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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin, israel move some of its forces to the north of gaza. that's how last 3 groups of areas these really military says it had cleared hundreds of thousands of evacuated from rock by in the south struggle to get food and water. also coming, fluttering and put in the shakes of brush as military leadership. he dismisses his longstanding allies, started showing pool of defense minister and replace the same with an economist with no military experience and customer votes and abs general election for the 1st time. since that was stripped of a semi autonomy status, which provoked widespread anger and the region, the
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relief to our viewers on p b. s and the united states and all of you joining us from around the world. welcome with great to have you with us. we starts tonight in gaza were hundreds of thousands of evacuate ways of flood rafa, as repeated international calls are to israel to exercise caution before launching a all out ground offensive on the city. israel has been fighting him off across concerts since the milton group carried out the october 7th terror attacks on israel. but now is rarely, soldiers are returning to the north of the strip, where him off forces are said to have regrouped in areas. israel claimed it has already cleared the rush to get rules and simple guns is d a and bella is disparate supply. you will read the loan. but the arrival of thousands of
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evacuated from rafa means there was even lease to go around the the, the d. o bala, people are now on top of each other. people are walking on each other. it's very crowded and necessary people. there's no empty space, especially those with staying and houses have some 10 displays. comedy's thing with the final bill myself and i always stay with my children and my wife and attends. i know that the how 5 of 6 families staying in the time with me, it's very crowded because of him and the ones deemed a safe zone. around 1400000 people sort shelter and rough uh and bring some now the leaving as israel ramps up its attacks, leading families have been forced to operate the lives again. and again. the suffering is continuous with tide is moving from a place to another. and those places and not needs are the get the from assist you to another. so we need transportation home with todd,
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how long would we have to stay in? the situation of the animal says the united states has repeatedly cautioned israel against expanding its offensive into rasa. but israel insists the city is a strong hold, and it has to drive out militants hiding leah. despite more than 7 month support from us, remains active across the tear at tray. this week is really soldiers for 10 to the north of gaza. an area it claimed to have captured months ago. the united nation says one of its security stuff has been killed and rafa and another injured when their vehicle was fired upon or convoy had been on the way to the european hospital. and rafa the death was the 1st of an international un employee and gaza. since the war began, the spokes person for the un best to say about the incident to the secretary general condemns all attacks on un personnel and calls for
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a full investigation. he sent his condolences to the family of the fall in staff member with the conflict and gaza, continuing to take a heavy told not only on civilians but also on humanitarian workers. the secretary general reiterates is urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian cease fire. and for the release of all hostages, inside israel sirens of sound it across the country in sombre ceremonies to mark memorial day. is yours good memories and is dedicated to them more than 1200 people killed by whom off last year as well as the soldiers who died during the war and goss to end on the studio. now by our release analysts show me rosanna, sony guitar be here again. now memorial day is always very emotional affair in israel. this was the 1st time it was being worked since october 7th. how was this
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year different? well, it's probably the most dire that israel has seen in the last 50 years. if you could feel the atmosphere was heavy, the ceremonies were, you know, everything is over clouded by the trauma of october 7th, which is still very much alive. and israel's national psyching people's memories, no many is where it is. i still on october 7, those who have lost their loved ones. those who still have hostages kept in gaza. october 7th is still very much alive for israel's. and today of all days, you know, trying to, you know, and then we'll do, tries to maybe close a circle, try to move on, you know, come memory and maybe talk about the resilience about, you know, coming from the ashes. it's still very hard for most as early as we still are very much feeling those rooms very deep. yeah. something we've heard time and time again since october 7th. and this report again is that it was an event that kind of shattered people's trust not only in the security that israel, as you know, as
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a safe haven for, for it, and choose from around the world promise. but also in, in the i d, f and in the government. how is that changed? well, there's no different, no doubt, as well as a different country after october, 7th and, and to the very most fundamental elements of the trust and government and peoples, you know, connection with their, with, with the, with the government, with, with the entity that it's called the state of israel, some has grew stronger in their connection to that, into the ideas leading it. some of been pulled the parts we need to remember, this is still happening. you know, for his release, this war is still on go and you know that the world fights really so focus isn't causal. but there's still a very active, a war going also in the north of israel where there's been showing on and on and on . no end to day was also seen, you know, is what is have count as more its people wounded their, you know, they still easily still feel under attack. and this ongoing challenges. israel indeed, and you know, is really government that these really adf, are experiencing, and protecting is realize in bringing this war to and then it's becoming very,
