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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the business need of you news live from valid israel move some of its forces to the north of gaza as homos regroups in areas. these really military says that have cleared hundreds of thousands of these activities from, from rough off in the south struggles to get food and also coming off of it, put in, shakes up rushes, military leadership. he dismisses longstanding allies subjugated show who as defense, minister, and replace the same with an economist, limited military experience. thus the quotes roles the far rides of products,
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if for germany potty is a potential threats to the most, cuz it says the f d can be classified as a suspected. extreme is proof allowing it to be placed on the surveillance nationwide of kashmir votes in india. a general election for the 1st time since it was stripped of its send me a ton of a status which provoked widespread, i got across the reach of the i'm a guy that offers welcome to the program, which we stop in the gaza, where hundreds of thousands of you've actually use have fled rough office, repeated international cold, or israel to exercise caution before launching the ground defensive on the city as well as been fighting him off across gauze us since the management group carried out the october 7th sarah tax on his route. but now is rarely,
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soldiers are returning to the north of the strip. how must forces have regrouped in areas. israel said it had already cleared the rush to get water. and simple guns is d a and bella is disparate supply. you will read the loan. but the arrival of thousands of evacuated from rafa means there was even less to go around. the india by the people are now on top of each other. people are walking on each other . it's very crowded and necessary people. there's no empty space, especially those are staying in houses. now some 10 displays comedies staying with them. that's not fine. well, well myself, i know i always stay with my children and my wife and attend. so i know that the help 5 of 6 families staying in the time with me, it's very crowded because of him and once deemed a safe zone around 1400000 people sort shelter and rossa and bring some now the leaving israel ramps outputs attacks leading families have been forced to operate
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their lives again and again. the suffering is continuous, that's where tide is moving from a place to another. and those places and not needs are the get the from assist you to another. so we need transportation home with todd, how long would we have to stay in? the situation of the animal says the united states has repeatedly cautioned israel against expanding its offensive into rough. uh, but israel insists the city is a strong hold and that has to drive out militants hiding the despite more than 7 months, support from us remains active across the tear at tray. this week is really soldiers for 10 to the north of gaza. an area it claimed to have captured months ago. just trying to expand that is in jerusalem for us with these really ami targeting
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knowles and gaza again. i also what this means for the military operation in the self as well. all we can say at this point is what it means is that is what is fighting again with its ground forces and on all fronts in the gaza strip. and we have seen also heavy airplane bars meant across the gauze and strip. now in the north is really troops where is send in again to places like to buy uh, as are by your refugee. comes a tune which is in the west and part and the eastern part of garza and also other parts in the north and goes a strip know is road withdrew from that area some a months ago. but intense fighting has now been reported. there also reports from ambulance as not being able to go into certain areas. now the internal messaging here is that this was on a part of the plan own alone that the army withdrew, but then also is able to go in whenever they need to go in. but there's also
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a discussion and criticism here, saying that this is also a problem because there is no plan for the day off to. and that's how most is able as a, the is really only a said to regroup in such areas. but we've just seen other dramatic scenes in the report what's happening in the south of casa, but also of course, that have been people. they remained in the, in the north, in a part of garza. and those people as well that have been told to to relocate to voc, create a, they're forced to go to some other places to weston, a parts of the northern gaza strip. and of course, uh, this is northern gauze, or where in the past months we've been talking about not enough aden goods have been coming in. so the situation is, of course, also extremely difficult for people there. now guys that has been left without functioning government, does this sort of have any clear plan for the territory when the war is over or
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does been know a real official time that has been publicly at least should have been some strategy papers. some announcement made by politicians. we know more about what a d is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu doesn't want to see. and daughter, you said that the policy in a storage you that's the entity that is a governing a parts of the occupied a westbank and a very limited rule of the. she doesn't want to see them back in garza and he's backed up by this by his pi a, right, a cabinet members. so all of this also is of course, now another question. looking at the off of offensive them, you've heard it from the united states as well. that have said that needs to be a discussion of what will the day of to look like because you know, this not just about, you know, all the civilian stuff. there's no credit applied to if i could of the civilians,
