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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm CEST

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the special hot spots in germany here as the double. you travel extremely, we're a bit the so you've seen perfect picture and the figure in and you and the more by the acting of duck. yep. yeah. and rumsey, no, you want to be like them onto this 77 percent you. i'm asking you do is you have what it takes to be the next big movie stuff. i am michael. ok.
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here's a shock in statistic for you. did you know that globally? only 2 percent of doctors are able to make a living auto auction. it is a very tough business and before you move into him, there are some advice from kenyan up to justin richie. hello, my name is best go to courtney. and when the award winning actor direct to cigna and today on the session of talk i go to hang out with my fellow actor and friend, justin leech. it takes a lot more than people give it credit to. yeah. i mean someone in the street and they're like, you going to going to some, even the, i'd like to, to do this the and pops. they're not even thinking about the payment or anything. it's just the pedestal, the clocks will defend the theme. it's beautiful, but the so much behind it does a lot of work. there's a lot of pain. there's
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a lot of decisions can be made. but i think if you have the passion for it, then you put in the work that, that helps you group, you know, as enough to let me see. it's been a really good season starting late last year. after we've done a film codes, quotes you money with premier data and it's done runs across the world in over $50.00 international festivals, one awards facility award. so i won the best of the east africa this you know, let me just look at the, can you, it's above and beyond. just do it. don't over beat it. i think that was the biggest mistake i did. the plaza lives sharing the same stages here. often come take different forms, there is the top and the movie industry. and if you want to make it to the top, you need a lot of content and the right connections. and by 12, i mean if you want to start in the big blockbuster movies, how your face on the poster,
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and how fast we talked to you for autographs to get you started on your journey. here's some overview of some of the major film hops on the continent. my to yeah, gonna, but also kenya and south africa. or do you want to become a movie star in africa then you, i mean, the coincidence movie industry is bullying right now. of course, the most famous example is the 2nd largest food industry globe i need, i need generate a nice to meet at $1200000000.00 every year. we also have rising star guns, gulf movie industry is steadily gaining popularity back. and so i just went to what the government wants the program to both local film production on pumps out about 600 killed by. yes, gabby, what has also produced big names like magic michelle ad, jackie up here south africa. assume industry is also making these mark on the global see emerging as the technological paul, how after the end of appetite,
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the suckle becomes peeled. sophie north is the one, the academic words, only language fuel in 2006, martin is significant smiles. soon enough becomes seen in my finally, can you ask whom industry is modesta in comparison? what's still growing? the industry focuses on both feature under commentary feeling as successfully prim . it seems like the quick coming of age feel the key at the cons to in the festival canyon address repeats on youngel north for her or sky winning per 4 months in 12 years is slave has become a global i quite firing. aspiring actors across the confident, what if anything above, as you can see me, my it is true. i love being in the spotlight and saw the manual view. but a film industry is much more than the main actus there's
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a whole team of supporting ox and technicians will bring the film to life. so while you wait for your big break, it might be useful to learn about sound production. all come out of oppression. just asked, talk to him when you level the nigerian special effects expert who has become the most sought after talent in knowing this is juggling juggling the, you'll read the movie about will power and lot produced by and star and all you would full of make us i mean by you, the film that shot to netflix fame has a top notch crew and cost. but have you ever wondered who is behind the black to the grand explosions and bloodcurdling battle scenes? it's this man hakim, on a level or heck, heem effects, special effects, and makeup artist and one of 90 was best. so most of the things you see that maybe the explosion on the product estimates the flight, the special perhaps. we have to meet the blood splattering. we have to make
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everything in my to be sent on the default, the send proxy column sets in the world of movie production, fake shooting scenes, controlled explosion, and chemical reactions can make or break a scene pack team who had most of the craft knows exactly what it takes to make a shot look real. he's received several awards and pay me the by you. the brains behind deluge of doing is in, oh, i'll talk seems what i can exceptional. i call him a junior. all you need to do is, i mean, give you, his kids are key. i think it's going to be value proposition of the picture you have in your head and come up with it. look, look, that's we also mazda, kindly give you the loop you have. so we can of a tough track, i mean, and not to minutes of your picture. juggling jack goon was have teams break through
