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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the the, this is dw news coming to line from berlin. the top court rules the far right alternative for germany party is a potential threat to democracy. it says the f d can be classified as a suspected. extreme is group allowing it to be placed under domestic surveillance nationwide will ask what the decision means for what opinion poll showed to be germany's 2nd most popular party. also coming up a lot of me put in orders a shakeup of rushes, military leadership. he dismisses longstanding allies targeting sugar as defense minister and replaces him with an economist with little military experience. and
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just rarely tanks re entered parts of northern task. so the military says from us, militants are regrouping there. hundreds of thousands of people are also on the move in southern gaza, as is real issues, new a back you way shouldn't borders there plus kashmir voters or customer of boats in india as a general election for the 1st time since it was stripped of its somebody a ton of a stab is moved for both widespread anger in the region. the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. we start with some breaking news. a top core here in germany has ruled that the far right alternative for germany party is a potential threat to democracy. this decision means the f d can be classified as
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a suspected extremist group, allowing it to be placed under surveillance by domestic intelligence nationwide. yeah, up the is currently the 2nd most popular party in the polls across germany. so let's cross straight over to our political correspondence. simon young, who's been following the court ruling for us in months, the in western germany. so i would tell us more about this verdict. what does suspected right, wing extremist mean? yeah, terry, what this means is, as you said, the domestic intelligence services here that can continue to withdraw the i s d, a political policy represented in the national call limits as a suspect, states, a case of extremism. and that means that they can use surveillance on them, find out what they're doing, check if they all are acting in
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a way that is essentially deemed to undermine germany's constitution and democracy . and the judge said, he sort of made it a comparison with a smoke alarm. it's the smoke alarm is sounding in your house, you've you, it's reasonable for the policy, for the police to break down the door to see if there is a far as that is what he said. the domestic intelligence services are doing here. and you know, he will, so he said to the, to the a f d had criticize the way that they had attempted to use this appeals process here. this cold at to, as soon as he's, he suggested at try and play games with a gym and his democratic institutions. he says, the cold, he's north, 50 i to at this is a very serious matter. and as you say, he's confirmed decisions of previous codes and said that the f d a should be regarded with suspicion l e f t is doing very well in the polls in
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germany, is currently the 2nd most popular party and in the whole country. how could this impact the, the parties on yeah, well this comes at a, at a, as an important moment for jim politics. we've got to european elections coming up in just a few weeks the, these hoping to do as well that. and we've also got important, let's say you selections and 3, these jim and estates later in the year, where currently the stays riding around 30 percent in the polls. so it says forty's very high, and it remains to be seen if this decision by this code puts any dent in that, or possibly as some suggest, it might even involved in some of the supporters of the fall, right? a update to things that you know, the narrative, the state is coming off to them is persecuting them on sally. so that there's some
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sort of substance to that. what we've seen is, over recent weeks and months, the i f, the improved and scandal off the scandal. links to spying from russia or in china. stories about secret meetings to discuss the repack creation of millions of migrants and many other things. the connections to the far right, you know, well known as that has really put much of a change in the parties, popularity, and to be honest, i would doubt that this would all i them. so i'm, and thank you very much. our correspondence, simon young. the inman stuff now, russian president vladimir putin has replaced defense ministers saturday showing that it's the 1st shakeup of his national security team. since the invasion of ukraine showing his replacement is andre bell, it will solve a, an economist and former deputy prime minister showing go who oversaw arises invasion of ukraine will now run the national security council. even the sag is
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showing use future themes up in the air. that's not a man. person was inaugurated for his latest term and office he's what would is are . but on sunday, the kremlin confirmed the sugar would be moved from his post showing you is a long time l. i have president clinton. he was appointed to the position of defense minister in 2012. and he has close personal ties to person. is very publicly taking the president on multiple hunting trips to his homeland in southern siberia little words, but recently, shall i do. it has become deeply unpopular in russia history for he seemed by many as being largely responsible for the early stages of russia's invasion of ukraine and roommates were rife that his removal was coming on sunday, putting a pointed show you head of russian security council to replace nikolai passengers