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but what would happen afterwards? because prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said time and time again, that he needs to go with the military of all the needs to go in, took off to eliminate those for battalions of him us. and then that would enable to, is ready to achieve a total victory. but apart from that, of course, is also a question with the posting and to be asked what they will want to see, who's governing goza at the end of the war. beat up use plenty of time as a reporting from jerusalem. thank you very much, tonya. meanwhile, the sirens of sounded across the as well. and somebody said, i'm going to is to mock memorial day. this is the memorization is dedicated to the more than 1200 people killed by home us last year as well as the soldiers who have died during the war in guns. dod to ross on the web president's letting me put in as replaced as defense minister
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survey show who is the 1st shake up off his national security team. since the invasion of ukraine sugars replacement is andre below self. and economist and former deputy prime minister, troy who over so russia's invasion of ukraine will now run the national security council. don't. so they show use future seemed up in the yeah, as much me uprooting was a no grated. we'd latest tongue in office. you would use what on sunday, the crime and confirmed that showing you what they removed from his post showing you. is it a long time ally of present booting? he was a pointed to the position of defense minister in 2012. he has close personal ties to polluted these rights publicly, taking the present multiple hunting trips and his homeland of southern siberia. this is the recently, shall i do, has become deeply unpopular in russia. he's seen by many as well as the responsible
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for the failures of russia's invasion of ukraine. and rumors were right that his removal was coming on sunday to, to, and appointed show you head of russian security council to replace with nick alive . patricia, it's being seen as of the motion for showing you and it's unclear what patricia has . new role will be shuffled and i'll both men what keys take as in rushes war, a new crane and the re shuffle. took some west and minute trips of us by surprise. clearly page and has recently been being okay, right to his latest time in the presidency. and he would have expected at that point, maybe some changes in the leadership, but not these 2, not together. and showing us successes, defense mesa is android, but it was of a former deputy prime minister and an economist that it was of is a civilian with little military experience. the kremlin says, well,
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it was of got the job because boots and once the ministry to be open to innovation, it is important to incorporate the economy of the security block into the country's economy to incorporate it in a way that matches the dynamics of the current moment it's also important to mention that today those who are more open to innovation and implement the innovation the quickest when i'm the battle field. a very with bella who sells nomination suits in is most likely looking to bring military funding in step with the russian economy similar to the soviet union of the 1980s. and from all of this, i'm not drawn to the student by all russia. alice concepts in the area of concepts, a welcome. now spencer was biased to teen, his replacing his defense minister at this point and the woman in the middle of the world. yeah, that's a very good question that i think the only explanation. then for this i can even
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use my experience as a former office, a junior one, but still the change you come on in the middle of the ball, the things that the come on. there's not doing the jump right from the point of view of the commander in chief. and i suspect that here, the issue is not so much the minutes reparation. because the now for more minutes to show it will never, i was engaged in, in planning minister operations, the job of the chief or general stuff who remains and who spice it is. rather actually, the political cover, budgeting us maintaining connections to the military, industrial complex. all these things seem to be not running smoothly for mr. troy go, his deputy was arrested for bribes about 2 weeks ago and state median state bloggers no pro proofpoint in blog as when completely but not as describing his palaces and things like that. and so it seems that puts in a really wants to check the general's epic tide for corruption,
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and that's why he brings mister bellow. something cool is indeed an accomplice, but tell us more about him. well, he is a of us, he's 65. he's father was a very prominent soviets economist in the sixties and seventies. he was born in law school to be lost to what we would call very, very sort of generally saw the authority structures. and that's not the kind of 3 stake off put in. he doesn't bikes, as people, p has no visible, the lowest af, as no visible cage. the connections who's never served in the military. although frankly speaking truck, there's not going through man to we just looks nice and he's uniform. but also, i think what is important is that below so and that's i think where the piece that preceded our conversation was very much spot on below. so is known as someone who likes state intervention in the economy. and it seems that the puts a really want, she wants a to check the corruption appetites of the generals love to eliminate is completed
