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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  May 13, 2024 10:30pm-10:59pm CEST

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around your, facing the history of everyday upset, and that's something right around the wells button. i need to talk to you that just says, subscriber id, listen to podcasts, and will take you along to the right. the russia surprise, ground defensive and ukraine's ne over the weekend has forced thousands of civilians to fleet and the print in military to reconsider. today can you pronounce the replacement of the commander overseeing the harkey front line and the decision to move additional reserve for the region defend off? what could become law scouts? biggest breakthrough since the early days of the war, changes to the kremlin, as president vladimir putin demote, says ever a loyal defense minister replaces him. with the civilian to night, we ask how the shake of at the top will affect russia's war on the call for elation . berlin and this is the day the
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divine trouble. defensive baffles are ongoing. fierce baffles on a large part of the border area. we propose there was a dramatic shortage of munitions. it's the main priority for us because both tactics changed. the columbus are away on one side of the russians. on the other side or ours tanks are constantly approaching stuff. the task is obvious, we need to inflict as many losses as possible on the occupier. triple report, it's a lot of i, munitions. we are waiting for the munition provided by americans. also on the day, israel marks memorial day with a focus on the $1200.00 people killed and beat them off terrorist attacks of october 7th, last year a toby says, then we realized that the army wasn't there and the government wasn't there. and
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people were left to their own destiny. welcome to the show. it's great to happy with us. russian president vladimir putin is known to value a loyalty above all and keep those who have proven their legions close. so it may seem slightly out of character for him to sac his defense minister of 12 years. that emotion of surgery show who oversaw and rushes invasion of ukraine is the 1st jacob, a food was national security team. since the start of the war, showing goal will be replaced by andre, but it was so fun economist with no military experience. so who or run the national security council do? so they shall use future seemed up in the yeah. as much me uprooting was a no grated with latest tongue in office. you would use what on sunday, the crime and confirmed that showing you what they removed from his post
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showing you. is it a long time ally of present booting? he was a pointed to the position of defense minister in 2012. he has close personal ties to polluted these rights publicly taking the present multiple hunting trips and his homeland of southern siberia. recently, she'll like you has become deeply unpopular in russia. he's seen by many as well as the responsible for the failures of russia's invasion of ukraine. and rumors were right that his removal was coming on sunday to, to and appointed show you had a russian security council to replace with nick alive. patricia, it's being seen the motion for showing youth and it's unclear what patricia of new role will be. i'm sure a lot to both men what keys take as in rushes war and ukraine, and their re shuffle took some west and military observers by surprise. clearly page and has recently been being overrated. but his latest time in the presidency.
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and he would have expected, at that point, maybe some changes in the leadership, but not least to, not together and show you successes, defend smith is android, but it was of a coma deputy prime minister and an economist. that it was of is a civilian with a level of military experience who dial the kremlin, says well, it was of got the job because boots and wants to ministry to be open to innovation, it is important to incorporate the economy of the security block into the country's economy to incorporate it in a way that matches the dynamics of the current moment. it's also important to mention that today those who are more open to innovation and implement innovation the quickest when i'm the battle field. with bella who sold nomination futon is most likely looking to bring military funding in step with the russian economy similar to the soviet union and of the 1980s that's in crump,
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is a military veteran. and the feel, the intelligence consultancy civil line, just in good to see you again. that phone number please. this is a fence minister just as rochelle launch is a new offensive. when do you make it done? i mean sure. do is um, a long standing crude and loyalist and put in place is trust amongst the other things which i goal is to have the reputation is time is the defense minister being impressed with the corrupt. and in fact, one of his associates was recently put under investigation for corruption in mid shift size. so morgan, yep. and a, a big focus on him. and obviously the conduct of mitchell patients in ukraine has not been above per page. and the that's on the russian side. so i think it wasn't, it wasn't surprising to eventually suffer full. that would have been very surprised if they've been cost away into house that darkness. and he does seem to have is now
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where he rains close to britain. but there is nearly to ship in. there are some issues defense and security is new leadership with a accounts and see background to financial focus and anyone the minute she will tell you that his assign the audits ring coming and who am i suddenly there's an attempt to, to get rid of some of the corruption that's really hindered rushes more asset. yeah . do you think that's? that's the main reason he brought an economist in. absolutely, i think i'd be surprised if the income or is that for very long, but i think he's that's a clean up shop and a number of friends effectively are much more technical from he doesn't have to minutes. you background. he's that are, i think, really, to almost and the way to be the receive us. if you want to look at the end of business contacts, to people who've come in to sort out a failed enterprise. think a little bit, he's a for that reason, and i'm sure they will, that move on again into new hands. but for now showing his face saved with this
