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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 8:15pm-8:46pm CEST

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the i'm on lucas, that he said there speak out against more the government's decision. they would be the same feet. so it's only to that boat that they can really express what they want shall we got of and without. we've reached the end of our show. next, i'm thousands of people disappeared without a trace and she lives during the military dictatorship, goes to an attempt to call one man's efforts to find out what happens to the spot in the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of climate problems. if the care assignments all subscribe to the subscriber to plan is a 50
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is one. eduardo rojas vasquez, who's been searching for his father, an older brother chevy mo, most still have some hope that my brother is alive, leaving ken during the pen, a shade dictate to ship an unknown number of july ends with 2 should unloaded in the notorious colonial digney dad club believes it was bad, that his father met, she's dest tbd. so i want to know when my father was killed on what day, where he's remains, then i can finally say good bye. fine has been resident in gemini for decades. he's traveling to chill a hoping to find out once and for all what happened to his father and brother, the
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fun eduardo has. vasquez arrives at santiago did too late at port where his family are waiting for him. the tragedy has long overshadow. the family plans father and eldest brother, i were arrested on october, the 13th 19731 months off to the qu, liked by general uncle stokely. no, she since then there's been no trace of them. luis is this on this one of the missing brother? well, the weeds, the sign. one believes his family will only find peace of mind once that remains have been found. one hasn't been to bed, you know besetti alice. but before he's able to get some sleep, the family want to celebrate his return. in 1975,
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he was permitted to leave the gemini, he at least managed to escape pena chaise military dictate to share men cause to get on. i get into the cell 6 very thank or the story in the bedroom. it is the same as your the info. it's very emotional to be here to see my relatives, my nephews. they're all part of the family. we've all suffered from these tragedy on the light, and i mean, in the places ships i've got the area in the area busy, not fun, talks to his older siblings via video cold. they live in the south of chile. i can't be that tonight with the of this the disappearance of miguel and headed back to brought the family closer together. but they need closure. reese, s ones oh, this nephew. to see so in reality,
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i want to know what my father is. so i can give him a proper burial. my mother died without knowing what her husband was by you see what my grandmother died without knowing why my grandpa was. i'd like to bury him before i die, to visit his grave. but we know nothing. 50 years and we know nothing. and then when it is all i want is to know the 3 weeks on the a in gemini on is performing a traditional to land a quick but this isn't a joyous occasion. 2 the
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$42.00 demonstrations have gathered in front of a residential building in the city of clifford, the demanding of so. so find the question to use. well, janae's disappeared. they knew that thoughts with you with that where all the family members been as the sounds of people who were abducted by the henchmen of dictate to august the penal shape during his 17 year room and never seen again. doctor white's cons father and older brother has been missing since the arrest in october, 1973 for an up, you know, like he had they would taught should. and much on the grounds of the self proclaimed colony of dignity. a search founded by german immigrants, the chill and secret police operated a torch is sent to the port. this process, the demonstration is taking place outside the home of hot tub. a foam indeed of
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colonial digney that they want to see him brought to justice. and to convinced that he knows where the magid relatives were buried. ready v as in can i just as we have suffering and how come but there's a to a frown suffering the, the, we still have hope that we can be cute that for you. but for that we need the truth . the thing i don't think anyone can imagine what it's like you to see how it feels, how my soul weeps every day here. brighten getting back of that hot summit hop maintains his silence. refusing to talk to the protest as venture out of his head. don't things i needed to polish said for guide hoffman. i see you guys can. 2011 hop was sentence to 5 years in prison in chile for aging and
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investing the abuse of children. but he managed to flee to germany and just leave tia ever since. no actually left to live in apartment hops was one of the closest confidence of power schafer, the founder of colonial dignity died. well ha, missed your home as paul schafer right hand man. you have key information that could help solve the crimes of colonial digney done. you have tormented the survivors and relatives of the victims long enough and you speak up at last and rank. your silence helps silence strength. and this one's resolve to travel to chile and find out what he can about the fate of his father and brother. his gen, he will also take him to colonial digna doubt itself. louise and the because they get it was the 1st member of the to lay in criminal police to properly investigate the gym. in fact,