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because rupture is the way of running russia, but particular epithets. and secondly, to maintain that the connection between the military industrial complex and the army that continues its aggression against the crime. you mentioned a public opinion in, in russia and see the pro put in a blog is how is they reacted to this? well that was a bit of confusion about it's, it's very clear that mr. shaw, a good being put in charge of the security council which is lost. the lots of it's for the perceived influence of the beginning of the invasion. he's on his way out. there was some that suspected that's going to be some changes off, so the rest of sugars, deputy, that time some people say that doesn't look good because that's what some of it was very close to struggle. but i don't think that, you know, put as old, as i'm not discussed by pro governor block us there, commented on, in the procurement sense. thank you very much. concert didn't have the russia list
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. police have arrested as least 20 people doing demonstrations in a georgias capital, vc thousands that taking to the streets to protest against a draft load. they say practice press on to civic freedoms, bought the routing, georgia dream poverty. it says it will move forward with the so called for an influence bill despite widespread opposition at home and abroad. a police moving in on demonstrators in tbilisi they had spent the night in front of the parliament, protesting what they see as an un democratic little in spot by russia. but thousands of people outside didn't store the lawmakers from passing the draft. and it's 3rd and final reading. we noticed all those in favor of the index the my, the project is to have them supporter to me and the committee meeting is now
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concluded, thank you, want me to do some of this for the of the new little request, any media organization o n g o getting more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as an agent of foreign influence payment. say it's similar to the for an agents bill used by the kremlin to silence its critics. it's also likely to endanger george's prospect of joining the savage. everything. everything we've achieved in the last few years of getting closer to the you will be torn up by the government and then we will lose the support of the international community. how's the weather ever since i don't walk, stop, they disappeared. there's going to be a confrontation and blood shoot. people not put up with this. there's no way i should to the you and us of criticize the little coding on george's ruling policy. to scrap it, protest is want to keep up pressure on politicians. but some voices on the streets
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of typically see, say they are again, this is what they call the west interference video. this is george. uh, what does the us have to do telling us what low as to pounds and so the new bill will go through the final vote in front of the full parliament on tuesday. protest to say they will stay on the streets until the politicians backed down on the no that would crash the european dreams. and so we're looking at some of the other stores making headlines. donald trump's former lawyer and personal fix. so michael cohen asked to take them to stand at the former president's hush money and try to neil colon is considered a stop witness against trump. supposedly prosecutor strides approved from falsified business by close to cover cover payments to a point to. so students and staff at the university of amsterdam have states, the wall counts over the universities ties with israel,
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as well as the schools handling or previous pro palestinian demonstrations. protestors condemned actions humming thousands and israel organs from us and said at the demick relations with israel should be taught. here in germany, a court has ruled at the far rights alternative for germany, ponti or a of the can officially be classified as a suspected extremist group. the decision rejects an appeal by the policy to remove the designation report as well more on the court's decision. and its implications a debate explaining that germany's rights, when a, if the party pursues goes against democracy. this means germany's intelligence office can continue it civilians of the party and its members by typing phones and working with informants inside the potty. the domestic intelligence office belongs to germany's interior ministry, but makes it decisions independently. it's been surveying the distance 2021,
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when the populace test labeled us potentially extremist. the potty appealed and was rejected twice for members of the if the the routing looks like an abuse of power, especially c a vid simply what's happening is a joke. there is no of the west on country where practically the only opposite. sion is being spied on by the government for the so called intelligence services, which we consider to be protecting the government rather than the constitution. it's on speak about in a democracy. and the difficulty is all the exact size ish. germany's interior minister nancy phaser called the colts. verdict justified disputing shows that all democracy can defend itself. it has tools that protect it from internal threats. it's these tools that are being deployed approved once more by an independent court, to the ruling page. the way for further investigations is the intelligence services
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gather enough proof. the potty could be classified as officially, right wing, extremist, and 3, eastern german states. regional associations of the party of already been decided to subs like the parties use organization. the young alternative. meanwhile, cold for then getting loud that it is very, very clear. so today, and it means basically that know the doors are open to take the next step and take the update to the supreme court and start a trial on the provision. the if the is currently the 2nd strongest policy in germany, favored by 17 percent of voters, according to recent pulse. the routing comes just under a month before elections for the next year in parliament. when many x pads expect to shift to the right to have kind of style now with flash floods have left hundreds of people dead. most of them, women and children, then rules and buckland, provinces being affected most severely. tal yvonne officials have now asked for humanitarian assistance as thousands have been displaced due to rental rains and
