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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from ballot. fundament village in orders, a shakeup, both rushes, military leadership. he dismisses is long standing allies, sergey shaw, who is defense minister, and replace the same with an economist with limited military experience. also coming up called rules the fall ride cell to, to, for germany property as a potential threat to democracy. it says the f d can be classified as a suspected extremist group allowing it to be placed on the surveillance nationwide . the,
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i'm gonna have those as well come to the program. russian president vladimir putin has replaced his defense minister. so gay, shirley gold. it's the 1st shakeup off is national security team since the invasion of ukraine. so who's replacement is andre? but the self and the economist on form a deputy prime minister showing who over so russia's invasion of ukraine will now run the national security council so they shall use future seemed up in the yeah. as much my pollutant was a no great it with latest tongue in office. but on sunday the kremlin confirmed that show you what they removed from his post to show you is it a long time ally of present booting? he was a pointed to the position of defense minister in 2012. he has close personal ties
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to polluted these rights publicly taking the present multiple hunting trips and is homeland or southern siberia. recently, she'll like you has become deeply unpopular in russia. he's seen by many as well as the responsible for the failures of russia's invasion of ukraine and roommates were right that his removal was coming on sunday to to in a pointed show you had a rushes security council to replace with nick alive. patricia, it's being seen the motion for showing youth and it's unclear what patricia has new role will be from shelf and i'll throw both men what keys take is in russia's war and ukraine, and the re shuffle took some west and military observers by surprise. clearly, putin has recently been being overrated by his latest time and the president say, and you would have expected at that point, maybe some changes in the leadership, but not these 2 are not together and showing you
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a success is defense minister is andre, but it was of a former deputy prime minister and an economist that it was of is a civilian with level of military experience. the kremlin says, well, it was of got the job because boots and wants to ministry to be open to innovation . it is important to incorporate the economy of the security block into the country's economy to incorporate it in a way that matches the dynamics of the current moment. it's also important to mention that today those who are more open to innovation and implement innovation the quickest when i'm the battle field, a very with bella who sells nomination suits in is most likely looking to bring military funding in step with the russian economy. similar to the soviet union of the 1980s. and from all of this, i'm not going to have the student by russia alice concepts in the area of concepts
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. the welcome now spent as biased protein, his replacing his defense minister at this point. and the woman in the middle. yeah, that's a very good question that i think the only explanation. and then for the 2nd, next even use my experience as a former office, a junior one, but still the change you come on in the middle of the ball. the things that the command is not doing the job right from the point of view of the commander in chief and i suspect that here the issue is not so much the minute, the reparation. because the now the former minister struggle never was engaged. and in planning the operations, the job of the chief of general stuff who remains in his place. it is rather actually the political cover, budgeting us maintaining connections to the military, industrial complex. all these things seem to be not running smoothly for mr. troy go, his deputy was arrested for bribes about 2 weeks ago and state media in
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state bloggers, no pro pro, put in blog has went completely, but not as describing his palaces and things like that. and so it seems that puts in a really wants to check the general's epic tide for corruption, and that's why he brings mister bellow, sophia, who is indeed an accomplice. i'll tell us more about him. well, he is a of us and he's $65.00. he's father was a very prominent soviets economist in the sixties and seventies. he was born in law school to belong to what we would call very, very, sort of generally solve the authority structures. and that's not fair to kind of put a stick off put in. he doesn't flex s b p has no, is above the lowest of as no visible cage of the connection seems never said that another tree. oh, although frank speaking shrug, there's nothing to amount to we just looks nice and he's uniform. but also i think what is important is that below so and that's i think where the piece that preceded our conversation was very much spot on below. so is know someone who likes state
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intervention in the economy and it seems that the puts a really want, she wants a to check the corruption at the types of the generals love to eliminate it's completed because ruptures the way of running russia, but particular epithets and secondly, to maintain that the connection between the military industrial complex and the army that continues its aggression against the crime. you mentioned a public opinion in, in russia and the, the pro, put in a blog as jose reacted to this. well that was a bit of confusion about it's, it's very clear that mister shaw, the being put in charge of the security council which is lost. the lots of it's for the perceived influence of the beginning of the invasion. he's on his way out of there was some that suspected that's going to be some changes off. so the rest of sugars deputy defense, some people said that doesn't look good because that's what somebody who has very close to struggle. but i don't think that, you know, put is owed, as i know,
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discussed by pro governor blog as they're coming to dawn in the procurement sense. thank you very much. concert didn't have the russia list. so home, i these, the changes in the rushes defense the minutes to effect the war in ukraine. and i put that question to all keith correspondent and economy. i think anything that looks like in fighting a kind of rivalries within the rushing bureaucratic machine is very welcome, familiar grain perspective. it doesn't seem like this is kind of will, that will fit, seems like fairly organized and kind of change personnel and you've had so who not fully thrown out but put into a different post will be at a less important one. i think the kind of big deal for me you, great inspected was when showing use deputy even of was arrested in groups of charges a couple of weeks ago. that was something that really got kind of pulses racing in