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move. he remains important in a circle, but the, i'm a did. so i'm the new leadership, at least for a walk up or what does this appointment mean for the war effort? i mean, changing your leadership at any point is riley assigned to things, getting terribly well sick if that happens often. and the russian leadership has been revolving door particular ministry side for many people. i'm interested to come on with the latest operations in north east ukraine outside called eve is kind of general laughing a previously come on, does not area he's in the army, cheapest off off that he was sacked from that he's not been brought back to come on the jump or asians, and his experience is unfamiliar. i think some of the names will come back to the ground in ukraine in the past as well. i'm ross, it just keeps trying to revitalize it's leadership. i think revitalize that strategy to keep going forward. so keep buying solutions to the many problems it
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faces, but it is gradually finding those solutions. i think this results to act within the leadership of shows that russia is maintaining its focus on trying to win this war in ukraine. so under, but most of is the new minister of defense. let's look at the latest events on the battle field and keeps. the troops are locked in intense battles with russian forces in ukraine's north east, especially right now, what are russia's goals? they're i think in the northeast rushers gather the force over all around 50000. we think around, up 230000 ships might be involved in the latest operation and not particularly well equipped. they're not particularly well trained. and there was some uncertainty about if they would have a attack from belgrade to was haul keith, but they have all this. he crossed the border in the last few days. they are slowly advancing. ukrainian resistance wasn't as strong as i think the credit is what it might be on the 1st few days. the fighting is increasing now,
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but it remains unclear what their actual ambition is the, which seems to be most likely that trying to push the ukrainians back from being able to attack the overall to city that as often come on draws every fall within russia from the ukrainians and crates of buffers that along the border. that's the sort of most likely stages in 10. but the real hope that the russians, i think, is that they drawer off the ukrainians from his own boss as they were already somewhat succeeding in doing force. you crate and to have to protect his board is more to have to deploy a more troops. the boarders particularly outside hawk, even that sort of area, which makes it easier for russia to maintain it. so boxes and the to mass. it's very slow and steady on the front, so rush it, but they all getting grounded once they gain it, holding onto it at the moment. and that's what i think come in likes to see it right now. yeah, we've heard many cries for help coming out of keys and very clearly saying we need more support in order to push this back. how well is ukraine with the means ad his
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disposal right now, managing to hold the line. you know, we discussed this a few times and meet we talked in this program just last week about supply problems . for example, the russia concurrently launch from safety with its own territory from inside across the globe and to ukraine up to sort of 60 kilometers. it's very hard for you trying to counter some of these tactics at the moment, given the shortages net defense, given that shortage is not hillary as well. russian troops shown on the 1st day of this attack into hockey last friday, just walking across the border. there would be probably lots of the rates all gets if you freight and the condition available. they don't at the moment. but i think the expectation is that russia's window won't change. these do things will start to close later in the summer. as you crime gets more help and supplies flow again, and as they are the common, some of that personnel shortages. i'm sorry for russia, this period of time is all about making games. well they can india into space and that will get hotter again. when you crank it small, but again rushes of
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a 100 pair is if they take temperatures, ukrainians would be able to get it back. every bit of ukrainian churchy last is around a 120 square feet long inches so far in the area around hall. keep rush of uses, they will stay on it. if they take it, they will keep it. and so they don't care if they're in the gate. if you feels the day, they will keep it. that becomes russian surgery and those keep doing that they off today. that's the current russians trust me, and i want to bring in something else because british foreign ministry, david cameron, recently suggestive ukraine was allowed, in fact, to use weapons supplied by britain against tory just inside russia. have you seen ukraine doing this and could britain stance on those lead to the positions of countries like the west, germany, and france, possibly changing, which there's been a lot of revolting around this. know somebody give it to you about the us position at certain points as well as to exactly what was allowed, where a red line was a wasn't. but certainly david cameron's type is one of the more clear ones. i'm at