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he could be an interesting source for one they've met before, but they've never had an in depth conversation. luis is a well known figure in july. he was once one is president, salvador i and they is both the gods. on the day of the penis shake to the day and they died. he was with him. most of the present. you know, you know, if you're not mine, okay, i will know the president came and shook hands with each of us and said, i guess he has company. i don't know what to do. most of the young people then we went outside with our hands behind our heads as we've been ordered to see and pick it up. and suddenly the president was at the end of the line and make the southern breaker. he went into the salon with his collection of coffee, gifted close the door, and we heard the mon, well,
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i heard 2 or 3 shots. similar porter is a see and your little bit, so not seem to those are going to be by. but before that i you, i heard the words, i you and they will not surrender, god dammit. then i heard the shots, you're still give it where do you? that's how i remember it. me call it or you my colleague got he though, went to open the door and said to me, the doctor has killed himself. medici in the 2nd one's brother and father had been pushing prison in a small police station near the city of paris in the motor region, audience, luis enriquez again, has conducted extensive investigations into colonial digney dad, as well as the 2 land secret police do not know me to get into momento navina. dina had a station and thought about you and had the face and colonial dignity that in yeah . so where else would they have been taken down a piece or 200 already,
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a lot of people in the part of prison and were picked up. is there the custody? a bunch of and we don't know where they were taken. that's a different plan for us. that go use the most common theory is that they were buried in colonial dignity that are a lot verity appear to be nancy, even if they didn't allow very novices to to, to that point. hon is renee that the former police investigator agrees. his theory is plausible. no. which i doubt if you me convicted this week because because i think the important thing for me personally is to know the truth, evicted me. i'm not doing this because i want to punish anyone that's up to the court of justice. my, my priority is my family. i want to know when my father was killed on one day where his remains rest so that i can finally say good bye. see lemonade to the presidential palace in santiago de chilly. gabrielle bowditch, representing
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a left wing alliance, has been in office since march 2022. many families of chiles disappeared. have high hopes in him with the chillen states yet to really can from the tumor if it's past in front of the palace post. as of individuals who were forcibly disappeared during the military dictatorship, a place of remembrance and morning for their relatives. for one family and many others coming to terms with the loss is impossible. for the i mean a that's a dental i mean the real has family album is incomplete. in the last 50 years, luis has had no more photos of his grandfather miguel. and his father, his bath, tow to add to it is fun. remember the night passed on?
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right. not like i said to our window the, i'm gonna say, i think i'm about 6 or 7 years old. and this one, this is us outside our house or the house with the military and the academy. and yet it was came from the top 8. okay. 808. okay. and you know, and bad total has seen here with baby luis was 28 when he was arrested. he was a member of the communist party off to the pin, a shake, who this was tantamount to a death sentence. louise only read. he looks at the family album level the, i've lived with his pain, all of my life sycamore. i go to that whenever i see a photo, it reminds me that he's gone to pursue, but i feel the pain all over again. but it's not just for me, it's my whole family and most of them because we don't know where he is, what you, that they will be. it's a pain leave card with us all our lives. a photo can bring up a lot of feelings and effect. you deeply the what
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the tomorrow plan will be heading south. luis will join him in a few days time. start together as a plan to go to colonia digney dodge, which has since been renamed via by the eta spanish villa bavaria. pond is none of us about visiting the place where his father and brother were probably tortured his bachelor. would now have been 79 young people. you have a month? no, i still have some hope that my brother is alive eating. i have older siblings, so it was still alive if it's possible that my brother is there in the gym and calling you cuz i guess it may do that. and that those people that they brain washed to people so that they no longer knew who they would be, that maybe he's still in there somewhere. we don't know that the recipient is the next morning. one is in the not as 300 kilometers away. his brother sat here
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was imprisoned behind these walls. he'd been a member of president and today's popular unity policy. unlike his older brother and father, he was released 3 years later in prison. sasha, what to the shoemaker kwan. still a teenager at the time brought him materials and food almost every day. it was it, me on the for the and i just signing the gates and there was always a b q outside but and i would always be trembling. i was so scared that he's grinding game or be there. i didn't know if i get out of the game once i was in my email for me that he was always with megan. and me a hug. he might be on speak lights so emigrated to gemini, soon after his release, that died relatively young. he never spoke about prison, but why i knew it had been a terrible experience. i neat gift finding
