation. it is important to incorporate the economy of the security block into the country's economy to incorporate it in a way that matches the dynamics of the current moment. it's also important to mention that today those who are more open to innovation and implement the innovation the quickest when i'm the battle field with bill it was. so it's not
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a nation person is most likely looking to bring military funding in step with the russian economy, similar to the soviet union of the 1980s. with more of this, i'm joined now by our correspond it roman. going to rank a. robert, why is preteen replacing his defense minister at this point in the war? and it's not really a surprise because um, and about a year ago, there was this a huge any of the precaution wagner group that we don't hear anymore in the news, but which was very influential a year ago or 2 years ago when the russian, the more big invasion, started that missionary look. so up regarding attacked, the defense minister and the head of the general stop, a very harsh they've very and children, many agents in both actually. so observe as we're expect a resignation i'll say go last year, but he's a very close ally of not even important. that's why he kept to you for
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a. yeah. now he's replacing him. it's the reason is obvious, the war is not going just as booked implanted. it's the 3rd. yeah. the russian economy is staples as it is. it's a very heavy burden to the russian economy. as the comment economy is key to continue this war of attrition. that is, that is going on. that is why the new, the defense minister is a, is the expert in economy. tell us roland about sugars, a successor andre bell. it was soft. what does he bring to the job as well? it's an interesting figure out because he kept a very low profile. despite of being in high positions. he was deputy prime minister. he was administered of the economy a few years ago. he has the comic background economy is his major. so to say, when he comes from a um, academic family, russian soviet leads in the eighty's, seventy's the but i think he's, he's the main reason for, for
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a pointing him is his expertise in economy. and this is something that which, which is actually similar to what the payment present lunchroom is, events could do to the though also i changed the defense minister and the card unto criminal defense minister has also economic background. so both countries are preparing for a war of attrition. now this is the 1st cabinet re shuffle since between renewed his mandate as president of our more changes expected. roland, well, there are few changes the most interesting being probably the removal of mister potter a shift from the head of a being a has of direction, a national security council, the former defense minister shae, who will take his place. mister partnership was also a very close l. i open that to me, a protein he and was head of the f. s. b, the russian secret service. but she was making some very strange remarks
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lately. um, some people said she was, well, she was, she was some someone questioning for example of coverage 19 some say who was questioning if, if americans were on the moon in the seventy's, you know, things like that. and it's, it's, it's maybe she's become a burden, trouble logging it because there is an exchange there and it is an important change from them. thank you very much. that was our correspondent, roman gunter ranko in ball but also spoke to our correspondent nick connelly in team about this. i asked him what effect the change of rushes defense minister is likely to have on the war in ukraine? i think the same from key of any kind of change, any lack of consistency, any kind of internal power struggles in moscow. very welcome. it doesn't seem
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though, the pump from the defense industry, we're going to see a very different russian government. most most, the ministers have kept depositions, and as we have there in their full, joseph is a technocrat, someone who has shown that he can help the rest of the state organize its kind of military industrial complex. and showing himself was not seen as someone who was particularly distressed. see, who was more concerned with his own po, then we'd actually improve the things for the souls on the ground. so i think it's fairly neutral, seen from cuba, but certainly any kind of sign of internal arrival he's, we've had showing who is deputy in prison on corruption charges now about facing trial. so anything that kind of suggests those kind of moscow pile bottles that could distract from partners for harris. certainly very welcome. they stay with us while we turn our attention to russia's ground defensive in northeastern ukraine here. keep thousands. they have been forced to play. russia says it's captured several villages keep ascending and reinforcements. let's take a look of the big. so for residents of the potter area,
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the for the ton of mazda vacation is under the ukraine's khaki region. after the russian forces launched a set price offensive on the north eastern front, orange ocean, it was horrible. we face terrible, showing. everything was exploding. we didn't understand what was going on. why did you create an invalid? 3 sees. feels better. let's continue. but bosco already claims to have taken control of several villages in the border region. a lot of support for the situation is extremely difficult because the enemy has been conducting mess, shelling of the town who most over the world tedra rising. the civilian population from a so are destroying the town and just before we are delayed and so they will, they use all temporary and multiple loans rocket system. for when the was 30 strikes just in the last day. so there's a lot of destruction or to the heart of the presidents agency has also responded to