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the moment and there's more than enough targets all the way to the fighting has been recently i actually up until this talk in hockey, the more than enough targets in the don't boss in crime, in places to keep those assets busy for the credit. the ins and they've struck it, things inside russia with improvise drains and other things they've been able to make their own design, which i think shows that they focus on using western missiles and systems inside russia proper. um, i think one of the criticisms coming here about the hockey's piece is the western systems weren't being used to disrupt the russians. before they attacked, they were able to assemble it across the board, or they would interdicted they would stop from doing so. and so it's a big piece of criticism, i think at the moment it's a little bit ambiguous as to whether or not you cry include, if you use weapons across the board or any way, and it's just refrain from doing so. so for us, what we see more of that now happened wasn't that remains a red line and to be frank, i think maybe some people want to keep directions guessing about whether or not the
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systems will be used on can be used inside russian territory. because certainly the moment the russians think that quite safe across a large waste of the country, i'm not would change. of course, if western systems were indeed able to be used. so we're still waiting to see if it's already analyst just and crumb. thank you so much. i or the hundreds of thousands of palestinians. this left the city of rough eyes is rarely forces intensifying their military operation. their neighboring egypt has now told the united states that israel's actions in gaza, or jeopardizing regional security, foreign minister, somebody shall cri, discuss the need to restart a deliveries to gaza in a phone call with the secretary of state anthony blinking is who also discussed these really seizure of the palestinian signed as a rock of border crossing cairo says the presence of is really troops and tags violence of 2007 treaty. israel's move has exacerbated simmering tensions between
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egypt and israel so much so that egypt has announced it will formally support a case brought by south africa, the international court of justice accusing israel of committing genocide all acts and gaza was bringing during list karim l g o r in cairo and balise levine in tel aviv. good to see you both. let's start with you kareem. it's egypt. this is and enjoying the icing. j case direct result of israel seizing the roof of border what, what is clear this, that the different site is very, very angry. they us 4 weeks. and this, and, you know, not to, to do an incursion into the file. they pleaded to the americans to stop this idea. now it's happening since phase is rated operations in the immediate area of the egyptian florida and even at the egyptian, a border crossing off alpha, which is where 80 tanks and soldiers stationed there and pages pictures. or is
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there any times pointing there barrows towards the age of 2 sides? so another feature, anger and basically 2 answers. the 1st answer was that the, you should side suspend the the security cooperation. immediate for the area was the israeli army. this of course, has an effect on the 8th coming from the egyptian side to watch the causes trip. because that has to be coordinated between these reading, the army and the egyptian side. and the 2nd c, as you mentioned in the egypt joined to the case of south africa as the initial cords of for justice in the hay. and where it is right is accused of general sense. so a lot of egypt shall anger. yeah, the 2nd one, a more symbolic one. what does this tell us about the state of relations between egypt and israel? it was the very frustrated right now i, i would say,
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i mean, you're just saying basically this is really incursion into an alpha violates existing treatments between the 2 countries where they stated that there should be some kind of demilitarized zone in the region for the area where there are no heavy lift, the rate was no heavy, roughly a nose digit. you say this is now violated. and in a way, i mean, this is of course don't forget you just in the it is right. this is the oldest, the peace treaty between an arrow of country, and these are even sites in camp david's, the 1979. and we might come to the point where this is the, it's the end of this phone. so that's what is when also the foundation is right in the $67.00 boy, the gaining of occupied territories is the camp david peace treaty is maybe the biggest achievement that is right in states and, and this might be at the end at risk, this one seduce me right now,
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let's hand it over and show you. so each of the saying that the phasing of the roof are crossing, violate security agreements between egypt and israel. so why is israel so keen on holding the roof are crossing as well as the question is why? so keen and holding the rock across the it's obvious is rough ones to make sure that their nose modeling from the siding vanessia inside gaza at a point in the future. but there's ro, after all, doesn't want to hold it for ever. and this is the main points here are today it is all said that the is lady is on the day the, the day control, at least honestly the, and the reviews because they don't wanna do it before the end of the war with me. maybe they don't want to do it before the war because it once
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a month to attack them and this whole idea, oh, you tell me that they are doing this. others on the be very new person in the really one to send the israel, or many official big companies will be do this a correction limited one to say a 4 months now. so this is a very weird that the judges i've taken these since right now the, the court. well, they say they are angered, and the 2 countries as green pointed out have a long history of security co operation. that is very beneficial for both countries . i'm how worried are, is really officials over the tensions with egypt as well. we can say obviously there's a lot of refreshing that we can partner right now. but i talked to the soul of