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you know, grinding for as early as they're starting to slowly realize this, this cycle, this, you know, the base talk would be quick and done is far from being over and there's more and more despair and fear for what may come that is slowly creeping in. let's look at a prime minister netanyahu his role and all of this because he was already under intense pressure before october 7th. how do is really feel about him today? you know, it's, it's, it's a mix bad, you know, many times in a where you see a lot of people, you know, come around their leader, come together trying to sort overcome the hardship. and the town was always been a very divisive fee, just figure you know, and especially after you know, the back up foot for the attack was, you know, the attempt for a reform and did you additional system basically torres, well, a part these, these uh tears are still there, even though you know, cover some kind of brought everybody together for a short while. the issue was meant to know himself is still very much on the, on the table. and we seem to send you out himself of this,
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this memorial day. and also in the tomorrow will be independent, said israel, he's going to be very much reserved. you know, he already announced kind of cancelling his participation in some of the lead defense of the day that were usually the prime day for the prime minister to be taken to take part in and, and the sphere now or this is room. and so he's basically hiding from the future he's afraid of us, couldn't use afraid of the criticism. and he's, we're seeing a very unusual behavior for uncomfortable. now it's still just him to say if that will lead to any political circumstances because we have not seen him take full responsibility for his role and the government's role. he's still talking about the need for everybody to be examined and not only him and his role in it. so that anger, that criticism is still not being seen as bringing meetings any changes on the ground. and there's really yet and october 7th, let then to be incursion into gaza in that campaign has drawn increasing international criticism. our is really is as divided about what's happening and gaza as the rest of the world. well, unfortunately,
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users are not very much aware of what happens in gaza. these really media shelters is raise from seeing the, the heart unbearable photos that are coming from guys or from realizing the magnitude of the tragedy and, and the, and the, and the, and the killing and gaza. and it really is also not feels like feel like the, the national, who just such a cannot contain that anymore. there is a big to debate on whether fighting until bureaus, enough, homeless as a cheap, which is the goal that the government has set itself is still an achievable goal. and is it still worth fighting, even in the price of losing the lives of the hostages garza? this is a very big issue. still cheering is real, a part. but the faith of the passing is gathers not on the agenda for his release. i see to be shown here, was honest, always great to get your insights. thank you. somebody give me a call and we can now look at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. ryan police and the netherlands have broken up a protest that had taken over parts of the university of amsterdam campus students
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and staff from several schools walked out on monday to protest. israel's military actions in gaza and the break up of pro palestinian demonstrations last week. donald trump's former lawyer and personal fixer and michael cohen has taken the stand at the former president's harsh money trial in new york. cohen told jurors that trump approved big pay out stop news stories about sex that he worried could hurt. is 2016 run for the white house. cohen is considered the prosecution star witness to your grains 1st lady elena valencia has travelled to serve you, hoping to gain greater support from a country that has maintained good relations with russia. she met with serbia and president alexander, of which age, who express support for ukraine's territorial integrity. the serbia has refused to join international sanctions against russia. to us as russia's removal of its defense ministers showed desperation over the high costs of the ukraine
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invasion. russian president vladimir prudent announced circle, showing goose removal as part of a major cabinet shake up on sunday, showing go a long time ally of president will now head russia security council. the successor as defense minister is andre below. so a former deputy prime minister and economy, the kremlin, says the ministry needs to be open to innovation. and from where i can now welcome here in the studio with media always russia, analysts consenting. i got konstantin showing go, is out at least of his former post what's behind all this? so i think the main reason if you basically change the defense minister in the middle of the wall, it means that you are dissatisfied with the way the war is not so much prosecuted. the organized to this put it like that. the war itself, me the ministry operations, is the fif off of the chief of defense, started to divest of general stuff. so he didn't, he wasn't charge. so there was
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a misery planning. and now the offensive in, you know, how to, uh, let's not try this business or at least know direct uh, what used to be his business is actually organizing the management bureaucracy to support the war effort to organize the interaction between admitted to industrial complex, specially the major production for the national army and the army itself, plus personnel policy, which is of course, controlled mostly by putting what i think led to it is in frank was adversary's and him is in the dual credit click the draws washer, essentially impressive inputs of that and this is based going to the f as be impressive, inputs in that or destroy the corruption is completely out of control. and the damages, the war of if you weeks ago 2 weeks ago, a trigger deputy was arrested and the russian. mm hm. what, what was that blogger's property involved as well,
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showing this footage of his palaces and numbers of cash that they found in the cell or whatever had a good look. yeah. yeah. so i think that this is what fulton was. he wants a more efficient organizational of the war effort. and of course, sure we go going to the security council. is it the motion because the security cause is not what it used to be since the beginning of the war and present does not coordinate the much effect. i keep keep. yeah, that is what the security constables full. so it is definitely the motion for that, for sure. the, the motion for, shall we go with a promotion of sorts for below sounds. who is an economist with little to no military experience. why did he get that? what's even more interesting is that has no visible traces of ever having been connected to the kids you be slash f as b please, the soviet they're stuck received was born in law school. his father was a very important to call miss working for the council of ministers of the soviet union. below suff is known to be very loyal to both of them. as the rest of the