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movie. he had previously made a name for himself with movies like the blackboard. and you called at the moment that i shots with from the bio which is doug douglas also told me all a big lesson on it's 11 and process. so because the story, the purse the team, it's very different. so it's more tv, all the, all the production i've been doing. i seen on your little boy is pushing the boundaries of african cinema. and he has an impressive collection of props. and you lodge next to his wife lp or side, you was initially part of his crude. but she was the only one in his team who stuck around and finally helped to build his business. to called me, she said, oh let's it all those years we've wasted with those guys are gone. so let's the fridge. as we can't do the stand alone to people, we have like 10 people before on the left, which is that just going to stop by me. so we started from discuss, as i said,
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we're not going to be using the look how much i will use in that's we have to stop sourcing for funding for the. so that's always thought it look us friends, we walk us, but let's we don't walk as husband and wife when it comes to projects. make sure we try to achieve the best to build the beauty for philosophy, united movies, games, loved for not a word with forward as jor dropping action and drama is undeniable. but he also knows that's not the way many effects or hands made him revised. still has some heavy competition from the more established international movies the all inspired me to, to venture into the special effect world is to bridge the gap between the western world in terms of special effect on africa. up to now, jack, who is a good, was heck, teams mazda piece, but as he and his team planned their next film,
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one thing is the, they are taking the reputation of know you, what special effects artist to new heights. one of the key lessons i learn from hocking story is the importance of perseverance. even when everybody abundance you don't quit on your teams. that is the truth that is also available in the next port. toggling is the form gonna definitely not had any success in his acting carry. a button hits a dry spell. instead of given up, he decided to create his own skits. it escapes he takes on the role of actor producer and director. in every sense, jeffrey, is it true cost a lot, which is why my colleagues, something i built k featured him in the my hassle seems that's what you started to you see to house the talk to somebody. welcome to load
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up in touch. really, really be sort of might of your program. where would that to the walls of working individuals on my well, that's a lot for today. yes. almost screen to pop up. so guys, i'm very excited about this episode. i'm up to speed. i'm up. yes, apartment one out as wow. you've got a very nice apartment today too. thank you, my smell get to without, without time. i'm here to learn about your job. do you think it's something that can trouts? uh, let's see. let's see. i big people uh, gifted and have looking people i believe that is you can lend everything again cuz hardwood beach tablets, bro, i really love to see you all set and if you will allow me to dose in a full, you'll on set. see all your useful and to create your content and stuff like that.
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i'm all yours and i'm ready for your month. release the last squared for this, so i'll make it up. so something provides you on the set where the magic happens. and if i'm on set, i'm a different person. i'm a lisles that we are doing drywall. okay, one of my favorite of cards is one of the cartridge that is making waves and got my logo on speaker who visited me. small block slots for my inside. we, i use the, it uses a name, the doing the double council. it's all top iris looks like i said out of time. he's a more like a drug audits. so i have, i guess i make up in myself. so use the i do my lips and my eyes, and this is um, the us flag. i mean, double has a dream travel outside those areas where they or what i realized once a month, the long piece, you see that people with
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a new call for these worldwide countries where they didn't look that way. people don't see much in the media as a big simple drago jeffrey. notice is it the rental is a scriptwriter. does it make all parties silly to me? that seems we i do for can be it's electronic sheets. it will be some what i really got mine as well, and i do. so this is all for your call. i'm making add my, my linda with a google mazda, we'll rig 5, we know got a new se, and i need to know what it is. the right, how long will it take you to get that they've got to know about? i see mileage, i'm out on chrome. i'm stuck on my lot. of course that's what makes me. yeah. so what makes sense? i'm come now. let's, let's have some with, i mean,
