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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the speed of the news coming to line from berlin. the top court rules the far right alternative for germany party is a potential threat to democracy. it says the a f. d can be classified as a suspected extremist group, allowing it to be placed under domestic surveillance nationwide. also coming up vladimir putin orders a shakeup of rushes, military leadership. he dismisses longstanding elyse circle is showing you as defense minister and replaces him with an economist with little military experience
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and is rarely tanks re entered parts of northern garza, the military says from us, militants are regrouping there. hundreds of thousands of people are also on the move in southern gaza, as is real issues, new evacuation orders, the hello and terry martin. thanks for joining us. we begin with some breaking news. a top court here in germany has ruled at the far right alternative for germany party is a potential threat to democracy. this decision means the f. d can be classified as a suspected, extreme, his group allowing it to be placed under surveillance by domestic intelligence nationwide. c, a f t is currently the 2nd most popular party in the polls across germany
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are political correspond to southern young has been following the court ruling for us in the city of moonstone. i asked him what this verdict means. yeah, terry, what this means is, as you said, the domestic intelligence services here that i can continue to withdraw the i s d, a political policy represented in the national column. it as a, you suspect, states a case of extremism. and that means that they can use surveillance on them, find out what they're doing, check if they all are acting in a way that is essentially deemed to undermine gym. and these constitution and democracy and the judge said he sort of made a comparison with a smoke alarm. it's the smoke alarm is sounding in your house. you know, it's reasonable for the policy, for the police to break down the door to see if there is a file. and that is what he said. domestic intelligence services
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a doing here. and you know, he also, he said to the, to the a f d had criticize the way that they had attempted to use this appeals process here. this cold at to, as soon as he's, he suggested i'd try and play games with a gym and his democratic institutions. he says, the cold, he's north, 50 i to this is a very serious matter. and as you say, he's confirmed decisions have previous codes and said that the a f d a should be regarded with suspicion. the if d is doing very well in the polls in germany, is currently the 2nd most popular party and in the whole country. how could this impact the, the parties on or yeah, well this comes at a, at a, as an important moment for jim politics. we've got to european elections coming up in just a few weeks. the, a, if these hoping to be at,
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well there. and we've also got important sites elections in 3 east gym and estates later in the year, where currently the ip days riding around 30 percent in the polls. so it says 40 is very high, and it remains to be seen if the best decision by the school puts any dent in that, or possibly a some suggest it might even involved in some of the supporters of the far right. a update to things that you know, the narrative, the state is coming off to them is persecuting them on sally. so that there's some sort of substance to that. what we've seen is, over recent weeks and months, the i f, the improved and scandal off the scandal. links to spying from russia or in china. stories about secret meetings to discuss the repack creation of millions of migrants and many other things. the connections to the far right, you know,
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well known as that has really put much of attention the parties, popularity, and to be honest, i would doubt that this would only the so i'm and thank you very much. our correspondence, simon young, the in munster, russian president vladimir putin has replaced defense ministers. so i guess showing that the, it's the per shakeup of as national security team since the invasion of ukraine showing his replacement is andre bell. it was self, an economist, and deputy prime minister, a former deputy prime minister, showing it who oversaw rushes, invasion of your crime will now run the national security counts. you mean that is to say i gave showing it was future. i think up in the air as the person was inaugurated for his latest term and offers usable way. but on sunday the kremlin confirmed the sugar would be moved from his post. showing you is
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a long time l. i have president. he was appointed to the position of defense minister in 2012 and he has close personal ties to person is very publicly taking the president on multiple hunting trips to his homeland in southern siberia. the little words, good reason to show you has become deeply unpopular in russia history, where he's seen by many as being largely responsible for the early stages of russia's invasion of ukraine and roommates were rife that his removal was coming on sunday. putting a pointed show you head of russian security council to replace nikolai thrush have it's been seen that the motion for showing go. and it's unclear what published. it's new role will be what as both men with key figures and rushes war and ukraine, and the re shuffle took some waste, the military observe, as by surprise he clearly page and has recently been being overrated. by his latest time and the president say, and you would have expected at that point,
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maybe some changes in the leadership, but not these 2 are not together then then showing his successor as defense minister is under the but i also of a former prime minister and economist, what kind of most of it's a civilian with little military experience. ok. the kremlin says bell. it was of got the job because person wants the ministry to be open to innovation. it is important to incorporate the economy of the security block into the country's economy to incorporate it in a way that matches the dynamics of the current moment. it's also important to mention that today those who are more open to innovation and implement the innovation the quickest when i'm the battle field with bennett results nomination, person is most likely looking to bring military funding in step with the russian economy. similar to the soviet union of the 1980s are correspond. a