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a man who'd been in prison that with him told me they would be sending you because they were forced to drink your engine audience. so think, i think the things i haven't known any of that until he tells me is that it's the same. the safety is off to the ministry to it remains a harrowing memory to many, to lands a memorial events in the city of t. n. o. selina, b, 6 former p posts of this highschool were executed shortly after pen a chaise, bloody to 8 of the students were arrested and never seen again that former classmates and teaches around veiling a plaque. and then memory fun
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is one of the guests. savannah was talking to the relatives of others who were forcibly disappeared, provide some comforts. he doesn't understand why there is still no memorial on the site of the former colonia digney dot com. so you guys close the parts and i feel that's important. they'd be some way we could go 10 copies at the moment and so i don't have any way where i can say good fine. and that's what we need to do here to get broken. the barnes fun taney a sleep performs a quite the traditional to land switch he uses to express his determination to perceive the truth. the
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colonial digney dad now called viet uh, was founded in 1961 by a gym and preach power schafer. it was a pseudo religious sect. the colony was heavily vaunted. it was in living how so many who left the and for the members of today's opposition who would torture to? of the over a period of 35 years schafer raped dozens, possibly hundreds of boys in his house when he was finally convicted. his victims unleashed years of pent up rage on his reinforced clos bedroom window. a pump from a small clique of lead is most of the $300.00 or so residents of colonial digney that where essentially slight children was separated from the parents and put
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to work every day among them was host shaft, click the home kind to come. we never had a minute to ourselves. everything was in the group. we never got a hug from my parents and could never talk to them. to come, we will complete the enslaved us with the inspection come. yvonne to the 2 daughters clocked over the years that have been plans to erect memorials to the residents who suffered the colonial digney that the 2 lands who were tortured and did that. but to date, nothing has happened. a nice at the gym and know that you land government has as a full age through for years. these 2 groups of victims had no contact with one another. at some point they were organized meetings, bringing them together, a development that was welcomed by hudson, and i'm on a former resident of kaloni,
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a degree dad. is i do is i the font just interested in. now are, friendship has developed view life and we've recognized their suffering and they recognized ours lightest. we're all victims like as long as i can long before they saw us as cologne us because we lived there for 40 years. they didn't believe we didn't know what was happening. so i kid we were perpetrators. we had blood on our hands on phones. that's what they screamed at us. but that's over now, i'm just like we embrace the one another, the home on some of in 2 days time, one will arrive here with his family to renew demands for a memorial an ocean and comes father was a close confidant of polly schaffer could snell and comp was one of the worst of colonial digna dads perpetrators. he was sentenced to 10 years in prison until
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since died on a is on her way to the so called potato seller. it was used by the to lay in secret police dina as a torture chamber. before and i was born, the peas or kayla avoided them. from 1973, the seller was made available to dina and the chalet and stage to the military spirit in the new town on texas. it pains us to this day that this happened here on our grounds. and it was something that people were brought here and tortured to have the most important to us in order to forward that towards. and as the children have questionnaire and come on a and has siblings had privileges, they were allowed to study for example. but unlike many former call on us, on national and camp recognizes the suffering of the relatives of the 2 land
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disappeared in his mind. if i always say, if it were my family, my husband, my child in kingston, i would probably dedicate my whole life to finding out what happened position list of us plus here it is. so many of the children who lived in colonial digney that the place they dreaded most was the noise con. can house jem? and so new hospital here they were routine, the beacon with bamboo roads, impala cables. they were given electric shocks to the genitals practices, the power schafer found sexually arousing funds, new york. it wasn't just boys supplements. they were girls too old. oh, i've talked to one of the girls who was horribly tortured to hear bonds. and she told me her story, what happened here in this house system? and it said, it was just despicable cause that's here. after going isn't isn't how many
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of the victims still live here? they don't dare leave they to have no place that commemorates the suffering. after the arrest one's father and brother was supposed to appear in court here in paris, but that never happened. the last name, location of me again and headed back to was the police station income deal. colonia digna. dad was close by. one is sure. that's where his relatives were murdered. he plans to go to that tomorrow. the next morning is raining heavily klein and his nephew, luis, have to hurry, the duck road that leads to the remote via by the eta, the former colonial digney dad. it's becoming increasingly dangerous. but that determines to get that ok the you never give up. hope that you'll find out