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what i like to shop that into the who need you at the moment. all right, how do you see it? did you enjoy it? did this truly what i owe you a drink? let's see. what was it take to mind bucket beat when you start to do a car? yeah, i know you with lots of these. i was it like when you a trying to survive like your 1st movie fail you day. we'll see the movie coming out of stuff like that. so i was like, what are the challenges i face, you know, don't on this part of the communist superstar i, it was stressful. it was super stressful and challenging the picture like is there a memory that you can remember? so many times i was for the price like this aspect of the interview means a lot to me also its price and because the industry
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gives me something to taste. so i taste it, what go to films then from housing gets in gigs, who was like, what is happening then? wasn't really about the money or exposure. it was about the performance i have to act. i have to exhibit my god given talents. then i just, that's scapes. you suddenly become the producer, stripped right. that i thought that the house was the level of money. i say if you're lacking something, it doesn't go to college. we are comfortable. because to come with a lot of money i. i think i'm, i wouldn't be anybody to rights has the right to my seeing at what point do you feel like yes, i think i'm doing the right thing and what i started toward and gets in it. but now
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a, d, j, my d and i. so when you did the drop in the box, you my comments as you know, my ok to be issue 1st time. what does it mean to you? it means good for me is by the means equal you uh, the eyes of everyone's, the next move is busy. your stories are be heard. people kind of relates to you, not everywhere. i go, i feel safe to grow screwed people love you. people want, you don't, you see those, these l a come to africa, somebody the ju ju, the food, we know that somebody wants to do something to do have to get some, she goes to take a picture and take it to the shine, or the nice you one me my picture, you guys and got vigils is crazy. brought it can affect your relationship to the law fits your family and all that comes with it. it comes with a hassle. so while she gets better, that gets him back to us
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a crate. steve gets in, but doesn't matter. you have to get back to us. monday june. the social life office celebrates. yeah, i'm, i'm sure you're a, she loved the truth and kataria. finally, i want to ask you, what is your advice for the younger generation, whatever you want to do that is posted to that is good stuff, some stuff where you're stuck with what you have most, push it to you. when are you going to start your next projects? thank you very much for watching w, the some of the 7 sense did you, a lot of people get into it all, even lucy allies well filming, and moving, unfortunately, to make a scene more realistic. acktis instance before would often go beyond development and as a result, accidents up in the recent passing of nature, an act of junior poop highlights the lack of safety regulations in the film
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industry. role sounds rolling down production. none of would and that there is full industry as a powerhouse of entertainment that's taking the world by storm. it's credit to jobs for thousands of choice, millions and boosted africa cinema and the entertainment world. but none of what is a pulling was 2 sides. and i know what to struck by and the launch of tragedies recently, the latest is that of popular as touching your pope, and full as those who died in a boat accident, but foaming on the 5th of a movie since the tragedy the question is asking is whether it could have been avoided, given that the video of junior pope and others show that they were not wearing lest jackets. so before you will start to production when you're scripting and costing on crew on all the details, pre production plans, i've been put together. the next day and it's you can see that why putting it together as also include in what it would take for your access to be safe. but i believe that everyone is involved with safety. safety is not the responsibility of
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one party government on the regulatory board. this will ensure that'd be have everything that'd be access, needs to be safe. the access field has suspended for me and spend the printer so responsible the directors guild, as launching an investigation. who's the villain in this had to do if it was red well regulated by governments where it got less of you off, you know, you will not get on the boat. i moved from one community to the all that on 9 jerry, i'm want to us without putting on a life that the film industry is big business. last year, streaming science and netflix reported over $14000000000.00 in profits because of the big projects they kind of fall to have some of their best optis use states of the equipment and you've been bring dinosaurs back to life. but what if you have the passion, you have the talent, but no money? well, don't lose hope. the creators of the nigerian online see we stuck obama way in