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have it's been seen that the motion for showed goes up and it's unclear what puts the rest of you roll will be what as both men with key figures and rushes war and ukraine, and the re shuffle took some waste, the military observe as by surprise he clearly page and has recently been being overrated. but his latest time and the president say, and he would have expected at that point, maybe some changes in the leadership. but not these 2 are not together then. then showing his successor as defense minister is under the but i also of a former prime minister and economist. what kind of most of it's a civilian with little military experience. ok. the cremeans as well. so i've got the job because the person wants the ministry to be open to innovation. it is important to incorporate the economy of the security block into the country's economy to incorporate it in a way that matches the dynamics of the current moment. it's also important to
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mention that today those who are more open to innovation and implement the innovation the quickest when i'm the battle field with bennett results nomination, person is most likely looking to bring military funding in step with the russian economy. similar to the soviet union of the 1980s. for awhile ago i spoke with our correspondent roman going to rank. so he told us why booting is replacing his defense minister. okay. it's not really a surprise because um about a year ago, there was this mutiny of that precaution fox, the group that we don't hear anymore in the news, but which was very influential a year ago or 2 years ago when the russian, the more a big and vision started that missionary look so up regarding attacked, the defense minister and the head of the general stop and very harshly very. and
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she, she many agents and i both actually. so observe as we're expecting a resignation, i'll say go last year, but he's a very close ally of a lot important. that's why he kept to you for a. yeah. now he's replacing him. it's the reason is obvious, the war is not going just as booked in planned it. it's the 3rd year of the russian economy is stable, but it is. it's a very heavy burden to the russian economy at the comment to kind of ease key to continue this war of attrition. that is, that is going on. that is why the new, the defense minister is a, is a, an expert in economy. tell us roland about sugars, a successor andre bell. it was soft. what does he bring to the job as well? it's an interesting figure out because he kept a very low profile. despite of being in high positions. he was deputy prime minister. he was administered of economy
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a few years ago. he has the comic background economy is his major. so to say, when he comes from a um, academic family, russian soviet leads in the eighty's, seventy's the but i think he's, he's the major reason for, for a pointing him is he's expertise in economy. and this is something that's which, which is actually similar to what you're pregnant, present documents, events could do to the though also i changed the defense minister and to kinda into crime in defense minutes. it has also economic background. so both countries of preparing for a war of attrition. now this is the 1st cabinet we're shuffle since between renewed his mandate as president of our more changes expected roman well, there are few changes the most interesting being probably the removal of mister potter says from the head of a being a has of direction,
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a national security council, the form a defense minister shake, who will take his place. mister partnership was also a very close l. i open the posting. he and was head of the fs. be the russian secret service. but she was making some very strange remarks lately. um, some people said she was, well, she was, she was some someone questioning for example, covering 19 some say who was questioning if, if americans were on the moon in the seventy's, you know, things like that. and it's, it's, it's maybe she's become a burden from large maple was there is an exchange, the entities and the change from and thank you very much. that was our, correspond at roman gunter ranko in ball as a start. corresponding nicole in key would affect the change of rushes defense minister is likely to have on the war in ukraine. i think the same from k of any kind of change,
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any lack of consistency, any kind of internal power struggles in moscow. very welcome. it doesn't seem though, the pump from the defense industry, we're going to see a very different russian government. most, most of the ministers have kept depositions. and as we had there in their full, joseph is a technocrat, someone who has shown that he can help the rest of the state organize its kind of military industrial complex. and showing himself was not seen as someone who was taking a distress. the who was that small, concerned with his own p. o, then we'd actually improve the things for the souls on the ground. so i think it's fairly neutral, seen from cuba, but certainly any kind of sign of internal rivalries we've had showing who is deputy in prison on corruption charges now about facing trial. so anything that kind of suggests those kind of moscow pow bottles that could distract from likely for here is certainly very welcome us secretary of state antony blinking says israel strategy in gaza has led to a horrible loss of life for civilians and has failed to neutralize how most
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militants is comments. com as these really military expands. its attacks in southern and northern gaza is really tanks of re entered parts of the north military says i'm us military to launch the october 7th terror attacks are regrouping in the area is really tanks. heading back into northern garza, of these writing military had declared victory of a mess here a month ago. now it says it's gone back to stop the minutes in group reestablishing control palestinians living here and the jabante, a refugee camp, just north of golf and city. i've been told to evacuate with the area still devastated from the early is ready operations and you asked strikes raining down, residence a hurry to get out. but many of those rushing to sleep with everything they could take with them said that there was no west safe left for