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funds of the government and pick from my head right now has a tough job getting the flat part to from his house flats to corner of to find these belongings the russian hill was a dreadful flood. very dreadful. nothing is left. the rest is under the mud one, the i had a basement, but it was full of flood waters. we're trying to remove the water, but the house may collapse in one of these devastation if you there the flat screen . second. many had no time to be confused. yes, i mean the floods destroyed every thing that i lost my father. i but my brother, my sister, and my nephew, the my mother was injured as well. don't i nearly died to our house has been destroyed. the floods have destroyed our entire life. the more i'm gonna get credit
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for that with the fellows. thousands of homes are going on with thoughts washed away in the tough during the week for help would likely be long. but the, the show we have no option, but we will wait here and see what god will do for us. i thought you said, let's see what happened. that's on our spoke piece of this. maybe the government or agencies will help us was that more so otherwise we have no other place to uh, bring your sub gonna go um the exports link prompt and heavy and funny to climate change. i've gone this done one of the poorest countries in the world, and it's less than one percent of global teen house gases. yet, it is among the countries most affected by government change. and it is also among the ones that are least prepared to adapt to climate change. western baldwin
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drastically reduced 8 for us on this done after the taliban seized forward in 2021 . investments in the declaration and resilience mechanisms could hit the country back to the consequences of climate change. but these of guns have no choice, but to pick up the pieces on the, on the people of the customer which is controlled by india, costing that balance as the 4th phase of india is parliamentary elections begins. voting is being held. and the reason for the 1st time since prime minister in the rental mode is government strip caution, we have of its semi economist status decision to bring the muslim majority region on the direct rule was deeply on pump to the residents and some of voting. choosing to bar called of the destruction rally to restrict site defines the mood because of him wait for
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is contest. in collections, it shouldn't have a city. he's a member of people's democratic party. one of the regional qualities in killing me could screen his body's advocating for self food in a state of autonomy of nearly 10 years ago. it was even allied with the building pgp of fine. mr. moody is the findings of campaigning. the heat for is kim, the single don't pretty rama wants to separate the strong code. we've got the most got a bug does definitely sound in all of us. but the student seemed to pack the conflict insurgency and sticks of pressure. thousands of people
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helping to move injured or arrested because of its violent history. the people of cushion we'd have more sleep, white caught a general elections. but at this writing for rise, urging them to cost involved part of this election is emotionally wise to the people. i've just read does a complete cycle of self location in the industry. it's on lost by success. as taught. police and people are not speaking the guy's not talking. and people appealing, completely silent to tons of 20, but i was himself interested for allegedly supporting this nom is deborah organization. she has denied all the charges. were actually on the b. c, about 6 to the present. she meeting india solomon wasn't, don't, don't, she didn't know the one said the heart of the separate this movement. it is to resistance to parts patient this young man who should call him mom agreed
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to speak to us on the connection. and then to me in 2016, he bought it, put this again just in the room. as the mob was hit by phillips fired with security forces. he lost sight in one eye and was partially blinded in the other for him to bolton in elections. would be policed. demising the rules 9 for the rest of the monitors. elections do not hold any meaning for us as previously focused media's participated in elections, but they were betrayed. the redeem of torture continued for us into for me, working in this election. what mean selling less only at the b p 's headquarters, it should be new to the body spokesman does a different story. he maintains things that only change for the better says cushion
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means the autonomy was involved. was that when this came about kashmir after 2090 and there had been a no shut down, which is the change you will see here in 2023. more than $25000000.00 tories visited the valley, which is another significant change or sort of the way he got to where it's only go to places where there is peace. despite his claims, the party has not for you did a single candidate and crush me into seal selection back in for one moment. while he was riding the people to watch his message. when he gets eaten, fall a man with you back and wants to do is cushion metes who have felt disempowered since india soon was the majority of region. you know 6 it on me to and that's it for me. and then those team of phenomena callie's been called foot.
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