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roman gunter ranko told me why poor dean is replacing his defense minister at this point in the war. hey, um. it's not really a surprise because um about a year ago, there was this a huge any of the pre gods involved in a group that we don't hear anymore in the news, but which was very influential a year ago or 2 years ago when the russian, a more big and vision started that missionary look. so up regarding attacked, the defense minister and the head of the general stop and very harshly, very, and issue many agents and i both actually so observe as we're expect a resignation, i'll say go last year, but he's a very close ally of a lot important. that's why he kept to you for a. yeah. now he's replacing him. it's the reason is obvious, the war is not going just as booked in planned. it is the 3rd year of the russian economy is stable, but it is. it's a very heavy burden for the russian economy at the comment to kind of ease key to
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continue this war of attrition. that is, that is going on. that is why the new, the defense minister is a, is a, an expert in economy. tell us roland about sugars, a successor andre bell. it was soft. what does he bring to the job as well? it's an interesting thing because he kept a very low profile. despite of being in high positions, he was deputy prime minister. he was administered of the economy a few years ago. he has a comic background economy is his major. so to say, when he comes from a um, academic family, russian soviet leads in the eighty's, seventy's the but i think he's, he's the main reason for, for a pointing him is he's expertise in economy. and this is something that which, which is actually similar to what the payment present lunchroom is,
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events could do to be there though. also i changed the defense minister and to kinda into criminal defense minister has almost so economic background. so both countries are preparing for a war of attrition. our course a lot of real and going to rank of their speaking to me a bit earlier. so let's catch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. authorities in georgia, se 20 people have been arrested in the capital tbilisi. protestors spent another night outside parliament voicing their opposition to a draft law that they say threatens press and civic freedoms, so called poor an agents bill will be voted on on tuesday. spain's socialists are hailing what they call a new era in catalonia, after their party won the biggest share boats in the regions. elections. the outcome deals a serious blow to catalonia is separate, is to have governance for more than the deck odors. an indian controlled cashier
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are casting their ballots as the 4th phase of india's parliamentary elections begins. voting and cashmere is being held for the 1st time after prime minister in the rend remote. his government stripped the magick muzzle majority region of its autonomy and brought in under direct rule. somber ceremonies are taking place across israel to mark memorial day. the annual event commemorates all in soldiers and victims of attacks in israel. the serious collaboration is dedicated to the more than 1200 people killed in homos is october 7th terror attacks, as well as the soldiers killed during the war in guns staying in is really us secretary state anything blake and says israel strategy and gaza has led to a horrible loss of life for civilians that has failed to neutralize a mazda militants, is common as calm as the is really military expands. its attacks and southern and northern gaza is really tanks of re entered parts of the north. the military says
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i'm us militants who launch the october 7th terror attacks are regrouping in the area. is really tanks. heading back into northern garza, these writing military had declared victory over from us here a months ago. now it says it's gone back to stop the minutes in group reestablishing control, palestinians living here and the jabante, a refugee camp, just north of gauze. the city i've been told to evacuate with the area still devastated from the early is ready operations. and you asked strikes raining down, residence a hurry to get out. but many of those rushing to sleep with everything they could take with them, said that there was no west safe left for them to go in and lock. we left the camp, but we don't know where to go. we don't know where to head. we don't have food or drink or clothes. oh wow. i want to know that we have to move every day. we move
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more often than we stay probably every day we are in a different area in the north, in the south, in the east. we don't know where to go. garza southern most city. rafa was long considered the safest place left in this trip. but he's ready for us as a now trying to reach out have mass fighters here to hundreds and thousands of people have already left the city according to these really all me while more a still trying to leave many of those displaced by the fighting. and rafa have headed north to central guns that this woman said she'd follow these really evacuation. notice that now she couldn't find even basic supplies. the children had sufficient. there's no safe place. the situation is very hard to invest. no, from the from like no dream to even the water is how to get my children try and
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tell them your mother. we want to drink and i don't know what to do next. and i'm like everyone else. so left with all 5 and came here and we had just placed you the best know safe place. so my friend and we'd palestinians desperately searching for safety. washington has again called on israel, not to launch a full scale round defensive. and rafa israel's on the directory potentially to inherit an insurgency with many onto mos left or if it leaves a vacuum filled by chaos, still by energy and probably refilled by. am us the, with israel, increasing its attacks throughout the gaza strip tools for restraint. even permits closest ally seem to be falling on deaf ears. you're watching the, the, the news. just reminder of our top story this hour. we've got some breaking news coming out of germany here. a top court here has ruled the far right alternative for germany. party can be classified in
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a suspected extremist group that allows domestic intelligence to place it under surveillance. nationwide of next doc film looks fairly unique. music and dance of the cape verde islands of africa and terry marshall middle. thanks for watching the innovations. green the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime would probably be secure. subscribed to this channel. every friday. subscribe to plan. it's
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