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a similar situation when they started. and here's how the tend. yeah. dreams into reality. the bit gets too big. got to bump in the vast world of youtube, we had big budget usually to the show, a group of young creators from tapco to nigeria. i'll be right into the rooms. evan on his shoes drink budget, meets re tad and miracle. gotta 2 brothers who turned the question into a thriving youtube series called jack of bon, we said less find in name for the to after. so you will stand completely towards the city's deck about nobody by the dentist. okay. yes. let's just talk about his a little you about language and it's it has to do with the money one of the
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diesel towards the drum asking you yeah i've seen and then i just go by the can also go to the screen and produce contents. so get phones with the user, click the file on file to the dates for the you never had a few minutes. now you need to arrange for somebody that comes to the production crew, decided to get an equipment which meets these and come on mtv 2 of these. and we usually today to the 12th and some shots up to time. so, and who do i have this? i like for you. so this is in 1545, or does i see you as on the audio quality? we use them and some recorded good. good, good. good. good. yeah. yeah. do any
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wasn't easy from type of budgets to technical he cops the face to tool. but at every challenge, the felt the strength to overcome, learn and grow. we saw this movie about 45 years ago that we lost 45. wanted to do it on the audio or revise the quote and i came back in my left almost crushed. so what can we do? i don't want to bid the news to my guys because you put a little book in there. and then i said ok, let's just move on. i should that are projects. so, but it's, i'm the same thing. i something i said, i remember when get to see me. i did one time, let's shoot to be talking about again when we started thinking. so we looked at the game, right? if you don't hear the system has crashed, then it to be the flash drive has gone missing. if you don't see the flash drive is gone missing, then you'll hear we don't have an account or do do. so i'll find you out on the midwinter, what does it have you do? what i do is i completed it, but if i'm also is no good, listen to the different the receive. but what also not by yourself. i'm with the
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adults. i think i've figured something i have to take that i have to pay themselves . they're going on good subsidy because that's what the meaning for, for example, was on the bill to the the used to come up with to what is the inductive class? so for good it's good you need. 7 the talking and i most options, that's the reason why do they give me the room after explaining my room,
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which we just don't work with scripts. well with what we call and proficient, it provides critical lines for yourself. you to send me. so it has always been like the track from day one of our if you listen to the line, i still use that device or you'll find out is it is the black kind of features of the that it was supposed to selling the market. so if that isn't office, he needs to get the market didn't bite. try to give it, try to get an idea what you say. we can look at doing this. put money, it seems on come back to what you did lose. my mom put a little money i mean kind of mother with my husband. image i said i want to do does give support was not for the money. he was just to
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make them happy and also keep them busy. the same when we don't worry, the money will come back to us, it's over to the village. and so one of my life going to give them the money. i paid the wisdom of a month of goods physically, if that image is useless. so they've got the money from us that they didn't do anything, was we don't get to view the hard work paid off. what started as a passion project in tough times is now a youtube success story. took a bond, hasn't just survived it strived bringing joy to a global audience, changes oh, code to watch. i know that is a good concept. you took china. yeah. turned it into one of the because the hot views and of optical visits, and i don't know what that is to be. i'm a product with important that that people with laws as well and under their what
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you did for those 12, at least 1000 views. and about believe the level of you know, using this like to do have a nice one, a 5. you just 2600000 visits into a bunch of they give it to was a 100000 subscribers. my name is doug it's actually going to see that in spite of minimal bunch of it's the i had with impression have paid off through this program. i hope that you have learned what it takes to become a movie stuff. if you enjoy this show, i'm sure your love all that content just took us out on social media. we available at the 77 percent on youtube, instagram and took talk. i now leave you in the company of peace, quiet. they call this long j. enjoy. and until next time. thanks for watching
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4:00 pm
the business dw news live from bell in flooding. it 14 or as a shakeup of rushes military leadership. he dismisses his long standing. i lie, sir gay shaw, who as defense minister of replace it said with an economist with limited military experience. also coming off the cold rules the far right alternative for germany. ponti is a potential threat to democracy. it says the f d can be classified as a suspected extremist group allowing it to be placed on the surveillance nationwide task. these are all move solve it.


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