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them to go in and lock. we left the camp, but we don't know where to go. we don't know where to head. we don't have food or drink or clothes. oh wow. i want to know that we have to move every day. we move more often than we stay probably every day we are in a different area in the north, in the south, in the east. we don't know where to go. garza southern most city. rafa was long considered the safest place left in this trip. but is ready, full season now trying to reach out a mass flight is here to hundreds of thousands of people have already left the city according to these ready all me while more a still trying to leave many of those displaced by the fighting in rafa headed north to central guns, the so this woman said she'd follow these really evacuation. notice that now she couldn't find even basic supplies. the children
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had sufficient. there's no safe place. the situation is very hard to invest. no, from the from like no dream to even the water is how to get my children try and tell them your mother. we want to drink and i don't know what to do next. and i'm like everyone else. so left with all 5 and came here and we had just placed you the best know safe place so much interest and we'd palestinians desperately searching for safety. washington has again called on israel, not to launch a full scale round defensive. and rafa israel's on the directory potentially to inherit an insurgency with many onto mos left or if it leaves a vacuum filled by chaos, still by energy and probably refilled by. am us the, with israel increasing its attacks throughout the gaza strip tools for restraint, even from its closest ally seem to be fully on deputy, is people in india and controlled kashmir are casting their ballots
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as the 4th phase of india is parliamentary elections begin a voting is being held in the region for the 1st time since prime minister and the render modi's government stripped of its semi autonomous status and brought it under direct rule. the decision was deeply unpopular among residents of the muslim majority region and many are choosing to vote more. it costs the vote and the destruction rally to restrict site defines the mood because of him wait for is contest. in collections, it shouldn't have a city. he's a member of people's democratic party. what are the me regional qualities until noon could screen his body's advocating for some food in a state of autonomy. nearly 10 years ago,
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it was even allied with including pgp of fine. mr. movie is the findings of campaigning. the heat for is canvassing of this down pretty rama wants to separate the strong code. i read, i find the most money, but in all of us for 15, the students seem to pack the conflict insurgency and stick to oppression. thousands of people have been too many more injured or arrested because of its violent history. the people of cushion we'd have more sleep, white caught a general elections. but at this, ready for rise, urging them to cost involved. part of this election is emotionally wise to the people i've just read, does a complete cycle of self location in the industry. it's on lost by success,
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as taught. police and people are not speaking. the guy's not talking. and people appealing, completely silent. 2020, but i was himself arrested for allegedly supporting this nom is deborah organization. she has denied all the charges. were actually on the b. c. about 6 to the present. she meeting india solomon wasn't, don't, don't, she didn't know the one said the heart of the separate this movement. it is to resistance to parts patient this young man who should call him mom agreed to speak to us on the connection. and then to me in 2016, he departed protest against india route. the mob was hit by pallets fired with security forces. he lost sight in one night and was partially blind to the
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other. for him to bolton elections would be released demising to rude. the ninety's was originally minus selections, do not hold any meaningful as it as previously focused means is participated in elections, but they were betrayed. the redeem of the daughter continued for us into, for me, working into selection mean selling less only at the b p. 's headquarters, the city knew the, the bodies spokesman does a different story. he maintains things, the only change for the better says cushion means autonomy wasn't about was that when this came across from here after 2090 and there had been a no shut down, which is the change you will see here in 2023 is that more than $25000000.00 torres visited the valley, which is another significant change order for us to wind up to where it's only go to places where there is peace. despite his claims, the body has not for you did
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a single candidate and crush me in the seo selection. yet i can see why my he rises riding the people moved his message, reading a seat and followed him. and you back and watched the discussion. metes who have felt disempowered since india soon was the majority of region. you know, 6 it on me and joining us now from spring, the guard encouraged me here is our corresponded audio boss who filed that report. audio, what's happening were you are our voters, they're responding to the selection. a damn country is soon as a just standing outside the folding boot and you can see solely people that's a clean can have the cost of gold. so this selection and the customer is totally different. i like previous elections historically that has been able to less turn off the forwards, but this time, cuz somebody's want to plot,