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the tut, paused by unless she has new offensive defend announced the deployment of reinforcements to the emerging new friend. so the nation i will allow us is, must achieve maximum results to destroy the enemy everywhere. today, with reports from a commander in chief, alexander csc, on a former, we are strengthening all positions, especially in the region by deploying additional forces. the artillery is operating exactly as planned on the budget, but the as you clean boots are mode military. it permits allies showed up its defensive effort, traction forces. i'm hoping to take advantage to make gains in the region. what is russia hoping to achieve with this offensive in hockey? well, everyone harry is guessing. there are different versions during the around. some
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people see this is an attempt to create to buffers and we've had a lot of tools that for most good to try and prevent ukrainian outs every strikes on a russian positions. on the other side of the buddha and others took all the diversion and text me so definitely let's give it reinforcements having to be sent to this region. now those are reinforcements that could be used in the east where the most intense 5 things going on in the head screens and. and then there is the kind of 3rd and most gotta be stream option, which would be renewed. russian attempt on how to give the city in grand 2nd biggest city, which is still very clearly a russian talk at least majority they. we spoke about it as being a russian city. i think for now this and the on the enough for us and troops will well supply it enough to seriously attack kind of give. but this is the direction that we saw coming. we had lots of your credit intelligence specialist talking about the fact that some of this would happen. luckily at the end of may, early june, we had the russian state tv full of pretty, but goes talk about funding. so i give, and you know, we starting efforts to across the board in other places. so this is something that
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was expected. and now most people you create that kind of asking themselves why this is be possible. why the rest is of crossed, you know, in the way they have why there wasn't more in the way of resistance early on why the government is in communicating with them. okay. so this was expected in ukraine, but it's still a set back. how are ukrainians reacting to this news of russia's advance? nick, how's that affecting morale? well, certainly there were lots of very critical social media posts, especially people asking where the defense is. where with the mind feels, why was it possible for seeming easy drone footage of russian soldiers woke across on foot? uh, you had the response from the government. people close to government saying that these villages on the russian border were essentially in the grey zone that they were basically on the new ones controls for the past 2 years. and the building defenses that was just not realistic for the actual defensive, protecting khaki off the back from the boulder. that's 1513 almost away from the
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borders of, of the russians. haven't reached them yet. that hasn't recon, it's those people who say you could have at least build a minefield. it was an issue of the points that was made by mucho, especially the super study of warranty. us thing that's part of the reason that it's so easy for us to advance here is the western band on using west and the weapons, the gates russian territory. is it for us? it tries to go in defense of internet screens in your within 2034 to columbus. is that going to be hit with high most strikes of the west, the weapons preventing those russian logistics squares. here the russians could basically, in relative peace, prepare all their troops, prepare the fuel pad, that homes and vehicles just behind the boat, and then cross with a very little logistical distance between them and the battlefield. i know they have to expect kind of ukrainian drones and maybe some soviet 0 to the right. the ukraine still has that thing that's gonna be a real renewed push. now, in the ukraine sides to aust question countries to keep them the permission to use those weapons against russian territory proper. we had that statement from david cameron, the u. k. foreign secretary saying that the u. k. government would accept to ukraine using the weapons. it has provided against russia rather than russian by
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ukraine. so i think we could see some, some of these different, i personally think right inside in the hope that things might change to allow your brain to deal with distract from just beyond the rest of the nic. thank you so much . our correspondent, nick connelly, they're in keep us secretary of state antony blanket says is real strategy and gaza has led to a quote horrible loss of life for civilians and has failed to neutralize the most militants. his comments. com as these really military expands its attacks in southern and northern gaza is really tanks of re entered parts of the north military says from us militants who launch the october 7th terror attacks are regrouping in the area. is really tanks heading back into northern cause a of these writing military had declared victory of a mass here months ago. now it says it's going back to stop the minutes in group reestablishing control, palestinians living here and the jabante, a refugee camp,