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cuba thought that you might see the musket brooks, the more expired with itself and go sampling schools than with supplying the troops that provides the grain with weapons. and for the most part, it doesn't seem k yet how this new figure is going to be able to, you know, change and break with what we've seen so far. walk you down to different new batch of but certainly that point about turning you credit rushes economy able to kind of will face footing even more successfully and providing more resources to allow those russian troops to perceive ca, steam, roll through your brain. that is something that we've already seen happen under struggling with something that the kinds of i worried about that the west just simply hasn't caught up and hasn't followed step with russia is going to move towards producing huge volumes of weapons of 8 years. and you have to come in because stay with us for a moment. i want to talk with you about the situation of the front lines in north east do crime because apparently a new russian offensive in the area around the city of crowd key, fast, 4000 stiffly that homes. in some cases,
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authorities are helping the vulnerable to leave the boarder regence the providing evacuation violence to take residents away from the fighting keys has also just announced that is replacing one of its highest ranking offices that come on the were responsible for the north eastern hockey frontline in dante connelly and keith, how does this dismissal relates to the russian defensive as well as that may be in a lot of criticism here in ukraine that the russians, especially in the kind of 1st day or 2, were able to make too much progress that the communications and because of logistics among the great and units, not part of the country, world kalsich, and that the decisions take. we're not always the best ones. then there was a questions, not just to the military leadership, but most of the civilian leadership about defense is being built as being some push back on that from the people in charge saying that it was based impossible to build a very kind of deep, concrete structures near the border because of called some russian showing others
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have said, well, you could have at least to put some mine fields down that wouldn't require spending too much time in a dangerous place. so that, that kind of discussion is still ongoing. it does seem based on the results we're getting that the situation has been stabilized a bit that the kind of initial chaos cuz you basically have to rush in boxes that are about 10. 15 comments is a part of our, basically a 5060 kilometer kind of wide section. the border have now been contained a bit more and is big, clear away on what needs to be done. but certainly lots of questions being austin cube, if this is territory that you pay one back at the end of 2022. and why was this no better prepared? thank you very much. the w correspond to new comedy. they're reporting from keith. a couple of now, some of the other story is making headlines today. authorities in georgia say 20 people. i'm interested in the capital to place a protest to spend another night outside paul, them enforcing their opposition to a draft low that they say threatens press and civic freedoms. the so called for an
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agents bill will be voted on on tuesday. 5th find seeking these really a strikes of been reported across the gaza strip. is really trying. so re entered pots of the north. it's military says how moss, which carried although toby 7 turbo tax is regrouping the hundreds of thousands of philistines have also flat. the southern city are far off to israel issued new evacuation orders the signs of sonnets, as well as, as well in some of the sermon these 2 mach memorial day. this is commemoration is dedicated to the more than 1200 people killed by hamas last year, as well as the soldiers who have died during the war and gaza. here in germany, a cold has a rule. the fall rights alternative for germany policy could be a threats to democracy. this decision means the f
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d can be classified as i suspect it extra is for allowing it to be placed on the surveillance by the domestic intelligence service. nationwide. the ac is currently the 2nd most popular policy in the polls across germany and optical correspondence tom and young follow with the court ruling for us administering the west in germany and has sent us this assessment of what the court ruling means. so the sd is potentially an extremist organization working to undermine german is democracy. that's been the opinion of germany's domestic intelligence services for several years. that's why they've got the policy on the costs of violence. and that's a view that's been confirmed by this court decision here. today the judge said at that comments by asking politicians, for instance, describing migraines, the 2nd class citizens. that meant the via loans was sounding loudly in germany's
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democracy. and it's right there for a to look at where the closest scrutiny of the policy is possible and whether further action is necessary. and what further action could that be? well, uh, the intelligent services could move finally to declare the a, f dates and extremist organization. and that would have effect on their a freedom of action. some are even cooling for a total ban of the policy. now that would take use, it would be complicated and it would possibly play into the a if these own narrative that to, ironically enough, it somehow is the persecuted, wants being persecuted by the german states. they said it would also be a dangerous thing to do at a time when the i f, the support remains high about 20 percent nationally in fact, and over 30 percent of the parts of east in germany, where there a key state elections coming up later into yeah,
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now the scandals in. busy moving the i of the policy, i have a recent weeks and months. for instance, proof of close links to other fall rights organizations and also to foreign spies appear to have dainty, the parties, popularity. if a tool only slightly the f b is hoping to do well at, in the european elections coming up in a few weeks time. but it remains to be seen whether this decision against the a f d by this court today will have any effect to tool on that support. some of them they're reporting and before we go some breast taking pictures of to austrian sky dive us who have completed the 1st successful wing suit slides. through london's top bridge. the professionals guide, i've is jump to automatic ups, up hovering above the river times a complete to the complex move up known as the flat rising off again. at the end of
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this guide, i've slide lost it all, 45 seconds, reaching the top speed of almost 250 kilometers per off. so for me, for now of an update for you at the top of the office in berlin, thanks for watching the music con, be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see performed for head lice in our smith the was the nazis faith. the.


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