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social media speculates, he's quite close to one to for his daughters. in terms of doing drawing projects and songs for now he's also known is someone more of a kind of old school. i think it was both highlighted to know a piece uh someone who believes in the state interference, major role for the states in the economy. even at the mall during the call. so i think that this means that a booster was not connected in any way to what some people in russell, the general was mafia. and the oldest people went to the same ministry schools. and you know that the, the steel from a bunch of together, so he's supposed to clean up the ex there in probably also to work towards more synergy last week. readings between the russian minister industrial complex, which is still on capable to produce a lot of modern weaponry. and the are,
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as i said, i don't think below. so who be telling the general stuff where to send troops, whether it's 200 people to the problem. yeah, and so quickly because there's one person in this equation that we haven't yet talked about, the former head of the security council nichol. i patricia of what's happening during the publish. it was $73.00. he's just one year old and then puts him, but he's been around for a long time, is put in his old friend. but i think that she's removal means that she will get some kind of on the risk post. i still have access to the criminal that's very important. it's more important for them then the money suspects us to the credit. and so as advisor to the president, something but i think you'll be gone. he sounds, i suppose to play very soon important throws one a few songs is a mini store, i agree culture. another model sits on the board of gus pro, having been before the f as be office a. so the population of dentist, i'm sure will say, well, all right, it stays in the family though, because i think, i think it's the one great speaking to ukraine's military says it has stopped. russian forces in a harkey region near the village of oak yancey. meanwhile,
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police and the regions border towns are helping civilians evacuate before the front line reaches their front doors. as russian bones rained down on you, cranes harkey region. police are going door to door over the last few days. they've helped evacuate thousands from border towns and villages, including many elderly residents. hesitant to leave. the business we weren't going to leave. home is home. don't lose the money you know. after the night that we and george, it was really terrifying. the officer again, a day union has been called to another village. lots available today were evacuating the village of progresses. russian forces have stepped up their attacks on ukraine's northern border and recent days. report my opinion, it's a lack of
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a munition problem. we're still waiting for the ammunition provided by america, america rushes offensive, and the hard key region comes as you cream faces, critical shortages of ammunition. after months of delay deliveries, i've got the look in explosion. what's local spear? both chunks, feet may mirror that of bust moved in of these ukranian cities. that's all fierce fighting and scorch or tactics from russia. both charged sheldon the chinese because being destroyed by cluster bombs, artillery motors, gun battles are happening on the north. in the outskirts of the town. the tanks are showing the town they are destroying everything they possibly can. boy, it's dangerous to stay there to us. but what do i do with them? that's fierce battles gripped the outskirts of, of the trunk and you create in forces. wait for urgently needed supplies to reach
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the front lines. only a few 100 residents remain here in georgia. police have arrested at least 20 people during demonstrations in the capital. tbilisi. thousands are taking to the streets to protest against a draft law. they say, threatens press and civic freedoms. the ruling georgia dream parties as it will move forward with the so called for an implant spill despite widespread opposition at home and abroad. police moving in on demonstrators in tbilisi. they had spent the night in front of the parliament protesting what they see as an i'm democratic little in spot by russia. but thousands of people outside didn't store the lawmakers from passing the draft and it's 3rd and final reading. we notice all those in favor of you and fix the
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project is giving support to me and the committee meeting is now concluded, thank you. coming to this one with us for the new the new little request. any media organization o n g o getting more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as an agent of foreign influence payment, say it's similar to the foreign agents bill used by the kremlin to silence its critics. it's also likely to endanger george's prospects of joining the e. u savage. everything, everything we've achieved in the last few years of getting closer to the you will be torn up by the government and then we will lose the support of the international community. how's the weather ever since i don't walk, stop a, this is going to be a confrontation and blood shoot. people not put up with this. there's no way are the you and us have criticized the little coating on george's ruling policy to scrap it. protest is wanting to keep up pressure on politicians,
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but some voices on the streets of typically see say they are again, this is what they call the west interference video. this is george. uh, what does the us have to do telling us what low as to pounds and so the new bill will go through the final vote in front of the full parliament on tuesday. protests the say they will stay on the streets until the politicians backed down on the law that would crash the european dreams. and some more were the headlines now. accord and germany has rolled the far right alternative for germany party could be a threat to democracy. the decision means the a fee can be classified as a suspected extremist group can be placed under surveillance by domestic intelligence services. the latest falls suggest the a fee is germany, 2nd most popular party, demonstrators in progress on controlled customer class with police and the 4th day