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today. they told me that they see this as a loop service. uh, binding, because after, as well, uh, uh, inter russell crossing and these ratings that, that were very easy. they want to call the end of the day. but that's why we are now the purpose of aging, of this a case against is wrote in the hey, and they're the ones who spend the red line. obviously the gotta do actually go to the crossing to the, the side the, this is the red line. so the not experimental ration that is taking place right now. so an inquiry, what can we do about all of this, about israel and crossing it's red lines and you know,
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the presence of is really troops on the roof of border with a risk suspending a peace treaty with israel. i mean for them to wait and see when there is times where they can like. so the pressure on these radius sites because it is also get to, is ray needs that you choose to choose unique nations issue is when i was in the us . this is the role they were playing all the last weeks. so this will continue. and the 2nd thing is also that this writing needs probably injections for the day off. and right now is because we don't have any idea of what the day often looks like. i mean, listen, you all told us that the, when did we go to a rough idea is for almost battalions which we have to destroy and then the goal would be over. now the war is a flare up at the north, 2nd, and in japan year. so it's on one big mess. so that's yes, i guess as long as it stays to be such, i miss it easy. it will stay out of any kind of postwar road within because
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district valley and we don't have much time. but i do want to talk about the day after does he is really government believe there is an in game in gaza, which doesn't involve heavy egyptian participation. well, this is exactly the main point of disagreement. not only do we need to also be a is that the america, the today said that they will be no discussion about the day after unless there is a whole. these are mental from total destruction, from a gaza, a letter saying that a nothing else can take that decision because of the right we hardliners in his cabinet and it needs governments in general. that's always the, it would be great information. all these really, governments and coalition, this can be done, there can be a be wishful thinking or the wish that the wow we to
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be like, oh god. so this is me an optimism and sense of resilience that i saw from these rarely citizens. it was amazing to see how they actually respond to her in this terrorist attack. on october 7th, there was so many amazing stories of people who, you know, woke up in the morning, and they decided to rose up to that moment at the safe, so many lives. one of them is rami deputy on a farmer from a village and southern israel. she and a group of friends rescued. hundreds of mainly young party goers at the nova music festival rami and as return to the sight of the res. today, other portraits stand here in memorial to those killed and those abducted to gaza by him os militants. rami answered a call from a friend and race here to help. despite the risk of rocket attacks and running into
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militants. word spread quickly as worried parents symptom locations on what's up to get their children to safety. we shall not sure if he lets the ability to set him up after a rescue, the 1st they circulate and my phone number to other groups. and this is how the name romeo and my number spread like a bush fire to say i must look more is because they had no one else to turn to mind, feel spilled on me. she became a hero to many israelis and is often recognized. but he says, coming back here is not easy. so i'm going to show the she the book, the be like it was left for the day. clothing for me, everything has changed. college to natalie. i have nightmares and flash. the horrors i've seen. my body is failing on me. i'm not the same rami looked on. i'm no longer happy for something. personal stories like around these are at the heart
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of the exhibition. but they also highlight a deeper change that took place on october 7th. one that many israelis are still struggling with of the actually what happened on october 7, is that something very essential broke on that morning when you grew up in this really grew up with a sense that no matter what it's going to happen. the ideas and these are the government will do everything in their own power to actually to, to safeguard is where the citizens. but on october 7, we realized that the army wasn't there. and the government wasn't there. and people were left to their own destiny. despite the suffering that people experience that day, it is candidates, once the stories behind these photos to can be resilience and optimism for people to look forward the
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3rd time. but make sure to stay informed. stay engaged and stay in touch. you can follow some social media our handle there is at the unit. thank you so much for spending parts of your day by the
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the, each one of them. and they create special style. the kind of goes, take that in the atlantic discovery, make sure, and people, and then lots of the sounds of 15 minutes on the double you on the trail of a not the highest v, as of jewish families, whose prophecy was expropriated all searching for the last stop what happened to
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business data, we knew his line from berlin, israel move some of its forces back to the north of gaza as a mos regroups in the area. and these really military says it has cleared hundreds of thousands of evacuated from ra fine, the cell struggle to get food and water. also coming up. what am i putting the shakes up brush as military leadership. he dismisses as long standing allies. there it is showing to us defense minister and replace the same with an economist with limited military experience. the.


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