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just north of gauze. the city i've been told to evacuate with the area still devastated from the early is ready to go for regions and you asked, strikes raining down, residence a hurry to get out. but many of those rushing to sleep with everything they could take with them said that there was no west safe left for them to go on. and last we left the camp, but we don't know where to go. we don't know where to head. we don't have food or drink or clothes and i want to know that we have to move every day. we move more often than we stay put up every day. we're in a different area in the north, in the south, in the east. we don't know where to go. garza southern most city. rafa was long considered the safest place left in this trip. but he's ready for us is a now trying to reach out. a mass fight is here to hundreds of thousands of
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people have already left the city according to these really all me. while more a still trying to leave many of those displaced by the fighting in rafa. i'm headed north to central guns. the and this woman said she'd follow these really evacuation. notice that now she couldn't find even basic supplies. the children had sufficient. there's no safe place. the situation is very hard to invest. no, from the from like no dream to even the water is how to get my children try and tell me on that mother we want to drink and i don't know what to do next. and i'm like everyone else who left it all 5 and came here and we're displaced. yeah. okay . but that's no safe place so much. and we'd palestinians desperately searching for safety. washington has again called on israel, not to launch a full scale round defensive. and rafa israel's on the directory,
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potentially to inherit an insurgency with many onto mos left or if it leaves a vacuum filled by chaos, still by energy and probably refilled by am us. but with israel increasing its attacks throughout the gaza strip tools for restraint, ease and permits closest ally seem to be falling on deaf ears. the w special correspond to abraham joins us now from jerusalem. the us says the israel's military operation, and ralph, i could create what is calling a vacuum of chaos. and, and archy, which from us might then refill what's the, is really government's response to that. so the united states has been warning against what it calls a full scale invasion or incursion into a for a while now. but so far it seems that these warnings have been following on pretty much deaf ears on the is really side is really, leadership has set time and time again that they do intend to go into
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a rough sooner or later. they claim that going into rough or is necessary to fulfill the, you know, the, the declared goals of this war, the, that's the returning of the hostages and defeating how much time we've seen over the past couple of days, israel and distributing warnings for civilians in, in that southern most city in reference to evacuate and people fear, people in gaza, fear that, that is a sign that an invasion or a more invasive invasion if you will, is a minute. but of course, humanitarian organizations have repeated again as they have for a while now that these evacuation orders don't really help because people don't really have a safe place to go to. and even if they can go to a place that a safe, basic supplies are, are, are not existing. so in some way, the us secretary states warning that there could be an are key in gaza. i mean,
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for a lot of people there, the reality seems to have already arrived. us is a major, military backer of israel. how dependent a is real on us support for its war against some us are very dependent. the united states is the largest supplier of arms for israel and about 70 percent. 60 to 70 percent of the 2nd biggest is actually germany with about 30 percent. so you can see even between the 1st biggest supplier and the 2nd biggest supplier, there's a huge a margin and it's not just arms supplies that the united states provides for israel . israel, the united states also provides israel with incredible diplomatic cover on the world stage. historically, but especially since this war began, we seen the united states vote in favor of a israel time and time again. the un security council vetoing multiple resolutions
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calling for a cease fire. and the united states has continued. would that support even an, as israel faces accusations of a legend were crimes, even after the i c g ruling seeing that what israel is doing, the acts that is released, committing and gaza could amount to a plausible genocide. so, so far that support has been very, are in clad, but the united states and the by the administration is now facing increased pressure at home. it is an election year. and it's going to be interesting to see that if, if these warnings which have become more frequent, they have warnings coming from the bye. didn't administration, which had become more frequent, actually a, bring anything or lead to any kind of change on the ground. but so far as we've seen is really leadership seems pretty determined to go on with that strategy despite the warnings, if it's closest ally. yeah, thank you very much. that was our special correspondent abraham in jerusalem. still
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people in india and controlled kashmir are casting their ballots as the 4th phase of india is parliamentary elections begins. voting is being held in the region for the 1st time since prime minister and the rand remote is government stripped it of its semi autonomy status and brought it under direct rule. the move is deeply unpopular among residents of the muslim majority reach. well joining us now from trinity got in the customer is our corresponded audio, but audio. how is this election unfolding where you are? how willing are the people of kashmir to participate in this ballot? yesterday, we're just standing right beside this pulling station. go ahead. i do. can you hear me?