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something we've been looking for so long and i've never had an answer because anymore hopefully we'll finally get one today. i wouldn't be able to go one other put the i've been has so many times and it's always the same but or nothing happens and we leave empty handed. is it for the most it for no, no, no going. no. i hope this time we'll get some answers to all of our questions. yeah . yeah. so i got all that stuff done before the, i don't know because i don't was also relatives of the disappeared that going into the potato seller. much to the disappointment that going to content. so the central question where all the loved ones none of the older generation. you live to people who might still have important information on presence or you know, renew patricio,
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who is going. the great was taken away from his mother and forcibly adopted by colonial digney. died as a child. but he's too young to know anything that can help one and his relatives. that frustrated, right. i think this amazing is never sent to beyond. it would be good to have the support of the people who still live here, including the older ones who were still here, as if you don't want it on the box, right? as i've said before, the truth is liberating. the profit helps. it would reassure us there, we will be always out this woman from nearby per hour complete. he rejects any co operation with the former calling on us. that's the most important thing. we don't want to shed memorial with the settlers or gauge. they're the ones who caused the suffering, not just to my family, but to all the other relatives of the victims too. of course,
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we don't want to share memorial, didn't they cost us so much suffering. they killed people and we don't want to share anything with them where he is part of a struggle and then it remains the struggle. we want to know when a relative saw have it done wonderful media pod as it is for him here. one is small, can city a tree they need to make a hobby. what if i could, i would talk to all of you. we should communicate. yeah, that's what we are in the community. so i'm looking for my father and my brother. so i'm just looking for information. so what the justice system does with it, that's not my concern, is my dear you least wants to get out of this set up as quickly as possible. now, again, the atmosphere and here is terrible. i need to get out of here. this place has
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a horrible energy. you can tell the bad things happened here. the day in the former colonial digney that ends in disappointment for one. but he's on the touch. he's still believes he can find out more. yes of every year. i think it would be possible to learn something here. there are people who have information the we have to get to a points where they can, so you covered definitely already being credited back in the capital. santiago did julie this weekend marks the anniversary of finish chase to at 10 o'clock the families of the disappeared set off on that traditional march. one minute later, the police file was attendance younger generations and not prepared to forget the past and move on. the police responds as
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a reminder dump times. the nature of the demonstration is past off piece. for me this advance have verified the guessing he about me. you kept me fucking water cannons that we used yesterday. i didn't understand that i was taking so that we not here to be violent. we just want to remind people of what happened here is yeah, we've got to be going through these. we want people to know, especially the younger generation who don't necessarily have enough information. you know, do you feel much and then they come in? yeah, that's it to be soon. but they should know what happened in sheila, in 1973. stephen pond is surprised at how many other relatives he meets today. the state has officially recognized
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1460 disappeared people from the tennessee era. but there are believe to be many, many more presidents. gabrielle voltage is attending the memorial service. fun would have liked to dump for food of july on this high profile stage today, but it wasn't to be and he has high hopes and the left wing leader. is it so we don't say it's all over and dealt with, but this is a new beginning, but then we can finally look full, we couldn't and with the support of our president, with this to if i believe we will manage to establish the truth as before, i leave off highs upon is simply when we're usually right in front of the palace. come, retains a king to tow it to one and take his picture or don't
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says he's quite tough for one last time on this journey. he's found no new traces of his father and brother, but one is not giving the thing to the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents do. i just want to pursue was that's my thought. or you think your kid is 2 different risk, irresponsible. reasonable stop in port in those nonsense. i was under the dr. joe in the canal. it's time to get your generation with
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a sleep asked and then when generations flash on this kind of fun. it feels like therapy, the a living in safety and freedom, exploring your identity for reconnecting with family history. what's his german citizenship means? so people with different backgrounds today. the main part of the germany, even though i can have a say stuff with inside sales was impossible, low was about to pass fools. it was also about having to choose an identity that felt like a uh, something positive had come out. so it was so terrible history the
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