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spitting these election in a massive way. so i spoke with a lot of what was from the last couple of days, it's telling us that they want to hold this time. they want to send me a clear message. they're not happy with the application of space, a logical 317 and they're telling the customer they did not have a local representation. and they're saying that they don't have anyone to, to present from here. they want to send parliamentarians from customers so that they can give the weiss resistance on the new day me the prime minister and the render of motives beat a party has not fielded a single candidate in cash me or we learned that from your report. why did he this is a big question and we met this books both on the beach, it being shouldn't go. and we did ask him that question. and she said that this is bob distracted this time. but he did mention that they have some like minded parties in shooting that at this time, and which look goes and political parties who have called the proxies of the b j. b
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. they said they will collaborate with the people have been able to in someplace so they started campaigning door to door, helping them in pay so that people vote for them. but the exports, i'm seeing something different. this thing that needs to be new, that special needs are not happy with the vision of abrogating article $317.00 and they know that they would vote for them. and that's the back of the district. they said like, they don't want to accept the defeat publicly in order to like hide the face. they did not content selection this time, but the spokesperson also said that they wouldn't know that they would contest elections in christian with this time. they will be the king, my goes, they would decide who would have been the elections in crush me here. so it's $29.00 team is is we know the moody government strip test, mayor of its special autonomy status. what is changed in cashmere? politically, since the day many things have changed after the abrogation of faith. 70
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gone me this thing that they have brought the substituting customer off to advocating for the 70. this thing, the tourism is blooming here, casualties have gone down and pushed me. they looked at her right back, so gone down. this thing, there are no shutting down. don't know, riley is happening and push me so far. but then there's other side local peoples we spoke here. they said that crush me is how been silence. they the feeling stuff. ok, do you want me? this is something the right. some of the critical thinking is government. the houses that are read good. how soon we spoke with some june. this also for the last couple of days, they said they come to the june and they used to do before. it'd be like the critical stories if you know how to ask. and that had been june, some customers who have been put behind the boss. and this to languishing in the to there are other cushion meas, costs to language think outside the did this thing that they can see anything right in the situation opposite obligation, 370 a deal. thank you very much. that was needed to use audio bought in cash me
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flash floods enough, get us then said left hundreds of people dead, most of them, women and children. the northern buckland province is the worst hit tell about officials have asked for humanitarian assistance as thousands have been displaced. due to torrential rains and plants got back and picked on my head right now has a tough job getting the flat part to from his house. the slots quoted us to find me . it's been on the syllabus, whatever shows us. it was a dreadful flood. very dreadful, nothing is left. the rest is under the mud. one isn't, was it? i had a basement, but it was full of flood waters. were trying to remove the water, but the house may collapse in one of these devastation. a few. there. the flat screen suddenly many had no time to decrease. huge. yes. i mean the floods
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destroyed everything. got the, the i lost my father, i but my brother, my sister, and my nephew, the my mother was injured as well. told i nearly died to the our house has been destroyed. the floods have destroyed our entire life. more on board, the fellows. thousands of homes are gone and with thoughts washed away in the dusk during the wait for help would likely be long. but the, the so we have no option, but we will wait here and see what god will do for us. i thought you said, let's see what happened. it's on our support for you. so this may be the government or agencies will help us was, is that more sure, otherwise we have no other place to uh, bring your sub gonna go um the exports link prompt and have you being forwarded to climate change. i've gotten this done. one of the poorest countries in the world,
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and it's less than one percent of global gene house gases. yet it is among the countries most affected by government change. and it is also among the ones that are least prepared to adapt to climate change. western baldwin drastically reduced 8 for i've gone this done off to thousands of on seas forward in 2021 investments in that vision and resilience mechanisms could hit the country back to the consequences of climate change. but these of guns have no choice, but to pick up the pieces on their own to you're watching dw new who's going to live from berlin. just a reminder of the top story this, our a top court in germany has rule that the far right alternative for germany party can be classified as a suspected extremist group. don't forget you can always get the, the you news on the go, just download or up from apple player from the apple store. that'll give you access
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to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news. i'm terry martin for me and all of us here at dw, it is thanks for watching the
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