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yes, i lost the wife. yes. yesterday we're just standing right beside this pulling station . so only people are clicking anything yet. so it tell you this time the selection is different in custom made this type of elections without any by caught call separate this time, not doing any by caught called this time. and also this time the box patient will be really high. so people are telling us that this time they want to pots put in the elections because special needs are not happy with the abrogation of all the co pay 70. and they want to send new daily, a clear message that this election will be a referendum. my goodness needs to be in this room. yet prime minister in your internet is be a party, has not filled a single candidate then cashmere. understand why is the so yes, so that's why we ask this question bgp spokesperson in delhi. we asked him, why didn't you feel the candidates here? because bishop is claiming that they have a rough,
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decent stability. angela wayne cuts from you, then we also use them that they have some like minded parties and julia and crush me, and they would like to collaborate with them. and they would like to this is look at what they've called in proxy proxy parties. and they said that they would collaborate them, but they weren't quite a fight any uh they won't have a real candidate here. so they're telling us that would export say something different. they said the b to b is estimated because best for me is us thing. but they're not happy with the abrogation of this. they cut accept this political to paint open the this time. so that's why they chose not to feed any candidate this time. now in 2019 the mode of government strip cashmere of a special autonomy status. briefly, what has changed in cashmere, politically, since then? a lot of things have changed and customer this time. and this time of call me to saying that the incidents have gotten gone down. there have been tourism boasting, crushing me to all sorts of millions of dollars come every month, month,
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and they come to question me. but then the local is here said that in joint gushing me there is a cub of freedom of freedom of speech here, that the press freedom and other things have gone really down. so that's telling us that even if this is something they write something, then the police would come and pick, pick them up. so look and start talking about that they're facing uh, freedom go on to freedom of the expiration expiration deals. thank you very much for your insights and reporting there that was on the bottom in cash me or take a look at a few other stories making headlines around the world today. authorities in georgia say 20 people have been arrested in the capital to bc protest or spends another night outside parliament voicing their opposition to a draft law that they say threatens press and civic freedoms so called for an agents bill will be voted on on tuesday,
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spain socialists are hailing what they call a new era in catalonia, after their par, he won the biggest share boats in the regions. elections. the outcome deals a serious blow to catalonia is separate as to have governed for more than a decade. a police officer has been killed and dozens of people injured after protest and pack us uh, controlled cashmere turned violent. people took us to the streets against the rising cost of food and fuel. several people were arrested. gosh, there is a disputed area divided between pakistan, india and china. the death toll from flash floods in afghanistan has exceeded 300 people. thousands more had been displaced and the northern back line province, which has been hit hard by differential range. tell about officials, ruling the country, have appealed for international support for those affected by the disaster to and we have some breaking news coming in now for you to talk court here in germany has
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ruled at the far right alternative for germany party is a potential threat to democracy, this decision means the f d can be classified as an extreme, is group allowing it to be placed under surveillance by domestic intelligence nationwide. it is currently the 2nd most popular party in the polls across germany. you are watching the news from berlin up next. the 77 percent looks at africa's thriving film industry. and of course you can get any, all the news you want at any time on our website. that's the w dot com and do follow us if you would on youtube and check us out on our social media channels are handled there at the the, the news i'm terry martin for me and all of us here. thanks for watching the,
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