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of protest against electricity and re price hikes. the violence has left at least 2 people dead, including a police officer, regents prime minister has promised or reduced price is, but the violence continued on monday. the people of indian controlled customer has cast their ballots in the 4th phase of india's parliamentary elections, the voter turnout of 37 percent was the biggest since 1990. 6 voting was held in the region for the 1st time since the prime minister and the render modi's government stripped kashmir of a semi autonomous status. the decision to bring the muslim majority region under direct rule was deeply and popular among presidents and some chose to avoid cost about the dissolution rally to restrict so i can define the mood because of him wait for
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is contesting collections. it shouldn't have a city he's a member of people's democratic party. one of the me regional parties in killing me could screen his body's advocating for some food in a state of autonomy. nearly 10 years ago, it was even allied with, including pgp, a fine mr. movie is the findings of campaigning. the heat for is canvas and you look down pretty rama wants to separate the strong cold. i read, i find the most money, but it does definitely sound in all of us. but that these students seem to pack the conflict. insurgency and sticks of pressure tubs, and some people happens to many more injured or arrested because of its
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violent history. the people of cushion we'd have more sleeping, white quart, a general elections. would that be threatening for rise urging them to cost involved? part of this election is emotionally wise to the people of this reason does a complete cycle of self location. and someone just reads on last by success as taught police and the people are not speaking. the guy's not talking. and people appealing, completely silent to tons of 20, but i was himself interested for allegedly supporting this nom is denver organization. she has denied all the charges, were actually on the b. c, about 6 to the present, especially in india. solomon wasn't, don't, don't, she didn't know the ones that the heart of the separate this movement is to resistance to parts patient. this young man who should call him mom agreed
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to speak to us on the connection. and then to me in 2016, he departed. put this again just in the room. the mob was hit by pallets fired by security forces. he lost sight in one night and was partially blinded the other for him to bolton in elections would be released demising to rude 90. so the next ones do not hold any meaningful as the dash previously focused me. these participated in elections, but they were betrayed. the redeem of torture continued for us into for me working in this election. what mean selling less for me? at the b p. 's headquarters, the city knew to the body spokesman does a different story. he maintains things that only change for the better says cushion means autonomy wasn't about was that when this came across from here after 2090 and
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there had been a no shut down, which is the change you will see here in 2023 more than 25000000 torres visited the valley, which is another significant change order. and still when he got to where it's only got to places where there is peace. despite his claims, the party has not for you did a single candidate and crush me in the seo selection. yet i can see one moment while he was riding the people to watch his message when he gets eaten, fall them in with you back and watch to those cushion metes who have felt disempowered since india soon was the majority of region, you know, 6 it on me to go be corresponding, tell them yet of age and kashmir, and his more on the voting there of the selection in cost me value was significant . as this was the 1st major exercise visit ruling bgp governments took this region
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office, boston autonomy and brought it directly under through in 2019 voting. and fish means valley usually doesn't see a good turn out because a boy called goes by separate as groups. but this time people came out in large numbers because they said they want to send the message to the more the government incentives that the decision of taking the weakest resource on to me was they much against it was interesting. we saw for sign voters from all age groups, not just those with the 18, but people in the fifty's and sixty's will never exercise their right to vote in the was largest democracy out today. so this election seems to be a sign of hope for them. but this also an environment of po hundreds including lucas, separate this and journalists remain in jail to suppress down in 2019 dispute among smokers. that he said there speak out against more the government's decision. they would meet the same feet. so it's only to that boat that they can really express what they want to double use charlie ident reporting from kashmir. there. and
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before we go, let me remind you of our top story at this hour is really soldiers are returning to the north of the gaza strip, where they stay him last forces have regrouped in areas. israel claimed to have secured hundreds of thousands of thousands have fled rough on himself as repeated international calls, urged israel to exercise caution for any ground defensive there. after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day and i sure hope to see you there the, the, the,
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each one of them together, they create special styles archipelago the state in the atlantic discovery nature and people. and then allow for the case that found in 45 minutes on d w, the
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climate change or a station in the rain forest continue, carbon dioxide emissions have risen again. the people of the world are we what impact because change doesn't happen on the make up your own mind. me what i mean. i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs things trace amount. that is no, actually a file mills join us as we travel around your,
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facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. but i need to talk to you that just says, subscriber id, listen to podcasts, and will take you along to the right to the russia surprise, ground defensive and ukraine's ne, over the weekend has forced thousands of civilians to fleet of ukrainian military to reconsider today can you pronounce the replacement of the commander overseeing the harkey front line and the decision to move additional reserves for the region defend off what could become law scouts. biggest breakthrough since the early days of the war, changes to the kremlin, as president vladimir putin demote, says, ever a loyal defense minister and replace us him with the civilian. tonight we ask how the shake of at the top will affect russia's war on nicole fairly in berlin. and this is the day i.


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